First of all Pakistan has till date lost appox US$ 110 Billion in various shapes due to USA's War On Terror this of course is not counting the Human Fatalities which cannot be valued. To Top it OFF USA has set up 6 Bases in Pakistan , Has over 2,600 Xe Services(Blackwater) Personell and over 3,300 Crack Condor Guerrilla troops all over Pakistan. They->USA has not done anything for Pakistan in the PAST and the way we are losing money with only "FALSE PROMISES & FALSE COMMITMENTS" shows that they want Pakistan and Pakistani's to foot the Bill. As one American Put it. Raymond Davis should be set free as he "ONLY KILLED A FEW COCKROACHES" plus another Senator said that Pakistan would sell their mothers for a few dollars. We our Government has so far shown those wordings to be True. The Vast Majority is totally against USA and as they are the "REAL ONES WHO ARE EFFECTED" due to all this cost rise , Killings , covert operations by Xe & US Troops. The "LITERARY SOCIETY THE SO CALLED LIBERALS" followers and i would also say Worshipper's of Gora's Have always pointed the finger Against Pakistan and Pakistani's and highlighted and blown up our Weaknesses and hidden our strengths. Our Strengths is we are MUSLIM and Follow ISLAM at least many of us do. We are a Nuclear nation and USA is clearly after our Nuclear facilities. We can easily support ourselves if we can do away with the lavish Lifestyles the Mercedes/BMW's The Beauty Salon's etc . We should Impose "SHARIA" which ZIA-UL-HAQ was about to do Before he was killed (By the Americans directly or Indirectly as they didn't want SHARIA to be imposed in Pakistan). There is a Secret Cult/club who support Israel and Jews and they want Pakistan to Be friends with JEWS/ISRAEL that means those people Do not Follow the Holy QURAN which clearly States That Yahoud & Nisara will "NEVER" be Friends of Muslims and Our Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W.) Clearly said those who will be firends of the Yahound & Nisara will not be a Muslim but will on the Day of Judgement be one of the Yahoud and Nisara.. For Further Learning about Muslims/The Holy Quran & AL HADEES please contact the Aalims in Bennori Town or Dar UL Uloom or Jamia Rashidiya or Jamia Farrouqia .... I Say Aalims not just anyone... Whatever was written and said 1400 Years back is coming true and we are very close to the Time when Our Mehdi (A.S.) is going to come. So for those who drink and follow the Gora's maybe in our lifetimes or surely in our children's lifetimes this will come about as time is relative. Now look inwards at yourself what have we done to bring back Dr. Aafia Siddiqui? What have we done to Help, Feed the Poor Flood Affected & Earthquake Victims ? as we have forgotten them. What have we Really done to Learn ISLAM about our OWN Religion? What have we done to Bring the Murderer's of over 1,000 Girls and boys murdered in Lal Masjid ? What have we done to Stop the Drone Attacks ? What have we done to find the over 5,000 Missing Persons? What have we Really done to Stop the corruption ?? What have we done to Stop Xe/Balckwater doing what it did in IRAQ ? Why do we negotiate with Grossman/US Ambassador both Jews? Why do we Follow USA / UK / The West ? Why not have our OWN MUSLIM & ISLAMIC VALUES AND IDENTITY ? Until the "Liberal" and "Educated" people stop having this Gora Slave Mentality Until then This will continue. Wake up you all and start doing something for ISLAM , For MUSLIMS , For PAKISTAN , for Yourself & your Children. ALLAH HAFIZ Kamal Khan --- On Mon, 3/7/11, am malik <> wrote:
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