The Free Syria Army is made up of Saudis, Lebanese, Iraqis, Pakistanis, Libyans, Jordanians, Tunisians, Egyptians and Algerians, among others.
These Al-Qaeda-style terrorists are the people doing the killing of children in places like Houla in Syria.
On 30 May 2012, the Christian Science Monitor reported on the veteran Lebanese fighter who trains jihadis – for Syria
According to the Christian Science Monitor :
1. In Lebanon's Bekaa Valley, 'Mustapha' has been training Lebanese to fight against Assad in Syria.
At least 300 Lebanese Sunnis from the northern Bekaa Valley area alone have been involved in the fighting against the Assad government in the past year.
2. Most of them have joined the Free Syria Army brigades in the area around Houla and Homs.
3. Other foreign fighters include Jordanians, Tunisians, Algerians, and Saudis...
4. Assad is not a Sunni.
Lebanon's Hezbollah are not Sunnis.
5. Mustapha's training includes learning how to plant roadside bombs and landmines.
Syria has suffered from a number of car bomb attacks in the past five months.
6. Sunnis supporting the Syrian opposition 'are all extremists,' says Rakan Jaafar, the mayor of village of Qaa near the border. 'Things will be very bad if they take over in Syria.'

Belhaj of the CIA
Some weeks ago, it was reported that the CIA's Libyan fighters, led by Libya's Abdel Hakim Belhaj, were on the Turkish-Syrian border.
(Islam Times - Belhaj on Syria's border with Turkey.)
The Free Syrian Army is trying to topple Syria's President Assad.
The 'Free Syrian Army' works for the CIA.
The Free Syrian Army is commanded by the CIA's Abdel Hakim Belhaj.
Belhaj works for al Qaeda and the CIA and he is the Military Governor of Tripoli.

On 19 December 2011, at Voltaire Network, Thierry Meyssan explains.
1. Abdel Hakim Belhaj is the historic leader of Al Qaeda in Libya.
He is now Military Governor of Tripoli.
And he is chief of the Free Syrian Army.
2. As Russia and China have pointed out, Syria is being attacked by gangs made up of foreigners.
3. Voltaire Network collected eyewitness testimonies from those who survived an armed attack by a foreign gangs.
They describe them as being Iraqis, Jordanians, Libyans and Pashtun (Afghanistan-Pakistan).
4. Certain Arab newspapers have discussed the infiltration into Syria of 600 to 1,500 fighters from the Islamic Fighting Group in Libya, renamed Al Qaeda in Libya since November 2007.
5. Abdel Hakim Belhaj was the companion of Osama Bin Laden.
Belhaj is historic leader of Al Qaeda in Libya.
NATO allowed him to become military governor of Tripoli.
6. Turkish newspapers report that Belhaj is on the Turkish-Syrian border.
7. Al Qaeda are the CIA's mercenaries.

8. In the Spanish royalist newspaper ABC, on 17 December 2011, Daniel Iriarte describes coming across Libyans in Syria.
9. One of them is Mahdi al-Harati, a Libyan who lived in Ireland before joining Al Qaeda. He became deputy to Abdel Hakim Belhaj. He commanded the Al Qaeda group that besieged and attacked the Rixos hotel in Tripoli; he was being briefed by French officers on the ground. He is now in Syria.
10. The Free Syrian Army is overseen by at least 600 "volunteers" from Al Qaeda in Libya.
The entire operation is run by Abdel Hakim Belhaj in person with the help of Erdogan's Turkish government.
11. Former Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar revealed on 9 December 2011 that Abdel Hakim Belhaj was suspected of complicity in the attacks of 11 March 2004 in Madrid, an event that put an end to Aznar's political career.
12. The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, the think tank headed by former Israeli ambassador to the UN Dore Gold, publicly voice their doubts about the current CIA strategy to place Islamists in power throughout North Africa.
Syria says investigation finds 'terrorists' behind Houla massacre
On 31 May 2012, Syria's Brig. Gen. Qassem Jamal Suleiman reported that 600 to 800 gunmen from 'armed terrorist groups' carried out the Houla killings.
According to the Syrian government report, all of the victims were Assad supporters.
According to General Suleiman, the massacre was meant to target relatives of a Syrian member of parliament "but the massacre extended to the slaughter other families."
"There are people in dark rooms working night and day to target Syria ... and the way to do it is to ignite civil strife," says Syrian Foreign Ministry spokesman Jihad Makdissi.
Jeffrey D Feltman, a US assistant secretary of state, is reportedly one of the brains behind the CIA death squads.
"The bandits attacked our pharmacy because it had treated a wounded Syrian soldier... Thousands of militants from Al-Rastan attacked the town, killed all the soldiers at checkpoints. Burned the city hospital."
A resident of Houla stated: "Yesterday the armed bandits told us: 'Either you are with us and kill the Syrian soldiers and policemen, or we will kill you.' They killed our wives and children. They killed the soldiers and policemen."
A local woman stated: "We are from the villages of Al-Gaunt, which is located next to Houla. Nine terrorists killed my relatives in the field. The bandits set fire to our houses and we fled..."

"The now widely known fabricator Khaled abo Salah posted on his facebook account pictures claiming to be the massacre, while in fact it is from the massacre of Karm Al Zaitoun made by the terrorist fundamentalist gangs of the Free Syrian Army, with their signatures on the walls.."
Read more:

MuirThe BBC's Jim Muir, who is not in Syria, appears to report the propaganda coming from the CIA death squads?
The accounts of the people he quotes 'have not been independently verified'.These are accounts from 'from activists on the ground' - presumably assets of the CIA.
Back in 2010, four US soldiers killed unarmed civilians in Kandahar. They were found guilty of forming a "kill team" that murdered Afghan civilians for sport.
On 11 March 2012, a GROUP of American soldiers murdered 16 civilians, including nine children, in southern Kandahar province in Afghanistan.
(Western forces kill 16 civilians in Afghanistan: Kabul government)
US ambassador Robert Ford, who traveled around Syria stirring up trouble according to former CIA intelligence officer Michael Scheuer.
According to Brandon Turbeville (Syria Under Attack by Globalist Death Squads):
Robert Ford, the U.S. ambassador to Syria, "is nothing more than a globalist destabilization expert who is merely taking over from his mentor John Negroponte, who became quite refined as a enabler of mass slaughter in Central America and Iraq.
"Indeed, Negroponte's Iraq affair is where Ford himself was able to hone his skills in the arming and assistance of ruthless death squads who target innocent people in campaigns of terror and mass murder."
Prof. Michel Chossudovsky of has explained the connections of Negroponte, Ford, and Petraeus to death squads and destabilization in his article "The Pentagon's 'Salvador Option': The Deployment of Death Squads in Iraq and Syria."
John Negroponte, the U.S. ambassador to Honduras from 1981 to 1985, reportedly organised the Nicaraguan Contras who killed approximately 50,000 innocent civilians.
Negroponte was reportedly responsible for the formation of the Honduran death squads.
In 2005, Negroponte was appointed as ambassador to Iraq. He reportedly organised the death squads in Iraq.
"Serving in Iraq at the same time that the death squads were beginning to make their bloody mark ... was Robert Ford who ... worked closely with Negroponte. He was also heavily involved in the organization of the death squads." (Syria Under Attack by Globalist Death Squads)
Michael Hirsh and John Barry of Newsweek wrote in 2005 :
..... [O]ne Pentagon proposal would send Special Forces teams to advise, support and possibly train Iraqi squads,would send Special Forces teams to advise, most likely hand-picked Kurdish Peshmerga fighters and Shiite militiamen, to target Sunni insurgents and their sympathizers, even across the border into Syria, according to military insiders familiar with the discussions. It remains unclear, however, whether this would be a policy of assassination or so-called 'snatch' operations, in which the targets are sent to secret facilities for interrogation. The current thinking is that while U.S. Special Forces would lead operations in, say, Syria, activities inside Iraq itself would be carried out by Iraqi paramilitaries." (Syria Under Attack by Globalist Death Squads)
Webster Tarpley, in an interview conducted with PressTV, said:
"Any analysis that doesn't start with the death squads and the role of [American diplomat John Dimitri] Negroponte in Baghdad and then Robert Ford in Damascus I would actually ask [Head of United Nations Supervision Mission in Syria, Major] General Robert Mood if you were there from 2009 to 2011 in Damascus what did you know about the formation of these death squads."
It has been reported by Thierry Meyssan of the Voltaire Network that French agents acting as mercenaries/death squad participants were captured by the Syrian government.
The CIA's Allen Pope during his trial in Jakarta, 28 December 1959.
The CIA secretly bombed Christians in Indonesia, in order to topple President Sukarno.
On 15 May 1958, a CIA plane bombed the Ambon marketplace, killing a large number of civilians on their way to church on Ascension Thursday.
Three days later, during another bombing run over Ambon, a CIA pilot, Allen Lawrence Pope, was shot down and captured. (Indonesia 1957-1958 KH)
Free Syrian Army aims to kill children.
THE HOULA VICTIMS SUPPORTED THE SYRIAN GOVERNMENT Posted: 01 Jun 2012 06:07 PM PDT Initial Report of Judicial Investigation Committee on al-Houla Massacre: Victims belonged to Peaceful Families who Refused to Stand up against State The initial report of the judicial committee investigating al-Houla massacre affirmed that all the victims belonged to peaceful families who wouldn't stand up to the state and had never joined protests or held up arms, who also had opposed the armed terrorist groups. The initial findings indicated that the victims were killed by fire at close distance and sharp tools, not by shellfire. The initial report added that the armed terrorist groups who gathered in al-Houla liquidated the victims in the process of an attack on the law-enforcement members who hadn't entered the area where the massacre occurred, adding that most of the bodies are of terrorists who were killed in the clash with the law-enforcement members. Brigadier General Qassem Jamal Suleiman, head of the investigation committee, said in a press conference at the Foreign Ministry on Thursday that the investigation is in its initial stages and is still underway. He added that the investigation committee depended on testimonies of eyewitnesses who saw the massacre happen that can be directly verified, adding that some of them will appear on TVs, indicating that the initial report was based on evidences and facts in relation to the armed attack that targeted the law-enforcement members in the town. Gen. Suleiman said that law-enforcement members were positioned at five points in al-Houla, adding that the armed attack was aimed at turning the place into an area outside the state's control. Suleiman said that the armed men gathered inside the village after Friday prayers and started an onslaught simultaneously with other gunmen numbered between 600-800 who came from neighboring areas, namely al-Rastan, al-Sa'an, Burjka'I, al-Sam'alin and others, where mortars, machineguns and anti-tank missiles were used, targeting two law-enforcement points as the main target of the attack, one near Taldao and the second near al-Sa'a Roundabout. Suleiman said that the terrorist groups came from outside the town and simultaneously liquidated peaceful families during the attack on the law-enforcement members. He indicated that the place where the massacre happened is in an area where there are armed terrorist groups, and no law-enforcement members entered the area neither before nor after the massacre, indicating that the area is located far from the law-enforcement members' posts. He added that the law-enforcement members hadn't left their positions but defended themselves against the terrorist groups, which can be verified through the victims' images aired by satellite channels, showing that the massacre happened due to close fire and sharp tools, not shellfire as the images showed no signs of mashing, burns or traces of shelling buildings, which means that what happened was direct liquidation. Suleiman added that killing children does not serve the law-enforcement members or the state, but serves the armed terrorist groups who seek to incite sedition. Gen. Suleiman said that all the victims belonged to peaceful families who wouldn't stand up to the state and had never joined protests or held up arms, who also had opposed the armed terrorist groups, indicating that the terrorist groups aimed to invite foreign and humanitarian intervention. Suleiman said that the massacre targeted the relatives of the People's Assembly member Abdul-Moa'ti Mashlab whom they wanted to take revenge of before the events ran contrary to the plan and the massacre extended to slaughter other families. He affirmed that the massacre perpetrated by armed terrorist groups is part of the scheme that seeks to give the impression that a civil war is close at hand in Syria as it coincided with the visit of the UN envoy Kofi Annan. For his part, Spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Ministry, Dr. Jihad Makdissi, said "The report which came after three days is initial and the investigation is still underway as the massacre has political and criminal dimensions. The investigation faces difficulties due to the presence of gunmen in the area." "There are further details that were kept unannounced out of fear for the lives of the eyewitnesses. When the investigation ends, we will put the full conclusions to the international community, the UN Security Council and the UN observer mission," added Makdissi. Answering a question on whether the international community and the humanitarian and international bodies would be convinced on the findings of the initial investigation, Makdissi said "It is a complicated matter to identify the international community, as part of the international community is hostile to Syria and has an agenda against it. What we care for is public opinion and the citizens who back the state because the state doesn't commit such crimes and is in a state of self-defense as terrorists are being funded and armed." "It is a heinous crime that was condemned by the Syrian government for which we deny responsibility and stress that the Syrian army can never commit such a crime…The perpetrators sought to take revenge of a family of one of the People's Assembly members, but events got out of hand and a larger massacre was perpetrated." Makdissi said that neither statements have not accused the Syrian army but hinted at other elements, adding that the Syrian army protects citizens. In reply to a question on not engaging the observer mission in the investigation, Makdissi said "It was the Syrian side who contacted the head of the mission, Robert Mood, who was sent by the Syrian Foreign Ministry…There were gunmen killed in the clash and moved to the village's mosque and filmed for the massacre to appear larger. When the observers arrived, there was a flood of lies aired by media." Makdissi added that the Syrian government was acquitted of other massacres in Karm al-Zaitoun and Deir Baalbeh, adding that clues pertaining to the massacre are revealed. "There is diligent work to incite sedition in Syria…There are 18 sects that have lived in harmony for years and the massacres are aimed at shattering this coexistence, but the Syrian fabric is impervious to sedition attempts," added Makdissi. Makdissi said that there are sides working day and night to ignite sectarian sedition; even after al-Houla massacre, they tried to attack another village but they did not succeed. Makdissi pointed out that the world media focused on some massacres because they belong to a certain sect in Syria, adding that in Syria all Syrians are equal regardless of their sects. Concerning Syrian ambassador and diplomats whose mission was ended in some western capitals, Makdissi said, "Ambassadors everywhere work to serve their countries' interests. Recalling or expelling ambassadors is a political decision. We are dissatisfied because we built our diplomatic relations with whom we thought are our partners." He added that diplomatic transactions are based on reciprocity; however, Syria will not resort to malicious policies. Syria belives in diplomacy and dialogue as means to solve problems among states. Makdissi stressed that about 200 media outlets are working in Syria in addition to 100 accredited media outlets, adding that there are no restrictions on the work of the media. Asked about the coordination between the Syrian Investigation Committee and the UN Supervision Mission in Syria (UNSMIS) team, Makdissi said the UNSMIS is not an investigation committee; it is tasked with observing and verifying. He said, "We are telling the UNSMIS about the results of the investigation; we sent General Robert Mood to the massacre site, and we would like Annan to look at the reality of events in Syria through the eyes of the observers." M. Ismael /F.Allafi, SANA Posted on May 31, 2012 —————————————————– Syria's Houla martyred children were Pro ASSAD Another proof of the inside job by FSA in Houla, a child wearing the Syrian flag on his hand. —————————————————– |
FIRST INTERVIEW with A SYRIAN EYEWITNESS of HOULA MASSACRE : ANOTHER US/WEST "FALSE FLAG" Posted: 01 Jun 2012 The journalist Marat Musin of ANNA News has published the first of his interviews with a witness to the events in Al-Hula, which are already known as the awful "Houla massacre" (al-Hula). In addition, there is also a list of names of "Free Syrian Army" (FSA) commanders, who are responsible for the horrible robbery and mass murder near the Syrian city of Homs. By the very simple language, and the perhaps chaotic portrayal, one gets a vague idea of what actually happened in Al-Hula and Taldou, and especially what "kind of people" are behind these violent terrorist actions. The following is a translation of the transcript of a Russian-language video about the situation in Syria, which is further integrated below. Syria, Al-Houla : Eyewitness During our trip to Al-Hula in the province of Homs, we have documented and filmed a dozen reports of witnesses of the attack on the Syrian city of Al-Hula (25th May 2012). The attack was carried out by a unit of armed fighters from Rastan, in which more than 700 gunmen were involved. They brought the city under their control and began with a cleansing action against loyalist (Pro-Assad) families, including elderly people, women and also children.The dead were presented by the bands to UN and the "international community" as victims of the Syrian army, in order to increase the pressure against the "international community" to force a rapid adoption of a "suitable" resolution against Syria by the UN Security Council (UNSC), which will just be "pushed through" because of the horrible massacre. (False-Flag)Today, the gunman fired targeted virtually at everyone who comes before them the runs. Only an hour before our arrival, they have shoot at two armored vehicles of the UN observers, as the armored vehicles tried to reach a checkpoint of the Syrian army in Taldou; we have documented this on video. Also at us, a machine-gun burst was fired, although it was clear to see, that we are only a film crew, consisting of unarmed civilians. Thereafter, they have attacked an armor-protected car which was only 100-200 meters away from us. The armor-protected car was there for a guard change of the checkpoint at that moment. By this attack, one of the soldiers was injured by a glancing shot from a sniper rifle at the head and the soldier could not comprehend that he has really survived the incident, it was like a miracle. Unfortunately, four of his comrades had less luck at the checkpoint some time later, by 10 o`clock in the morning – they did not managed to get in cover, because of the sniper. And that was only the beginning of this day. The work of a commission of inquiry of the Syrian Arab Army, and the documented testimonies of us, meanwhile, allow already to name some of the terrorists who committed these terrible crimes: Radwan Said Farhan Mashhur Massoud, Nickname: Tyurkavyi (a known terrorist) Abdelkarim Al-Rahal Akram Rashash Amer Muhyiddin Mahmoud Shihab, Nickname: Muhyiddin Dscharban A gang of terrorists from the Al-Iksha clan Abdul Rasak Tlas Yakha Al-Yousef Said Fayez Al-Talha Iksh Nidal Bakkur A terrorist from the Al-Hallaka clan, Nickname: Al-Hassan Ikram Al-Saleh Al-Hallak HaysamBelow there is the interview with our first witnesses, who will bring shed light on the chronology of this crime against humanity (by the so-called "Syrian rebels"): Materials of our own independent investigation Marat Musin, ANNA-NEWS Syria, Houla, Taldao. Q: What happened on May the 25th and the 26th in your village of Taldao? What did you see? A: I'm a citizen from Taldao, right now I live in Taldao, on the first day of the events, on Friday, the bandits mortared army checkpoint, the army returned fire an injured many of the bandits that attacked the army. The other armed men moved the injured and the man who fired the mortar to the field hospital and he's now alive and well and his name is Said Fayez Talha Al-Aksh, his family lives in Taldao. Two days earlier the terrorists' assistants told us that the Zero Hour is coming soon. We heard this with local terrorists, always talking about how they should create a fuss. I didn't expect it would be this way. Until this event, they (armed terrorists) used to attack army checkpoints every Friday after the prayers (Friday prayers). They attack for several hours then things go back to normal. Some armed men carried cameras and taped everything, others carried radio telephone (walkie talkie) and we heard their conversations from inside our houses. On Friday, May the 25th, at 2 pm right after Friday prayers, an army checkpoint and the army repelled this attack. The armed group was led by Nidal Bakkour. Shortly after that, another armed group attacked another checkpoint. This second group is from a family called Al-Hallak, also locally called Al-Hassan. They attacked the checkpoint located at the mountain. The plan was that they take over the checkpoint at the mountain and the other one located at the village because they wanted to position themselves at an elevated place that allows them to easily control the checkpoint located at the village. Somebody called Nidal Bakkour and asked him to send an armed group of strangers; he called him right when the attack started. When the armed men attacked the checkpoint, 25 of them were killed. Q: how could you know the number of dead armed men? A: When the UN Observers came, the armed men gathered the bodies in front of the observers and claimed that they're civilians killed by the Syrian Arab Army, I heard that personally from them when they said it to the observers and they claimed that they found the bodies inside the houses. At around 3:30 pm they secured the elevated checkpoint. They cut off the throat of one soldier and threw him from the 3rd floor. Before he died, he told them that he's from Kafar Batna, Reef Dimashq and that he's a Sunni like them, they told him: "now you remember you're a Sunni?". Then they kidnapped two soldiers one is called Abdullah he's a Bedouin (here exact word is Shawy) from Deir Azzour and burned him alive. I didn't see them burn him but I heard them howling that they burned a soldier, that was around 6:00 pm. As for the other soldier, I have no idea what happened to him but I heard one armed man called Akram Al-Saleh saying we won't kill him and we will show how he joined us, i.e. defected. Shortly afterwards, they secured the army checkpoint and the police station in the city. Just against this police stations are the families' houses. The residential buildings against this police stations are the where all those children and families that were killed. They killed all the children of Al-Sayed family; they were 3 families and 20 children. They also killed people from Abdulrazak family, 10 persons; they killed them because they support the authorities. Of Al-Sayed family they killed the family of the brother of Abdullah Al-Mashlab, the 3rd person in the Syrian parliament. He was elected on May 24th, the next day they killed his wife and 3 kids and his brother and his family as well. At 7:00 pm, Al-Farouq brigade, led by Abdulrazak Tlass, of the so-called "Free Syrian Army" arrived. He had more than 250 armed men with him from the city of Rastan, he also had 2 other groups with him one from Al-Qabo village, led by Yehya Al-Yusef, and another from Falla village. At the time of the attack, the leaders always instructed the armed men to intensify the fire during their calls to Al-Jazeera. At night, the shooting stopped. On the second day we heard them talking to each other on walkie talkies that some of the armed men should wear the Syrian Arabi Army's uniform before the observers arrive so that they claim they've defected from the army and joined the armed men, and the others should dress like civilians and come to with us to the mosque, where the bodies and the observers are. They burned some farms and houses to accuse the army of shelling the area in front of the observers. I only saw the observers from far, they were surrounded by armed men who put on the Syrian Arab Army's uniforms. A lot of people were there and saw all of that, they were of chosen families and they were calling "we want to bring the regime down" and everybody knows they're the armed men's relatives. The armed men got into the houses and told the people that they must leave because this is a military zone now. I didn't go anywhere, but a lot fled the after that. When the observers arrived the armed men had occupied the empty houses and the armed men who accompanied the observers started showing the observers into the houses as if the owners were inside and they provided testimonies. Q: how does your family look at this? A: my father is dead, but my mother and siblings, we all have the same view of these events. Q: do many people in your village share the same view? A: the majority of people do share the same view, but they're scared to death. Earlier, many of them used to participate in pro-regime rallies and they used to write slogans against Daraa, the FSA and the Armed men. However, the armed men took revenge against all those who wrote by killing them. Q: how are your relations with the nearby villages and why were these villages attacked by the armed men? A: Our relations were very good; they never harmed us or started any tension with us. However, the FSA attacked them because they belonged to other sects. One of the terrorists called Haytham Hallak kidnapped several persons from a nearby village and asked for a ransom, millions of Syrian Leras, to set the free. Another armed man called Abu Yaseer, kidnapped workers from the General Power Company because they were from a specific sect. As for the terrorist Haytham Hallak, he killed one of the kidnapped people and injected fuel in the other's blood and you can find him at a hospital in the city of Homs. Before the events started, those armed men used to be smugglers. There are fuel pipes near our village, they put taps at those pipes and powerful pumpers, and these are facts known to all the residents of the village. These armed men are originally, thieves, only a few of them have studied till the eighth grade. They kidnapped people of other sects. There was a Lebanese woman in the village who lived with her 3 kids and used to work as a janitor at the police station. The armed men kidnapped, raped, and hanged her. Then they threw her body in the fields, and dogs snapped at her body. It was a horrible and painful sight, she was completely naked. Such people can't be called Arabs or Muslims, they're monsters. Also when they occupied the government buildings in the village; the school, the hospital, the health center and the municipality, they burned them all and prevented the kids from studying. There were four of Al-Abbar family and one of Al-Yosef family who was an AIDS patient and is now dead, they raped a woman from Al-Nayel family and infected her with AIDS. She has a 3 months old baby, after she was raped she nursed him, and he was infected and later died because of that. At the beginning of the crisis, they attacked the hospital and stole blood bags and used them at the demonstrations, they poured blood on the demonstrators to show that they were dead or injured when fabricating videos for Al-Jazeera and Al-Arabiya. We are peaceful people all we want is that safety is back at the village and the country. We don't want foreign intervention, we want peace and security. By Jerry Dandridge Marat Musin of ANNA News in Syria – Report about the situation around al-Houla —————————————— |

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
As the destabilization effort against Syria continues, the connections between the terrorist "opposition" forces and Anglo-American, pro-NATO governments are becoming more and more obvious, even as the mainstream media refuses to address the issue in any manner other than direct obfuscation.
Thankfully, a sizable portion of the alternative media, along with outspoken Syrians like YouTube blogger Syrian Girl have played a major role in exposing the "rebels" for what they are – foreign terrorists and criminal Syrian elements that are being backed by Anglo-American and pro-NATO governments and intelligence agencies. Many of these individuals are admittedly al-Qaeda, much like the Libyan "rebels" who, after taking power with the help of NATO, immediately began restricting freedoms and slaughtering black Libyans. Indeed, a sizable portion of these terrorists have actually traveled from Libya to Syria, with some working from across the borders of Turkey, Jordan, and Lebanon.
As author and historian, Webster Griffin Tarpley, has aptly stated before, it is now widely apparent that al-Qaeda is nothing more than the United States' Arab legion.
In addition, due the increasing level of brazenness with which the Anglo-American empires are engaging in their operations, the actual players involved in the destabilization efforts are also becoming more visible as well.
One individual who is receiving uncharacteristic levels of press attention is Robert Ford, the U.S. ambassador to Syria.
Of course, all of the reporting by the mainstream media is glowing and supportive, making it seem as if Ford were a bona fide people's hero fighting for an oppressed population.
Yet the reality is that he is nothing more than a globalist destabilization expert who is merely taking over from his mentor John Negroponte, who became quite refined as a enabler of mass slaughter in Central America and Iraq. Indeed, Negroponte's Iraq affair is where Ford himself was able to hone his skills in the arming and assistance of ruthless death squads who target innocent people in campaigns of terror and mass murder.
Now, however, questions must arise over possible connections to destabilization agents and potential participation in these efforts by General Robert Mood, the Norwegian general which has recently been appointed head of the United Nations Supervision Mission in Syria (UNSMIS) as well as the ever-present David Petraeus in the background.
First, however, some background might be necessary for those who are not familiar with the connections between the prominent "officials" like Ford and Negroponte and how they are relevant to the situation in Syria.
It should be noted that Prof. Michel Chossudovsky of has provided an excellent historical presentation of the connections of Negroponte, Ford, and Petraeus in relation to death squads and destabilization in his article "The Pentagon's 'Salvador Option': The Deployment of Death Squads in Iraq and Syria." I encourage everyone to read this excellent piece for context and analysis as a companion to my own article.
John Negroponte was the U.S. ambassador to Honduras from 1981 to 1985. In this role, he was instrumental in supporting and overseeing the Nicaraguan Contra killers who, although based in Honduras, engaged in horrific acts of terrorism inside Nicaragua. Ultimately, this operation claimed the lives of approximately 50,000 innocent civilians. This is the origin of the term "Salvador Option" when speaking of the formation of "death squads" for political purposes, an option that has become a hallmark of Negroponte and the system which he represents.
Negroponte was also responsible for the formation of the Honduran death squads who engaged in a mission of terror against opponents of the US-backed Honduran regime as well as the Sandinistas and civilian populations in Nicaragua.
As Peter Roff and James Chapin write in their article "Face-off: Bush's Foreign Policy Warriors,"
The Sun described the activities of a secret CIA-trained Honduran army unit, Battalion 316, that used 'shock and suffocation devices in interrogations. Prisoners often were kept naked and, when no longer useful, killed and buried in unmarked graves.'
On August 27, 1997, CIA Inspector General Frederick P. Hitz released a 211-page classified report entitled "Selected Issues Relating to CIA Activities in Honduras in the 1980s." This report was partly declassified on Oct. 22, 1998, in response to demands by the Honduran human rights ombudsman.
In 2005, Negroponte was appointed as ambassador to Iraq. In this role, he again oversaw the formation of death squads who targeted both the civilian populations and the Iraqi insurgency. The goal here was to foment division within the insurgency and turn it into a fragmented front. A divided opposition is obviously much easier to defeat than a united one. This theory has been proven accurate time and time again.
Indeed, in 2005, a story was leaked to Newsweek where the Pentagon confirmed that it was "considering forming hit squads of Kurdish and Shia fighters to target leaders of the Iraqi insurgency in a strategic shift borrowed from the American struggle against left-wing guerrillas in Central America 20 years ago."[1]
The Pentagon did more than "consider" this option. Not very long after this information was leaked, Iraq began to see the results of its implementation. As Dahr Jamail of wrote in 2007,
Under the 'Salvador Option,' Negroponte had assistance from his colleague from his days in Central America during the 1980s, Ret. Col James Steele. Steele, whose title in Baghdad was Counselor for Iraqi Security Forces supervised the selection and training of members of the Badr Organization and Mehdi Army, the two largest Shi'ite militias in Iraq, in order to target the leadership and support networks of a primarily Sunni resistance.
Planned or not, these death squads promptly spiraled out of control to become the leading cause of death in Iraq. Intentional or not, the scores of tortured, mutilated bodies which turn up on the streets of Baghdad each day are generated by the death squads whose impetus was John Negroponte. And it is this U.S.-backed sectarian violence which largely led to the hell-disaster that Iraq is today.
Of course, the fact that the death squad option was implemented so quickly after the release of the report suggests that the mercenaries were being organized and applied long before Newsweek was made aware of them.
Nevertheless, serving in Iraq at the same time that the death squads were beginning to make their bloody mark on the cohesion of the "insurgency," was Robert Ford who, at the time, had been appointed political counselor to the U.S. embassy in Baghdad. Ford remained in this post from 2004-2006 where he worked closely with Negroponte. He was also heavily involved in the organization of the death squads. Ford was instrumental in helping make "contacts" with these individuals as well as developing and maintaining relations with them for other purposes such as continued and future terror campaigns.
In fact, Ford was once described by Negroponte as "one of these very tireless people . . . who didn't mind putting on his flak jacket and helmet and going out of the Green Zone to meet contacts." In short, Ford acted as a foot soldier in death squad formation.
Attempting to summarize the death squad plan, Michael Hirsh and John Barry of Newsweek wrote in 2005:
[O]ne Pentagon proposal would send Special Forces teams to advise, support and possibly train Iraqi squads, most likely hand-picked Kurdish Peshmerga fighters and Shiite militiamen, to target Sunni insurgents and their sympathizers, even across the border into Syria, according to military insiders familiar with the discussions. It remains unclear, however, whether this would be a policy of assassination or so-called 'snatch' operations, in which the targets are sent to secret facilities for interrogation. The current thinking is that while U.S. Special Forces would lead operations in, say, Syria, activities inside Iraq itself would be carried out by Iraqi paramilitaries. [emphasis added]
Commenting further on the Newsweek article, the Times Online added, "Nor is it clear who would take responsibility for such a programme – the Pentagon or the Central Intelligence Agency. Such covert operations have traditionally been run by the CIA at arm's length from the administration in power, giving US officials the ability to deny knowledge of it."[2]
Although the focus of these articles revolve around the question of CIA/Pentagon death squads in Iraq, it is important to notice that, as far back as 2005, it was admitted that there were clear plans to create, fund, and operate death squads in Syria.
Ford and Negroponte are not the only high-profile US officials in the trenches of death squad development however. General David Petraeus , now Director of the CIA, established and subsequently assumed command of the Multi-National Security Transition Command Iraq (MNSTC) under the auspices of training and equipping the Iraqi army, police, and security forces. Petraeus' personal command of the MNSTC began in 2004, at virtually the same time Negroponte was appointed ambassador.
In reality, MNSTC was not merely about training Iraqi forces, but about establishing death squads. Indeed, it was a true counterinsurgency strategy that was instrumental to the Iraqi "Salvador Option" employed by the Pentagon and, likely, the CIA.
Although Petraeus is now Director of the CIA, his military connections are no doubt intact. Indeed, relationships of this nature do not change with the mere presentation of a new title on one operative or another. Likewise, Robert Ford's 2009 appointment as ambassador to Syria is merely the insertion of yet another destabilization agent into the Syrian landscape.
Ford's current action in Syria serves the exact same purpose as his presence in Iraq only a few years previous. This time, however, it seems that Ford is taking on a more central role in the affair. Indeed, many Syrians, if not aware of the more sinister acts of Ford, are at least aware that he has been instrumental in fomenting violent rebellion and negative Western public opinion against the ruling government. This is why Ford's convoy was attacked by "pro-government" Syrians as he rode through town meeting with his terrorist pets.
Ford's very presence in Syria has been nothing more than adestabilization tactic. Indeed, he has drawn quite a bit of international attention to himself by traveling across the country at will, "meeting with protestors" and turning terrorists into martyrs in the minds of the gullible Western public.
Logically, by "meeting with protestors" one can read "instigating terrorism." The mainstream media, however, reports Ford's terror encouragement tour as a heroic act of solidarity with "the people."
Eventually, after a succession of terror tours the Assad regime finally slapped restrictions on Ford's travel, requiring him not to leave the boundaries of Damascus. However, Ford openly disregarded those limitations and brazenly began traveling all over Syria, meeting with his terrorist brethren.
Of course, one should not forget that Petraeus, as CIA Director and a direct connection and common denominator between U.S. military and NATO contacts, is also a major player in the Syrian "Salvador Option" which is now taking shape. The death squad strategy is largely useless without at least of one these institutions, a relatively easy accomplish since, at the top of both, the establishment merges to form the same shadow government.
Nevertheless, there is one more major player in the Syrian destabilization that should be drawing some more attention for his potential role in the early development of the Syrian death squads. General Robert Mood, the Norwegian general who is now the head of the United Nations Supervision Mission In Syria (UNSMIS), is not without his own potential for connections to destabilization efforts in Syria.
Ironically, Mood has extensive connections with NATO, the organization (by virtue of its member nations) which is responsible for the Syrian destabilization to begin with. So, as it stands, we now have NATO being sent in to Syria to observe and report on the actions of NATO (the death squads). One can already assume what observations will be made to the general public in the coming days (or weeks).
It is worth noting that General Mood holds a Master's Degree in Military Studies from the U.S. Marine Corps. University as well as attending his own countries Norwegian Army Staff College and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Defense College located in Rome – truly a citizen of the world.
From 2008 to 2011, Mood was the Commander in Chief of the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO), an organization whose stated purpose is to provide a military command structure for UN peacekeeping functions in the Middle East. Mood was also Operations Officer for the Norwegian Battalion of UNIFL (United Nations Interim Force In Lebanon) during the 1980s.
However, interestingly enough, Mood, in his position as Commander in Chief of UNTSO, oversaw the various established groups of UN "observers," some of which were (and still are) located in Syria. One of those groups OGG (Observer Group Golan) is split into two different substations with one of those stations headquartered in Damascus (OGG – Damascus). Other outposts of UNTSO are based in Israel, Lebanon (which borders Syria), and Egypt.
Mood's position then, would put him squarely involved in Syria at the same time as Robert Ford and presumably, David Petraeus via his personally delegated presence. With that in mind, one must wonder what role Mood might have had in the formation of the death squads being developed at the time. Webster Tarpley alluded to this possibility in an interview conducted with PressTV when he said:
Any analysis that doesn't start with the death squads and the role of [American diplomat John Dimitri]Negroponte in Baghdad and then Robert Ford in Damascus I would actually ask [Head of United Nations Supervision Mission in Syria, Major] General Robert Mood if you were there from 2009 to 2011 in Damascus what did you know about the formation of these death squads. That would be a really interesting question.
The fact that the "rebellion" in Syria is actually a NATO/Anglo-American/Arab puppet state fostered destabilization effort is not debatable to anyone who has even a basic grasp of the events now transpiring in the region. Although it is taking much longer to do to Syria what these same forcesaccomplished in Libya, the game plan remains exactly the same.
In fact, many of the players that took part in the dismantling the Gaddafi regime are now involved in the destruction of Assad's government. The same al-Qaeda terrorists that emerged in Libya have now traveled to Syria for round two of imperial moves to establish puppet governments and reduce the living standards of an entire nation. The infamous Libyan "rebel" leader Belhaj is now reportedly conducting operations in Syria as well.
Of course, all of these forces work with the direct aid of the Anglo-Americans and the de facto world army known as NATO. It has even been reported by Thierry Meyssan of the Voltaire Network that French agents acting as mercenaries/death squad participants were captured by the Syrian government early on in the "rebellion." All the while, the mainstream Western media reported the events as "peaceful protest" and a grass-roots level organic Syrian uprising against an oppressive regime.
In examining the behavior and writings of the world elite, it is abundantly clear that Syria exists as the last stepping stone before war is launched against Iran. It seems almost certain that the Assad regime must be replaced by a puppet government more favorable to the Anglo-American imperial powers or, at the very least, one that is incapable of resisting them. While Syria has lasted much longer than its counterparts Libya and Egypt, it is unlikely that it will be able to hold out much longer, particularly with the acceptance of the UN "observer" forces inside its borders and an ever-growing pro-war sentiment expressed by Western governments.
If war is launched on Iran, whether by the Western powers or by Israel, World War Three is likely to follow. While the United States and hence the rest of NATO will undoubtedly follow the footsteps of the mad dog of the Middle East, Russia will likely take the opposing side. China and India are likely to follow Russia. A direct clash of these world powers has the potential to produce more destruction than the previous two world wars put together.
Although not the architects of the war, it is important that the names of Negroponte, Ford, Petraeus, and Mood be remembered for posterity as the worker bees who facilitated it.
[1] "El Salvador-style 'death squads' to be deployed by US against Iraq militants." Times Online. January 10, 2005. As quoted and sourced by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky of in his article, " The Pentagon's 'Salvador Option': The Deployment of Death Squads in Iraq and Syria."
[2] Ibid.
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Brandon Turbeville is an author out of Mullins, South Carolina. He has a Bachelor's Degree from Francis Marion University and is the author of three books, Codex Alimentarius -- The End of Health Freedom, 7 Real Conspiracies, and Five Sense Solutions and Dispatches From a Dissident. Turbeville has published over one hundred articles dealing with a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, and civil liberties. Brandon Turbeville is available for podcast, radio, and TV interviews. Please contact us at activistpost (at) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 - War Drums for Syria ?
By Rep. Ron Paul
June 05, 2012 "Information Clearing House" -- War drums are beating again in Washington. This time Syria is in the crosshairs after a massacre there last week left more than 100 dead. As might be expected from an administration with an announced policy of "regime change" in Syria, the reaction was to blame only the Syrian government for the tragedy, expel Syrian diplomats from Washington, and announce that the US may attack Syria even without UN approval. Of course, the idea that the administration should follow the Constitution and seek a Declaration of War from Congress is considered even more anachronistic now than under the previous administration.
It may be the case that the Syrian military was responsible for the events last week, but recent bombings and attacks have been carried out by armed rebels with reported al-Qaeda ties. With the stakes so high, it would make sense to wait for a full investigation -- unless the truth is less important than stirring up emotions in favor of a US attack.
There is ample reason to be skeptical about US government claims amplified in mainstream media reports. How many times recently have lies and exaggerations been used to push for the use of force overseas? It was not long ago that we were told Gaddafi was planning genocide for the people of Libya, and the only way to stop it was a US attack. Those claims turned out to be false, but by then the US and NATO had already bombed Libya, destroying its infrastructure, killing untold numbers of civilians, and leaving a gang of violent thugs in charge.
Likewise, we were told numerous falsehoods to increase popular support for the 2003 war on Iraq, including salacious stories of trans-Atlantic drones and WMDs. Advocates of war did not understand the complexities of Iraqi society, including its tribal and religious differences. As a result, Iraq today is a chaotic mess, with its ancient Christian population eliminated and the economy set back decades. An unnecessary war brought about by lies and manipulation never ends well.
Earlier still, we were told lies about genocide and massacres in Kosovo to pave the way for President Clinton's bombing campaign against Yugoslavia. More than 12 years later, that region is every bit as unstable and dangerous as before the US intervention – and American troops are still there.
The story about the Syrian massacre keeps changing, which should raise suspicions. First, we were told that the killings were caused by government shelling, but then it was discovered that most were killed at close range with handgun fire and knives. No one has explained why government forces would take the time to go house to house binding the hands of the victims before shooting them, and then retreat to allow the rebels in to record the gruesome details. No one wants to ask or answer the disturbing questions, but it would be wise to ask ourselves who benefits from these stories.
We have seen media reports over the past several weeks that the Obama administration is providing direct "non-lethal" assistance to the rebels in Syria while facilitating the transfer of weapons from other Gulf States. This semi-covert assistance to rebels we don't know much about threatens to become overt intervention. Last week Gen. Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said about Syria, "I think the military option should be considered." And here all along I thought it was up to Congress to decide when we go to war, not the generals.
We are on a fast track to war against Syria. It is time to put on the brakes.
VATICAN NEWS : Foreign Fighters, Mercenaries, Terrorists, behind Syria Massacre
"The desolation of Homs and the war of information ": the words of a greek-catholic Bishop
Damascus (Agenzia Fides) - "Peace in Syria could be saved if everyone told the truth. After a year of conflict, the reality on the ground is far from the picture that imposes disinformation in Western media": says a testimony sent to Fides Agency by the French Bishop Philip Tournyol Clos, a greek-Catholic Melkite Archimandrite, who recently visited Syria, by traveling to different cities, like Damascus, Aleppo and Homs.
In Homs, called the "martyred city", "opposition forces have occupied two areas, Diwan Al Bustan and Hamidieh, where there are all the churches and bishoprics," the Archimandrite told Fides. "The picture for us – he continues - is utter desolation: the church of Mar Elian is half destroyed and that of Our Lady of Peace is still occupied by the rebels. Christian homes are severely damaged due to the fighting and completely emptied of their inhabitants, who fled without taking anything. The area of Hamidieh is still shelter to armed groups independent of each other, heavily armed and bankrolled by Qatar and Saudi Arabia. All Christians (138,000) have fled to Damascus and Lebanon, while others took refuge in the surrounding countryside. A priest was killed and another was wounded by three bullets. Still a couple live there, but the five bishops have had to take refuge in Damascus and Lebanon. "The Christian leader continues: "In the capital car bombs and assassinations on behalf of Islamist suicide bombers, drawn by the desire of heaven, that cradle the dream of the end of the Alawite regime are feared. Currently the country, through the bloody work of adventurers who are not Syrian is trying to be destabilized. The former French ambassador, Eric Chevallier, reported this information, which was always rejected, while many details remain to be forged to keep the war against Syria," denounced the Bishop to Fides. In Damascus in recent weeks, there were terrible attacks that ended with a toll: of 130 deaths (including 34 Christians), 400 injured and many houses damaged. "The consternation was general, indescribable pain," notes the Archimandrite, recalling that "the Syrians are simple and playful people." As far as Christians are concerned the Bishop says: "Christians live in peace, sharing the sufferings of all, but they are ready to admit that they have never felt so free in the past and to remember the full recognition of their rights, given to them by this government." Mgr. Philip Tournyol Clos says the key to Syrian Christian and Muslim leaders, who say: "The enemies of Syria have enlisted some of the Muslim Brotherhood in order to destroy the brotherly relations that traditionally existed between Muslims and Christians: Yet, to date,they are not able to: they have provoked a contrary reaction and the two communities are more united than before." The Syrian soldiers in fact, continue to face foreign fighters, mercenaries Libyans, Lebanese militants from the Gulf, Afghans, Turks. "The Sunni Salafist militants - says the Bishop - continue to commit crimes against civilians, or to recruit fighters with force. The fanatical Sunni extremists are fighting a holy war proudly, especially against the Alawites. When terrorists seek to control the religious identity of a suspect, they ask him to cite the genealogies dating back to Moses. And they ask to recite a prayer that the Alawites removed. The Alawites have no chance to get out alive." (PA) (Agenzia Fides 04/06/2012).
US-NATO Sponsored Sectarian Violence in Syria : An Instrument of Imperial Conquest
By Tony Cartalucci
Admission that sectarian extremism, not democracy or freedom, drives vicious killing, means West, not Russia must back off arming belligerents in Syria. For decades across the Arab World every nation from Algeria to Morocco, Egypt to Syria, have fought against sectarian extremists from organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda. Algeria, for example, fought so long, so hard against violent extremists attempting to overrun their secular society and target ethnic and religious minorities including Christians and even Sunni moderates, that it is known as the "lost" or "black decade." Algeria faced amongst others, Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), a US State Department-listed terrorist organization linked directly to neighboring Libya's "Libyan Islamic Fighting Group" (LIFG) which was recently armed, trained, funded, and politically backed by NATO to overrun Muammar Qaddafi. Now Algeria and its neighbors face a reinvigorated AQIM courtesy of NATO.
Image: Algeria's "Black Decade" was a long-fought battle against sectarian extremists who attempted to violently overthrow the Algerian government. While representatives of the West's hegemonic global agenda would like to see Algeria be "next" to fall, it seems that the Algerian people have learned their lesson, and stopped the US-engineered "Arab Spring" dead in its tracks. Syria now faces its "black years" with the West imploring Russia, China, and Iran to abandon it to what is clearly the same extremism Algerians justifiably fought for a decade. .... In both Egypt and Syria, it was the Muslim Brotherhood that had attempted to overrun secular governments with violence mirroring exactly what is unfolding today, violence that ultimately failed. Today, the Western press decries Egyptian and Syrian efforts to hem in these sectarian extremists, particularly in Syria where the government is accused of "massacring" armed Brotherhood militants in Hama in 1982. The constitutions of secular Arab nations across Northern Africa and the Middle East, including the newly rewritten Syrian Constitution, have attempted to exclude sectarian political parties, especially those with "regional" affiliations to prevent the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda affiliated political movements from ever coming back into power. The Syrian referendum for its new constitution as well as elections held under this new constitution were boycotted by the so-called "Free Syrian Army" and its political wing, specifically because they are sectarian extremists with regional affiliations. The West of course, has backed these boycotts calling the Syrian reforms "laughable." Since at least 2007, the West, particularly the US, along with Israel and Saudi Arabia, have been attempting to build up both the Muslim Brotherhood and smaller, armed extremist groups with direct ties to Al Qaeda, to directly target Lebanon, Syria, and Iran. Started under the Bush administration and continuing seamlessly under Obama, in a 2007 New Yorker article titled, "The Redirection" by Seymour Hersh, the Brotherhood was already described as being backed by the US and Israel who were funneling support through the Saudis so as to not compromise the "credibility" of the so-called "Islamic" movement. Hersh revealed that members of the Lebanese Saad Hariri clique, then led by Fouad Siniora, had been the go-between for US planners and the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood. Hersh reports a supporter of the Lebanese Hariri faction had met Dick Cheney in Washington and relayed personally the importance of using the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria in any move against the ruling government:
"[Walid] Jumblatt then told me that he had met with Vice-President Cheney in Washington last fall to discuss, among other issues, the possibility of undermining Assad. He and his colleagues advised Cheney that, if the United States does try to move against Syria, members of the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood would be "the ones to talk to," Jumblatt said." -The Redirection, Seymour Hersh (2007) The article would continue by explaining how already in 2007, US and Saudi backing had begun benefiting the Brotherhood:
"There is evidence that the Administration's redirection strategy has already benefitted the Brotherhood. The Syrian National Salvation Front is a coalition of opposition groups whose principal members are a faction led by Abdul Halim Khaddam, a former Syrian Vice-President who defected in 2005, and the Brotherhood. A former high-ranking C.I.A. officer told me, "The Americans have provided both political and financial support. The Saudis are taking the lead with financial support, but there is American involvement." He said that Khaddam, who now lives in Paris, was getting money from Saudi Arabia, with the knowledge of the White House. (In 2005, a delegation of the Front's members met with officials from the National Security Council, according to press reports.) A former White House official told me that the Saudis had provided members of the Front with travel documents." -The Redirection, Seymour Hersh (2007)
Now, Reuters openly admits that the Syrian arm of the Muslim Brotherhood has been involved heavily, leading in fact, the US, Israeli, and Saudi-backed sectarian violence that has been ravaging Syria for over a year. In a May 6, 2012 Reuters article it stated:
"Working quietly, the Brotherhood has been financing Free Syrian Army defectors based in Turkey and channeling money and supplies to Syria, reviving their base among small Sunni farmers and middle class Syrians, opposition sources say." Bloomberg: Syria Violence is Sectarian
A Bloomberg op-ed now concedes that the violence in Syria is sectarian. The words "democracy" and "freedom," disingenuously used since the beginning of the "Arab Spring," have been dropped all together as the Western press throws its full weight behind the long-planned sectarian war the US, Israel, and Saudi Arabia have been cultivating for years:
"What Houla indicates is that the sectarian civil war between Syria's Sunnis and Alawites that the world had long feared has begun. Assad's claim in a speech June 3 that terrorists conducted the slaughter of fellow Sunnis to create an international outcry is laughable. Any evidence there is suggests that the Alawite Shabiha militia, working in tandem with the government military, was responsible. Satellitephotographs show Shabiha units were positioned around Houla at the time of the attack, which suspiciously took place during a pause in shelling by the Syrian military." Not only does Bloomberg outright lie about "satellite photographs at the time of the attack," which were admittedly taken a day after the massacre, but clearly states that a "sectarian civil war" between "Sunnis and Alawites" has "begun." From the very beginning of the conflict, genuine geopolitical analysts had warned that the violence resulting from the "Arab Spring" was driven by sectarian extremism, not aspirations for "freedom" and "democracy."
Image: Christians in Syria have been particularly hit hard by what is being described as "ethnic cleansing," not by Syrian security forces, but by NATO-backed death squads under the banner of the "Free Syrian Army." The LA Times has been quietly reporting on the tragedy of Syria's minorities at the hands of the Syrian rebels for months - and indicates that wider genocide will take place, just as it is now in Libya, should Syria's government collapse under foreign pressure. .... It is admittedly under the current Syrian government that Syria's large populations of ethnic and religious minorities, particularly Shi'ia Muslims, moderate Sunnis, Christians, and Druze have been protected from the inevitable sectarian onslaught by extremists cultivated by the West. In 2007, in Hersh's "The Redirection," the following foreshadowing to Bloomberg's "sectarian civil war" was given:
"Robert Baer, a former longtime C.I.A. agent in Lebanon, has been a severe critic of Hezbollah and has warned of its links to Iranian-sponsored terrorism. But now, he told me, "we've got Sunni Arabs preparing for cataclysmic conflict, and we will need somebody to protect the Christians in Lebanon. It used to be the French and the United States who would do it, and now it's going to be Nasrallah and the Shiites" -The Redirection, Seymour Hersh (2007) Now, demonstratively, we see exactly this feared onslaught manifesting itself in Syria, in particular against Christians as indicated in LA Times' "Church fears 'ethnic cleansing' of Christians in Homs, Syria," and more recently in USA Today's distorted, but still telling, "Christians in Syria live in uneasy alliance with Assad, Alawites." Even the massacre in Houla, seems to echo of this 2007 warning, bearing all the hallmarks of sectarian extremists like Al Qaeda.
Bloomberg concludes however that it must be Russia that withdraws support for the Syria government, who has demonstratively protected both Syria's secular society as well as its vast populations of ethnic and religious minorities, in order to avert further bloodshed. Clearly, just as in Libya, Russia's withdrawal of support and the Syrian government's removal would not mark the end of violence, but merely the end of contested violence and the beginning of unchecked lawlessness, atrocities and widespread genocide by sectarian extremists flush with Western cash, weapons, and political support.Violence that would inevitably be exported over its borders just as it has from Libya. Russia's capitulation to the West, and its abandonment of Syria would be the beginning of an orgy of sectarian genocide that would make Libya's current dystopian-state pale in comparison.
Image: Twin car bombings in Damascus Syria kill scores and maim hundreds - the final result of years of US-Israeli-Saudi backing of vicious sectarian terrorists, admitted in both Seymour Hersh's 2007 article, "The Redirection," as well as across US policy think-tanks openly conspiring to fund and arm listed terrorist organizations for use against Syria, Iran, and even Pakistan. .... It is clear that it must be the West who backs down to save Syria from violence it itself now admits is sectarian. It is the Muslim Brotherhood, and the so-called "Free Syrian Army" the Pentagon itself admits is being joined by Al Qaeda, not the Syrian government. And while the Pentagon claims, "we do not believe they share the goals of the Syrian Opposition or that they are even embraced by the Opposition … The sense that we get is that it is primarily members of [al-Qaeda in Iraq] that are migrating into Syria," it was Reuters in their article, "Outgunned Syria rebels make shift to bombs," that admitted: "Some of these bombing skills may have been brought back from fighters who joined the Sunni insurgency in neighboring Iraq against the U.S. occupation forces. The presence of hardliners from a Syrian Sunni majority that feels oppressed by Assad and his fellow Alawites who dominate the administration has been among causes for concern among those who fear a sectarian civil war similar to that which devastated Iraq over the past decade." "There's no question that a lot of Syrians fought with al Qaeda elements in Iraq and it's likely that many rebels today learned bombing skills fighting there," said analyst Joseph Holliday, from the U.S.-based Institute for the Study of War. It defies logic and reason to arm, provide military support, cash, and political backing to a movement that is clearly sectarian, and in no way "democratic." It defies logic and reason to demand Russia, China, Iran, and others to withdraw support for a government that is the only viable force able to protect Syria's minorities from what is clearly an army of sectarian extremists, admittedly assembled years in advance by the West and its regional proxies - Israel and the Gulf States - all contradicting any concept of "international legality." This was a premeditated, preplanned sectarian war designed to destroy not only Syria, but Lebanon to the west and Iran to the east, for the sole purpose of expanding Western hegemony throughout the region, regardless of the predicted bloodbath that was inevitable. It must be the West that is made to stand down from this campaign of depraved global military aggression - aggression that constitutes a crime against world peace - a Nuremberg offense. For those that want to "save Syria," the government must be allowed to restore order, and continue on with its campaign of reforms with genuine opposition parties who wage their battle with ideas and pragmatic solutions, not Western-arms. While President Obama attempts to propose either the "Libyan solution" or the "Yemeni solution" for Syria, both which represent genocidal bloodbaths, genuine critics seeking a way out from Syria's violence should consider the "Algerian solution," one of restoring order under government-maintained stability where sectarian-politics are wholly rejected, and real progress can be made peacefully. |
4 - Collapse At Hand
By Paul Craig Roberts
June 05, 2012 "Information Clearing House" -- -Ever since the beginning of the financial crisis and quantitative easing, the question has been before us: How can the Federal Reserve maintain zero interest rates for banks and negative real interest rates for savers and bond holders when the US government is adding $1.5 trillion to the national debt every year via its budget deficits? Not long ago the Fed announced that it was going to continue this policy for another 2 or 3 years. Indeed, the Fed is locked into the policy. Without the artificially low interest rates, the debt service on the national debt would be so large that it would raise questions about the US Treasury's credit rating and the viability of the dollar, and the trillions of dollars in Interest Rate Swaps and other derivatives would come unglued.
In other words, financial deregulation leading to Wall Street's gambles, the US government's decision to bail out the banks and to keep them afloat, and the Federal Reserve's zero interest rate policy have put the economic future of the US and its currency in an untenable and dangerous position. It will not be possible to continue to flood the bond markets with $1.5 trillion in new issues each year when the interest rate on the bonds is less than the rate of inflation. Everyone who purchases a Treasury bond is purchasing a depreciating asset. Moreover, the capital risk of investing in Treasuries is very high. The low interest rate means that the price paid for the bond is very high. A rise in interest rates, which must come sooner or later, will collapse the price of the bonds and inflict capital losses on bond holders, both domestic and foreign.
The question is: when is sooner or later? The purpose of this article is to examine that question.
Let us begin by answering the question: how has such an untenable policy managed to last this long?
A number of factors are contributing to the stability of the dollar and the bond market. A very important factor is the situation in Europe. There are real problems there as well, and the financial press keeps our focus on Greece, Europe, and the euro. Will Greece exit the European Union or be kicked out? Will the sovereign debt problem spread to Spain, Italy, and essentially everywhere except for Germany and the Netherlands?
Will it be the end of the EU and the euro? These are all very dramatic questions that keep focus off the American situation, which is probably even worse.
The Treasury bond market is also helped by the fear individual investors have of the equity market, which has been turned into a gambling casino by high-frequency trading.
High-frequency trading is electronic trading based on mathematical models that make the decisions. Investment firms compete on the basis of speed, capturing gains on a fraction of a penny, and perhaps holding positions for only a few seconds. These are not long-term investors. Content with their daily earnings, they close out all positions at the end of each day.
High-frequency trades now account for 70-80% of all equity trades. The result is major heartburn for traditional investors, who are leaving the equity market. They end up in Treasuries, because they are unsure of the solvency of banks who pay next to nothing for deposits, whereas 10-year Treasuries will pay about 2% nominal, which means, using the official Consumer Price Index, that they are losing 1% of their capital each year. Using John Williams' ( correct measure of inflation, they are losing far more. Still, the loss is about 2 percentage points less than being in a bank, and unlike banks, the Treasury can have the Federal Reserve print the money to pay off its bonds. Therefore, bond investment at least returns the nominal amount of the investment, even if its real value is much lower. (For a description of High-frequency trading, see: )
The presstitute financial media tells us that flight from European sovereign debt, from the doomed euro, and from the continuing real estate disaster into US Treasuries provides funding for Washington's $1.5 trillion annual deficits. Investors influenced by the financial press might be responding in this way. Another explanation for the stability of the Fed's untenable policy is collusion between Washington, the Fed, and Wall Street. We will be looking at this as we progress.
Unlike Japan, whose national debt is the largest of all, Americans do not own their own public debt. Much of US debt is owned abroad, especially by China, Japan, and OPEC, the oil exporting countries. This places the US economy in foreign hands. If China, for example, were to find itself unduly provoked by Washington, China could dump up to $2 trillion in US dollar-dominated assets on world markets. All sorts of prices would collapse, and the Fed would have to rapidly create the money to buy up the Chinese dumping of dollar-denominated financial instruments.
The dollars printed to purchase the dumped Chinese holdings of US dollar assets would expand the supply of dollars in currency markets and drive down the dollar exchange rate. The Fed, lacking foreign currencies with which to buy up the dollars would have to appeal for currency swaps to sovereign debt troubled Europe for euros, to Russia, surrounded by the US missile system, for rubles, to Japan, a country over its head in American commitment, for yen, in order to buy up the dollars with euros, rubles, and yen.
These currency swaps would be on the books, unredeemable and making additional use of such swaps problematical. In other words, even if the US government can pressure its allies and puppets to swap their harder currencies for a depreciating US currency, it would not be a repeatable process. The components of the American Empire don't want to be in dollars any more than do the BRICS.
However, for China, for example, to dump its dollar holdings all at once would be costly as the value of the dollar-denominated assets would decline as they dumped them. Unless China is faced with US military attack and needs to defang the aggressor, China as a rational economic actor would prefer to slowly exit the US dollar. Neither do Japan, Europe, nor OPEC wish to destroy their own accumulated wealth from America's trade deficits by dumping dollars, but the indications are that they all wish to exit their dollar holdings.
Unlike the US financial press, the foreigners who hold dollar assets look at the annual US budget and trade deficits, look at the sinking US economy, look at Wall Street's uncovered gambling bets, look at the war plans of the delusional hegemon and conclude: "I've got to carefully get out of this."
US banks also have a strong interest in preserving the status quo. They are holders of US Treasuries and potentially even larger holders. They can borrow from the Federal Reserve at zero interest rates and purchase 10-year Treasuries at 2%, thus earning a nominal profit of 2% to offset derivative losses. The banks can borrow dollars from the Fed for free and leverage them in derivative transactions. As Nomi Prins puts it, the US banks don't want to trade against themselves and their free source of funding by selling their bond holdings. Moreover, in the event of foreign flight from dollars, the Fed could boost the foreign demand for dollars by requiring foreign banks that want to operate in the US to increase their reserve amounts, which are dollar based.
I could go on, but I believe this is enough to show that even actors in the process who could terminate it have themselves a big stake in not rocking the boat and prefer to quietly and slowly sneak out of dollars before the crisis hits. This is not possible indefinitely as the process of gradual withdrawal from the dollar would result in continuous small declines in dollar values that would end in a rush to exit, but Americans are not the only delusional people.
The very process of slowly getting out can bring the American house down. The BRICS--Brazil, the largest economy in South America, Russia, the nuclear armed and energy independent economy on which Western Europe (Washington's NATO puppets) are dependent for energy, India, nuclear armed and one of Asia's two rising giants, China, nuclear armed, Washington's largest creditor (except for the Fed), supplier of America's manufactured and advanced technology products, and the new bogyman for the military-security complex's next profitable cold war, and South Africa, the largest economy in Africa--are in the process of forming a new bank. The new bank will permit the five large economies to conduct their trade without use of the US dollar.
In addition, Japan, an American puppet state since WWII, is on the verge of entering into an agreement with China in which the Japanese yen and the Chinese yuan will be directly exchanged. The trade between the two Asian countries would be conducted in their own currencies without the use of the US dollar. This reduces the cost of foreign trade between the two countries, because it eliminates payments for foreign exchange commissions to convert from yen and yuan into dollars and back into yen and yuan.
Moreover, this official explanation for the new direct relationship avoiding the US dollar is simply diplomacy speaking. The Japanese are hoping, like the Chinese, to get out of the practice of accumulating ever more dollars by having to park their trade surpluses in US Treasuries. The Japanese US puppet government hopes that the Washington hegemon does not require the Japanese government to nix the deal with China.
Now we have arrived at the nitty and gritty. The small percentage of Americans who are aware and informed are puzzled why the banksters have escaped with their financial crimes without prosecution. The answer might be that the banks "too big to fail" are adjuncts of Washington and the Federal Reserve in maintaining the stability of the dollar and Treasury bond markets in the face of an untenable Fed policy.
Let us first look at how the big banks can keep the interest rates on Treasuries low, below the rate of inflation, despite the constant increase in US debt as a percent of GDP--thus preserving the Treasury's ability to service the debt.
The imperiled banks too big to fail have a huge stake in low interest rates and the success of the Fed's policy. The big banks are positioned to make the Fed's policy a success. JPMorgan Chase and other giant-sized banks can drive down Treasury interest rates and, thereby, drive up the prices of bonds, producing a rally, by selling Interest Rate Swaps (IRSwaps).
A financial company that sells IRSwaps is selling an agreement to pay floating interest rates for fixed interest rates. The buyer is purchasing an agreement that requires him to pay a fixed rate of interest in exchange for receiving a floating rate.
The reason for a seller to take the short side of the IRSwap, that is, to pay a floating rate for a fixed rate, is his belief that rates are going to fall. Short-selling can make the rates fall, and thus drive up the prices of Treasuries. When this happens, as these charts illustrate, there is a rally in the Treasury bond market that the presstitute financial media attributes to "flight to the safe haven of the US dollar and Treasury bonds." In fact, the circumstantial evidence (see the charts in the link above) is that the swaps are sold by Wall Street whenever the Federal Reserve needs to prevent a rise in interest rates in order to protect its otherwise untenable policy. The swap sales create the impression of a flight to the dollar, but no actual flight occurs. As the IRSwaps require no exchange of any principal or real asset, and are only a bet on interest rate movements, there is no limit to the volume of IRSwaps.
This apparent collusion suggests to some observers that the reason the Wall Street banksters have not been prosecuted for their crimes is that they are an essential part of the Federal Reserve's policy to preserve the US dollar as world currency. Possibly the collusion between the Federal Reserve and the banks is organized, but it doesn't have to be. The banks are beneficiaries of the Fed's zero interest rate policy. It is in the banks' interest to support it. Organized collusion is not required.
Let us now turn to gold and silver bullion. Based on sound analysis, Gerald Celente and other gifted seers predicted that the price of gold would be $2000 per ounce by the end of last year. Gold and silver bullion continued during 2011 their ten-year rise, but in 2012 the price of gold and silver have been knocked down, with gold being $350 per ounce off its $1900 high.
In view of the analysis that I have presented, what is the explanation for the reversal in bullion prices? The answer again is shorting. Some knowledgeable people within the financial sector believe that the Federal Reserve (and perhaps also the European Central Bank) places short sales of bullion through the investment banks, guaranteeing any losses by pushing a key on the computer keyboard, as central banks can create money out of thin air.
Insiders inform me that as a tiny percent of those on the buy side of short sells actually want to take delivery on the gold or silver bullion, and are content with the financial money settlement, there is no limit to short selling of gold and silver. Short selling can actually exceed the known quantity of gold and silver.
Some who have been watching the process for years believe that government-directed short-selling has been going on for a long time. Even without government participation, banks can control the volume of paper trading in gold and profit on the swings that they create. Recently short selling is so aggressive that it not merely slows the rise in bullion prices but drives the price down. Is this aggressiveness a sign that the rigged system is on the verge of becoming unglued?
In other words, "our government," which allegedly represents us, rather than the powerful private interests who elect "our government" with their multi-million dollar campaign contributions, now legitimized by the Republican Supreme Court, is doing its best to deprive us mere citizens, slaves, indentured servants, and "domestic extremists" from protecting ourselves and our remaining wealth from the currency debauchery policy of the Federal Reserve. Naked short selling prevents the rising demand for physical bullion from raising bullion's price.
Jeff Nielson explains another way that banks can sell bullion shorts when they own no bullion. (See, Nielson says that JP Morgan is the custodian for the largest long silver fund while being the largest short-seller of silver. Whenever the silver fund adds to its bullion holdings, JP Morgan shorts an equal amount. The short selling offsets the rise in price that would result from the increase in demand for physical silver. Nielson also reports that bullion prices can be suppressed by raising margin requirements on those who purchase bullion with leverage. The conclusion is that bullion markets can be manipulated just as can the Treasury bond market and interest rates.
How long can the manipulations continue? When will the proverbial hit the fan?
If we knew precisely the date, we would be the next mega-billionaires.
Here are some of the catalysts waiting to ignite the conflagration that burns up the Treasury bond market and the US dollar:
A war, demanded by the Israeli government, with Iran, beginning with Syria, that disrupts the oil flow and thereby the stability of the Western economies or brings the US and its weak NATO puppets into armed conflict with Russia and China. The oil spikes would degrade further the US and EU economies, but Wall Street would make money on the trades.
An unfavorable economic statistic that wakes up investors as to the true state of the US economy, a statistic that the presstitute media cannot deflect.
An affront to China, whose government decides that knocking the US down a few pegs into third world status is worth a trillion dollars.
More derivate mistakes, such as JPMorgan Chase's recent one, that send the US financial system again reeling and reminds us that nothing has changed.
The list is long. There is a limit to how many stupid mistakes and corrupt financial policies the rest of the world is willing to accept from the US. When that limit is reached, it is all over for "the world's sole superpower" and for holders of dollar-denominated instruments.
Financial deregulation converted the financial system, which formerly served businesses and consumers, into a gambling casino where bets are not covered. These uncovered bets, together with the Fed's zero interest rate policy, have exposed Americans' living standard and wealth to large declines. Retired people living on their savings and investments, IRAs and 401(k)s can earn nothing on their money and are forced to consume their capital, thereby depriving heirs of inheritance. Accumulated wealth is consumed.
As a result of jobs offshoring, the US has become an import-dependent country, dependent on foreign made manufactured goods, clothing, and shoes. When the dollar exchange rate falls, domestic US prices will rise, and US real consumption will take a big hit. Americans will consume less, and their standard of living will fall dramatically.
The serious consequences of the enormous mistakes made in Washington, on Wall Street, and in corporate offices are being held at bay by an untenable policy of low interest rates and a corrupt financial press, while debt rapidly builds. The Fed has been through this experience once before. During WW II the Federal Reserve kept interest rates low in order to aid the Treasury's war finance by minimizing the interest burden of the war debt. The Fed kept the interest rates low by buying the debt issues. The postwar inflation that resulted led to the Federal Reserve-Treasury Accord in 1951, in which agreement was reached that the Federal Reserve would cease monetizing the debt and permit interest rates to rise.
Fed chairman Bernanke has spoken of an "exit strategy" and said that when inflation threatens, he can prevent the inflation by taking the money back out of the banking system. However, he can do that only by selling Treasury bonds, which means interest rates would rise. A rise in interest rates would threaten the derivative structure, cause bond losses, and raise the cost of both private and public debt service. In other words, to prevent inflation from debt monetization would bring on more immediate problems than inflation. Rather than collapse the system, wouldn't the Fed be more likely to inflate away the massive debts?
Eventually, inflation would erode the dollar's purchasing power and use as the reserve currency, and the US government's credit worthiness would waste away. However, the Fed, the politicians, and the financial gangsters would prefer a crisis later rather than sooner. Passing the sinking ship on to the next watch is preferable to going down with the ship oneself. As long as interest rate swaps can be used to boost Treasury bond prices, and as long as naked shorts of bullion can be used to keep silver and gold from rising in price, the false image of the US as a safe haven for investors can be perpetrated.
However, the $230,000,000,000,000 in derivative bets by US banks might bring its own surprises. JPMorgan Chase has had to admit that its recently announced derivative loss of $2 billion is more than that. How much more remains to be seen. According to the Comptroller of the Currency the five largest banks hold 95.7% of all derivatives. The five banks holding $226 trillion in derivative bets are highly leveraged gamblers. For example, JPMorgan Chase has total assets of $1.8 trillion but holds $70 trillion in derivative bets, a ratio of $39 in derivative bets for every dollar of assets. Such a bank doesn't have to lose very many bets before it is busted.
Assets, of course, are not risk-based capital. According to the Comptroller of the Currency report, as of December 31, 2011, JPMorgan Chase held $70.2 trillion in derivatives and only $136 billion in risk-based capital. In other words, the bank's derivative bets are 516 times larger than the capital that covers the bets.
It is difficult to imagine a more reckless and unstable position for a bank to place itself in, but Goldman Sachs takes the cake. That bank's $44 trillion in derivative bets is covered by only $19 billion in risk-based capital, resulting in bets 2,295 times larger than the capital that covers them.
Bets on interest rates comprise 81% of all derivatives. These are the derivatives that support high US Treasury bond prices despite massive increases in US debt and its monetization.
US banks' derivative bets of $230 trillion, concentrated in five banks, are 15.3 times larger than the US GDP. A failed political system that allows unregulated banks to place uncovered bets 15 times larger than the US economy is a system that is headed for catastrophic failure. As the word spreads of the fantastic lack of judgment in the American political and financial systems, the catastrophe in waiting will become a reality.
Everyone wants a solution, so I will provide one. The US government should simply cancel the $230 trillion in derivative bets, declaring them null and void. As no real assets are involved, merely gambling on notional values, the only major effect of closing out or netting all the swaps (mostly over-the-counter contracts between counter-parties) would be to take $230 trillion of leveraged risk out of the financial system. The financial gangsters who want to continue enjoying betting gains while the public underwrites their losses would scream and yell about the sanctity of contracts. However, a government that can murder its own citizens or throw them into dungeons without due process can abolish all the contracts it wants in the name of national security. And most certainly, unlike the war on terror, purging the financial system of the gambling derivatives would vastly improve national security.
Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following.
See also - Global Economic Collapse For Dummies: Forget the complicated flowcharts, scenarios, and government-banking-system reacharounds, the global economic collapse has never been so easy to comprehend
5 - Imperialism and Violence in Colombia
Invited paper to be presented at the national conference on "Multinationals, Violence, Trade Union Freedom and Democracy in Colombia" organized by the SINALTRAINAL International Trade Union on its 30th anniversary, July 26, 2012 at Autonomous University of Colombia in Bogota, Colombia.
By James Petras
June 05, 2012 "Information Clearing House" -- The US military intervention in Colombia constitutes the longest counter-insurgency war in recent world history. Beginning with President John F. Kennedy's launch of the "Green Berets" in 1962 and escalating in the new century with President Clinton's $7 billion dollar military program (Plan Colombia) in 2001 to Obama's inauguration of seven new military bases in the present, the US has been at war in Colombia for 50 years. Ten US presidents, 5 Democrats and 5 Republicans, both liberals and conservatives, have alternated in carrying out one of the most brutal counter-insurgency wars ever recorded in Latin America. In terms of civilian killings, trade union and human rights activist murders and the dispossession of peasants, the US backed oligarchy has the dubious distinction of being at the top of the list of tyrannical rulers.
To understand the bloody history of US imperial intervention in Colombia requires us to examine several keydimensions of the relation in a comparative-historical framework that highlights the specificities of Colombia's ruling class and the strategic geo-political importance of Colombia to US hemispheric dominance.
Colombia: A Ruling Class in Search of Hegemony
Violence is endemic in a society ruled by a 'closed' ruling class governing through 19th century oligarchical parties (and their competing factions) for the greater part of the 20th and 21st centuries. Colombia differs from most of the rest of the major countries of Latin America which early on in the 20th century expanded representation to diverse middle class parties. In the post-World War 1 period and certainly by the World Depression of the 1930's, Latin America witnessed the emergence of socialist, communist and national populist parties and Popular Front type regimes. However, Colombia remained frozen in a time warp of a closed political system dominated by two oligarchical parties which competed with bullets and ballots.
When in the immediate post WWII period a dynamic nationalist- populist figure emerged, Jorge Elicier Gaitan, he was assassinated and the country entered a period of a society-wide blood bath, dubbed "La Violencia". Factions of Conservative and Liberal oligarchs financed armed bands to murder each other resulting in over 300,000 killings. The oligarchs ended their internecine war by signing an agreement to alternate electoral office, the so-called "National Front" further consolidating their stranglehold on power and forcibly excluding new political movements from achieving any significant representation.
Even when a pseudo alternative emerged, under the rule of rightwing populist, Rojas Pinilla, the mass urban and rural poor were subject to the private armies of the landlords, while the urban workers movement was brutally repressed by the military and police. Dissident democrats usually formed a faction of the Liberal Party; while activist workers were drawn to the militant trade unions and the clandestine or semi-legal Communist Party or smaller socialist parties.
The Cold War and US Imperial Penetration
With the onset of the Cold War, Washington found a willing accomplice in the bi-party oligarchical alliance, especially after the elimination of Gaitan and the savage repression of militant class based unions in the US agro-business complexes. Beginning with the bi-lateral and multi-lateral anti-communist military agreements of the early 1950's, Colombian politics was frozen into a pattern of subordination and collaboration with Washington, as the US extended its empire from Central America and the Caribbean into Latin America.
The similarities between the bi-partisan political systems of Colombia and the US and the exclusion of any effective opposition in both countries, facilitated continuity and collaboration. As a result, Colombia's oligarchy did not face the challenges that emerged from time to time in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay.
The Cuban Revolution and the US-Colombian Alliance
The Cuban revolution, especially its transition toward socialism and the multiplication of guerilla movements throughout Latin America, marked a turning point in US-Colombian relations. Colombia became a pivotalcountry in Washington's counter-revolutionary strategy. Colombia served as a US "laboratory" in the effort to defeat the revolutionary upsurge of the 1960's.
Colombia served as a trampoline for Washington to launch a counter-offensive based on military regimes to establish an empire of dependent client-states, open to US economic interests and obedient to Washington's foreign policy dictates.
US Imperialism and Latin American Nationalism: Impositions and Adaptations
The US Empire did not emerge ready-made at the end of World War II. It confronted and had to overcome many domestic and overseas obstacles and challenges. Domestically at the end of WW II, after years of war, most US citizens demanded a military demobilization (1945-47) which weakened the capacity to intervene against the emerging progressive governments in Guatemala, Chile, Argentina and elsewhere. However, with the Cold War and the "hot war" in Korea, the US rearmed and launched its quest for world dominance. Social democratic and progressive governments and leaders were ousted from governments and jailed in Venezuela, Guatemala and Chile. Throughout the 1950s Washington embraced the "First (but not last) Age of Dictators and Free Markets". They included Odria in Peru, Perez Jimenez in Venezuela, Ospina and Gomez in Colombia, Trujillo in the Dominican Republic, Duvalier in Haiti; Somoza in Nicaragua, Armas in Guatemala, Batista in Cuba.
Between 1948-1960 the US Empire totally relied on the brute force of the dictators and the complicity of the local agro-mineral oligarchy to secure its dominance.
The Empire, built on the basis of rightwing dictators, however, did not last beyond a decade. Beginning with the victory of the 26th of July Movement in Cuba, a decade-long (1960-1970) continent-wide revolutionary upsurge challenged imperial power and client collaborators of Empire.
US imperialism, faced with the demise of its dictatorial clients, was forced to adapt to the new configuration of forces composed of reformist middle class electoral parties and a new generation of radicals and arevolutionary movement of intellectuals, peasants and workers inspired by the Cuban example.
In 1962 Washington launched a new strategy called the "Alliance for Progress" (AP) to divide reformers from revolutionaries: the AP promised economic aid to the reformist middle class regimes and military advisors, arms and special forces to destroy the revolutionary insurgents. In other words imperial violence was more selective; it was directed against the independent revolutionary movements and involved greater direct military involvement in the counter-insurgency programs of the electoral regimes.
Colombia the Exception: Repression with Reform
In contrast to the rest of Latin America, where agrarian, democratic and nationalist reforms accompanied the counter-insurgency programs (Chile, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil and Venezuela), in Colombia the oligarchy retained power, blocked the emergence of a reformist – democratic alternative and relied wholly on a strategy of total militarization – polarizing politics between revolution and reaction.
In Colombia the US Empire did not face a choice between a reformist middle class regime or a revolutionary movement because the oligarchical bi-party system dominated the electoral arena. The US did not need to combine the "carrot with the stick" – it concentrated all its efforts in strengthening the military power of the dominant oligarchy.
The Colombian ruling class ruled out any "agrarian reform" like in Chile, Peru and Ecuador for the obvious reason that they were the landowning elite. The Colombian oligarchy did not face a 'nationalist military' pressuring to nationalize strategic industries, like in Bolivia (tin and petrol), and Peru (oil and copper) because the military was under US tutelage and was closely linked with the emerging narco bourgeoisie. The Colombian ruling class served as the US "counter-point" to launch its second and most brutal counter-revolutionary offensive beginning with a coup in Brazil in 1964.
By the end of the 1960's Colombia became the centerpiece ("model") of US policy for Latin America. The region moved from reform to radical nationalism and democratic socialism in the early 1970's – especially among the Andean countries and the Caribbean. Colombia was the anomaly in an Andean region ruled by nationalists like Guillermo Rodriguez in Ecuador, Juan Velasco Alvarez in Peru, J J Torres in Bolivia and democratic socialists like Salvador Allende in Chile.
Subsequently the US invaded and occupied the Dominican Republic in 1965/66 and supported the overthrow of Allende, Rodriquez, Torres, Velasco Alvarez in the Andean countries.Later the US backed military coups in Argentina (1976) and Uruguay(1972).
The Pentagon organized mercenary death squads in El Salvador and Guatemala killing nearly 300,000 peasants, Indian workers, teachers and other citizens. The US organized a mercenary army (the "Contras") in Honduras to destroy the Sandinista revolution.
Colombia's ruling class, backed by US and Israeli counter-insurgency experts, tried to follow the US counter-revolutionary lead by engaging in a "scorched earth policy" to defeat the popular insurgency. But narco-presidents Turbay, Betancur,Barco , Gaviria and Samper were only partially successful – they destroyed the popular legal Union Patriotica but increased the size, scope and membership of the armed insurgency.
The second wave of "Dictators and Free Markets" (1970's – 1980's), including Pinochet (Chile), Videla (Argentina) and Alvarez (Uruguay) came under popular pressure and faced the insurmountable debt crises of the early 1980's. Once again US imperialism faced a challenge and choice: continue with the dictators and a deepening financial crisis or engineer a "democratic transition" which would preserve the state and the neo-liberal economy.
The Golden Age of Imperialism … Neoliberalism and Elections 1990-2000 (except Colombia)
The 1990's witnessed the greatest pillage of the Latin American economies since the times of Pizzaro and Cortes. Presidents Menem in Argentina, Salinas and Zedillo in Mexico, Cardoso in Brazil, Sanchez de Losado of Bolivia and Fujimori in Peru privatized and de-nationalized over 5,000 public enterprises, mines, energy resources, banks, telecommunication networks – mostly through executive decrees – worth over $1 trillion dollars. During the 1990's over $900 billion dollars flowed out of Latin America in profits, royalties and interest payments to multi-national corporations, bankers and speculators. In Colombia, narco-trafficking became the principle source of profits as the traditional oligarchy joined with the new "narco-bourgeoisie" in laundering billions of dollars via "correspondence" accounts with the major US banks in Miami, Wall Street and Los Angeles.
The "transition" from military dictatorships to neo-liberal authoritarian electoral systems in Latin America was paralleled in Colombia by the transition from an oligarchical to a narco-state. In Colombia the military and para-military death squads dispossessed millions of peasants, and confronted the armed insurgency. There was no "democratic transition" – the democratic opposition was murdered! Between 1984-1990 over 5,000 members of the Patriotic Union were slaughtered.
US empire builders looked on neo-liberal Latin America in the 1990's as the "model" for expanding on a world-scale. The formula was to combine pillage via privatization in Latin America and dispossession via militarization in Colombia.
The Crises of the Neo-liberal-Militarist Model of Empire 2000-2012
The entire basis of US imperial supremacy in Latin America in the 1990's was built on fragile foundations: pillage, plunder and corruption led to a profound class polarization and economic crises which culminated in mass popular uprisings overthrowing US backed client regimes in Argentina, Bolivia and Ecuador. In Brazil, Uruguay and Venezuela the incumbent neo-liberal Presidents were defeated by center-left and national populist's parties and leaders.
In Colombia, mass rejection of the ruling neo-liberal narco-bourgeoisie expressed itself via massive electoral abstention (over 75%): the exponential growth of influence and the presence of the armed insurgency in over one-third of the municipalities and the tactical retreat of President Pastrana. He accepted a demilitarized zone for direct peace negotiations with the FARC-EP.
The entire basis of US imperial rule built on the collaboration of the neo-liberal client regime crashed. Between 2000-2005 popular social movements succeeded in defeating a counterrevolutionary coup and lock-out in Venezuela(2002-3). A victorious President Chavez accelerated and radicalized the process of socio-economic change and deepened Venezuela's anti-imperialist foreign policy. Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay rejected US free trade agreements.
Once again Colombia went against the progressive tide of the region. Colombia's narco-bourgeoisie and oligarchy opted for total militarization to avoid the popular democratic movements occurring in the rest of Latin America. The Colombian-US response to democratic revolution in Latin America was "Plan Colombia" – a $10 billion dollar war on the Colombian people financed by the governments of the US, Colombia and the European Union.
Plan Colombia: Imperialism's Response to Latin America's Democracy Movement
"Plan Colombia" was the US response to the spread of the popular democratic revolution throughout Latin America. Plan Colombia represented the biggest US military aid program in the entire region and was designed with several strategic goals.
1. To 'fence in' Colombia from the "contagion" of the anti-neo-liberal revolution which had undermined the proposed US Free Trade of the Americas agreement.
2. Plan Colombia served to build-up Colombia's capacity to threaten and pressure Venezuela's anti-imperialist government and to provide the US with multiple military bases from which to launch a direct intervention in Venezuela if an 'internal' coups took place.
3. 'Plan Colombia' had an important internal political and economic function.
It was designed to militarize society and to empty the countryside; 300,000 soldiers together with 30,000 death squad paramilitary forces, forced millions to flee guerrilla controlled territory. The guerrillas lost important intelligence and logistical support but gained new recruits. As a result of the Uribe/Santos "scorched earth policy" and the mass violence, entire new economic sectors, especially in mining, oil and agriculture, were secured for foreign investors, laying the groundwork in 2012 for the Obama-Santos free trade agreement.
There is a direct connection between Plan Colombia (2001), militarization of the state, mass repression and dispossession (2002-2011), the deepening of neo-liberalization and the free trade agreement (2012).
4. Colombia serves a strategic geo-political role in the US militarized empire.
In the Middle East, South Asia and North Africa the US has used the pretext of the "War against Terrorism" to invade and establish an empire of military bases, in alliance with Israel and NATO. In Latin America, the US in alliance with Colombia and Mexico and under the pretext of the "War on Drugs" has built an empire of military bases in Central America, the Caribbean and increasingly in Latin America. Currently the US has military bases in Colombia (8), Aruba, Costa Rica, Guantanamo (Cuba), Curacao, El Salvador , Honduras (3), Haiti, Panama (12), Paraguay, Peru, the Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico (several).
The US: A Militarized Empire
Because of the relative decline of US economic power and the rise of militarism, the US Empire today is largely a military empire engaged in perpetual wars. Washington's close ties with Colombia reflect the close structural features of the state – heavily weighted toward military institutions – and economy, skewed toward neo-liberal and free market policies.
Once again, Colombia is the anomaly in Latin America. Nearly ten years after Latin America rejected neo-liberalism and eight years after the center-left regimes rejected a free trade agreement with the US, Colombia under Uribe-Santos embrace neo-liberalism and a free trade agreement with Washington.
Facing two major economic initiatives from Venezuela , Plan Caribe and ALBA, challenging US hegemony in the Caribbean and Andean region, Washington tightens its ties with Colombia via the free trade agreement.
US Empire depends on collaborator regimes everywhere in order to defend its military dominance. In Latin America, Colombia is the biggest and most active collaborator, especially in the Central American-Caribbean region.
But like the US, Colombia's militarized state does not 'fit' in with the rest of Latin America. The US has no new economic initiatives to offer Latin America and has lost significant influence and witnessed a relative decline in trade, investment and market shares. Because Colombia, as a militarized-neo-liberal state complements the US global project, it became a special recipient of massive US military aid – precisely to prevent it from joining the new bloc of independent progressive states and further isolating Washington.
Colombia's increasing dependence on the US economy via the free trade agreement sacrifices a large sector of domestic producers in agriculture and manufacturing but increases vast opportunities for the oligarchy and foreign investors in mining, oil and finance. The free trade agreement will increase the opportunities of the powerful narco-financial-bourgeoisie which launders over $20 billion dollars annually in drug revenues through leading US and EU banks.
Colombia is the 'model state' of the US Empire in Latin America. Colombia is ruled by a triple alliance of a narco-oligarchy, neo-liberal bourgeoisie and the military. The Santos regime depends increasingly on the large scale inflow of foreign capital, which is oriented toward producing for overseas markets. The military expenditures, the mass terror of the Uribe regime, the political isolation from the regional economic powers (Venezuela, Brazil and Argentina) and the limitation of the stagnant US economy are serious obstacles to the neo-liberal model. President Santos is attempting to reconcile these "internal contradictions". Santos has replaced mass terror with selective assassinations of key activists in the trade unions and the human rights and social movements. He has focused on co-opting electoral politicians and centering the activity of the paramilitaries on eliminating popular opponents in the new mining and investment zones. He has combined major economic agreements with Venezuela and deepened military ties with the US.
The Santos-White House agreements and the strategy of diversified dependence and free markets rest on very fragile domestic and global foundations. The repression of dissent, the regressive taxes, the depression of living standards, the millions of rural dispossessed have led to the vast growth of inequalities and pent-up mass demand and rising popular pressure. The military commitments to the US impose a heavy economic cost with no economic compensation. The cost of US promoted militarism undermines efforts by Colombian business to expand in regional markets. The US economy is stagnant, the EU is in recession and the outlook for 2012 is precarious, especially for an open economy like Colombia.
At the turn of the 21st century Latin American countries faced a similar situation: neo-liberal regimes in crises, the US in economic decline and a ruling class unable to grow externally and unwilling to develop the internal market. The result was the popular democratic revolutions which led to a partial rupture with US hegemony and neo-liberalism. A decade later Colombia faces a similar situation. The question is whether Colombia will follow the rest of progressive Latin America in breaking with imperial militarism and embracing a new developmental road. The time is ripe for Colombia to cease being a 'political anomaly', a client of a militarized imperialism. The popular movements in Colombia,as evidenced in the Patriotic March movement are ready to make their own popular democratic and anti-imperialist revolution and establish their own Colombian road to 21st century Socialism.
James Petras, a former Professor of Sociology at Binghamton University, New York, owns a 50-year membership in the class struggle, is an adviser to the landless and jobless in Brazil and Argentina, and is co-author of Globalization Unmasked (Zed Books).
What's behind Obama's new military base in Chile ? |
The construction of a new US military base in Chile has some locals worrying - and wondering what it's for
New York, NY - Even as the Obama campaign ramps up its operations for the 2012 presidential race and seeks to gin up its liberal base, the White House has become increasingly more assertive in pushing for a global network of US military bases. Indeed, if the progressive community was paying attention, it might be somewhat surprised to find that Obama has been even more militaristic in some ways than predecessor George Bush, the long-time bane of the US left. In particular, Obama has been quietly constructing American bases in the remote Southern Cone. It's an intriguing news story which has received scant attention in the US media, much less the so-called progressive media.
In a recent column, I discussed the novel story of Obama's new military base located in the Chaco region of northern Argentina. Officially, the Resistencia base forms part of a joint US-Argentine initiative which will provide joint emergency services and eventually deploy troops for "humaninatarian relief". Local authorities have emphatically stressed that the installation is a civil base only, and will be subject to the oversight of provincial authorities. Nevertheless, the Argentine left claims that Resistencia amounts to a covert US intelligence operation, thinly disguised as humanitarian relief. One Argentine legislator has even called for an investigation into the "Yankee base in Chaco" and recently political and environmental activists held a demonstration against the installation.
If the Resistencia story was not outlandish enough, now comes word that the Obama administration has pushed for yet another base, this one located just across the border in Chile. The installation, which has cost the US taxpayer nearly a half million dollars to construct, is situated in the port city of Concón in the central Chilean province of Valparaíso. In Chile, the political debate surrounding the Concón base mirrors the previous fight over the Resistencia installation: while local authorities and the US military claim that Concón will be used for training armed forces deployed for peacekeeping operations, the Chilean left believes the base is aimed at controlling and repressing the local civilian population.
Chile opens memorial to dictatorship victims |
The social impact of US bases
For Chilean civil society, which has longtime experience with US interventionism going way back to the dark days of the Augusto Pinochet military dictatorship, the Concón base raises eyebrows. Human rights groups charge that the actual design of the base - which simulates an urban zone with eight buildings as well as sidewalks and roads - suggests that the Chilean military is interested in repressing protest. According to United Press International, Concón "is growing into a major destination for regional military trainers and defence industry contractors".
The facility is run by the US Southern Command, headquartered in Miami, Florida. The US, which has in recent years been losing some of its political and economic hegemony in the region, is interested in getting another foothold for its military operations. Indeed, ever since the nationalist/populist regime of Rafael Correa booted Washington out of its base in Manta, Ecuador, the US has been on a quest to find alternative sites in South America.
Hopefully, the new US bases in the Southern Cone will not recreate the Manta experience which in many ways was socially undesirable for local residents. While researching my second book in Quito a couple of years ago, I asked Gualdemar Jiménez, a political activist organising against the Manta base, to fill me in on the particulars. He explained that the installation, which was located on the Pacific coast and used for drug overflights of Colombian airspace, had created a lot of friction. "Manta used to be a purely fishing town," he explained. "Now the fishermen don't have access to certain parts of the ocean, which are closed off for security reasons."
On the sea, US marines had intercepted Ecuadoran boats, even sinking some vessels. "The marines are not the Ecuadoran coast guard," Jiménez declared indignantly. What is more, the base had gradually expanded over time and this trend had displaced campesino farmers from their traditional lands. In addition, there had been environmental damage: within the local area, hillsides had been destroyed in an effort to acquire the necessary raw materials to mix asphalt and repave the runway.
The Manta air base contributed some $7 million to the local economy annually, but activists were critical of the lack of real economic development in the area. The marines didn't do any shopping in Ecuadoran markets, nor did they utilise local transportation. "The only thing they contribute to is local discos and prostitution," Jiménez explained bitterly. "What you're describing is hardly unique," I remarked, "it reminds me of the history of other US military bases." "It's a trend that is repeated around the world," Jiménez said, "in Vietnam, you had houses of prostitution springing up as well."
Panetta dispatched to Santiago
Ecuador to shut US military base in Manta [17 May 2008] |
Fast forward a couple of years and Washington is now desperate to secure additional bases after losing its foothold at Manta. In a sign of the importance which Washington now assigns to Concón, the Obama administration recently dispatched Defence Secretary Leon Panetta to Santiago for talks with the conservative Sebastián Piñera government. Seeking to allay the concerns of those who still remember the horrific repression and rampant human rights abuses of the US-backed Pinochet government, Panetta claimed that Concón was not a true military base but merely a "training camp operated entirely by Chile" designed to prepare armed forces for future peacekeeping operations.
Though surely high profile, the Panetta visit simply reinforces growing defence ties between the US and Chile. According to classified US State Department cables recently released by whistle-blowing outfit WikiLeaks, Chilean Minister of Defence José Goñi has been one of the most important figures spearheading this effort. As early as 2007, Goñi was working behind the scenes with the Americans to improve bilateral military ties.
Hoping to reassure the Hugo Chávez bashing Bush administration, Goñi said that Chile was closely monitoring Venezuela's support for the Bolivian military. There was a clear effort by Chávez and his "cronies", Goñi continued, to influence other countries and so Santiago had been keeping close tabs on Venezuela's military relations with Brazil.
Minister Goñi and the School of the Americas
A year later, Goñi travelled to Washington and remarked that the US "was Chile's most important defence and security partner", adding that he was even interested in furthering joint ties with US Special Forces. During his trip, the Minister also visited the notorious Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation, or WHINSEC, formerly known as the School of the Americas. Originally established in the Panama Canal Zone in 1946, the school later moved to Fort Benning, Georgia.
Since its inception, the institution has instructed tens of thousands of Latin American soldiers in military and law-enforcement tactics. The Pentagon itself has acknowledged that in the past the School of the Americas utilised training manuals advocating coercive interrogation techniques and extrajudicial executions. After receiving their training at the institution, officers went on to commit countless human rights atrocities in countries throughout the wider region.
For years, human rights campaigners in both Latin America and the US have been pushing to close WHINSEC. To Goñi, however, such activists were apparently a nuisance as they stood to derail important military ties with Washington. Furthermore, the campaigners could embarrass Chilean military personnel who had taken classes at WHINSEC itself. Speaking to the Americans, Goñi lamented that there still remained "a small minority of opponents to WHINSEC in Chile (including some members of Congress)".
Therefore, Goñi concluded, it would be necessary "to help educate this minority" in an effort to sell further WHINSEC ties. "To this end," the US Embassy in Santiago wrote, "the Minister, at the recommendation of the [US] Secretary of Defence, has invited several Chilean Congress members and NGOs [non-government organisations] to visit WHINSEC in March 2009 in an effort to help opponents better understand exactly what WHINSEC is all about."
WikiLeaks and the Mapuche Indians
There's no love lost between WHINSEC boosters and Chilean civil society, including restive students and the Mapuche Indians, Chile's largest indigenous group. For years, the Mapuche have been persecuted by the Chilean state under draconian anti-terrorism laws dating from the Pinochet military era. The Indians claim that the security forces storm into indigenous homes, sometimes without a warrant. The authorities then destroy household items or objects of cultural value while simultaneously hurling racial epithets and mistreating children and the elderly. When it comes to using lethal weapons, the police reportedly do not hesitate.
At its root, the Mapuche conflict centres around corporate greed and connivance of the Chilean state which is bent on exploiting the country's resources. Unfortunately for the Indians, such natural resources including mining, forests and salmon farming are to be found on Mapuche land. In line with its pro-corporate orientation, the Chilean government has provided incentives to logging companies seeking to operate on ancestral Mapuche lands. While it's possible that the Concón "installation" - or military base as the case may be - will be merely used to train peacekeepers, Chilean civil society and the Indians have plenty of reason to be suspicious of US intentions.
Recently, I wrote an eye opening piece about how the US Federal Bureau of Investigation collaborated with the Chilean Ministry of Interior to keep tabs on the Mapuche. The revelations are contained in a US cable dating from early 2008 and relate to a meeting between Bush-appointed US ambassador in Santiago Paul Simons and Chilean Interior Minister Edmundo Pérez Yoma. According to the document, the Interior Minister was concerned about "the potential radicalisation of Chile's indigenous population".
Speaking with US officials, Pérez said that Mapuche could be receiving financial support from the likes of Venezuela's Hugo Chávez, Colombian FARC rebels or even ETA Basque separatists. The Americans were happy to offer expertise, noting that "the FBI is coordinating with the Carabineros [Chile's military police] to assist in identification and potential prosecution of actors within Chile." In another part of the cable, reference is made to US officials collecting intelligence not only on FARC and ETA but also Mapuche radicals "who might have potential links" to foreign groups.
What's behind the Chilean base?
In the upcoming presidential campaign, Obama will no doubt seek to appeal to his liberal base by pointing out how he extricated the US from an unpopular war in the Middle East. Yet, peer beneath the surface and the current Washington administration has been expanding its base of operations in other remote corners of the globe.
Moreover, WikiLeaks documents reveal a disturbing pattern of collaboration between US and Santiago security forces at a time of acute social and political tensions in Chile. Local civil society, which has uncomfortable memories of US-backed military dictatorship, is understandably quite perplexed about recent developments and wants to know what, precisely, Washington is up to in the Southern Cone.
Nikolas Kozloff is the author of Revolution! South America and the Rise of the New Left.
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6 - From Dreams to Drones : Who Is The Real Barack Obama ?
By Pankaj Mishra
June 05, 2012 "The Guardian" - - Barack Obama, according to Foreign Policy magazine, "has become George W Bush on steroids". Armed with a "kill list", the Nobel peace laureate now hosts "Tuesday terror" meetings at the White House to discuss targets of drone attacks in Pakistan and at least five other countries. The latest of these killed 17 people near the border with Afghanistan today .
Unlike the slacker Bush, who famously disdained specifics, Obama routinely deploys his Ivy League training in law. Many among the dozens of "suspected militants" massacred by drones in the last three days in northwestern Pakistan are likely to be innocent. Reports gathered by NGOs and Pakistani media about previous attacks speak of a collateral damage running into hundreds, and deepening anger and hostility to the United States. No matter: in Obama's legally watertight bureaucracy, drone attacks are not publicly acknowledged; or if they have to be, civilian deaths are flatly denied and all the adult dead categorised as "combatants".
Obama himself signed off on one execution knowing it would also kill innocent family members. He has also made it "legal" to execute Americans without trial and expanded their secret surveillance, preserved the CIA's renditions programme, violated his promise to close down Guantánamo Bay, and ruthlessly arraigned whistleblowers.
Not only is Cornel West, Obama's most prominent black intellectual supporter, appalled, but also the apparatchiks of Bush's imperial presidency such as former CIA director Michael Hayden. Perhaps it is time to ask again: who is Barack Obama? And how has Pakistan featured in his worldview? The first question now seems to have been settled too quickly, largely because of the literary power of Obama's speeches and writings. His memoir, Dreams From My Father, was quickened by the drama of the self-invented man from nowhere – the passionate striving, eloquent self-doubt and ambivalence that western literature, from Stendhal to Naipaul, has trained us to identify with a refined intellect and soul. Not surprisingly, Obama's careful self-presentation seduced some prominent literary fictionists, inviting comparisons to James Baldwin.
Later biographies of Obama, published after he became president, have complicated the picture of him as the possessor of diversely sourced identities (Kenya, Indonesia, Hawaii, Harvard). David Maraniss's new biography shows that at college the bright student from Hawaii's closest friends were Pakistanis, and he carried around a dog-eared copy of Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man.
But Obama also began early, as one girlfriend of his reported to her diary, to "strike out", "shedding encumbrances, old images". "Do you think I will be president of the United States?" he asked a slightly bemused Pakistani friend, who then witnessed "Obama slowly but carefully distancing himself from the Pakistanis as a necessary step in establishing his political identity".
"For years," Maraniss writes, "Obama seemed to share their attitudes as sophisticated outsiders who looked at politics from an international perspective. But to get to where he wanted … he had to change." Obama's Pakistani friend recalls: "The first shift I saw him undertaking was to view himself as an American in a much more fundamental way."
In an incorrigibly rightwing political culture, this obliged Obama to always appear tougher than his white opponents. During his 2008 presidential debates with John McCain, Obama often startled many of us with his threats to expand the war in Afghanistan to Pakistan. More disquietingly, he claimed the imprimatur of Henry Kissinger, who partnered Richard Nixon in the ravaging of Cambodia, paving the way for Pol Pot, while still devastating Vietnam.
It can't be said Obama didn't prepare us for his murderous spree in Pakistan. It is also true that drone warfare manifests the same pathologies – racial contempt, paranoia, blind faith in technology and the superstition of body counts – that undermined the US in Vietnam.
The White House has been used before to plot daily mayhem in some obscure, under-reported corner of the world. During the long bombing campaign named Rolling Thunder, President Lyndon Johnson personally chose targets in Indochina, believing that "carefully calculated doses of force could bring about desirable and predictable responses from Hanoi".
But of course "force", as James Baldwin pointed out during Kissinger and Nixon's last desperate assault on Indochina, "does not reveal to the victim the strength of his adversary. On the contrary, it reveals the weakness, even the panic of his adversary and this revelation invests the victim with patience".
The last US personnel in Vietnam had to be evacuated from the roof of the American embassy in Saigon, and this may yet be the fate of the western mission in Afghanistan. The Taliban, it is clear, won't be killed and mutilated into submission. A weak Pakistan, its rulers bribed and bullied into acquiescence, is the easier setting for a display of American firepower. In ways his Pakistani college friends couldn't have foreseen, their country now carries the burden of verifying Obama's extra-American manhood, especially at election time.
Obama was quick to say sorry to Poland last week for saying "Polish death camps" rather than "death camps in Poland" in a speech. But he refuses to apologise for the American air strikes that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers in November last year. Widespread public anger has forced Pakistan's government to block Nato's supply routes to Afghanistan; any hint of infirmity on the sensitive issue of sovereignty is likely to strengthen some of the country's nastiest extremists. Thus, the few possibilities of political stability in a battered country are now hostage to Obama's pre-election punitiveness.
Certainly, Obama's political and personal journey now evokes less uplifting literary comparisons. For, nearly four years after his ecstatically hailed ascension to the White House, Obama resembles Baldwin much less than he does Kipling and other uncertain children of empire who, as Ashis Nandy writes in The Intimate Enemy, replaced their early identifications with the weak with "an unending search for masculinity and status". These men saw both their victims and compatriots "as gullible children who must be impressed with conspicuous machismo"; and who suppressed their plural selves "for the sake of an imposed imperial identity – inauthentic and killing in its grandiosity".
"We're killin' 'em! We're killin' 'em all!" Bush exulted, according to Bob Woodward, during his last months in office. And now another man sits in the White House, surveying his own kill lists and plotting re-election, after having already pulled off the cruellest political hoax of our times.
Pankaj Mishra is an Indian author and writer of literary and political essays. His books include Temptations of the West: How to Be Modern in India, Pakistan and Beyond. His new work, From the Ruins of Empire: The Revolt Against the West and the Remaking of Asia, is published in 2012.
© 2012 Guardian News and Media Limited
7 - The lies about the 1967 war are still more powerful than the truth
By Alan Hart
5 June 2012
Alan Hart views the Zionist-manufactured myth that the 1967 war was a defensive war – rather than a war of aggression – launched by Israel because it faced a threat of extermination by its Arab neighbours, and laments the lazy – or Zionist-motivated – journalism which continues to perpetuate this myth in the Western media.
In retrospect it can be seen that the 1967 war – the Six Days War – was the turning point in the relationship between the Zionist state of Israel and the Jews of the world (the majority of Jews who prefer to live not in Israel but as citizens of many other nations).
Until the 1967 war, and with the exception of a minority of Jews were politically active, most non-Israeli Jews did not have – how can I put it? – a great empathy with Zionism's child. Israel was there and, in the sub-consciousness, a refuge of last resort; but the Jewish nationalism it represented had not generated the overtly enthusiastic support of the Jews of the world. The Jews of Israel were in their chosen place and the Jews of the world were in their chosen places. There was not, so to speak, a great feeling of togetherness. At a point David Ben-Gurion, Israel's founding father and first prime minister, was so disillusioned by the indifference of world Jewry that he went public with his criticism – not enough Jews were coming to live in Israel.
So how and why did the 1967 war transform the relationship between the Jews of the world and Israel?
Part of the answer is in a single word – pride. From the Jewish perspective there was indeed much to be proud about. Little Israel with its small but highly professional defence force and its mainly citizen army had smashed the war machines of the frontline Arab states in six days. The Jewish David had slain the Arab Goliath. Israeli forces were in occupation of the whole of the Sinai and the Gaza Strip (Egyptian territory), the West Bank, including Arab East Jerusalem (Jordanian territory), and the Golan Heights (Syrian territory). And it was not much of a secret that the Israelis could have gone on to capture Cairo, Amman and Damascus. There was nothing to stop them except the impossibility of maintaining the occupation of three Arab capitals.
"...neither ... Egypt nor any of the frontline Arab states had any intention of attacking Israel. And Israel's leaders, and the Johnson administration, knew that." | |
"Big, fat propaganda lie"
But the intensity of the pride most Jews of the world experienced with Israel's military victory was in large part a product of the intensity of the fear that came before it. In the three weeks before the war, the Jews of the world truly believed, because (like Israeli Jews) they were conditioned by Zionism to believe, that the Arabs were poised to attack and that Israel's very existence was at stake and much in doubt.
The Jews of the world (and Israeli Jews) could not be blamed for believing that, but it was a big, fat propaganda lie. Though Egypt's President Jamal Abd-al-Nasser had asked UN Emergency Forces to withdraw from Sinai, had closed the Straits of Tiran to Israeli shipping and had reinforced his army in the Sinai, neither his Egypt nor any of the frontline Arab states had any intention of attacking Israel. And Israel's leaders, and the Johnson administration, knew that.
In short, and as I detail and document in my book Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews, the offensive Israel launched at 0750 hours (local time) on Monday 5 June was not a pre-emptive strike or an act of self-defence. It was a war of aggression.
The summary truth about that war is this.
Assisted by the regeneration of Palestinian nationalism, which became the tail that wagged the Arab dog despite the brutal efforts of the intelligence services of the frontline Arab states to prevent it happening, Israel's military and political hawks set a trap for Nasser; and he walked into it, with eyes half-open, in the hope that the international community, led by the Johnson administration, would restrain Israel and require it and Egypt to settle the problem of the moment by diplomacy. From Nasser's perspective that was not an unreasonable expectation because of the commitment, given by President Eisenhower that, in the event of the closure of the Straits of Tiran by Egypt to Israeli shipping, the US would work with the "society of nations" to cause Egypt to restore Israel's right of passage, and by so doing, prevent war.
A large part of the reason why today rational debate about making peace is impossible with the vast majority of Jews everywhere is that they still believe Egypt and the frontline Arab states were intending to annihilate Israel in 1967, and were only prevented from doing so by Israel's pre-emptive strike.
If the statement that the Arabs were not intending to attack Israel and that the existence of the Zionist state was not in danger was only that of a goy (a non-Jew, me), it could be dismissed by supporters of Israel right or wrong as anti-Semitic conjecture. In fact, the truth the statement represents was admitted by some of the key Israeli players – after the war, of course.
"I do not believe that Nasser wanted war. The two divisions which he sent into Sinai on 14 May [1967] would not have been enough to unleash an offensive against Israel. He knew it and we knew it." Yitzhak Rabin, Israeli Chief of Staff, 28 February 1968 |
Israel's generals in their own words
On this 45th anniversary of the start of the Six Days War, here is a reminder of what they said.
In an interview published in Le Monde on 28 February 1968, Israeli Chief of Staff Yitzhak Rabin said this: "I do not believe that Nasser wanted war. The two divisions which he sent into Sinai on 14 May [1967] would not have been enough to unleash an offensive against Israel. He knew it and we knew it."
On 14 April 1971, a report in the Israeli newspaper Al-Hamishmar contained the following statement by Mordehcai Bentov, a member of the wartime national government. "The entire story of the danger of extermination was invented in every detail and exaggerated a posteriori to justify the annexation of new Arab territory."
On 4 April 1972, General Haim Bar-Lev, Rabin's predecessor as chief of staff, was quoted in the Israeli newspaper Ma'ariv as follows: "We were not threatened with genocide on the eve of the Six Days War, and we had never thought of such a possibility."
In the same Israeli newspaper on the same day, General Ezer Weizmann, Chief of Operations during the war and a nephew of Chaim Weizmann, was quoted as saying: "There was never any danger of annihilation. This hypothesis has never been considered in any serious meeting."
"The thesis according to which the danger of genocide hung over us in June 1967, and according to which Israel was fighting for her very physical survival, was nothing but a bluff which was born and bred after the war." General Matetiyahu Peled, Israeli Chief of Logistical Command |
In the spring of 1972, General Matetiyahu Peled, Chief of Logistical Command during the war and one of 12 members of Israel's General Staff, addressed a political literary club in Tel Aviv. He said: "The thesis according to which the danger of genocide hung over us in June 1967, and according to which Israel was fighting for her very physical survival, was nothing but a bluff which was born and bred after the war."
In a radio debate Peled also said: "Israel was never in real danger and there was no evidence that Egypt had any intention of attacking Israel." He added that "Israeli intelligence knew that Egypt was not prepared for war."
In the same programme General Chaim Herzog (former Director of Military Intelligence, future Israeli Ambassador to the UN and president of his state) said: "There was no danger of annihilation. Neither Israeli headquarters nor the Pentagon – as the memoirs of President Johnson proved – believed in this danger."
On 3 June 1972 Peled was even more explicit in an article of his own for the French newspaper Le Monde. He wrote:
All those stories about the huge danger we were facing because of our small territorial size, an argument expounded once the war was over, have never been considered in our calculations. While we proceeded towards the full mobilization of our forces, no person in his right mind could believe that all this force was necessary to our "defence" against the Egyptian threat. This force was to crush once and for all the Egyptians at the military level and their Soviet masters at the political level. To pretend that the Egyptian forces concentrated on our borders were capable of threatening Israel's existence does not only insult the intelligence of any person capable of analysing this kind of situation, but is primarily an insult to the Israeli army.
The preference of some generals for truth-telling after the event provoked something of a debate in Israel, but it was short-lived. If some Israeli journalists had had their way, the generals would have kept their mouths shut. Weizmann was one of those approached with the suggestion that he and others who wanted to speak out should "not exercise their inalienable right to free speech lest they prejudice world opinion and the Jewish diaspora against Israel."
It is not surprising that debate in Israel was shut down before it led to some serious soul-searching about the nature of the state and whether it should continue to live by the lie as well as the sword; but it is more than remarkable, I think, that the mainstream Western media continues to prefer the convenience of the Zionist myth to the reality of what happened in 1967 and why. When reporters and commentators have need today to make reference to the Six Days War, almost all of them still tell it like the Zionists said it was in 1967 rather than how it really was. Obviously there are still limits to how far the mainstream media is prepared to go in challenging the Zionist account of history, but it could also be that lazy journalism is a factor in the equation.
For those journalists, lazy or not, who might still have doubts about who started the Six Days War, here's a quote from what Prime Minister Begin said in an unguarded, public moment in 1982. "In June 1967 we had a choice. The Egyptian army concentrations in the Sinai approaches did not prove that Nasser was really about to attack us, We must be honest with ourselves. We decided to attack him."
Only 13% of Egyptians support NATO's toppling of Gaddafi.
"Residents in several North African countries, including Morocco (12%), Egypt (13%), and Algeria (14%) were the least likely to say they were in favor of NATO intervention."
Look at Libya to see what may happen in Syria.
"In post-revolutionary Libya there is only an apology for a central government and no rule of law, just heaps of armed men," writes journalist Peter Oborne, in Libya Notebook in the Spectator.
Africom or Africon
Political analyst Dan Glazebrook, at Ahram Online, has written "Libya: the ongoing disaster". According to Glazebrook:
1. NATO's destruction of Libya has paved the way for the military re-conquest of Africa.
2. At least 50,000 people were killed in the NATO attack on Libya.
3. Libya's former 'rebels' are now turning on each other and the mass killing continues.
Libya Website for this image 4. $1.4 billion has already been paid out to the NATO's mercenaries who fought in Libya.
5. Corruption is becoming endemic in Libya. .5 billion in oil revenues is unaccounted for.
6. Libya's resources are now being jointly plundered by the oil multinationals and a handful of chosen families.
7. No supporters of Gaddafi are to be allowed to stand in the upcoming Libyan elections.
8. Law 37, passed by the NATO-imposed Libyan government last month, has created a new crime of 'glorifying' the former government or its leader, subject to a maximum sentence of life imprisonment.
Law 38 guarantees immunity from prosecution for anyone who committed crimes aimed at "promoting or protecting the revolution".
This immunity covers those NATO forces responsible for the ethnic cleansing of the town of Tawergha, the massacres in the town of Sirte, and the continuing widespread torture of detainees.
Libya before it was destroyed by NATO
9. Libya's destabilisation has already spread to Mali.
10. Many of NATO's Libyan fighters have now been shipped to Syria to spread their sectarian violence there also.
11. AFRICOM - the US military's African command - recently decided to send its troops into the Central African Republic, Uganda, South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
AFRICOM has now announced 14 major joint military exercises in African countries for 2012. The military re-conquest of Africa is rolling steadily on.
None of this would have been possible when Gaddafi was still in power.
9 - Battlelines Being Drawn for Next Phase : a Plus for Palestinians ?
The official results of the first round of the historic Egyptian presidential elections, the first ever in Mother Egypt where the results were not known in advance, present an encouraging snapshot of "new democratic Egypt" given that the choice of close to 50 per cent of Egypt's approximately 50 million eligible voters, some standing in line to vote in scorching heat for hours, will not be officially announced until late May.
It appears, based on exit polls and information from the Muslim Brotherhood media office, that the two candidates who will face each other in the June 16-17 final round of voting will be the Muslim Brotherhood's Mohammed Mursi (25 per cent) facing Mubarak-era Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq (24 per cent).
Mr Mursi and Mr Shafiq represent very different strands of Egyptian society. Mr. Shafiq will continue to draw his support from people fearful of an Islamist takeover, and those exhausted by the upheavals of the past 16 months.
Both finalists will carry substantial political baggage into Round Two. While Mursi will have the vast and competent Muslim Brotherhood organization working during the next two weeks to get out the vote for him, as well as the support of most Islamist parties, his candidacy still faces pervasive voter doubt over having the long outlawed MB control both the Egypt's Parliament and its Presidency. Egyptian voters appear to be worrying that this kind of broad power effectively is too similar to the Mubarak era and also eliminates checks and balances needed to moderate MB's pledge to enact Sharia law and to honor its commitment to scrap military rule.
The following statement by the MB's Mohammad Mursi, delivered just last week at a Cairo University campaign rally is raising concern:
"The Quran in our Constitution, the Prophet is our leader, jihad is our path, and martyrdom in the service of God is our goal. We shall enforce Islamic Sharia, and shall accept no alternative to it."
Israel and the US will back Mr. Shafiq in various ways and he will benefit from the view that he represents Egypt's military, many of the countries wealthy and powerful more conservative voting blocks, the business community, Coptic Christians, ( roughly ten per cent of the voters) who understandably seek security above all else, and many others who will vote for what they calculate to be the lesser of two evils.
Yet barring surprises such as ex-President Hosni Mubarak being found innocent of all charges on June 2 when the verdict is to be announced in his case, which many lawyers are predicting is exactly what will happen, Mohammad Mursi will very likely prevail in the mid-June run-off and become Egypt's first democratically elected President.
Many Middle East analysts, including American University of Beirut political sociology professor Sari Hanafi, believe this result will be good for the more than five million Palestinian refugees in the diaspora, those still under Zionist occupation in their own country, and welcomed by all who advocate the Palestinians' full Return to their still occupied country.
The Prime Minister of the Palestinian government in Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh, declared on Thursday that "The Egyptian presidential election results will have a very positive affect on the course and future of the Palestinian cause as well as the role and place of the Muslim people in the world."
Haniyeh knows that the Muslim Brotherhood, from which Hamas evolved, is highly sophisticated politically and while it tries to avoid attracting condemnation, or worse, from Washington and Tel Aviv, the MB intentions regarding Camp David, giveaway gas and other deals with Israel, and even diplomatic relations with the occupiers of Palestine are clear. A majority of Egyptians believe all will eventually be discarded as will the singly remaining 19th century colonial enterprise itself.
Hamas officials have also acknowledged that they are looking more to Egypt and the Brotherhood for support as they move away from Syria and a top Hamas official, Mousa Mohammed Abu Marzook, settled in Cairo after fleeing the unrest in Syria and maintains close ties with the Brotherhood.
Mursi has a long history of criticism of Israel's treatment of the Palestinians. He has referred to Israel's Foreign Minister Lieberman as a "vampire" and the settler movement as "Draculas." Mr. Morsi has also criticized the Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas for what he called gullible collaboration with Israel for believing they would voluntarily accept a Palestinian state, and he has praised Hamas for resisting the Israeli occupation.
Brotherhood leaders have said they intend to use their influence with both Fatah and Hamas to urge them to compromise with each other to press Israel to recognize a Palestinian state. "The Brotherhood will gently pressure Hamas to be more pragmatic, although that is a direction that Hamas is already moving," according to Shadi Hamid of the Brookings Doha Center.
Speaking with MB representatives in Cairo and Beirut over the past several months, the party's position expressed to this observer is that the common thread that stitches together all the continuing regional uprisings can be described as a fundamental quest for dignity and the casting off of humiliation either from western imposed despotic regimes or from their illegitimate and aggressive agent, Israel.
Even before the completion of Egypt's first democratic elections, which long-time election monitor Jimmy Carter has just labeled "very encouraging "there is broad recognition in Egypt that basic dignity demands the return of Palestine and its holy places, not just to the 1.5 billion Muslims and nearly as many Christians worldwide, but to all people of good will.
While no official MB decisions have been published regarding relations with Gaza and occupied Palestine, signs are everywhere from non-enforcement of Mubarak-Israeli-American pressures on Rafa, Gaza, travel and trade prohibitions that full normalization of relations between Egyptians and Palestinians under occupation is imminent.
And Israel and its American lobby know it and are preparing.
On Capitol Hill, and among the more than 60 intensively active and well-funded pro-Zionist organizations in the US, a campaign has already begun to neuter the Egyptian voter's choice next month as surely as was achieved during the three decades of Mubarak rule.
A couple of examples.
AIPAC has launched a campaign to have the Obama administration, during the run-up to the coming election, now barely six months away, demand three things from the Mursi government:
that the Mother Brotherhood scrap key elements of its political program and disassociate itself for "Islamism"; that it publicly pledge to fight "terrorism" i.e. the Palestinian and Lebanese resistance, and that the MB pledge in writing to fully abide by the Camp David accords.
Washington, according to Israel must insist that Egypt not only maintain its peace treaty with Israel, but Obama must tell the Brotherhood that any referendum on the Camp David Accords will be interpreted by the US as an attempt to destroy that agreement.
According to Israeli government water carrier Dennis Ross, "In recent conversations, Brotherhood leaders have expressed their belief that they would not be blamed if the treaty were revoked by a nationwide vote, as seems likely. They need to be told otherwise."
When measured against what the MB stands and has struggled for since its founding in 1928 by the Islamic scholar and schoolteacher Hassan al-Banna as well as the growing demands of the Egyptian public coupled with regional pleas for Egypt's new government to restore Arab and Muslim dignity, these Israeli-US demands are patently absurd.
Ever in the service of Israel, Elliot Abrams, writing in the Zionist Islamophobic Weekly Standard, is proposing an approach that appears as fanciful and misguided as his WMD 2002-3 schemes to get the US to attack Iraq on behalf of Israel or his continuing five year campaign to get the US to bomb Iran for Israel.
Abrams is arguing recently, apparently seriously, that since the MB will be Egypt's new government, Israel can still prevail if his advice is followed. Obviously unhappy with the prospect of the Muslim Brotherhood governing Egypt, Abrams does what he is paid to do for Israel, i.e. he metaphorically paints Pigs hoping they will look like Princesses.
Eliot is publicly blaming the US for not "standing by the Mubarak regime like the Russians are with Syria's." He declared "Had Mubarak and the Army played their cards better; Shafik might have been Mubarak's successor without the harmful uprising that Egypt has experienced. Egypt's peace treaty with Israel with all its blessings would be secure. Now, unless Shafik wins, Camp David is finished but we [Israel?] still have some excellent options."
Abrams and elements of the Zionist lobby are telling Congress that "Israel must support Egypt's "liberals" meaning, people who believe in democracy, liberty, and the rule of law rather than Islam as the guiding principles of Egypt and that the predicate must be that the electorate believes the MB had a clear chance and failed them." He continued," If Shafik were to win many Egyptians will believe the elections were stolen by the Army and the old regime's machine, and in any event power will be divided between the MB on one side and the Army and president on the other. There will be no clear lesson to learn when conditions in the country then continue to deteriorate given that the previous annual 6.5 billion foreign infusion into Egypt's economy has reversed to a current annual $500,00 outflow with foreign investors fleeing and tourism in down 40 per cent from when Mubarak was in charge."
Interestingly, Abrams and other spokesmen for AIPAC and the Zionist lobby are arguing that Mubarak's most recent Prime Minister, Ahmed Shafiq's victory next month is not necessarily something Israel and the West should favor or work to arrange. Given that the MB is the leading party in parliament and with the Salafists having an Islamist majority there, Abrams claims that this is actually good for Israel since its lobby will organize Congress to push the idea that MB control of both parliament and the presidency is dangerous and, "we can hold them and all Islamists in Egypt absolutely responsible for what happens to Egypt with its myriad problems and thus 100 percent of the responsibility for Egypt's fate will drop on the MB."
Abrams continues, "If the MB's Mursi wins and he will, the MB will be in charge–and be forced to deliver. And when they fail, as they will give Israel's key friends in the international business community, it will be absolutely clear who was to blame and this is good for Israel. What is in Israel's interest is to support Egypt's military which it has worked closely with for years and encourage the army to fight with all its tools for its interests".
Abrams summarizes his thesis in an AIPAC email to donors: "So as far as Israel is concerned, a Mursi victory should not be mourned; given the situation in Egypt, in this election we can assure that the loser will pity the winner. Two cheers for Mursi! Now let's get to work."
Franklin Lamb is doing research in Lebanon and is reachable c/o
Posted on 29. Sep, 2011 by Adeela NaureenWepons of mass destruction be atomic, biological or chemical, if the west holds them its moral but with the non-white countries or Muslim world its inhuman. Raja Mujtaba
By Adeela Naureen
Before the readers label me as conspiracy theorist, I would recommend them to go through or scan two important books, Six-Legged Soldiers: Using Insects as Weapons of War by Jaffrey A Lockwood and Biohazard: The Chilling True Story of the Largest Covert Biological Weapons Program in the World by Ken Alibek and Stephan Handlemen. If you don't have time to do that, do it the easiest way and search Wikipedia. You may be surprised to know that Dengue was part of US secret Biological warfare program right from after the 2nd World War.
As per Wikipedia, "When the U.S. biological warfare program ended in 1969 it had developed seven mass-produced, battle-ready biological weapons in the form of agents that cause: anthrax, tularemia, brucellosis, Q-fever, VEE, and botulism. In addition Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B was produced as an incapacitating agent. In addition to the agents that were ready to be used the U.S. program conducted research into the weaponization of more than 20 other agents. They included: smallpox, EEE and WEE, AHF, Hantavirus, BHF, Lassa fever, glanders, melioidosis, plague, yellow fever, psittacosis, typhus, dengue fever, Rift Valley fever (RVF), CHIKV, late blight of potato, rinderpest, Newcastle disease, bird flu, and the toxin ricin.Besides the numerous pathogens that afflict human beings, the U.S. had developed an arsenal of anti-agriculture biological agents. These included rye stem rust spores (stored at Edgewood Arsenal, 1951–1957), wheat stem rust spores (stored at the same facility 1962 – 1969), and the causative agent of rice blast (stored at Fort Detrick 1965 – 1966).A U.S. facility at Fort Terry primarily focused on anti-animal biological agents. The first agent that was a candidate for development was foot and mouth disease (FMD). Besides FMD, five other top secret biological weapons projects were commissioned on Plum Island.The other four programs researched included RVF, rinderpest, African swine fever, plus eleven miscellaneous exotic animal diseases. The eleven miscellaneous pathogens were: Blue tongue virus, bovine influenza, bovine virus diarrhea (BVD), fowl plague, goat pneumonitis, mycobacteria, "N" virus, Newcastle disease, sheep pox, Teschers disease, and vesicular stomatitis. Work on delivery systems for the U.S. bio-weapons arsenal led to the first mass-produced biological weapon in 1952, the M33 cluster bomb. The M33's sub-munition, the pipe bomb like, cylindrical M114 bomb, was also completed and battle-ready by 1952. Other delivery systems researched and at least partially developed during the 1950s included the E77 balloon bomb and the E86 cluster bomb. The peak of U.S. biological weapons delivery system development came during the 1960s. Production of cluster bomb sub-muntions began to shift from the cylindrical bomblets to spherical bomblets, which had a larger coverage area.
Welcome to the world of Bio-War in Afro- Asia and where the spread of sudden and hitherto fore unknown diseases and biological catastrophe is becoming the order of the day. If you look at the sequence of events in last decades or so, you will find a set pattern where Asia and Africa is constantly engaged in fighting one catastrophe after the other. Can you recall names like the SAARS virus, Bird Flu, Ebola Virus, HIV, Hepatitis C, and even Swine Flu. With the entry of US led coalition into West Asia and Middle East, the remote test labs of Continental US like Lawrence Livermore and Plum Island are no more required to do the testing and storage, these weapon systems can be conveniently hidden and used in the vast spaces of Afghanistan, Balochistan, Siestan o Balochistan and the Libyan Sahara and rest of Africa. The NGOs and organization like Backwater who claim to be on humanitarian and security missions can conveniently befool the general public as well as naïve governments and unleash the new war in Afro Asian region.
Why has outbreak of these biological diseases become so rampant in the regions where the West has special interests? And why has the developing world become vulnerable to these outbreaks despite advances in science and technology? Why does the developing world depend upon vaccines and antidotes which are produced very late after the outbreak has taken its due toll? And who produces these vaccines and antidotes at exuberant costs to the developing world? These are some of the important questions requiring attention of peoples at the helm of affairs in the developing world. Africa, Asia and Latin American countries like Maxico are the future of the world, where demographic strength is likely to make these as power hubs in the next decades or so. With the western world losing the demographic battle all over, as well as finding its hold slipping in the economic and political affairs, Bio-War may be a better approach in the new realm of use of Non Kinetic means against current and potential adversaries.
A track of Dengue outbreak in Pakistan may be interesting as it has originated from the port of Karachi and two strategic junction points, Pakistan-Iran-Afghanistan junction near Nimroz province of Afghanistan and Pakistan-China-Afghanistan junction from Badakhshan province. If we think that the US led Coalition was only supporting terrorism in Pakistan through her bogey of TTP then we are too naïve to underestimate their capability and reach. All kind of Kinetic and Non Kinetic means at the disposal of US led Coalition may have been tested, employed as well as kept ready for use in Afghanistan; drones and TTP are just the Kinetic Part. This should lead us to soul searching as well as taking effective security measures for good health of Pakistan and her people. Probably the second phase of Bio-War has been unleashed against Afro-Asian region.
I would conclude by referring to Ed Regis' famous book, The Biology of Doom, it talks of US ,Russian, German and Japanese Biological Warfare programmes between 1930 and 1980,when the so called civilized nations were busy in testing and mass production of Biological Weapons to destroy humanity in a Non Kinetic War, a war which would cripple generations and unleash such diseases and viruses against humans, animals and crops that even Hitler's scorched Earth policy would look like a child's play. Thirty years have passed since The Biology of Doom appeared in the book stores, the evil in humans have progressed a lot after 1980; today, Biological Weapons combined with Economic Wars and Media Wars can devastate Nations and Continent without the detection of the aggressor. It is high time for the developing world to call this bluff of the west and join in a global jihad to get rid of Non Kinetic Warriors hidden behind the façade of humanity and democracy.
SEE ARTICLE 19 as well.
11 - The Assassination Monopoly
They murdered 8 U.S. presidents,
5 Russian czars, the kings of England, France
and many other countries, and are still killing.
Who are they?
Remember my children, that all the Earth must belong to us Jews and that the Gentiles,
being mere excrements of animals, must possess nothing.
— Mayer Amschel Rothschild on his deathbed, 1812
By John Kaminski
The official history of presidential assassinations depicts them as random events performed by lone nuts who blow their tops and start shooting. But when we look at the pattern of murdered U.S. presidents, a disturbing pattern emerges.
All the U.S. presidents who died in office were all killed by the same mysterious people for the same mysterious reason — control of the money supply.
John F. Kennedy, in 1963, was jacked for challenging the hegemony of Israel, the mob, and the Federal Reserve; William McKinley, in 1900, was gut shot for opposing creation of the Federal Reserve; James Garfield, in 1881, was shot in the back shortly after uttering the assessment that bankers controlled everything; and Abraham Lincoln, in 1865, was unceremoniously terminated for creating an independent currency, as Kennedy did a century later.
In addition to the four well-known murders of American presidents, four other assassinations —William Henry Harrison (1841), Zachary Taylor (1850), Warren Harding (1926), and Franklin Roosevelt (1945) — are well documented outside the mainstream record of history, which is controlled by the people who hire these assassins.
All were liquidated for opposing the plans of the international bankers who have controlled the world since history began.
When you correlate the corpses of national leaders and their cause of death to their public statements, you discover the identity of the killers in every single case is Jew, even if the actual assassins are non Jew proxies. This even includes the killing of promising presidential candidate Huey Long in 1935, by a Jew doctor named Carl Weiss. <>
When it comes to non presidential assassinations committed by Jews, the numbers run into the thousands. Some significant Judeo hits, all of which involved control of the money supply or suppression of other Jew crime schemes, include Rep. Lewis McFadden in 1933, Treasury Secretary James Forrestal in 1949, and pop superstar Michael Jackson in 2009, all for trying to warn us about the Jew takeover of the world.
But this horrible phenomenon extends far beyond the United States.
Four of five Russian czars of the 19th century (as well as a fifth in 1917) were assassinated by Jews — the same perfect record Jews own with American presidents.
Track this recurring political tool back as far as you like in history and you'll find the same circumstances pertain to the assassinations of King Charles I of England and King Louis XVI of France, as well as innumerable kings of countless other countries, as far back in history as you care to look.
The first attempted U.S. presidential assassination occurred in 1835, when our 7th president, Andrew Jackson, successfully shut down the national bank, by which the European Jew bankers controlled America. Would be assassin Richard Lawrence fired twice, but both shots misfired. Jackson promptly beat him with his cane.
Assassination No 1.
our 9th president, killed by doctors.
An official report at the time stated Harrison died not of pneumonia, which is the mainstream story, but really died from the treatment he was subjected to for "an ordinary winter cold." In the Currier lithograph depicting Harrison's death bed scene, Daniel Webster is shown giving an enthusiastic thumbs up. The August 1841 edition of the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, published just a few months after Harrison's death, suggests that it was the medical treatment that Harrison received, and not any virus or bacteria, which caused his demise. Vice President Tyler then broke all Harrison's campaign promises and became a pariah to both parties.
Assassination No. 2.
1850: ZACHARY TAYLOR, our 12th president,
poisoned by a bowl of cherries and milk.
Hero general of the Mexican war, Taylor disagreed with the Democrats over the concept of a strong national bank and opposed the extension of slavery. They exhumed Taylor's body in 1991 and found traces of arsenic in his bones. Vice President Fillmore reversed all his policies. Remember, 1848 was the year Karl Marx wrote the Communist manifesto and didn't mention the Rothschilds.
Assassination No. 3.
our 16th president, was shot in the head
and murdered in Ford's Theater, Washington. The popular mainstream version is that Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth (a Jew) for opposing the plans of Rothschild bankers who were funding the Confederacy. Alternative versions of the story include the Jesuits had him killed out of revenge, Secretary of State Edwin Stanton arranged it, and the Lincoln was really the son of a North Carolina Jew named Springsteen. The key fact seems to be the Greenbacks currency Lincoln created when the bankers wanted 36 percent interest on loans to finance the North in the War Between the States.
Assassination No. 4.
1881: JAMES GARFIELD, our 20th president,
shot down in a Washington railroad station,
after saying bankers ran everything from behind the scenes. "Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce." Two weeks later, Garfield was shot in the back by a delusional named Charles Guiteau, who supposedly was miffed about not being named ambassador to France. By the time Garfield died after 2 1/2 months of agony, his doctors had turned a three-inch-deep, harmless wound into a 20-inch-long contaminated canyon stretching from his ribs to his groin and oozing more pus each day. After Garfield's death his physicians submitted a bill of $85,000 to the Senate. The Senators authorized a payment of only $10,000. Many of them referred to the doctors as quacks.
Assassination No. 5.
1900: WILLIAM McKINLEY, our 25th president,
shot at point blank range in Buffalo, N.Y.
by a Jew anarchist who got his gun from the notorious Emma Goldman in a Brooklyn Workingman's Hall. Polish Jew Leon Czolgosz pumped two slugs into the president's stomach at the World's Fair while the president shook hands with citizens. Afterwards, a speech by Goldman was found in the assassin's pocket. Bro. Nathanael Kapner writes: " . . . McKinley was known as a "hard money" man. This was because he advocated a gold standard. Unlike his opponent, William Jennings Bryan, McKinley was against "easy money" with no backing — printed by Jew lenders at interest to the borrower — namely the US government. But by fighting against "easy money," (translate Jew-coined & printed-at-interest money) McKinley sealed his death warrant. A death warrant signed, sealed, and delivered by the powerful House Of Rothschild, criminals in bankers' suits."
Assassination No. 6.
1923: WARREN G. HARDING, our 29th president,
died in San Francisco after being poisoned
for opposing Simon Guggenheim's oil-related land grab in Alaska. Robust and healthy at age 57, Harding was the first U.S. president to visit Alaska. On the way back, he developed food poisoning. After lingering for a week in a San Francisco hotel room, he suddenly died. Four doctors attending to him could not agree on his cause of death. He was embalmed within the hour. Rumors blamed his jealous wife for avenging her husband's infidelity, but Harding is most infamous for his complicity in the Teapot Dome scandal, after which his Interior secretary Albert Fall went to jail for selling multibillion dollar oil rights to oilman Harry Sinclair.
Assassination No. 7
our 32nd president, was murdered by his top adviser,
Henry Morgenthau, for refusing to drop atomic bombs on Japan and his alleged reluctance to support the creation of the state of Israel. One week before his death, in a letter dated April 5, 1945, Roosevelt promised King Saud that he, as president of the United States, would take no hostile action against the Arabs and that the United States would not change its basic policy toward the Palestine issue without prior consultations with both Arabs and Jews. Roosevelt's policy was reversed by his successor, Harry Truman, who later recognized the State of Israel 11 minutes after it declared itself a nation.
Other numerous reports claimed FDR shot himself. "My mother always claimed that she was shopping in Bloomingdales in NYC at the time the news of FDR's death was announced. She said that the announcement over the store intercom that day, right after it happened, clearly stated that he'd shot himself in the head. She also said that not long after, the story given out by the news media suddenly changed to his death having been of natural causes."<>
Assassination No. 8
1963: JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY, our 34th president,
gunned down in Dallas by multiple unknown assailants.
The nation's only Catholic president, Kennedy was snuffed by a corrupt coalition of many (including Lyndon Johnson and George H.W. Bush) for Israel, the mob and the Federal Reserve. Jennifer Lake writes: "Suggested reading on the JFK assassination: the book FINAL JUDGEMENT by Michael Collins Piper (downloadable) <> Piper makes a case that JFK was thwarting the nuclear-weapons ambition of Israel. He writes "Israel achieved its nuclear weapons capabilities precisely because of the assassination of President Kennedy." He notes an American Free Press headline: "New Evidence Ties Israel's Nuclear Weapons Program to the New Orleans Connection in the JFK Conspiracy"." And then there was also the not-so-little matter of his creating currency in an attempt to disempower the Federal Reserve."
In addition, there were failed assassination attempts against presidents Andrew Johnson, Theodore Roosevelt, FDR, Gerald Ford, and Ronald Reagan, all attributed to 'lone nuts.'
But this well-documented historical pattern of Jew homicidal mania against leaders who refused to knuckle under to bribes and blackmail extends across much of the world throughout history.
After the U.S., the second-most glaring example of the persistence of Jewish killers is what happened to Russia in the 1800s. Jew anarchists killed all but one of five Russian czars in the 19th century, and culminated their murderous rampage by butchering the last czar and his whole family during the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, which was wholly the work of Jews funded by well-known Jewish bankers, principally Jacob Schiff, an agent of the Rothschilds.
1801: PAUL I
Catherine the Great was a German woman who engineered the killing of her husband Tsar Peter III and birthed Paul, whose father was her court lover. Paul first married the daughter of the Landgrave of Hesse, who furnished troops to England to suppress the American revolution. Nevetheless, Paul was a sincere king, who was eventually killed by his mother's corrupt co-conspirators, as well as his own son. His big mistake appears to have been changing the rules of succession, depriving the nobility of its privileges, and prohibiting women from ever again being named monarch.
Catherine's favorite grandson conspired in the murder of his father and, according to official records eventually died of typhus. But Count Cherep Spirodovich reveals that he was poisoned during a lunch with Jews, and never recovered. (p. 114, The Hidden Hand). Shortly thereafter, Nathan Rothschild tried to foment revolution in Russia, as his children did in 1830 and 1855.
England, France and Germany (by this time, all taken over by Jews: Disraeli in England, the poseur Napoleon III in France, and Bismarck in Germany) all joined together to prosecute the Crimean War in the south of Russia. It failed, but two years later, the czar, who had been called a demigod by a number of English writers, was poisoned by his own Jewish doctor.
Perhaps the saddest of all was the fate of a handsome prince known as the Tsar Liberator. He freed the Russian serfs in 1861, four years before Lincoln did the same. Most notably, he answered President Lincoln's call for help and sent ships to San Francisco and New York to help save the Union during the War Between the States. Later he gave Alaska to the U.S. for practically nothing. He survived seven assassination attempts before being blown up by the Jews he did his level best to liberate. And it took two bombs to do it: while Alexander was riding in his carriage, a bomb went off devastating a whole neighborhood. The king leapt out to help the survivors, and as he did, another bomb killed him.
Russia's last czar and his family were foully murdered by the Jews who were sent from America by the Jew banker Jacob Schiff. It was the same thing the Jews had done to Russia for hundreds of years, only this time they succeeded in taking over the whole country. They created the Soviet Union, which killed 66 million Russian natives. The moral nature of Judaism is so insane that almost a hundred years after the man called a demigod, Nicholas I, was poisoned by his Jew doctor, the very savage who killed more Russians than any other, Joseph Stalin, was himself poisoned by a Jew doctor when he was of no more use to the Hidden Hand.
In practically every nation on this Earth, the Jew Hidden Hand has killed legitimate leaders and replaced them with Rothschild-manipulated phonies. This story does not even include most of the world and the sabotage of legitimate governments and monarchies. The list would be too long for one story.
As much as I'd like to write more about the Jew subversion of the 500 year old Habsburg Dynasty, or the intrigues of ancient Greece, Rome and Egypt, let's just consider two more signal examples of this unending Jew murder scheme.
The ugliest revolution of all was the French Revolution, in which people all over France killed each other for reasons they themselves did not understand (a situation about to happen today in the United States). International Jew money-lenders plotted and planned the Great French Revolution of 1789, exactly the same way as they had plotted and planned and financed the English Revolution of 1640-1649. The descendants of these same International Jew Financiers have been The Secret Power behind every war and revolution from 1789 onwards. The king and his wife, the much maligned but throughly slandered Marie Antoinette, were eventually beheaded by Rothschild's subversives, and France has never been the same since. A recent president of France, Sarkozy, was an actual CIA Mossad agent.
Jews were expelled from England in 1290, both for typical usurious criminality and for killing Christian children and draining them of their blood for Talmudic rituals. But in the 1600s, Dutch Jew bankers bribed Oliver Cromwell to overthrow a weak King Charles I, and by manipulating the parliament, Cromwell succeeded. Charles was beheaded. The financial takeover of the world by Jews had begun, and the principal Jew criminals of the world set up shop in the City of London, where they now coordinate the ruination and enslavement of the entire world.
Count Cherep-Spirodovich, who had been a major general in the czar's army, reveals many things in his 1926 book, "The Secret World Government, or 'The Hidden Hand'". Among those secrets were:
"The first Jesuits were Jews; that mysterious Russian Diplomacy, which so alarms Western Europe, is organised and carried on by Jews ; that mighty revolution (of 1848) which is at this moment preparing in Germany, is entirely developing under the auspices of Jews, who almost monopolise the professional chairs of Germany".
"From all these numerous proofs that the Jews are the organizers of all the bloodshed, as CHRIST pointed it out (St. John, VIII,44) could we not deduce without the smallest doubt, that it will be Jews, who will plunge the United States into an ocean of blood in the nearest future, unless the Americans open their eyes and drop their blind groundless optimism…."
"Since the American Revolution the Jews have also been the real rulers of America and their power is constantly growing and becomes deadly in every sense, as the Jews themselves confirm it."
So there you have the basic story of the greatest assassins the world has ever known, who have destroyed all the great nations of the world by their manipulations and corruptions. Today, under the white noise coma of public media completely controlled by Jews, we have two U.S. presidential candidates whose staff are dominated by warmongering Israeli Jews and corrupt Hebrew bankers. The world has been poisoned, and most societies destroyed, by the most evil people ever to walk the Earth — Talmudic Jews.
Until the Jews are utterly destroyed, and all traces of their perfidy and perversions totally erased, the world will never know peace.
John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 250 N. McCall Rd. #2, Englewood FL 34223 USA.
by Jon Rappoport
May 23, 2012
Six days ago, I broke a story about the FDA. On one of its own web
pages, the agency admits that medical drugs kill 100,000 Americans a
Of course, none of those drugs would have reached the public, if the
FDA had ruled them out as dangerous. The FDA is the single entity
responsible for certifying medical drugs as safe and effective. On its
web page, the FDA neglected to mention that fact.
Imagine this. You go to an FBI web page and read the following:
"Murders committed by FBI agents are the third leading cause of
homicides in America every year."
Wouldn't that set off alarm bells? Wouldn't there be a public outcry?
Wouldn't the the press go crazy with the story?
Yet somehow, the FDA gets away with its crimes, its homicides. There
are no alarm bells, no arrests, no hearings, no public statements, no
press reactions, no shakeups at the Agency.
It's a miracle.
As I've been saying and writing for a decade now, the power of the
medical cartel is gigantic.
When I was running for a Congressional seat from the 29th District of
California, in 1994, and during my participation in the Health Freedom
movement of that period, I insisted we had to take the attack to the
FDA. We had to make their crimes public.
I was told by the people who were leading the charge for Health
Freedom that priority had to be given to passing a law that would
protect us all from attacks on nutritional supplements. Then, when we
had that law, we could think about going after the FDA.
Well, we got the law, which only gave us temporary protection, and
afterward, there was no "going after the FDA." It was suddenly a dead
I remember the people who said, "Don't attack the FDA." I remember
their attitudes, their faces, their words. They were not my friends,
and they weren't your friends. Some of them were yuppies selling
"let's be nice" New Age sentiment. A few were most likely plants who
had infiltrated the Health Freedom movement to water it down.
Various liars sell their lies through various strategies.
I assure you, there are doctors out there who know the statistics on
medically caused death in the US. They know about the drugs that kill.
They know what's going on. They know the FDA is accountable. They
remain silent. They feel no pressure to make a public statement.
They're living under the umbrella of protection provided by the
government and the press and the medical system. These doctors are
silent witnesses to ongoing mass murder. Just as the FDA is a silent
witness to its own mass-murdering practices. And of course, the
doctors write the prescriptions for the drugs.
Obama, Bush, Clinton; none of these men have indicated the slightest
awareness of the "problem." Did they know? Do they know? Just as I
predicted, correctly, that the FDA knows, I say these men do know.
They prefer to remain silent as well. They don't want to touch this
genocidal crime. They don't have the character or the courage.
Presidents and deans of medical schools know. Teachers at these
schools know. Pharmaceutical executives know. Medical researchers
know. The CDC knows. The World Health Organization knows. Editors and
reporters at major press outlets know. The DEA knows. The US Dept. of
Justice knows.
And now, a growing segment of the Internet knows. Will this story,
finally, build into an irresistible roar? Or will it again sink back
into the shadows?
A Matrix of hypnotic effect and cognitive dissonance is the obstacle.
People find it extremely difficult to believe that a federal agency,
in broad daylight, year after year, countenances and sustains the
unnecessary deaths of 100,000 people per year.
People find it extremely difficult to believe that, were such a story
true, they would not have heard about it already.
People want to believe that a crime of this boggling magnitude would
already have been prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
People want to believe the secular religion known as Medicine is
devoted to healing in all its forms.
People want to believe that, since doctors can put accident victims
back together in one piece and can set broken bones and diagnose
tumors and temporarily reduce inflammation, the practice of medicine
must be uniformly successful across the board.
To shatter all these firmly held conviction in one fell swoop is too
much for many people to absorb.
I want to correct an inadvertent impression about the FDA story. I
have no reason to believe the FDA is admitting to its own crimes or
that it is thumbing its nose at the public by allowing its web page to
remain standing. I think someone at the FDA made a serious mistake (or
was trying to get word out) by posting that web page. It was placed
online as a come-on for an educational module about adverse drug
effects. The module link no longer works. A few days ago, I was
forwarded data that appear to be from the module. The data are rife
with excuses and explanations for the 100,000 deaths per year—patients
self-medicating, incorrect drug-combining, doctors' prescribing
errors. None of this could possibly add up to 100,000 deaths a year,
every year. No, it is the FDA approval of drugs that are lethal to
begin with that is the cause of the holocaust. And if and when the FDA
learns how exposed they are, they will take that web page down.
Since I posed my article six days ago, the story has blown open at
Infowars (click here to access the video — and, see also this
article), the Robert Scott Bell show (click here to access the podcast
— and, see also this article), The Corbett Report (link forthcoming),
and Natural News (click here). Other websites have followed suit. It
remains to be seen how far the story will travel.
Keep in mind that, as the FDA approves drug after lethal drug, it also
attacks nutritional supplements, and it attacks genuinely promising
treatments for "cash cow" diseases.
Here is an illustration of such a promising treatment. The following
information comes from Daniel Haley's brilliant book, Politics in
Healing: The Suppression and Manipulation of American Medicine.
Haley recounts how a 1991 clinical trial of the innovative and
"alternative" cancer medicine, hydrazine sulfate (HS), was rigged.
Rigged to fail.
A spectacularly promising medicine, HS had shown good results in
trials at Harbor/UCLA hospital and in Russia. NCI felt obligated to
test the drug. But there was a catch.
The drug's discoverer, Dr. Joseph Gold, had found that HS could
provoke very dangerous effects if patients were taking other drugs,
especially tranquilizers. Several warnings were given to NCI before it
began its test. The warnings were explicit. Patients could DIE if they
were taking tranquilizers.
It turned out that none of the NCI patients were warned about this. It
turned out that 94% of those patients were in fact on tranquilizers.
Barry Tice, an investigator for the US General Accounting Office
(GAO), looked into the NCI trial of hydrazine sulfate after it was
over. He called Dr. Gold and told him he had found a "smoking gun."
There was an internal NCI memo which showed that NCI was well aware of
the problems involved in the drug combinations.
But the GAO did not back up its own investigator. The final GAO report
on the NCI clinical trials of hydrazine sulfate simply accused NCI of
sloppy bookkeeping.
In the June 1995 issue of the Journal of Clinical Oncology, a letter
from the NCI was published. The letter stated that NCI had omitted
mentioning, in its own published account of its cancer study, that 94%
of the patients had been on tranquilizers. But, because this letter
did NOT mention how dangerous that situation was, it looked like NCI
was simply admitting to a technical and unimportant mistake. A
clerical error.
So what did happen to the patients in the NCI hydrazine sulfate study?
In his book, Politics in Healing, Dan Haley reports that all the
patients in the study died.
The drug, hydrazine sulfate, a competitor for chemotherapy dollars,
was eliminated. Hydrazine sulfate is a cheap, widely available,
unpatentable substance. No profit there.
Was this story splashed across the front pages of major newspapers in
America? Did the "great men" of television, those holy anchors, insist
on covering it with the emphasis it deserved? Of course not.
The story was originally unearthed and published in Penthouse, by
reporter Jeff Kamen, who should have won a Pulitzer for it, but won
And NCI has a rule that none of its patients in clinical trials can
have their names revealed.
There is more to this incredible story. Penthouse publisher Bob
Guccione's wife, Kathy Keeton, who was the founder of Longevity, a
magazine that was part of the Guccione empire, was diagnosed with
"galloping breast cancer" in 1995. She was given 6 weeks to live.
She refused chemotherapy and became a VERY high-profile case of a
person taking hydrazine sulfate instead.
She also chose radiation to reduce one of her many tumors–a growth
around her bile duct. Dr. Gold said the dose of radiation should be
small, because hydrazine sulfate would enhance the effect of the
radiation. But the radiologist gave her the full dose instead, burned
her liver and caused later scarring.
Overall, Keeton recovered. In fact, a year after her predicted death
date, her cancer was in full remission. The hydrazine sulfate was a
remarkable success.
Guccione ran ads in Penthouse, asking for families of the dead victims
in the NCI experiment to come forward and join a class-action suit
against NCI.
Guccione estimated there had been 600 victims in the NCI clinical test.
In October 1997, Kathy Keeton went into a major and well-respected NY
hospital for surgery. From all accounts, this operation had nothing to
do with cancer. Amazingly, complications occurred. She died.
Most of America assumed she had succumbed to cancer. Further "proof"
that hydrazine sulfate did not work.
Predictably, the FDA got into the act. On April 23, 1998, that federal
agency raided a distributor of hydrazine sulfate, Great Lakes
Metabolics, in Rochester, Minnesota. In 2000, the FDA shut down the
company that supplied hydrazine sulfate to Great Lakes, and Great
Lakes went out of business.
In 1996, when hydrazine sulfate (HS) was still very much in the public
spotlight, Dr. Gold stated he received 20 phone calls in one day from
doctors at Sloan Kettering, the world's number one center for toxic
chemotherapy research and treatment. These doctors wanted to obtain HS
on the sly for their patients. Gold stated that roughly 2/3 of the
patients were from the doctors' families. And six of these doctors had
refused to give HS to other patients at Sloan Kettering. The phrase,
scum of the Earth, comes to mind.
Author Haley offers a dozen patient testimonials re HS. They are
anecdotes, to be sure, but they are remarkable.
Example: "Oncologist report in today. No cancer anywhere, after two
and a half months on HS and vitamins/minerals and supplements. They
have no idea where cancer went."
Example: "Seven weeks on hydrazine sulfate. Brain and lung lesions disappeared."
Example: "I purchased some HS for my sister a few weeks ago. Too early
to tell, but she went from near death at the hospital on chemo to a
campground some place, with a fishing pole."
HS studies at Harbor/UCLA and in Russia did not cure everyone, not by
a long shot. There are questions about those protocols too, because
ordinary foods like raisins are incompatible with HS–and who knows
what the patients were fed.
No well-designed studies have ever been done using HS on patients in
early stages of cancer, where the results might be even better.
More notes on HS (hydrazine sulfate)…
One session of conventional chemo costs enough to pay for 10 years of
treatment with HS.
In 1973, a doctor with a terminal Hodgkins patient approached Dr. Gold
for help. Gold recommended a dosage level. In a few weeks, the patient
was up and around, not dead. By October of 1973, 1000 patients in the
US were on HS.
Dean Burke, head of cell chemistry at NCI, said in 1974 that HS was
"the most remarkable anticancer agent I have come across in my 45
years experience in cancer…this material is so cheap because it is
made by the trainload for industrial purposes."
In September 1973, Sloan Kettering (SK), the most prestigious cancer
center in the world, started an HS study on terminal patients. The
lead physician, Dr. Manuel Ochoa, had agreed to give each patient 60
mg a day for 3 days and then 60 mg 3 times a day after that—but Dr.
Gold learned Ochoa was changing the protocol drastically—he was giving
1 mg the first day, then 2 mg the next day, and so on, building up to
a top of 30 mg—-except in some cases he actually gave patients 120-190
mg a day—brutal overdoses.
In 1975 SK announced HS was worthless.
Dr. Gold then did a study for Calbiochem, a drug company. 70% of 84
patients gained weight and had less pain. HS was, in fact, designed to
alleviate wasting away in the first place. 17% of the patients showed
tumor regression or a stabilization of their condition for one year.
In 1975, Russian researchers published two positive study findings on HS.
In 1976, the American Cancer Society (ACS) put HS on its dreaded
blacklist of "unapproved" cancer treatments. ACS neglected to mention
it owned 50% of a competing and highly toxic cancer drug, 5FU.
By 1978, the FDA was cracking down on HS. 5000 patients in the US were
on the medicine. The FDA falsely stated that HS caused bone marrow
toxicity. In fact, conventional chemo—approved by the FDA—destroys
bone marrow.
Jeff Kamen, the reporter who got the HS story out in Penthouse? Here
is how he became interested in the first place. His mother Erna came
back from cancer with HS. She gained 23 pounds and was doing much
better. Then her doctor convinced her to stop HS and go on an
experimental chemo drug. In five days, she was dead.
Jon Rappoport
The author of an explosive new collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon
was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of
California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an
investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics,
medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine,
Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon
has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic,
and creative power to audiences around the world. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 - Wall Street stealing children's teeth for profit
Wall Street stealing children's teeth for profitI've covered a lot of really unfortunate stories on the abuse of
young children at the hands of teachers, police, and even Child
Protective Services, but this story?
Our sister site, RealEconTV, is posting a story now in which
companies owned by Wall Street private equity firms are being
investigated by Congress for literally stealing children's teeth
right out of their mouths for profit.
Moreover, in some cases it was done while the children were at
school, without proper anesthesia, and without their parents
knowledge or consent. Here's the story...
Peter Schiff: "Upcoming Crash Is Going To Be Worse Than 2008": Video -
Euro Pacific Capital's Peter Schiff argues that quantitative easing is "toxic" for the economy.
Andrei Chikatilo, "The Red Ripper" - Fall Guy for Organ Harvesting Ops ?
"Due to the sheer savagery of the murders and the precision of the eviscerations upon the victims' bodies,
Russian police theorized that the killings may have been conducted by either a group harvesting organs
to sell for transplant, or were the work of a Satanic cult."
Big Pharma speading disease through 'medicine'
Clearly, I'm not a doctor or any kind of medical professional, but
I present to you this information so that you can make of it what
you will and decide for yourself.
There is a whooping cough epidemic. It's the worst we've seen in 70
Yes, we've covered this before, but the situation seems to be
getting worse and there is NEW information to be presented.
74% of these case are in VACCINATED children and he trend appears
to be following a specific vaccine push.
Here are the details...
ANTHONY LAWSON : Few fathers will ever have the pleasure of being able to record the voiceover for a very moving video
that was made by his daughter and two of her university colleagues. I am one of the fortunate few.
The Road to Rio with Voiceover
The short video describes some of Rio de Janeiro's 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympic infrastructure development plans that are threatening and destroying favela communities with forced evictions.
The History of Jewish False Flags, from the Spanish-American War to 9/11 The Pseudogang technique explained. Obama is continuing the pseudogang technique. The Space -Based weapons and the mythological enemy |
Best Free Videos
For Turning Point today – Monday, April 16th – Interview with guest: Dr. Gary Kohls, on the serious dangers of psychiatric pharmaceuticals – short and long range harm cause by sedatives, anti-psychotics, and other widely prescribed drugs. Dr. Kohls's biography: Podcast:
Adrian Salbuchi
4 June, 2012
President Obama promised change, but there's little of it in his war
policies, which are harsher than those of George W. Bush. US drone bombings
often target not just "terrorists" but all "military-age males in a strike
zone as combatants."
"Unless there is explicit posthumous intelligence proving otherwise", that
As an extensive recent report in The New York Times explains, for all
practical purposes Obama is applying what can best be described as a Total
War Doctrine, bringing government, military and media propaganda PsyWar
under one strategy.
The concept of "Total War" - war involving not just the military but all
civilians irrespective of age or sex, together with the entire
infrastructure of a country - became a horrible reality during the 20th
century, driven for the most part by steering scientific discoveries and
technological progress towards unlimited use in warfare. Total War is very
much alive today and is being spearheaded by the United States and its
This is being abetted on all fronts by US, European and global mainstream
media that willingly oblige. In the case of Obama's Total War Doctrine, the
media go along with US official policy, and describe the murder of innocent
people who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time when
American democracy-building drone bombs fall, as "militant combatants".
You see, Total War requires intense and constant psychological warfare to
convince public opinion - both at home and abroad - that "our boys" fighting
"to spread peace and democracy", always do the "the right thing" by killing
"the right people" who threaten America, Europe, Israel and the rest of the
West; in other words, by only killing "militant terrorist combatants".
That's the way Orwellian Newspeak has described US-led wars since 1945 -
whether fought by the US alone, or together with allies like Britain, EU
countries and Israel, or by puppet proxies. The list is very long: Korea,
Vietnam, Panama, Dominican Republic, Palestine, Egypt, Iraq, Afghanistan,
Libya, Iran, Africa, South America, Cambodia, Laos, Cuba, El Salvador,
Falklands, Nicaragua, Grenada, Serbia...The death-toll runs into the tens of
millions and has kept rising and rising.
Who's next? Syria, Iran? Sudan? North Korea? Venezuela? After 9/11, things
went from bad to worse.
The world today is confronted with a Super-Power hegemon increasingly
out-of-control that harbors a small, compact and extremely powerful group of
Global Power Masters embedded deep inside US/UK/EU public and private power
structures, controlling unbeatable navies and air forces, super high-tech
troop armies, unmanned drones, military satellites, napalm, cluster and
bunker-buster bombs, electronic surveillance, and secret weaponry like the
unexplained HAARP installations.
Add to this, the tens of thousands of ballistic missiles and nuclear bombs
pointed at target countries by the small Western nuclear club - the US, UK,
France and Israel - and things start looking bleak indeed.
All of it is backed by unlimited funding - both official and clandestine -
in the US and Allies. And when money falls short, well... there are always
"other means and sources"...Which is when spook agencies launder and recycle
trillions of drug, arms and organized crime monies to finance covert and
illegal operations; or when top officials engineer Iran-Contra type deals...
It all adds up to "America's Total War" policy. Not total war against any
one specific country, but against ALL countries the US, UK, France and
Israel believe support "terrorists", or that have sovereign national
governments they don't like, or - more pragmatically - countries blessed
with huge oil, gas, mining, water and food reserves that the Exxons, BPs,
Monsantos, Chevrons and Barrick Golds want to lay their grubby hands on,
only to then recycle trillion-dollar profits through JPMorganChase, Goldman
Sachs, CitiCorp, HSBC, Deutsche Bank...
America's Total War Machine costs trillions of US, UK and European taxpayer
dollars and euro, to which we must add further trillions created out of thin
air by the Federal Reserve and European Central Banks' printing presses,
which further erode the dollar and the euro so that, in the end, the whole
world ends up paying the bill for America's Total War through currency
America's Total War on Terror is fought everywhere, against everyone, and
has no end in sight.
Those tens of millions of naïve Americans and Europeans who thought Obama
could change things ushering in a "kinder, gentler world", should look
again: when it comes to US foreign policy, there never was and there never
will be any real difference between Republicans and Democrats.
So, if you happen to be just walking down the streets of some town in
Pakistan or Afghanistan, and by chance stroll by a US "terrorist target" and
you're killed by a drone bomb, you are no longer a "civilian casualty";
you're not even "collateral damage" anymore! Because - Presto! - the Obama
Total War Doctrine has just turned you into a "militant terrorist
Naturally, when drone attacks kill 30, 40 or 100 civilians the US officially
brand as "militant terrorists", they know full well that they haven't got a
clue whom they're murdering: it could be a local pizza delivery boy, or a
milkman, or a high school student, or a newspaper vendor or... what the
heck!!Simply brand him/her a "militant terrorist combatant" and close the US
Military's briefing report. The Western media will anyway obediently report
that more "militant terrorists" were just killed in America's Total War on
Terror (or Britain's, or the EU's, or Israel's...).
And don't you dare say that the Obama Doctrine carries no US
Stars-and-Stripes style Justice: because should it later be "posthumously
proven" that you we not a militant terrorist but just some guy walking his
dog, then America might re-label you as a "civilian casualty", or even
"collateral damage". Gosh, I'm feeling better already!!
When the US went into Global Total War on Terrorism mode, these inhuman,
hypocritical, criminal, deadly and lying tactics became an integral part of
Western-style "democracy" unleashed on our troubled world.
Today, billions of people are wondering where all this is taking us; when
will it stop?
The key question is: how can we stop a group of immensely powerful countries
that are way out-of-control? If we are ever to achieve some partial peace,
we must first put an end to today's Total War.
Adrian Salbuchi for RT
Adrian Salbuchi is a political analyst, author, speaker and radio/TV
commentator in Argentina.
Since the 1979 Iranian revolution and the downfall of the US Puppet Ruler the Shah, Iran has been an Islamic state. In that interval of time, 1979 to the present, Iran has not invaded anyone. Not once. People of all religions live in peace in Iran, even Jews, who find life so comfortable in Iran they refused an offer by the government of Israel to emigrate! In the same period of time, Israel, a self-declared Jewish state, attacked Iraq in 1981, bombing the power station at Osirik, claiming it was a clandestine weapons factory. Subsequent examination of the ruins following the 2003 invasion proved Israel had lied. In 1982, Israel invaded Lebanon. This led to the Massacres at Sabra and Shatilla. In February 2003 Israel staged incursions into Gaza and Nablus. In September 2007 Israel bombed Syria, again insisting they were destroying a clandestine weapons laboratory. Again there was no evidence to support Israel's claims. In 2006, Israel attacked Lebanon, killing 1200, mostly civilians, several UN observers, and littering the landscape with land mines on their way out. In February 2008 Israel again raided Gaza, killing over 100. HAMAS agreed to a cease fire and kept it for 6 months until November 4, when Israel again attacked without warning, killing 6 HAMAS members, and launching operation CAST LEAD. 1300 Gazans, mostly civilians, were killed. Israel lost 13 soldiers. Violations of international law included the use of White Phosphorus incendiary bombs against civilians and non-military targets. The United Nations investigated, but Israel refused to cooperate. In May 2010, Israel attacked an international aid flotilla bringing food and medical supplies to Gaza in international waters. 9 people were murdered including an American from New York.
In the same period of time, the United States, officially a secular nation but predominantly Christian*, attacked El Salvador (1980), Libya (1981), Sinai (1982), Lebanon (1982 1983), Egypt (1983), Grenada (1983), Honduras (1983), Chad (1983), Persian Gulf (1984), Libya (1986) , Bolivia (1986), Iran (1987), Persian Gulf (1987), Kuwait (1987), Iran (1988), Honduras (1988), Panama (1988), Libya (1989), Panama (1989), Colombia, Bolivia, and Peru (1989), Philippines (1989), Panama (1989-1990), Liberia (1990), Saudi Arabia (1990), Iraq (1991), Zaire (1991), Sierra Leone (1992), Somalia (1992), Bosnia-Herzegovina (1993 to present), Macedonia (1993), Haiti (1994), Macedonia (1994), Bosnia (1995), Liberia (1996), Central African Republic (1996), Albania (1997), Congo/Gabon (1997), Sierra Leon (1997), Cambodia (1997), Iraq (1998), Guinea/Bissau (1998), Kenya/Tanzania (1998 to 1999), Afghanistan/Sudan (1998), Liberia (1998), East Timor (1999), Serbia (1999), Sierra Leon (2000), Yemen (2000), East Timor (2000), Afghanistan (2001 to present), Yemen (2002), Philippines (2002) , Cote d'Ivoire (2002), Iraq (2003 to present), Liberia (2003), Georgia/Djibouti (2003), Haiti (2004), Georgia/Djibouti/Kenya/Ethiopia/Yemen/Eritrea War on Terror (2004), Pakistan drone attacks (2004 to present), Somalia (2007), South Ossetia/Georgia (2008), Syria (2008), Yemen (2009), Haiti (2010), etc. etc. etc. etc.
So, who is the danger to world peace ?
16 - Why Is the Government Withholding Documents About JFK's Assassination ?
Next year will be a half-century since the death of JFK. And the Obama Administration thinks we need to keep secret the records on the matter … a little longer yet.
Believe it or not, more than 50,000 pages of JFK assassination–related documents are being withheld in full. And an untold number of documents have been partially withheld or released with everything interesting blacked out. But why?
Since the government and the big media keep telling us there was no conspiracy and that it was all Lee Harvey Oswald acting on his own, why continue to keep the wraps on?
We don't have an answer, but in understanding this and any number of other mysteries, we can begin looking for patterns in the way the administration handles information policy.
We Want to Hear from You (But That's It — We Just Want to Hear from You)
Earlier this year, the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) asked, on its online Open Government Forum, for suggestions from the public about what it could do to create greater transparency. The #1 most popular idea? Get those Kennedy records out — before Nov. 22, 2013, the fiftieth anniversary of the Dallas tragedy.
But instead of dealing honestly with this matter, the feds have resorted to disinformation. In an interview with the Boston Globe, the Archivist of the United States claimed that at two public forums held on open records, the most public comments came from people interested either in the JFK assassination or … in UFOs.
Except for one thing: James Lesar, an attorney and co-founder of the Assassination Archives and Research Center (AARC), a D.C.-based nonprofit that has fought a long and valiant fight on behalf of the public interest in disclosure, attended both of those forums and says that, as he recalls, there were no people there asking about UFOs, or that at most it was of negligible interest. In fact, a look at NARA's online idea forum (now closed) showed no UFO proposals or comments.
So, what's with claiming otherwise? One could be excused for seeing in the Archivist's statement a deliberate, and unworthy, attempt to smear the legitimacy of JFK inquiries by trying to make them appear "kooky." (Not to judge the merits of the idea that there could be life elsewhere in the Universe, but the term "UFO conspiracist" is a well-worn dysphemism.)
Here's what actually happened at the NARA forums.
The first was held in 2010. The assistant archivist, Michael Kurtz, said that withheld JFK assassination records would be processed, along with other documents, for declassification — and that the process should be completed by the end of 2013.
But by 2011, Kurtz, who had been at NARA for decades, had retired. At the 2011 forum, Jim Lesar was told that JFK assassination records are not part of the declassification process. Hence, they will not be reviewed for release.
Huh? What Happened
For some perspective, meet Sheryl Shenberger. She's the head of the Archives' National Declassification Center. What would you guess Sheryl's professional background would be? Library of Congress? Academic research? Nope. Before NDC, Sheryl worked for … the Central Intelligence Agency.
The most logical and reasonable explanation for this is that the Obama administration placed an ex-spook in charge of declassification because this would induce her old colleagues in Langley to cooperate. (Which of course raises the question of whether, in a real democracy, you would want to have a bunch of people secretly deciding to do whatever they wanted with 50-year-old documents pertaining to a supposed loony loner who whacked a president.)
Frustrated by the administration's foot-dragging on JFK, AARC sent a letter urging the government to get off its duff. One signer was G. Robert Blakey, who served as a Chief Counsel to the House Select Committee on Assassinations (which in its 1978 final report said that, um … it looks like an organized conspiracy was responsible for JFK's death.)
ARRC's letter was dated January 20, 2012. According to Lesar, there has still been no reply — though NARA says it is working on it.
Release of the remaining documents, under the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992, can be postponed until October 26, 2017. Not so bad, you say? Actually, the Act further states that even in 2017, the president may decide to drag this on further, by withholding records indefinitely.
Records activists expect the CIA to petition for just such a decision. Any bets on President Hillary or President Mitt — or, quite possibly, President Jeb Bush, doing the right thing? What about all the secrets Jeb's father has to hide?
Playing Games with Numbers
One of the problems is that we're being asked to trust these folks at all. Even the number of documents being withheld — 50,000 — is a guess. At the 2010 public forum, Asst. Archivist Kurtz said that only about one percent of the five million pages had been withheld. Now the government is likely to say the number is even smaller. But think about it: What would they withhold, except the stuff that really tells us something important? So whether it is 50,000 or 500 documents, it appears that government officials are hiding something, and they're not about to give it up.
One of the many wonderful spook tricks is to designate files as "Not Believed Relevant." Among those so designated when the House Assassinations Committee investigated in the 1970s, we later learned, were files on the Soviet defector Yuri Nosenko. He had claimed to have been in charge of the KGB's Oswald files. Also branded were files on the Cuban Revolutionary Council, a CIA front group set up by the ubiquitous master planner E. Howard Hunt that was connected in multiple ways to the Oswald story.
"Not Believed Relevant"? We'll take one of each of those documents, please.
Amazingly, the CIA under George W. Bush may turn out to be more compliant than Obama's "open government" advocates. In 2004, on Bush's watch, the agency voluntarily agreed to accelerate the release of postponed JFK assassination documents, and it did indeed release some early.
By contrast, in the spring of 2012, three D.C. attorneys with long experience in litigating Freedom of Information cases expressed their disappointment with Obama in an opinion piece. They noted that the Department of Justice under Eric Holder seems willing to go to bat for any and every agency and department that wants to withhold information.
Open Government Plans … So Where's the Open Government?
On his first day in office, President Obama signed a government-wide directive — widely reported by the media — establishing a whole new level of commitment to openness and transparency. The administration has made some real strides. But arguably not on the most sensitive — and hence most important — matters.
On April 9, federal agencies were supposed to post updates to their Open Government Plans, this according to Cass Sunstein, administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, writing on the White House blog. Some agencies, including the Environmental Protection Agency, did so. But others, such as the Department of Labor , did not — and still have not. NARA is one of those that has not complied.
As the expression goes, sunshine is the best disinfectant. Opening up the nooks and crannies of government to public view was supposed to aid the process of discovering and rooting out the rot. This would, we were assured, help return Washington to the people. Obama selected Sunstein, a Harvard professor and old friend, to oversee this effort.
Not long ago, when I asked to discuss this with Sunstein, I was told he was "not available" for interviews.
Here's the exchange:
From: Russ Baker
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2012 11:12 PM
To: Sunstein, Cass R.
Subject: interview request
Mr. Sunstein, wonder if I might be able to do a phone interview with you about Open Records policy?
From: Strom, Shayna L.
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2012 12:25 PM
To: Russ Baker
Subject: FW: interview request
Unfortunately, Administrator Sunstein is unavailable for an interview. That said, you might try the Archivist of the United States at NARA? Best of luck!
From: Russ Baker
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2012 12:33 PM
To: Strom, Shayna L.
Subject: RE: interview request
Is he generally unavailable for interviews? What is the policy on that? Seems relevant given that this is about open government.
From: Strom, Shayna L.
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2012 5:00 PM
To: Russ Baker
Cc: Mack, Moira K.
Subject: RE: interview request
No, he's not generally unavailable—but the Archivist is intimately involved in one of our big open government initiatives (records modernization), so he's just a particularly good person to speak to on this.
So the person in charge of the overall governmental effort on open records wants me to talk to the person running one of the agencies that is … having difficulties complying with the spirit if not letter of Obama's announcement.
No Mr. Sunshine, That Mr. Sunstein
Actually, Sunstein has good reason to lay low. Watch this slightly raw video of someone confronting him about a paper he wrote a few years ago. In it, he actually advocated for "cognitive infiltration" of groups that espouse alternative views on controversial issues like the events of Sept. 11 (i. e, conspiracy theories).
Here's a quote from Sunstein's paper:
[W]e suggest a distinctive tactic for breaking up the hard core of extremists who supply conspiracy theories: cognitive infiltration of extremist groups, whereby government agents or their allies (acting either virtually or in real space, and either openly or anonymously) will undermine the crippled epistemology of those who subscribe to such theories. They do so by planting doubts about the theories and stylized facts that circulate within such groups, thereby introducing beneficial cognitive diversity.
Sunstein is a sort of caricature of everything people don't like and don't trust about government. The fact that he's in charge of "open government" speaks volumes.
Apparently not a great enthusiast for the Freedom of Information Act, Sunstein has said that judges are not qualified to second-guess executive branch decisions on what the public should or should not be told.
In light of this record, it's useful to consider Sunstein's broader mandate: to make government more efficient and accountable. Releasing records involves, in part, cutting red tape. Another aspect of cutting red tape is getting rid of bureaucracy. And that's where things get even more interesting. Under cover of making government more accountable, Sunstein gets to push for elimination of regulations that corporations find onerous. Here's a Washington Post article on Sunstein holding up (for more than a year) food safety legislation that the industry doesn't like.
What's going on here? Why the seeming shift away from Obama's initial commitment to openness? One attorney involved with these matters says he suspects this may be traceable to Obama's order, shortly after he took office, to release many of the so-called "torture memos." The President seemed taken aback by vociferous public demands that he prosecute the torturers — a perilous policy due to internal resistance — and quickly shifted to favoring the intelligence community and restricting disclosure. As the attorney points out, the broader concept — that transparency leads to public awareness, which in turn leads to demands for political changes — certainly does not sit well with dominant sectors in this country. Obama has hardly distinguished himself for seriously taking on those sectors. Maybe because he doesn't want to, maybe because … he can't. (For more on this, see our 2010 piece, "What Obama Is Up Against.")
NARA is now saying that the White House gave "small agencies" (meaning NARA) a June deadline for publishing its revised open government plan. But no White House postings support that claim. In any case, even if and when NARA becomes more responsive, don't bet on the government releasing the most valuable JFK-related documents … in your lifetime.
By the way, here's more on the new head of the Archives' declassification center: "Ms. Shenberger served as a Branch Chief in the CIA Counter Terrorism Center between 2001 and 2003" before being assigned declassification work for the Agency.
That's very interesting — since one gets the sense that the Agency is not eager to release inside dope on the government's astounding failures relating to one particular date in 2001.
Russ Baker is editor of and author of "Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, America's Invisible Government and the Hidden History of the Last Fifty Years."
17 - Are Christian Fundamentalists Teaching Genocide in Our Schools?
The Bible has thousands of passages that may serve as the basis for instruction and inspiration. Not all of them are appropriate in all circumstances.
The story of Saul and the Amalekites is a case in point. It's not a pretty story, and it is often used by people who don't intend to do pretty things. In the book of 1 Samuel (15:3), God said to Saul:
"Now go, attack the Amalekites, and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys."
Saul dutifully exterminated the women, the children, the babies and all of the men – but then he spared the king. He also saved some of the tastier looking calves and lambs. God was furious with him for his failure to finish the job.
The story of the Amalekites has been used to justify genocide throughout the ages. According to Pennsylvania State University Professor Philip Jenkins, a contributing editor for the American Conservative, the Puritans used this passage when they wanted to get rid of the Native American tribes. Catholics used it against Protestants, Protestants against Catholics. "In Rwanda in 1994, Hutu preachers invoked King Saul's memory to justify the total slaughter of their Tutsi neighbors," writes Jenkins in his 2011 book, Laying Down the Sword: Why We Can't Ignore the Bible's Violent Verses (HarperCollins).
This fall, more than 100,000 American public school children, ranging in age from four to 12, are scheduled to receive instruction in the lessons of Saul and the Amalekites in the comfort of their own public school classrooms. The instruction, which features in the second week of a weekly "Bible study" course, will come from the Good News Club, an after-school program sponsored by a group called the Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF). The aim of the CEF is to convert young children to a fundamentalist form of the Christian faith and recruit their peers to the club.
There are now over 3,200 clubs in public elementary schools, up more than sevenfold since the2001 supreme court decision, Good News Club v Milford Central School, effectively required schools to include such clubs in their after-school programming.
The CEF has been teaching the story of the Amalekites at least since 1973. In its earlier curriculum materials, CEF was euphemistic about the bloodshed, saying simply that "the Amalekites were completely defeated." In the most recent version of the curriculum, however, the group is quite eager to drive the message home to its elementary school students. The first thing the curriculum makes clear is that if God gives instructions to kill a group of people, you must kill every last one:
"You are to go and completely destroy the Amalekites (AM-uh-leck-ites) – people, animals, every living thing. Nothing shall be left."
"That was pretty clear, wasn't it?" the manual tells the teachers to say to the kids.
Even more important, the Good News Club wants the children to know, the Amalakites were targeted for destruction on account of their religion, or lack of it. The instruction manual reads:
"The Amalekites had heard about Israel's true and living God many years before, but they refused to believe in him. The Amalekites refused to believe in God and God had promised punishment."
The instruction manual goes on to champion obedience in all things. In fact, pretty much every lesson that the Good News Club gives involves reminding children that they must, at all costs, obey. If God tells you to kill nonbelievers, he really wants you to kill them all. No questions asked, no exceptions allowed.
Asking if Saul would "pass the test" of obedience, the text points to Saul's failure to annihilate every last Amalekite, posing the rhetorical question:
"If you are asked to do something, how much of it do you need to do before you can say, 'I did it!'?"
"If only Saul had been willing to seek God for strength to obey!" the lesson concludes.
A review question in the textbook seeks to drive the point home further:
"How did King Saul only partly obey God when he attacked the Amalekites? (He did not completely destroy as God had commanded, he kept the king and some of the animals alive.)"
The CEF and the legal advocacy groups that have been responsible for its tremendous success over the past ten years are determined to "Knock down all doors, all the barriers, to all 65,000 public elementary schools in America and take the Gospel to this open mission field now! Not later, now!" in the words of a keynote speaker at the CEF's national convention in 2010. The CEF wants to operate in the public schools, rather than in churches, because they know that young children associate the public schools with authority and are unable to distinguish between activities that take place in a school and those that are sponsored by the school.
In the majority opinion that opened the door to Good News Clubs, supreme court Justice Clarence Thomas reasoned that the activities of the CEF were not really religious, after all. He said that they could be characterized, for legal purposes, "as the teaching of morals and character development from a particular viewpoint."
As Justices Souter and Stevens pointed out in their dissents, however, the claim is preposterous: the CEF plainly aims to teach religious doctrines and conduct services of worship. Thomas's claim is particularly ironic in view of the fact that the CEF makes quite clear its intent to teach that no amount of moral or ethical behavior (pdf) can spare a nonbeliever from an eternity in hell.
Good News Clubs should not be in America's public elementary schools. As I explain in my book,The Good News Club: The Christian Right's Stealth Assault on America's Children, the club exists mainly to give small children the false impression that their public school supports a particular creed. The clubs' presence has produced a paradoxical entanglement of church and state that has ripped apart communities, degraded public education, and undermined religious freedom.
The CEF's new emphasis on the genocide of nonbelievers makes a bad situation worse. Exterminist rhetoric has been on the rise among some segments of the far right, including some religious groups. At what point do we start taking talk of genocide seriously? How would we feel about a nonreligious group that instructs its students that if they should ever receive an order to commit genocide, they should fulfill it to the letter? When does a religious group qualify as a "hate group"? Should schools be involved in choosing which passages of scripture are appropriate in the public school context? But wouldn't that involve the state in regulating religion? And isn't that precisely why we used to keep religion out of the public schools in the first place?"
Katherine Stewart is the author of "The Good News Club: The Christian Right's Stealth Assault on America's Children" (PublicAffairs). Visit her Web site or follow her on Twitter @kathsstewart.
18 - Defiance : A Lost Virtue ?
It was Aug. 19, 1920. A military detachment of Red Army soldiers led by Bolshevik authorities steamrolled into the Russian town of Khitrovo to implement a policy known as "Prodrazvyorstka"; resource allocation in the name of national security which led to the confiscation of vital grain supplies and the starvation of millions of peasants.
To be sure, multiple excuses were used to rationalize the program, all in the name of the "greater good." But in reality, Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks saw the farming culture of Russia not as human beings, but as mechanisms for feeding city residents and the army; the power centers of the newly formed Communist government.
This attitude of collectivism (and elitism at the highest levels) and the treatment of the food producing subsection of the populace as slaves to the machine predictably generated the desire for civil unrest and even rebellion. By the time the Red Army had entered Khitrovo, the region was already a tinderbox. After they had taken everything of value and began to beat elderly men in public view as an example to the rest of the town, a war had ignited.
At the height of what was later called "The Tambov Rebellion," between 50,000 and 70,000 Russian citizens took up arms against their oppressive government. These included Red Army soldiers who left their posts to join the cause.
Vastly outnumbered, and technologically outclassed in every way, the guerilla fighters managed to infiltrate multiple levels of Bolshevik society and government and strike debilitating hits against Russian infrastructure. So great was the threat that Lenin, along with Red Army leadership, ordered chemical warfare to be used in the forests where guerrillas were thought to be dug in, as well as summary executions of civilians, many of whom were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Concentration camps were built; mostly to house women, children and elderly people thought to be related to insurgents and to be used as bargaining chips. Eventually, the rebellion diminished, but not before Lenin was forced to end the policy of Prodrazvyorstka along with many other directives that had angered the Russian public.
The Soviets later attempted to erase all memory of the event, destroying records and removing public figures who might recount what had happened. However, the fight against collectivist control and state power continued through numerous movements until the break-up of the empire decades later.
Now, many historians and cynics would label the Tambov Rebellion an overall failure. They did not succeed in removing Lenin and the Bolsheviks. They did not defeat the Red Army. They did not directly put an end to Prodrazvyorstka, though they did trigger a chain of dominos which forced Lenin's hand. There was no glowing victory as there was during the American Revolution centuries before.
The freedom fighters were mostly forgotten until the fall of the Berlin Wall and the release of documentation that had survived the purge. However, what these men and women did accomplish was to set an example; to remind us of the ongoing and inevitable battle between oppressive establishments and the people they seek to dominate.
Even in the nightmare world of communist Russia, from the conquests of Lenin, to the terrors of Stalin, even in the face of organized and energized tyranny, people decided to fight rather than quietly live in servitude. The lesson we are taught by the Tambov Rebels is that there is no such thing as unassailable empire, that free thinking people will ALWAYS exist, that the drive for independence is inborn and inherent, and that no oligarchy will stand unopposed for very long.
Another lesson we learn is that defiance is a virtue unto itself. It is its own means and its own end. Wherever people seek truth and honor, no consequence is foreboding enough to stop them. Defiance takes no notice of the threat of death.
Some may question the example of the Tambov Rebellion and its relevance to our times. "Surely," they will say, "the days of concentration camps, martial law, food confiscation and general war against the people by most governments are long gone. We are living in more 'civilized times,' where technology and reason prevail."
The gullibility of this worldview is hard to ignore. In fact, Americans today may very well bear witness to similar or far worse tragedies in the coming years, if current Presidential directives and Congressional legislation are any indication. It has become obvious that the USA Patriot Acts which many in the public rolled over for (under some protest) was a mere warm-up to policies like the following:
- The John Warner National Defense Authorization Act: A Bush-supported action allowing the President to unilaterally declare a "public or national emergency" for any reason he wishes without Congressional consent and institute martial law policies aimed at suppression of the populace (the President is required by the act to "inform" Congress of his intentions after 14 days, but does not give Congress the power of oversight). It also solidifies the erasure of Posse Comitatus.
- Presidential Directive 51: Signed in private by George W. Bush. Allocates further power to the President to declare a national emergency for any reason he sees fit and to institute Continuity of Government Policies (martial law, among other things). This directive was only partially released to the public, but the entire document remains classified, even to members of Congress!
- National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA 2012): Incorporates policies outlined in Senator John McCain's and Senator Joseph Lieberman's thoroughly rejected "Enemy Beligerents Act." Allows the President along with the Department of Homeland Security to label anyone, even an American citizen, an "enemy combatant" under the laws of war. It opens the door to the complete dismantling of Habeas Corpus, giving military authorities the ability to arrest U.S. citizens without warrant, without due process, without trial by civilian jury, to be held indefinitely: in other words, rendition and black-bagging of U.S. citizens regardless of civil liberties or the Constitution.
- Assassination Programs: President Barack Obama has not only claimed the right to assassinate American citizens, he has executed such orders. This policy works as an extension of the NDAA, meaning anyone can be labeled an enemy combatant without trial and can be detained or killed as such. These actions have been opposed by civil liberties unions and politicians alike, but because they have so far only been used against U.S. citizens working with al-Qaida, the general public remains on the fence or oblivious to the dangerous precedent. The Constitution specifically outlines what is to be done with Americans who aid the enemy in times of war in the Treason Clause. The Treason Clause allows NO assassination or detainment without trial. In fact, it REQUIRES a trial by jury along with two witnesses testifying to the overt criminal act. The Treason Clause has been utterly ignored by the Obama Administration thus far.
- National Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order: Obama recently signed this executive order which allows the President and the DHS to commandeer or confiscate public and private resources (any resources) in the name of national security and even allows for what essentially amounts to forced labor of U.S. citizens in the name of the "national good." This is an almost exact replication of the powersclaimed by Lenin and the Bolsheviks that triggered the Tambov uprising.
- Internment And Resettlement Operations: A secret Department of Defense document recently leaked to the public outlines extensive planning on the part of the government to use DHS and FEMA to "relocate" U.S. citizens and detainees to internment camps for processing. Triggers for such a policy could include natural disasters, man-made disasters and terrorist attacks, among many others. The document specifically requires "special exceptions" to Posse Comitatus, allowing for military operation of the camps in question.
The response to many of the disturbing provisions listed above has so far remained in the legal and political realm. A considerable portion of those aware of the dangerous path our government has taken just over the past decade is to approach the problem from the top down. Unfortunately, they don't seem to realize or understand the greater crisis at work.
Politically, there is very little recourse outside of full State nullification under the 10thAmendment. At the pace these executive orders and draconian bills are being churned out and slapped with a stamp of approval, the American people would have to unseat the President and almost every sitting Senator and Representative, replacing them with true Constitutional statesmen and revamping Washington D.C. in the span of a few years in order to prevent the inevitable totalitarian abuse of the legal powers that now exist. This is not going to happen. Given that almost every President and Presidential candidate for the last few decades has supported identical policies as far as expanding government power, voting in one party or the other (at least at the national level) does not appear to make much difference anymore.
Legally, every avenue is being explored, but with little progress. The recent block on the NDAA by 4th District Court Judge Katherine Forrest was a moment of hope among anti-NDAA proponents, but the end result was obvious to some of us in the Liberty Movement. So far, the Obama Administration has stated that her ruling is basically of no consequence to them and that they will continue to implement the NDAA as they see fit.
Apparently, the Judicial Branch now only has a say in matters of government when it agrees with the position of the President or DHS. This shows conclusively that the government intends to ignore court-based decisions that are contrary to desired policy and that while the legal fight should be pursued, we should not expect much in the results department.
So, where does this leave us? If we cannot redress our grievances through elections, or through the courts, what is there for a freedom loving American to do? Though the thought causes some to shudder, it is not only logical but imperative that we look at the existing alternatives seriously. Invariably, if a government was to enforce any or all of the policies listed above, the result would be citizen dissent, peaceful or militant.
When a social system becomes so corrupted that its only prerogative is its own survival and self perpetuation, even at the cost of the life and liberty of the people it was originally tasked to defend, the populace has no choice but to question whether that system should continue to exist any longer. Conflict, is unavoidable.
As clear as this fact is to anyone with any sense, though, I find that many seem to treat the idea of physical action as astonishing, or shocking. Some even laugh as if the concept is outdated and absurd. Yet, they never seem to have an answer to the primary underlying question: What else is there? If working within the system only results in wasted effort and wasted time, what do the naysayers plan to do? Curl up in a ball and die? Or perhaps join the venomous establishment they could not subdue?
As discussed earlier, the Tambov Rebellion and examples like it impress upon the narrow-minded visions of failure. To them, defiance, real defiance, leads only to death and disaster. The key to their extraordinary mistake is that they assume that defiance is about the "assurance" of victory. There are never any assurances. There were no assurances of victory for the Founding Fathers, there were no assurances for the Tambov Rebels, and there are no assurances for us if we one day have to draw a line in the sand against the very system we were born into.
At bottom, the debate over solutions within the system versus solutions from without is irrelevant. On our current course, there is no other choice for the average American but to say no, regardless of the law or the threat of its violent enforcement.
Rebellion, in all its forms, is as natural as the cycles of the Earth. It reoccurs time and again, sometimes suppressed, but not for long. The horrors of governments gone rogue are no secret. We have so many examples in history to draw from it is difficult to imagine any crime that despots have NOT visited upon innocents. Frankly, if control-thirsty elites can refine tyranny down to a science by examining the mistakes of the past, there is nothing stopping us from refining defiance down to an art form as well. Again, what other choice do we have, but to take heart in the knowledge that though there is no assurance of victory, there is also no assurance of defeat.
-Brandon Smith
19 - ENCORE : What Every Jew (and Non-Jew) Should Know
July 22, 2007
By Henry Makow Ph.D.
A Chicago-area scholar, Christopher Jon Bjerknes, 42, thinks he knows what plagues mankind and believes his knowledge is necessary to stop Armageddon.
He says a heretical cult, the "Shabataian Frankists," controls organized Jewry, including Zionism and Freemasonry. They began as followers of Shabatai Zvi (1626-1676) and later Jacob Frank (1726-1791.) They believe Shabatai was the Messiah (God) and his soul has transmigrated down to the Rothschild dynasty, who are now the "king of the Jews."
According to their messianic system, Redemption requires that the Rothschilds become God, i.e. king of the world. This will see the sacrifice of 2/3 of all Jews and the destruction and enslavement of the rest of mankind. Bjerknes believes this demented creed actually is the motive force behind history, including all wars, and "world government."
Bjerknes (B-YERK-NES) is proud of his Norwegian Jewish heritage, ( maternal grandfather, a famous musician, was Jewish.) He has written two massive books-- one about Albert Einstein as a plagiarist, and another about the Shabataian inspired Armenian Genocide -- that include hundreds of pages of suppressed Jewish history. They can be found as PDFs at his web site
I think he exaggerates the importance of Jewish messianism but I may be wrong. His message is compelling and consistent with the Protocols of Zion where the author (whom I believe is Lionel Rothschild) talks about coming into his "kingdom."
The Shabataians believe their king is duty bound to restore the Jews to Israel and exterminate the Gentiles. They believe the Messiah won't appear until the world succumbs to evil and are determined to make this prophecy self-fulfilling. Thus evil is good. In Bjerknes' view, this constitutes a "Jewish war against humanity." When Bjerknes refers to Jewish, he means "Shabataian."
The Shabataians are often sexual degenerates who engage in wife swapping, orgies and incest. They often pretend to be Christians or Moslems to worm their way into Gentile society in order to destroy it. (Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians, pp.64-65.)
Bjerknes cites Deuteronomy as an example of this Jewish supremacism: "the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth. " (7-16) "And all people of the earth shall see that thou art called by the name of the LORD; and they shall be afraid of you." (28:10)
He points to Zachariah [13;8-9] as evidence that Jews will be slaughtered: "And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the LORD, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein."
[9] "And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The LORD is my God." (He also cites Ezekiel 5:12-13 to this effect.)
On pp. 43-46 of Jewish Genocide, Bjerknes cites references from the Talmud and the Old Testament to the plan to exterminate and enslave Gentiles.
For example, Genesis 25 ; 23 and 27 ; 38-41 promises the Gentiles to the Jews as their slaves and slave soldiers, and gives an incentive to exterminate the Gentiles simply because they dare resent their fate.
At the beginning of the 19th century the Rothschilds started campaigning to return the Jews to Israel, purchasing land there and scheming to breakup the Ottoman Empire. They later bought the Suez Canal to project their power into the Middle East. Bjerknes writes:
"The ruin of the Turkish Empire and the mass murder of the Armenian Christians were one step on the long and tumultuous Jewish march toward the death of mankind. The ruin of the Russian empire was another, followed by the repeated destruction of Europe, particularly Germany in the World Wars this Jewish cult created in an attempt to artificially fulfill Messianic prophecy and force the Jews of Europe against their will to flee to Palestine." (66)
According to Bjerknes, Jewish support was the only thing lacking in the the Rothschilds' plan to establish a world government in Jerusalem, with them as king:
"They could bankrupt Egypt and Turkey. They could bring Russia to ruins. They could buy Jewish ne'er-do-wells. They could even buy the Pope but the only way to force Jews in large numbers to Palestine was to put Hitler and Stalin in power and persecute Jews on a massive and unprecedented scale." (291)
Bjerknes has a poignant warning to Christians:
"In the Jewish dominated media of today, we find many Jews preaching to the public that the end times are coming and that Christians ought to view their own destruction in a positive light as if it were the divine fulfillment of Christian and Jewish prophecy. Many Christians have been duped by these charlatan...the destruction of the world and its nations is occurring as the result of the deliberate intervention of immensely wealthy Jews and not as the result of God's will. These Jewish leaders view the Hebrew Bible as a plan, which they are deliberately fulfilling.... (327)
As my readers know I see the New World Order as an elite conspiracy driven primarily by the central bankers' desire to consolidate their monopoly on credit and power. I believe there is a strong "Jewish" element but that they have co-opted all gentile elites using intermarriage, Freemasonry (run by the Illuminati), and Aryanism. Look at the Gentile membership of the Illuminati Skull and Bones for example. Bjerknes doesn't think the Illuminati is still in business and downplays the Gentile role.
In an email, Bjerknes writes that intermarriage is part of the "Jewish" strategy:
"I believe that powerful Jewish interests have been deliberately attempting to fulfill Jewish messianic prophecy for 2,500 years and have duped many Gentiles into helping them obtain their objectives. They have also recruited many Gentiles through intermarriage, friendship and selfish interests, who are not dupes, but commit inhuman acts out of greed, vanity, or for other immoral reasons. Do they believe that what they are doing is evil? I suspect some do.
I am not opposed to identifying secret societies and the ties among the elite. I simply do not see any justification for calling them Illuminati. As for the overall path of politics and the faces of those who are pushing the cart toward WW III, I think I and countless others have proven that it is a Jewish movement, and that the Illuminati were nothing but a small part of this Jewish movement to gin up an apocalypse, which dates back at least 2,500 years. Of course not everything happening today has a Jewish hand steering its course. But I do believe that powerful Jewish interests ...have the ability to exert more influence than all other groups combined, for the very reason that they have infiltrated so many organizations, religions and governments, and have such disproportionate influence in the media."
I wouldn't be presenting this material if I didn't think it important to examine Jewish messianism. If world events indeed are driven by the Rothschild's megalomania propped up by Shabataian ,Old Testament and Talmudic fanaticism, I think Jews and non-Jews alike would want to know, and take exception.
Certainly the role of Jewish Rothschild agents in advocating for the Iraq war and an attack on Iran is consistent with the profile above.
If Bjerknes is right, "anti-Semitism" is exposed as psychological warfare designed to disarm opposition to an insidious agenda by portraying this opposition as racist. It is also used to manipulate Jews who have been opposed to the Rothschild's insane agenda, and victims of it.
Related: Hitler Used Rothschild Banker's Typewriter for "Mein Kampf"
20 - Big Fat Kosher Fiction : 19th Century Russian "Pogroms"
The anti-Jewish riots, or "pogroms" of late 19th-century Russia represent one of the most decisive periods in modern Jewish, if not world, history. Most obviously, the riots had demographic implications for western countries – around 80% of today's western Diaspora Jews are descendants of those Jews who left Russia and its environs during the period 1880–1910. But perhaps the most lasting legacy of the period was the enhancement of Jewish "national self-awareness," and the accelerated development of "modern, international Jewish politics."[1]
The pogroms themselves have consistently been portrayed by (mainly Jewish) historians as "irrational manifestations of hatred against Jews,"[2] where peasant mobs were the unwitting dupes of malevolent Russian officials. Other explanations are so lacking in evidence, and so devoid of logic that they stretch credulity to breaking point. For example, University of British Columbia Professor, Donald G. Dutton has asserted that the mobs were not motivated by "the sudden rapid increase of the Jewish urban population, the extraordinary economic success of Russian Jews, or the involvement of Jews in Russian revolutionary politics" but rather by the "blood libel."[3]
Little or no historiography has been dedicated to peeling back the layers of "refugee" stories to uncover what really happened in the Russian Empire in the years before and during the riots. This lack of historical enquiry can be attributed at least in part to a great reluctance on the part of Jewish historians to investigate the pogroms in any manner beyond the merely superficial. In addition, historical enquiry by non-Jewish historians into the subject has been openly discouraged. For example, when Ukrainian historians discovered evidence proving that contemporary media reports of Jewish casualties in that nation were exaggerated, the Jewish genealogy website 'JewishGen,'responded by stating: "We believe that [these facts] are more than irrelevant because it redirects public attention from the major topic: the genocidal essence of pogroms."
It should suffice to state here that this response contravenes the very essence of historical enquiry – to uncover history as it actually happened, irrespective of the uncomfortable truths which may lie therein. The statement could be translated as "Let's not let the facts get in the way of a good story." Also, as this paper will show, the tendency to portray the riots as "genocidal" is completely lacking in foundation. University of California Los Angeles Professor of Sociology, Michael Mann, has provided substantial evidence indicating that "most perpetrators did not conceive of removing Jews altogether."[4]
JewishGen's allusion to genocide should also be seen as part of a broader problem in modern Jewish historiography. Rather than seeing the pogroms as products of specific local circumstances, in which Jews would play at least an implicit role, there has been a tendency to use them for comparative purposes. John Klier states that when used in a comparative sense, "examples are drawn almost exclusively from the 20th century, and these events are then read back into the earlier period of 1881–2," making any objective historical enquiry difficult, and implying the presence of some non-existent 'pan-European' malaise in anti-Jewish actions.
Nonetheless, this series of essays will seek to peel back the myths, to tease a few threads of truth from the veil which covers these events. Encouragingly, some work has already begun in this respect. I.M. Aronson's assertion that the pogroms were "planned or encouraged to one degree or another, by elements within the government itself,"[5] has been dealt a death blow in recent years through the concerted work of a small number of non-Jewish historians, mostly notably, University College London's Professor of Hebrew and Jewish Studies, John Doyle Klier. In his 2005 work, Russians, Jews, and the Pogroms of 1881–2, Klier asserts that "contemporary research has dispelled the myth that Russian officials were responsible for instigating, permitting, or approving the pogroms."[6]
This series of essays will attempt to move further, adhering to the belief that the facts of the events remain paramount to historical enquiry rather than being a 'distracting' irrelevance. The series will begin with an explanation of the origins of Russia's "Jewish Question." Subsequent articles will concern the pogroms themselves and how myth and exaggeration have plagued our conception of them. Finally, I will examine why these myths were developed, and the broader implications of the prevalence of myth in Jewish 'history.'
Part One: Russia's Jewish Question.
In 1772 the Russian Empire orchestrated the first partition of Poland, "erasing from the geopolitical map of Europe a large kingdom, which in the seventeenth century had extended over broad areas between Prussia and southern Ukraine."[7] Significantly, in doing so, the Russian Empire also oversaw "the dissolution of the largest Jewish collective in the world."[8] Polish Jewry was divided into three parts – those in Posen came under the sovereignty of Prussia, those in Galicia came under the sovereignty of Austria, and those in Poland proper came under the sovereignty of the Russian Empire.[9] In Poland proper, the Polish public turned in on itself, searching frantically for the reasons for the ruin of the nation, and in doing so, states Israel Friedlander, "the Jewish problem could not but force itself on its attention."[10]
Investigations carried out by special committees discovered that in the decades prior to partition, Polish Jewry had enjoyed a demographic explosion, with Jews now representing almost 20% of the entire population. In addition, it was discovered that Jews controlled a full 75% of Polish exports, and that many were now spilling out of over-populated urban centres into the countryside, making a living by monopolising the sale of liquor to peasants.[11] By 1774, complaints were reaching Russian officials from non-Jewish merchants who argued that Jewish ethnic networking was propping up the monopoly of exports, and that this monopoly would shortly have dire implications for the consumer.[12] These revelations were the key motivating factors in the decision to expel Warsaw's Jews in 1775, and until the early 19th century there was a kind of stand-off between Poles and Jews.[13] Napoleon's establishment of the Duchy of Warsaw in 1807 did little to alter the situation, as Napoleon acceded to local sentiment which held that Jews should not feel the benefit of the new constitution until they had "eradicated their peculiar characteristics."[14] In 1813, the government of the Duchy moved to break the Jewish monopoly on liquor, banning all Jews from selling alcohol in the villages, bringing an end to the activity of "tens of thousands" of Jewish liquor merchants in the provinces. Not surprisingly, when the Duchy was dissolved in 1815 following Napoleon's failed attempt to invade Russia, Polish Jewry shed no tears.
In late 1815, the Congress of Vienna was held. The aim of the congress was to give its assent to the formation of a new autonomous Polish kingdom under the sovereignty of Russia. Although the bulk of Polish Jewry remained within the newly established kingdom, tens of thousands also poured forth into other areas of the Russian Empire, ushering in an uncomfortable age of fraught Russian-Jewish relations. The immediate reaction of the Russian government to the acquisition of such large, and unwanted, Jewish populations was to prevent the penetration of these populations from intrusion into the old Russian territories, and the solution reached was one of containment. A new kind of settlement was created in provinces along the western frontier, and it became known as the "Pale of Settlement." Although a large amount of negative connotations have been attributed to the Pale, it was not an impermeable fortress. Certain Jews were permitted to reside outside these provinces, they could visit trade fairs, and Jews were even permitted to study at Russian universities provided they did not exceed quotas. By 1860, more than half of world Jewry resided in the Pale.
Following the Congress of Vienna, wherever Jews resided in the Russian Empire, they overwhelmingly "served in a variety of middleman roles." In some cities, "the Jewish mercantile element was numerically superior to the Christian," and there was a gradual move towards the reacquisition of the liquor trade.[15] According to Klier, by 1830 Belorussian Jews were found to be "totally dominating trade" in that country.[16] It was largely Klier's work in the late 1980s which began to truly shed light on the origins of Russian-Jewish relations prior to 1914. Klier, born into a Catholic family in Kansas, "rejected what might be called the Fiddler on the Roof pieties and simplifications. In book after book, he emphasised that what the tsars and their ministers wanted, above all else, was for the Jewish settlements to be orderly and productive."[17] Klier further stressed that the much-maligned Pale of Settlement was simply the only response that the Russian administration could come up with, faced as they were with the "baffling question" of how to deal with the "fanaticism of ultra-Orthodox Jewry" which was thoroughly "unassimilable to official purposes."[18]
In 1841, investigations were carried out into Russia's Jewish communities, and the subsequent reports pointed to three significant problems. The first was persistent Jewish difference in dress, language, and religious and communal organization. The idea underpinning this aloofness from non-Jewish society, the 'Chosen' status of the Jews and an accompanying ethnic chauvinism, was said to be particularly harmful to Jewish-Gentile relations, particularly when it was reinforced through "a system of male education that was thought to inculcate anti-Christian interpretations of the Talmud."[19] The second, related, problem was that Jewish economic practices were also rooted in this aloofness. The Talmud "encouraged and justified unreserved economic exploitation based on cheating and exploiting the non-Jews,"[20] in a validation of Max Weber's theory of 'internal' and 'external' ethics, whereby "members of a cohesive social unit observe different moral standards among themselves compared with those observed in relation to strangers."[21] The third aspect of the Russian 'Jewish Question,' was the issue of Jewish loyalty. The Jews of the Russian Empire had evidently retained the kahal of pre-partition Polish Jewry. The kahal was a formal system of Jewish communal leadership and government, entirely separate from the Russian state. Although tacitly tolerated by the state for its tax collection capabilities, Jewish loyalty to the kahal was absolute, going beyond the merely fiscal. Almost all Jews continued to resort to Jewish courts.
John Klier states that following these revelations, "state and society shared a consensus that Jews could be – and must be – reformed and transformed into good subjects of the realm."[22] Under Emperor Alexander I (1801–25) there had been attempts to encourage Jews to pursue more productive economic activities. Generous concessions were made to Jews in the hope that they would abandon their middleman roles, as well as the distilleries and taverns of the provinces, and take up work in agricultural colonies. Klier states that the "embeddedness of the Jews in the economic and social life of the imperial borderlands ensured that despite legislative initiatives, Jewish economic life remained largely unchanged."[23]
In 1844, under Nicholas I, the Russian government began a program of reforms and legislation designed to break down Jewish exclusivity and incorporate the nation's Jews more fully into Russian society. Not surprisingly, the government first took aim at the kahal, banning it as "an illegal underground structure."[24] The significance of the banning of the kahal went beyond tackling the issue of Jewish loyalty. The mutual assistance offered by the kahal was felt to have had economic implications – "it was the mutual support provided by the kahal that ensured that Jews were more than a match for any competitor, even the arch-exploiter of the Russian village, the kulak."[25] The civil rights of any "Jews who were perceived to be engaged in productive undertakings" were extended, though there were few takers. Nicholas I even conceived of, and supported, the establishment of state-financed Jewish schools, in the hope that such establishments would lead to the development of a more progressive and integrative Russian Jewry. Unfortunately for Nicholas, what his system produced was a cadre of Jewish intellectuals profoundly hostile to the state.
Emperor Alexander II continued the efforts of Mother Russia to gather in her Jews. He abolished serfdom in 1861. He relaxed efforts to change the economic profile of Russian Jewry, extending the rights of educated Jews and large-scale merchants. His was a program aimed at reconciliation, an abandonment of the stick in favour of the carrot. Education was made fully open to Jews, and Jews could sit on the juries of Russian courts. Conditions on settlement and mobility in the Pale were relaxed further. Klier states that "Jews even became the subject of sympathetic concern for the leaders of public opinion. Proposals for the complete emancipation of the Jews were widely mooted in the press."[26]
These measures, however, were also accompanied by a growing uneasiness with the way the Jews of Russia took advantage of them. There was little in the way of gratitude, and the measures did not bring about the great changes that had been hoped for. The nationalist revolt of the Poles in 1863, and the fact that a large number of wealthy Jews were found to have funded some of the rebels cast new doubts on Jewish loyalty. Having emancipated the peasantry and adopted a paternalistic concern for the former serfs, the government also viewed with alarm the rapidity with which the "Jews were exploiting the unsophisticated and ignorant rural inhabitants, reducing them to a Jewish serfdom."[27] It also quickly became apparent that despite new military legislation, Jews were noticeable in their overwhelming avoidance of military service. In retaliation, the government clamped down on rural tavern ownership, and introduced more stringent recruitment procedures specifically for Jews. It has been claimed that Jews were also banned from land ownership at this time, but Klier provides evidence that Jews were still able to buy any peasant properties sold at auction for tax arrears, as well as any property within the Pale not owned by Russian gentry.[28]
By the end of Alexander II's reign, disillusionment with the government's policy at handling the Jewish Question was widespread. The vast majority of Jews had stubbornly persisted in the unproductive trades, continued in their antipathy to Russian culture, and refused to make any meaningful contribution to Russian society. An air of resignation swept the country. Some newspapers even advocated abolishing the Pale, if only to alleviate that region from bearing the burden of the Jews alone. Other papers opposed this "fearing for the welfare of the peasantry at a time when the cultural level of the peasantry made them an easy target for exploitation."[29] Meanwhile Jews were beginning to swamp higher education establishments. In Odessa, there were reports that in school after school, Jews were "driving Christians from the school benches," and "filling up the schools."[30]
On the eve of the assassination of Alexander II, Russia's Jewish Question remained unanswered. Decades of legislation had done little to change the nature of Russian Jewry, which remained ethnically, politically, and culturally homogenous. The new Jewish intelligentsia had turned on the hand that fed it, failing to encourage the adaptation of their fellow Jews, moving instead to defend them and advocate for their interests. In terms of educational and social opportunities, Jews had been given an inch and taken a mile. They had swamped the schools, and added to a group of emergent Jewish capitalists. In 1879 Russian authorities were being lobbied by a Rabbinic Commission for full emancipation, an ominous prospect for those concerned about the well-being of Russian peasantry.
The breaking point, when it came, did not emerge from the ether, but from this historical background. In part two we will examine the more immediate origins of the anti-Jewish riots and how the riots proceeded. We will do away with petty distractions, dispelling myths with facts; and as we venture into the Pale, we now do so with a more complete view of the Jew we find there.
Source for Part 1 with references
Having grounded ourselves in the history of Russia's Jewish Question, it is now time for us to turn our attention to the anti-Jewish riots of the 1880s. The following essay will first provide the reader with the standard narrative of these events advanced by Jewish contemporaries and the majority of Jewish historians — a narrative which has overwhelmingly prevailed in the public consciousness. The latter half of the essay will be devoted to dissecting one aspect of the Jewish narrative, and explaining how events really transpired. Other aspects of the Jewish narrative will be examined in later entries in this series. While a work like this can come in for heavy criticism from certain sections of the population who may denounce it as 'revisionist,' I can only say that 'revisionism' should be at the heart of every historical work. If we blindly accept the stories that are passed down to us, we are liable to fall victim to what amounts to little more than a glorified game of Chinese whispers. And, if we taboo the right of the historian to reinterpret history in light of new research and new discoveries, then we have become far removed from anything resembling true scholarship.
The Jewish Narrative.
In 1881 the 'Russo-Jewish Committee,' (RJC) an arm of Britain's Jewish elite, mass-produced a pamphlet entitled "The Persecution of the Jews in Russia," and began disseminating it through the press, the churches, and numerous other channels. By 1899, it was embellished and published as a short book, and today digitized copies are freely available online.[1] By the early 20th century, the pamphlet had even spawned a four-page journal called Darkest Russia – A Weekly Record of the Struggle for Freedom, ensuring that the average British citizen did not go long without being reminded of the 'horrors' facing Russian Jews.[2] The fact that these publications were mass produced should provide an indication as to their purpose: It is clear that these publications represented one of the most ambitious propaganda campaign in Jewish history, and combined with similar efforts in the United States, they were aimed at gaining the attention of, and 'educating,' the Western nations and ensuring the primacy of the 'Jewish side of the story.' Implicit in this was not only a desire to provoke anti-Russian attitudes, but also copious amounts of sympathy for the victimized Jews — sympathy necessary to ensure that mass Jewish chain migration to the West went on untroubled and unhindered by nativists. After all, wasn't the bigoted nativist just a step removed from the rampaging Cossack?
The first element of the narrative advanced by the RJC is essentially a manipulation of the history of Russian-Jewish relations. It holds that the Jews of Eastern Europe have been oppressed for centuries, their whole lives "hampered, from cradle to grave, by restrictive laws."[3] It was claimed that the Russians had an unwritten law: "That no Russian Jew shall earn a living."[4] Russian Jews, according to the Russo-Jewish Committee, have wanted nothing more than to participate in Russian society, but have been rebuffed time and again as "heretics and aliens." The Pale is an impenetrable fortress, where every Jew "must live and die." Implicit in this interpretation of the history of Russian-Jewish relations in the belief that "the fount and origin of all the ills that assail Russian Jewry" has nothing to do with the Jews themselves, but everything to do with the Church, the State, and the Pale. In essence, the plight of the Jews was the result of nothing more than irrational hatred. Jews adopt a meek and passive role in this narrative, having committed no wrong-doing other than being Jews. They are also presented as the only victims of Russian violence. There is no acknowledgement of failed Russian efforts to break down the Jewish walls of exclusivity and claim the Jews as brothers. In fact, there is no reference at all to the walls of exclusivity. The pogroms themselves, according to the Jewish narrative, broke out following the assassination of Alexander II, when shock, anger and a desire for revenge brought this irrational, rootless hatred to the surface.
The second element of the Jewish narrative is that the government and petty officialdom had some role to play in organizing and directing the pogroms. Much disdain is heaped on the government, and petty officialdom, which was said to have been afflicted with "a chronic anti-Semitic outlook." It was claimed that when the riots began, the government was "not altogether sorry to let the excitement of the people vent itself on the Jews."[5] In reference to the restrictive May Laws, the authors were forced to concede they had never really been enforced, but maintained that "whether moderately or rigorously applied, the May Laws still remained on the Russian Statute Book."[6]
The third element of the Jewish narrative is that the pogroms were genocidal, and that they had been organized and perpetrated by groups seeking the extermination of the Jews. The 1899 edition of "The Persecution of the Jews in Russia" included a copy of a lengthy letter written to the London Times by Nathan Joseph, Secretary of the RJC, dated November 5th, 1890. In the letter, Joseph claimed that in the present circumstances "hundreds of thousands could be exterminated,"[7] and that Russian legislation in relation to Jews represented "an instrument of torture and persecution." In sum, the Jews of Russia were claimed to be living under "a sentence of death," and it was further claimed that "the executions are proceeding." The letter ends with an appeal to "Civilized Europe" to intervene, chastise Russia, and aid the victimized Jews.[8]
The fourth key element of the Jewish narrative is that the pogroms were extremely violent in nature. Contemporary media reports especially were the source of most of the atrocity stories, reportedly gleaned from newly-arrived 'refugees' who had given statements to the Russo-Jewish Committee about the pogroms they had fled. In these reports, which were carried very regularly by both the New York Times and the London Times, Russians were charged with having committed the most fiendish atrocities on the most enormous scale. Every Jew in the Russian Empire was under threat. Men had been ruthlessly murdered, tender infants had been dashed on the stones or roasted alive in their own homes. During a British parliamentary consultation on the pogroms in 1905, a Rabbi Michelson claimed that "the atrocities had been so fiendish that they could find no parallel even in the most barbarous annals of the most barbarous peoples."[9] The New York Times reported that during the 1903 Kishinev pogrom "babes were literally torn to pieces by the frenzied and bloodthirsty mob."[10]
A common theme in most contemporary atrocity stories was the brutal rape of Jewish women, with most reports including mention of breasts being hacked off. There are literally thousands of carbon-copy reports in which it is claimed that mothers were raped alongside their daughters. There is simply not enough space to cite extensively from these articles, but they number in their thousands and are available to anyone with access to the digitized archives of any major newspaper, or the microfilm facilities at major libraries. In addition, these articles claim that whole streets inhabited by Jews had been razed, and the Jewish quarters of towns had been systematically fired.
The 'atrocity' aspect of the narrative has continued to be advanced by Jewish historians. For example Anita Shapira, in her Stanford-published, Land and Power: The Zionist Resort to Force, 1881-1948, claims that "each series of new riots was worse than the one preceding, as if every bloodbath provided a permit for an even worse massacre."[11] Shapira further hints that the murder of Jewish babies was common during the pogroms, stating that a common worry of Russian Jews was "Will they take pity on the small babies, who do not even know yet that they are Jews?"[12] She concludes one particular section on pogrom violence by stating, without referencing any evidence, that there were "numerous acts of rape," and that "many were massacred — men, women, and children. The cruelty that marked these killings added a special dimension to the feeling of terror and shock that spread in their wake."[13] Joseph Brandes, in his 2009 Immigrants to Freedom alleges, without citing evidence, that mobs "threw women and children out of the windows" of their homes, and that "heads were battered with hammers, nails were driven into bodies, eyes were gouged out … and petroleum was poured over the sick found hiding in cellars and they were burned to death."[14]
Another crucial element to the Jewish narrative is that Russia is barbaric, ignorant, and uncivilized compared to the Jewish citizens of the country. Russia is said to be lingering in the "medieval stage of development,"[15] and in comparison to the "ignorant and superstitious peasantry,"[16] Russia's Jews are presented as an outpost of Western civilization — they are urban, and "intellectual." The RJC publication argued that university quotas allowing 5% of the student body to be made up of Jews were insufficient for "an intellectual race." Astonishingly, it is claimed that "the root of the whole matter is racial arrogance,"[17] though this arrogance of course is said to emanate from the Russians.
The RJC charged the government with criminal sympathy, the local authorities generally with criminal inaction, and some of the troops with active participation. The situation, they argued, was simply so hopeless and the possibility of extermination was so great, that the only way out was for the civilized nations of the West to throw open their doors and let in these poor 'Hebrews'.
And to a great extent this is exactly what the churches, the politicians, and the media agreed to. This capitulation to manipulated conscience ushered in the greatest migration in Jewish history, with profound consequences for us all. But there was just one small problem — the vast majority of this narrative was a calculated, designed, and expertly promoted fraud, furthered by the willing participation of Russian-Jewish emigrants who wished to ease their own access to the West and obtain "relief money from Western Europe and America."[18]
The 'Atrocities'
Let us first turn our attention to the atrocity stories. Prior to any major reports of violence, the British public was already being primed to hate the Russian government and accept the Jewish narrative. John Doyle Klier points out that the Daily Telegraph was at that time Jewish-owned, and was particularly "severe" in its reports on Russian treatment of Jews prior to 1881.[19] In the pages of this publication, it was stated that "these Russian atrocities are only the beginning. … [T]he Russian officials themselves countenance these barbarities."[20] Around this time in Continental Europe, Prussian Rabbi Yizhak Rülf established himself as an "intermediary" between Eastern Jewry and the West, and, according to Klier, one of his specialities was the spreading of "sensationalized accounts of mass rape."[21]
Other major sources of pogrom atrocity stories were the New York Times, the London Times, and the Jewish World. It would be the Jewish World which furnished the majority of these tales, having sent a reporter "to visit areas that had suffered pogroms."[22] Most of the other papers simply reprinted what the Jewish World reporter sent them. The atrocity stories carried by these newspapers provoked global outrage. There were large-scale public protests against Russia in Paris, Brussels, London, Vienna, and even in Melbourne, Australia. However, "it was in the United States that public indignation reached its height." Historian Edward Judge states that the American public was spurred on by reports of "brutal beatings, multiple rapes, dismemberment of corpses, senseless slaughter, painful suffering and unbearable grief."[23]
However, as John Klier states, the reports of the Jewish World's "Special Correspondent," "raise intriguing problems for the historian."[24] While his itinerary of travel is described as "plausible," most of his accounts are "flatly contradicted by the archival record."[25] His claim that twenty rioters were killed during a pogrom in Kishinev in 1881 has been proven to be a fabrication by records which show that in that city, at that time, "there were no significant pogroms and no fatalities."[26] Other claims that he witnessed shootings of peasants on his travels have been entirely discredited due to the vast number of minor inaccuracies in those accounts.
Furthermore, Klier states that the atrocity stories compiled by the Jewish World correspondent, which went on to be so influential in manipulating Western perceptions of the events, must be treated with "extreme caution."[27] The reporter "portrayed the pogroms dramatically, as great in scale and inhuman in their brutality. He reported numerous accounts where Jews were burned alive in their homes while the authorities looked on."[28] There are hundreds of instances where he references the murder of children, the mutilation of women, and the biting off of fingers.
Klier states that "the author's most influential accounts, given their effect on world opinion, were his accounts of the rape and torture of girls as young as ten or twelve."[29] In 1881 he reported 25 rapes in Kiev, of which five were said to have resulted in fatalities, in Odessa he claimed 11, and in Elizavetgrad he claimed 30.[30] Rape featured prominently in the reports, not because rapes were common, but because rape "even more than murder and looting" was known to "generate particular outrage abroad." Klier states that "Jewish intermediaries who were channelling pogrom reports abroad were well aware of the impact of reports of rape, and it featured prominently in their accounts."[31] The two most dramatic and gruesome accounts came from Berezovka and Borispol. In fact, as the year neared its end, the reports became more and more gruesome and brutal in the details they conveyed.
There is, of course, a reason for this. As the non-Jewish public began to tire of the reports and switched their minds to the coming Christmas festivities, Klier states that records show the RJC made a conscious and calculated decision to "keep Russian Jewry before the eyes of the public."[32] A key component of this strategy was to take the accounts of the Special Correspondent and publish them in a more widely circulated and respected newspaper. They settled on the London Times, which was already predisposed to "critical editorial faulting of the Russian government." Klier further states that these evidently false reports "garnished with the prestige of The Times and devoid of any attribution, subsequently published as a separate pamphlet, and translated into a variety of European languages … became the definitive Western version of the pogroms."[33]
As increasingly lurid atrocity tales again captured the attention of the Gentile public, the British Government found itself under pressure to intervene. The British Government, however, adopted a more cautious approach and undertook its own independent investigations into events in the Russian Empire. Its findings, published as a "Blue Book," "presented an account of events at great variance with that offered by The Times."[34] The most notable aspect of the independent inquiry is the outright denial of mass rape. In January 1882, Consul-General Stanley objected to all of the details contained within reports published by The Times, mentioning in particular the unfounded "accounts of the violation of women."[35] He further stated that his own investigations revealed that there had been no incidences of rape during the Berezovka pogrom, that violence was rare, and that much of the disturbance was restricted to property damage. In relation to property damage in Odessa, Stanley estimated it to be around 20,000 rubles, and rejected outright the Jewish claim that damage amounted to over one million rubles.
Vice-Consul Law, another independent investigator, reported that he had visited Kiev and Odessa, and could only conclude that "I should be disinclined to believe in any stories of women having been outraged in those towns."[36] Another investigator, Colonel Francis Maude, visited Warsaw and said that he could "not attach any importance" to atrocity reports emanating from that city.[37] At Elizavetgrad, instead of whole streets being razed to the ground, it was discovered that a small hut had lost its roof. It was further discovered that very few Jews, if any, had been intentionally killed, though some died of injuries received in the riots. These were mainly the result of conflicts between groups of Jews who defended their taverns and rioters seeking alcohol. The small number of Jews who had been intentionally killed had fallen victim to unstable individuals who had been drunk on Jewish liquor — accusations of murderous intent among the masses were simply unfounded and unsubstantiated by the evidence.
When these reports were made public, states Klier, they represented "a serious setback for the protest and aid activities of the RJC."[38] The Times was forced to backtrack, but responded spitefully (and bizarrely) by stating that the indignation of the country was still justified even if the atrocities were "the creations of popular fancy."[39] (Reminiscent of the JewishGen response to Ukrainian discoveries mentioned in Part 1 of this series?!)
The revelations came at a bad time for the RJC, which was at that time attempting to move the British Government to "act in some way on behalf of persecuted Russian Jewry."[40] It resorted to republishing (in the Times) its pamphlet on persecution in Russia twice in one month, presumably in the belief that blunt repetition would suffice to overcome tangible evidence. Klier states that the pieces were examples of "masterful" propaganda, as they attempted to undermine the credibility of the Government consuls, while sycophantically appealing to "the wise and noble people of England," who "will know what weight should be attached to such denials and refutations."[41] The RJC offered its own "corroborative evidence of the most undeniable kind," though of course the exact source of this evidence was not specified beyond "persons occupying high official positions in the Jewish community" and "Jewish refugees."
In essence, the people of western nations were being asked to trust an anonymous Rabbi on the other side of the world rather than identifiable representatives of their own government. The pieces, states Klier, "painted the familiar picture of murder and rape," and despite the debunking statements of the consuls, "a number of mother/daughter rapes, which had already done so much to outrage British public opinion, were again repeated."[42] Although the move for British government intervention failed, in the battle for public opinion "the RJC clearly won the day," and the Times and the RJC remained good bedfellows.
The Consuls were outraged. Stanley reiterated the fact that his intensive investigations, which he carried out at great personal cost with a serious leg injury, illustrated that "The Times' accounts of what took place at each of those places contains the greatest exaggerations, and that the account of what took place at some of those places is absolutely untrue."[43] He related the fact that a Rabbi in Odessa had "not heard of any outrages on women there," and that the object of almost every pogrom he had investigated was simple "plunder."[44] Enraged by the lies circulating in Britain and America, Stanley "went right to the top," interviewing state rabbis and asking for evidence and touring pogrom sites. In Odessa, where a wealth of atrocity stories had originated, he was able to confirm "one death, but no looting of synagogues or victims set alight." There was no evidence that a single rape had taken place. One state Rabbi admitted that he had not heard of any outrages of women in Berezovka and further assured Stanley that he "could with a clear conscience positively deny that any deaths or any violations had occurred there during the disturbances of last year."[45] He again sent this report to his superior in London, with a note saying "This is in accordance with all the information I have received and forwarded to your Lordship, and which I think more credible than anonymous letters in The Times."[46]
Despite Stanley's best efforts the Jewish narrative advanced by the RJC, imbued with atrocity tales, has remained unalterably attached in Western perceptions of the pogroms. The Blue Book was smothered by the more visible, and oft-repeated, tales of the RJC and organisations like it around the globe. Only with the decade-long research of John Klier has some revision of this narrative, grounded in scholarship and archival evidence, been possible. In light of this evidence, one can only conclude that stories of rape, murder and mutilation were "more legendary than factual."[47] However, the task remains to further dismantle and analyse other aspects of the Jewish narrative, and to seek the true motives behind its creation.
Source for Part 2 with references
We continue our series of essays examining the Russian Pogroms with this essay on the part played by Jews in provoking the disturbances. As stated in Part Two, one of the key problems with existing historiography on the pogroms (and 'anti-Semitism' generally) is that these narratives invariably argue that the plight of the Jews was the result of nothing more than irrational hatred. Jews adopt a meek and passive role in this narrative, having committed no wrong-doing other than being Jews. There is no sense of Jewish agency, and one is left with the impression that Jews historically have lacked the capacity to act in the world. In almost every single academic and popular history of the pogroms, the author blindly accepts, or willfully perpetuates, the basic premise that Jews had been hated in the Russian Empire for centuries, that this hatred was irrational and rootless, and that the outbreak of anti-Jewish riots late in the 19thcentury was a 'knee-jerk' emotional response to the assassination of the Tsar and some blood libel accusations.
This is of course far from the truth, but the prevalence of this 'victim paradigm' plays two significant roles. Firstly, Jewish historiography is saturated with allusions to the "unique" status of Jews, who have suffered a "unique" hatred at the hands of successive generations of Europeans. In essence, it is the notion that Jews stand alone in the world as the quintessential "blameless victim." To allow for any sense of Jewish agency — any argument that Jews may have in some way contributed to anti-Jewish sentiment — is to harm the perpetuation of this paradigm. In this sense, the 'victim paradigm' also contributes heavily to the claim for Jewish uniqueness and, as Norman Finkelstein has pointed out, one can clearly see in many examples of Jewish historiography the tendency to focus not so much on the "suffering of Jews" but rather on the simple fact that "Jews suffered."[1] As a result, the paradigm offers no place to non-Jewish suffering. Simply put, the 'victim paradigm' is a form of secular "chosenness." This aspect of the narrative is seen, quite rightly, as a useful tool in the here and now. There is perhaps no race on earth which uses its history to justify its actions in the present quite like the Jewish people. From seeking reparations to establishing nation states, Jewish history is one of the foundation stones propping up Jewish international politics in the present. As such, Jewish history is carefully constructed and fiercely defended. The interplay between Jewish history and contemporary Jewish politics is plain to see — I need only make reference to the terms "revisionist" and "denier" to conjure up images of puppet trials and prison cells.
Secondly, the omission of the Jewish contribution to the development of anti-Semitism (be it in a village setting or a national setting), leaves the spotlight burning all the more ferociously on the 'aggressor.' Within this context, the blameless victim is free to make the most ghastly accusations, basking in the assurance that his own role, and by extension his own character, is unimpeachable. The word of this untainted, unique, blameless victim is taken as fact — to doubt his account is to be in league with the 'aggressor.' In Part Two we explored the manner in which the RJC took full advantage of this construct to purvey appalling, and unfounded, atrocity stories. More generally, exaggerated tales of brutality by non-Jews are commonplace in Jewish literature and historiography, and go hand in hand with images of dove-like Jews. For example, Finkelstein has pointed to Jerzy Kosinski's The Painted Bird, a work now widely acknowledged as "the first major Holocaust hoax," as an example of this "pornography of violence."[2] The twin concepts of Jewish blamelessness and extreme Gentile brutality are inextricably bound up together, and supporters of one strand of the 'victim paradigm' are invariably supporters of the other. Take for example that high priest of Jewish chosenness, Elie Wiesel, who praised Kosinki's pastiche of sadomasochistic fantasies as "written with deep sincerity and sensitivity."[3]
Having clarified this theoretical framework, we now turn our attention to deconstructing the second strand of the pogrom 'victim paradigm.' To deal most effectively with the question of Jewish culpability in the souring of relations between Jews and non-Jews, we will need to probe deeper, and with more focus, than we endeavored to do in Part One. This essay will focus on specific examples of anti-Jewish disturbance in the Russian Empire prior to 1880, with a particular focus on Jewish economic practices preceding these events.
Anti-Jewish Riots in the Russian Empire Before 1880
For the reasons discussed above, the majority of Jewish historians have long displayed an aversion to the idea that Jewish economic practices have played a significant role historically in provoking anti-Semitism. For example, Leon Poliakov in The History of anti-Semitism: From Voltaire to Wagner, argues that the idea of economic anti-Semitism is "devoid of real explanatory value."[4] Similarly, Jonathan Freedman has stated that, in explaining anti-Jewish attitudes, economic anti-Semitism should play only a very "small explanatory role."[5] Both of these historians posit that theology, and by extension Christianity (and therefore Western culture) is the fount and origin of anti-Semitism. Robert Weinberg, in his 1998 article on Visualizing Pogroms in Russian History, explains anti-Semitic outbreaks of violence in Eastern Europe by stating that they were the product of "the frustrations of Russian and Ukrainian peasants, workers and town dwellers who, for the most part, spontaneously took out their frustrations on a time-honored scapegoat, the Jews."[6] Weinberg refrains from stating where precisely these 'frustrations' emerge from, but note again the extremely passive Jewish role in his analysis.
Conversely, those historians who have accepted that economic issues have played a role in provoking anti-Semitism fail to engage in actual case studies of economically provoked anti-Jewish actions, preferring instead to probe "images" or stereotypes which allegedly infuse the consciousness of non-Jews. For example Professor of Israel Studies at Oxford University, Derek J. Penslar, has stated that economic anti-Semitism is nothing more than "a double helix of intersecting paradigms, the first associating the Jew with paupers and savages and the second conceiving of Jews as conspirators, leaders of a financial cabal seeking global domination."[7] By choosing to discuss "images" and concepts rather than say, an actual incident such as the Limerick Anti-Jewish Riots, Penslar engages in a practice equally duplicitous to that engaged in by Poliakov and Freedman. Penslar's thesis only superficially acknowledges the economic role, while really lending more weight to the argument that European society has suffered some kind of neurosis in relation to its Jews. Penslar deftly offers us an argument in which Jews and economics play a role in the development of an anti-Semitic "image," without placing the Jew in anything but a passive role. Penslar's "images" are also devoid of gradation — Europeans, if they hold to economically motivated anti-Semitism, either view Jews as pauper savages or global financiers. This despite the case that most European peasants simply didn't need to have these extreme conceptions of Jews, and probably didn't. Exploitative economic practices by local Jewish capitalists, the existence of local Jewish monopolies on such items as alcohol, and the Jewish practice of in-group/out-group ethics would be more than sufficient to provoke anti-Jewish resentment.
But references to this motivation for anti-Jewish action is entirely absent from Jewish historiography on the causes of anti-Semitism, most likely because it comes extremely close to demolishing the 'victim paradigm.' This essay, which focuses on actual case studies (in particular the city of Odessa), will argue that the anti-Jewish riots of the 1880s, like many riots before them, were motivated by economic anti-Semitism, and that this economic anti-Semitism had its origins not in the European psyche, but in the day to day economic interactions of Jews had with the non-Jews of Odessa. It attempts to rediscover the Jewish role, and to place it front and centre.
The first disturbance involving Jews to occur in the Russian Empire, and which left sufficient documentation, was the 1821 Odessa pogrom. Weinberg has painted a picture of Odessa as being some kind of multicultural heaven at this time. He states that the city "benefited from the presence of German, Italian, French, Greek, and English residents whose cultural and intellectual tastes influenced local life."[8] By the 1820s street signs were written in Russian and Italian, the city's first newspaper appeared in French. Odessa, according to Weinberg, had a thriving art scene, particularly in relation to theatre, music, and opera.
However, Klier paints a radically different picture of the city, stressing in particular the ethnic tension created by increasing Jewish settlement in the city. Klier states that by 1821, Odessa was "a hotbed of ethnic, religious, and economic rivalries" and was, quite significantly, "a distinctly non-Russian city."[9] Weinberg explains that "the number of Jews arriving from other parts of the Russian Empire and Galicia in the Austrian Empire skyrocketed." In Odessa, Jews were entirely free from "legal burdens and residency restrictions."[10]
Violence erupted in 1821 when, during the Greek War of Independence, a group of Muslims and Jews murdered and then mutilated Gregory V, the Greek Orthodox Patriarch in Istanbul. In the aftermath, many Greeks fled with Gregory's remains from Istanbul to Odessa, where his funeral procession was held. Surviving documents suggest that violence broke out when a large contingent of Odessa's Jewish population showed open disrespect for the procession.[11]
In describing this and subsequent outbreaks of violence in Odessa, I must urge readers to divest themselves of the preconception that the Jewish contingent of the city was a tiny minority. Jewish historians are often quick to allude to minority status without providing definitive numbers. John Doyle Klier, however, informs us that by the middle of the nineteenth century Jews constituted "almost one-third of the total population" in Odessa.[12] Given the huge population of Greeks and other nationalities, it was the Russians who composed the "tiny minority." Economic supremacy in the city until the middle of the nineteenth century was the preserve of the Greek population, which had fended off the attempts of numerous other ethnic groups to "secure or maintain a favored economic position."[13]
When a huge influx of Jews occurred in the 1850s, the struggle for economic supremacy between Jew and Greek, added to historical religiopolitical grievances, contributed to increased inter-ethnic tension in the city. Greek historian Evridiki Sifneos informs us that earlier co-existence had "not been based on mutual toleration. On the contrary, economic recession in the second half of the nineteenth century accelerated ethnic distinctions, and resentment was provoked by the ascension of social or ethnic groups [primarily Jewish], which led to the redistribution of resources."[14] Until the mid-1850s, the Greeks had control of grain exports, but with the disruption of trade routes as a result of the Crimean War, some local Greek business owners were forced into bankruptcy. The city's Jews, who had earlier occupied mainly middleman roles, pooled resources and eagerly bought up these businesses at extremely low prices. A letter from one Greek contemporary reads: "When I first came to Odessa in 1864, I became a purchaser of grain on behalf of our house, 14 at Moldovanka. The majority were Greeks, with a few Russian middlemen. Now there are no Russians, and as for the Greeks they are counted on the fingers of one hand. Jews are the ones who have taken over the market."[15] According to Sifneos, Jews took advantage of the placement of their taverns in the villages to establish themselves as middlemen in the collection of grain from the surrounding countryside, and in addition "they worked more tightly within their ethnic network."[16]
Weinberg further states that when "Jewish employers followed the practice of only hiring their own, many Greek dockworkers now found themselves in the ranks of the unemployed."[17] When it became apparent that Jews had wrested economic supremacy from the Greeks in 1858, incidences of inter-ethnic violence began to escalate in frequency. In 1858 there were attacks on Greek and Jewish property, and numerous "Greek-Jewish brawls" in the city, and in 1859 a quarrel between Greek and Jewish children again escalated into full-scale inter-ethnic conflict. Violence was ended thanks only to the intervention of Russian police and Cossacks.[18] A major bout of Greek-Jewish violence occurred again in 1869.
How do we describe such events? In light of the context of these disturbances, does the term "pogrom" or "anti-Jewish riot" withstand scrutiny? Certainly not. Note my use of the terms "inter-ethnic violence" and "disturbance involving Jews." These terms do not feature in Jewish historiography on these events. "Anti-Jewish riot" or "pogrom" is merely part of the lexicon of the 'victim paradigm,' bequeathing passive status even through word use. To express it flippantly, when Tom and Bill have a fight in the street, one does not describe it as "anti-Tom violence." This automatically imparts passive, victim status to Tom, despite the fact that he may have started the fight, and certainly threw as many punches. Weinberg, for example, describes the 1859 disturbance as "anti-Jewish activity," but states that both "Jewish and gentile youths engaged in bloody brawls."[19] This is an obvious contradiction in terms.
It is only in 1871, during a particularly severe bout of disturbances, that we see the first Russian involvement in Odessa's inter-ethnic violence. The late John Doyle Klier, formerly Professor of Hebrew and Jewish Studies at Oxford University, informs us categorically that Russian involvement in the 1871 Odessa ethnic conflict had its roots in real, tangible economic grievances. Klier states that Russian participation was the result of "bitterness born of the exploitation of their work by Jews and the ability of the latter to enrich themselves and manipulate all manner of trade and commercial activity."[20] Similarly, Weinberg concedes that by 1871, there were "many others besides Greeks who perceived Jews as an economic threat."[21]
The roots of the 1871 disturbance are quite tangible, and there is a tremendous amount of evidence suggesting it was the result of real socio-economic grievances, rather than "images," "stereotypes," or any of the other usual suspects wheeled out in Jewish historiography. Brian Horowitz, Chair of Jewish Studies at Tulane University argues that by 1870 Jewish economic and social cohesiveness had been further enhanced in Odessa by founding of a branch of the Society for the Promotion of Enlightenment, an organization dedicated to in-group philanthropy as well as "alternative politics" whereby members "did not contact the government as an intercessor."[22] In this respect, it was the kahal-lite, and it had a significant positive impact on the wealth of Odessa Jewry. Klier states that under this organisation, the Jewish grip on the economic life of the city grew stronger, and that Russian government reports from 1871 attribute the disturbance above all to the fact that "the economic domination of the Jews in the area produced abnormal relations between Christians and Jews."[23] By 1871, Jewish economic domination had moved beyond grain exports. A US consular report from that year reveals the extent of Jewish control over Odessa's economic life. It reports that Jews in the city "occupy themselves with trade and favoring their own class or sect, that is that their combinations, in a great many instances, amount almost to monopolies. The common remark, therefore, is that 'everything is in the hands of the Jews.' To sell or buy a house, a horse, a carriage, to rent a lodging or contract for a loan, to engage a governess, and sometimes even to marry a wife the Jew gets his percent as a "go between." The poor laborer, the hungry soldier, the land proprietor, the money capitalist, and in fact every producer and every consumer is obliged in one way or another to pay tribute to the Jew."[24]
Impoverished Greeks, Russians and Ukrainians looked on at increasingly ostentatious displays of Jewish wealth. In fact, Sifneos states that contemporary correspondence reveals that during the disturbances, many of Odessa's Jews attributed the trouble "to the widespread resentment against the growing prosperity of their community."[25] Sifneos also informs us that demographic shifts in the city were of extreme importance in creating unease among non-Jewish populations. In line with increasing wealth, the 1897 census revealed that during the preceding two decades Odessa Jewry was undergoing an extremely rapid demographic explosion, and that Odessa was "rapidly becoming a predominantly Jewish city."[26] To put this into some kind of perspective, the 1897 Odessa census reveals that by that date there were 5,086 Greek speakers, 10,248 German speakers, 1,137 French speakers, and 124,520 Yiddish speakers. The census further revealed that while almost all of the Greek and French speakers were predominantly residing in the inner city slum areas, a huge 54% of Odessa's Jews were living in the middle-class suburbs of Petropavlovsky, Mikhailovsky, and Peresipsky.[27]
To conclude, when inter-ethnic violence broke out in 1871, it was not rooted in irrationality, but was quite obviously, as Sifneos argues, a desperate attempt to "weaken the economic power of the Jews."[28] In this context, we see the Jews of Odessa emerge from their passive role in the shadows of Jewish historiography, and how they truly appear in the cold light of day.
Source for Part 3
21 - Eduard Hodos : The Jewish Syndrome (excerpts)
The Jewish Syndrome
One delight is left to me:
Fingers in the mouth and a merry whistle.
Notorious fame has spread
That I'm a shameless scandalizer.
-Sergey Yesenin
The Three Khazarias -- the three main components of Judeo-Nazism
[...] I touched upon the subject of Khazaria for the first time in one of the chapters of The Jewish Syndrome, "The Coming of Judas". What prompted me to bring up this topic? First of all, the fact that we live on a land which was once part of the "great and mighty" Khazar Empire. Secondly, "Khazarian" traits are becoming more and more visible in the socio-political landscape of today's Ukraine. And, finally, we're seeing an astonishingly rapid progression of "Khazarian Syndrome" in the upper echelons of the regime, accompanied by a corresponding rapid reduction in "head count" of the native population. By subjecting the processes and phenomena defined in these three points to careful analysis, I've developed the theory of the "Three Khazarias", with whose principles, and the proofs of its validity, you're about to become acquainted.
The Theory of the "Three Khazarias"
I submit that in different times on the same territory three Khazarias have been built:
- The First Khazaria: The Great Khazar Empire (VII-X Centuries);
- The Second Khazaria: Bolshevik Rule (1917-end of the 1920's);
- The Third Khazaria: The C.I.S. (1991-?)
Along with a whole series of unifying factors (territory, multi-ethnic makeup, economic "accent" on the development of trade, overwhelming dominance of Jews in the higher organs of state, etc.) these three "empires" all had very different ideological foundations, namely:
- The First Khazaria was built on the ideology of Judaism;
- The Second -- on the ideology of atheism;
- The Third -- on "desert ideology".
Well, that's the whole theory of the "Three Khazarias" in a nutshell. Now in more detail.
The First Khazaria
Just what was the mighty political entity of the middle ages which has gone down in history as the "Great Khazar Empire"? I'll cite a passage from The Jewish Syndrome (Part 2, "The Coming of Judas"), in which I already prepared a short historical reference on this topic:
The history of the emergence and founding of Kievan Rus is known by all, to a greater or lesser degree (depending on level of education). But when you begin to ponder what happened on the enormous territory stretching from the Volga to the Dnieper before the creation of the great Slavic state, a sensation of complete historic vacuum arises. Let's turn to the "legends of deep antiquity" for help. It turns out that in the first millennium of our era, in other words right after the biblical period, along with Orthodox Byzantium and the Arab Caliphate there thrived a Third Power, the Judaic Khazar Empire! It's amazing, but the native population -- nomadic Khazar tribes -- seemed to have no idea at what moment they wound up in the Great Judaic Khazar Empire. For centuries the Khazars lived, minding their own business, migrated about, shamanized a bit, and, inasmuch as they were marked by rare hospitality they watched indifferently as new peoples began to settle on their limitless "virgin" lands. Like all migrant peoples, the Khazars were open to refugees and newcomers from other countries. Artisans, tradesmen, and "bookish people" were held in especial regard. Jews were accepted into Khazaria with open arms. Enterprising Jews quickly founded a flourishing market in Itili (today's Astrakhan), becoming "middlemen" between Western and Eastern traders, between Asia and Europe, between the Caliphate and Byzantium, between Ancient Rus (whose rise was just beginning), India and China. One particular type of merchandise which Jewish tradesmen quickly monopolized, and which gave them hundredfold profits, was "live goods", slaves. These slaves were even given a special name: "sakalaby", which translates as "slavs". Many authoritative researchers consider that Khazarian tradesmen's main "startup capital" was made on just such "live goods".
It needs to be noted that "Khazar" is not the self-definition of a people with a self-conscious history, but simply a word signifying "nomads". Naturally, the Jews, thanks to their greater organization, energy, entrepreneurship, artisans' skills and, above all, trade capital, rose quickly, Judaized the local ruling class and became the factual rulers of Khazaria, that is, "Nomadia". Before long, Judaism became the the state religion of the Khazars. On an island across from the capital, not far from modern Astrakhan, a White Temple was built ("Bielaya Viezha" in the ancient Russian chronicles).
The Great Khazarian Empire existed for several centuries, until the Russian Prince Svyatoslav, "in the 965th year", according to the ancient Russian chronicles, "took both their City and their White Temple". The Third Power was wiped off the face of the earth, its population scattered in all directions. Most asked for Svyatoslav's protection, while the Jewish elite moved to the Khazar District in Kiev. So there's a brief history of the First Khazar Empire, as I see it. It needs to be noted that the history of Khazaria was until recently a forbidden topic, one of history's "blank spots", notwithstanding the existence of a collection of around 20,000 Jewish and Arabo-Jewish documents in libraries in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Judaism was the the main, or rather the only, ideological foundation upon which the First Khazaria was built and prospered. I'm not the only one who says so.
The Second Khazaria
The beginning of the creation of the second, atheistic Khazaria was marked by the Russia-wide pogrom which echoed from one end of the endless Orthodox Christian Empire to the other. The main blow was aimed at the Orthodox Church and the monarchy in the person of the Anointed One, the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II and his family. Power, as in the First Khazaria, once again ended up in the hands of the "eternal civilizers". But this time the power grab was not gradual and painless, but accompanied by rivers of blood. And there can be no talk of the "prestigiousness" of any religion: militant atheism - that was the "religion" adopted by the builders of the Second Khazaria.
[...] Naturally, in accepting the generous "sponsorship" of Jewish financial magnates, both Trotsky and Lenin sincerely believed that the bankers, in cosmopolitanizing the world, were "unconsciously" helping the cause of communist revolution. In fact, the latter knew exactly what they were doing. By placing their bets on the Bolsheviks, they understood perfectly well that the revolutionaries, in destroying the world of Christian values, were working toward the establishment of the world-wide power of the bankers. The events which followed only confirmed how correct their calculations had been.
[...] Rejecting the "Khazarian" path, Stalin invented his own "blueprint" for the further development of the Land of Soviets. In this fashion, by dint of titanic effort and tremendous sacrifices, Stalin was able to reverse the course of history which had been charted out for us, as you'll soon see, for a century in advance.
The Third Khazaria
Before defining the Third Khazaria in detail, I'd like to quote the well-known Serbian scholar, Doctor of Jurisprudence and talented publicist Bozidar Mitrovic -- one of the few of our contemporaries who've noticed the "Khazarian thread" running through the history of the Eastern Slavs -- (Bozidar Trifunov Mitrovic, Genocide of the Romans and Slavs. Moscow, BTM, 1999) :
The first Khazar military putsch took place in 1917 in Petrograd. It's obvious that the Khazars hadn't disappeared; therefore one ought to bear in mind that the military putsch in Petrograd in 1917 was organized by Khazar extremists, who made up an absolute majority in the war committees later known as "revolutionary", in which Russians comprised less than 1%. The Vatican, Protestant-Catholic Germany and Jewish extremists from Wall Street financed Lenin's anti-Russian military putsch in Petrograd in 1917. Germany's goal was the defeat of its enemy on the Eastern Front. This was accomplished by the signing of the Brest Peace Agreement, which had negative consequences. The Vatican's goal was the destruction of Orthodoxy, which it nearly accomplished. The goal of the Jewish extremists was the creation of an anti-national government, in which the question of the Jewish state would be solved, as well as the establishment of monopolistic control over the enormous source of natural and human resources which Russia comprised, in the interests of its own enrichment. The Second Khazarian military putsch was carried out in 1993 in Moscow, when Khazar-Jewish extremists (who were carrying out extreme forms of economic transformation) took over the executive power, leading positions in the parties, including opposition ones, power over the mass-media and the banking system."
While agreeing in principle with Bozidar Mitrovic's conclusions, I'm at variance with him on a few details. For example, I consider the year 1991 to be the starting date in the history of the Third Khazaria, and the location of the putsch (not a military one, but nonetheless a putsch) to be the Belovezhsky Forest, where the agreement dissolving the USSR was signed.
It needs to be noted that the beginning of the erection of the Second and Third Khazarias were preceded by events designed to clear out the "building site" for the new "house of state." The Khazarian Putsch of 1917 was preceded by the Russo-Japanese and First World Wars, which started the Russian Empire's irreversible process of destruction. The factual destruction of the USSR, the socialist empire built by Stalin, was also begun long in advance of the "Belovezhsky Putsch" of 1991, namely in 1986, with the nightmare events at the Chernobyl atomic power station. Bearing in mind the shocking similarity of the scenarios which prepared the way for these "Khazar putsches", one might assume that their estimated cost, as well as the source of financing, might have some common "family traits" as well. The names of the financiers who paid for the "clearing of territory" in advance of the Second Khazaria are well known to us: "Schiff, Warburg and Company." In the second case the "who, whom, when, and how much" isn't known to any degree of certainty.
In my previous books I've described a certain ritual which I chanced to witness more than ten years ago in New York. Every Sunday in Brooklyn a thousands-strong crowd of people awaiting the blessing of the Lubavitcher Rebbe would appear. The blessing ritual was carried out with the help of crisp new one-dollar bills. Over the course of the day, the Lubavitcher Rebbe would hand out tens of thousands of dollars on which the portrait of the US President was covered over with a photograph of the Rebbe himself. There's no ritual like this in any religion, even in Judaism. My regular readers are already familiar not only with the above-mentioned ritual, but with the Chabad sect itself, and with its "King-Messiah", the Lubavitcher Rebbe. However, for those who are reading my books for the first time, I'm simply obligated to fill them in on the main points. Here's a short historical reference, taken from my book, "The Jewish Syndrome".
Chabad is a Judeo-Nazi sect, built on the clan principle, at the head of which stands a "godfather", the Lubavitcher Rebbe. The members of Chabad are ultra-orthodox. Men and women are characterized by an astonishing sameness of appearance: the men are either too fat or too thin, with obligatory beards, frock coats and black hats; the women are thin with shaved heads and wear wigs. Membership in the clan is extremely exclusive. Today there are only some 20,000 representatives of Chabad-Lubavitch. While the sect members make a pharisaical show of exclusive piety, they maintain an extreme secrecy about their activities.
The sect arose in the 17th Century on the border of three Slavic nations -- Russia, Belarus, and the Ukraine -- in the village of Lubavitchi (in those days part of the Ukraine, now part of Smolensk Oblast, Russia). Chabad is the only movement in Judaism with an obligatory fuehrer-leader at its head -- the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Over the course of 200 years - seven generations - this title has passed hereditarily from one generation to the next. The sect arose, as its ideologues assert, in response to the persecutions of Bogdan Khmelnitsky, which were accompanied by the deaths of thousands of Jews. Orthodox Christianity, Khmelnitsky's spiritual foundation, is regarded by Chabad as a sworn enemy, deserving of corresponding treatment. In the beginning of the 1930's Joseph Stalin, who in his time had studied in the Tbilisi Orthodox Seminary, and was correspondingly well-versed in matters of religion, expelled Chabad, as a fascist cult, along with the the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe from the territory of the USSR. Traditional Judaism, however, continued to exist on Soviet territory. In the 1940's Chabad-Lubavitch establishes its headquarters in Brooklyn, New York. From 1950 to 1994 the sect is headed by the seventh and last Lubavitcher Rebbe, and it's in this period that Chabad becomes a mighty political, financial and economic empire, with a goal of worldwide expansion.
The uninitiated often confuse Chabad with hasidism in general (Orthodox Jews, in other words). Representatives of the Chabad clan purposely, but misleadingly, identify themselves with a whole movement within Judaism, hasidism. In fact there are a whole range of influential currents within hasidism, many of them with a large membership: Karlinstown, Bratslav, Satmar, and others, which not only bear no relation to Chabad, but often find themselves in conflict with it. But it was Chabad which entered the USSR during the time of Gorbachev's perestroika, taking over the the religious and other activities of local Jews (and not only Jews) ... Chabad has now established itself so firmly on post-Soviet territory that it's been able to take control not only of high-placed members of of the regimes of "independent" governments, but of the political and economic processes taking place throughout the ex-USSR.
The Institution of the Presidency
So that you'll understand why I regard the institution of the presidency as one of the the "three pillars" at the base of the "great edifice", I'll once again turn to the text of the "Protocols", the universal wisdom of which you, I hope, have already begun to attain to. And at the same time you'll have yet another opportunity to convince yourself that Chabad's tactics don't deviate one iota from the strategic plans formulated by the "Zionist elders":
...We've substituted rulers with our caricature government -- a president taken from the mob, from among our creatures, our slaves. This was the basis of the mine which we placed under the GOY people, or rather GOY peoples. ...In the near future we'll establish the responsibility of presidents. Then we won't stand on ceremony in determining what our faceless creature will answer for... (Protocol 10.)
Today it's become an already obvious fact that the fates of the Ukrainian and Russian peoples have wound up in the hands of "faceless creatures", obedient "slaves" of their Khazar masters, who can be brought to power and dismissed at their whim. In this regard only Belarus has been spared, though it seemed until recently that Russia, might end up in the ranks of the lucky ones. By now, however, it's absolutely clear that she, too, has shared in the Ukraine's "presidential" fate.
Inasmuch as I've dedicated many pages in my books to describing the personal contribution of the Ukrainian President to the business of construction of the Third Khazaria, I'll limit myself this time to discussing the activities of another "good goy", Vladimir Putin. I first heard about the current President of Russia Vladimir Putin during an official visit to Israel in 1997. By invitation of the Israeli Foreign Ministry, I, along with then Vice-Governor of Kharkov Oblast Leonid Stasevsky, visited Israel as part of the "Program for Economic Cooperation" between our countries. A busy programme of events awaited us, most of which was dedicated to numerous meetings with representatives of Israel's political and economic elite. Among them was a planned meeting with the President of the New Entrepreneurs' Association of Israel, Radoshkovich. At that time former Leningrad emigrant Yitzak Radoshkovich had already become a heavyweight figure not only in his own country, but, according to rumors, in the corridors of the World Bank as well. Our meeting, during the course of which the matter of various investment projects in the Kharkov region was discussed, was extremely official in nature. The same can't be said about a second meeting with Radoshkovich with whom we, upon returning to the Ukraine, found ourselves in the same airplane. For the entire length of the flight from Tel-Aviv to Kiev we chatted on various topics. And in the course of our chat he mentioned in passing that his second cousin Vladimir Putin had great prospects for advancement in the Russian political elite. By August of 1999 I saw with my own eyes the result of the dizzying career of the theretofore unknown Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. Let's refresh our memories on the chronology:
- August 1999. Appointed prime-minister of the Russian Federation;
- January 2000. Appointed Acting President of the Russian Federation;
- March 2000. Elected President of the Russian Federation.
To what, or rather to whom, was Russia indebted for her "successor to the throne" in the form of Vladimir Putin? We all know to whom -- to Boris Abramovich Berezovsky, who built up this new pretender to Russia's "presidential throne" in record time. The indomitable Boris Abramovich searched long and hard for a potential "successor". He took his time... You see, the "successor" would be obligated to preserve Family traditions and guarantee "Tsar Boris" complete immunity after his "abdication". What's more, Yeltsin's "successor" would have to be a paragon of health and youth, in order to differ advantageously from his aged, but very popular rival, Yevgeny Primakov, and also possess the required ethnic characteristics for the Russian "throne", while at the same time being "one of his own" for Berezovsky. Yes, it was no mean assignment, and Abramovich coped with it successfully -- an ideal "successor" was found.
However, much to BAB's annoyance, presidential "elections" also presuppose the participation of the the people. Therefore it was necessary to popularize the new pretender to the throne in the shortest possible time and force the people to believe in its love for Berezovsky's "chosen one". The inventive Boris Abramovich solved this problem, too. With the Second Chechen War ... By September, 1999, when the second "Chechen campaign" was just picking up momentum, Aslan Maskhadov announced in an interview in the newspaper Moskovsky Komsomolets:
"...This war was provoked by Berezovsky ... the war was planned long ago ... One needs to search for its causes above all in Moscow -- that's where the dirty political games are taking place around the question of who will become [Yeltsin's] successor ... "
After the successful completion of the presidential campaign according to Berezovsky's scenario, BAB's "sponsorship" turned out to be too compromising for the new Russian President, behind whose back more and more dissatisfied murmurs on this score could be heard. When "pragmatic politician" Vladimir Putin declared war on Jewish oligarchs Berezovsky and Gusinsky, loud and prolonged applause erupted from the increasingly joyful public. The Russian President acquired the reputation of an "uncompromising but fair" strongman. No one guessed that behind Putin's "strong-willed" decision stood someone else's invisible will, subjugating yet another "faceless creature", whose only (and very dubious) virtue was his so-called "healthy pragmatism." The real reason for the President's "raid" on the best representatives of Russia's Jewish oligarchical circles was the "strong-willed" decision of Chabad, which was able in this way to get rid of the "overly-active" Gusinsky and Berezovsky. What had these two done to anger Chabad? In Berezovsky's case we can find the answer in the publication with which we're already acquainted in the "Jewish Observer", which provoked today's discussion on the theme of the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion". I'll cite the answer of Bishop Kirill, Metropolitan of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, to the question he was asked concerning the "hero" now under discussion:
"... Regarding Boris Abramovich I must say the following. When I was visiting with the representative of Israeli President Netanyahu, who was in Moscow at the time, about the conflict between Gusinsky and Berezovsky which was shaking the foundations of public life, I asked him: "Couldn't Israel somehow get involved -- after all they're your people?" To this Netanyahu's aide answered: "Excuse me. Gusinsky is ours, but Berezovsky's yours." Apparently he was referring to Berezovsky's baptism in the Orthodox Church..." (The Jewish Observer, 6/25, March 2002.)
So by becoming a "Christian", Boris Abramovich Berezovsky ceased being "one of his own", and acquired the official status of vykrest (convert from Judaism), as such "refuseniks" are called in Jewish circles. And this was the main mistake of the "unsinkable" BAB, who this time had outfoxed himself. Having placed his bets on Orthodoxy, as the dominant religion in Russia, where he counted, and not without foundation, on receiving full "moral and material" satisfaction, Boris Abramovich was at the same time unwilling to part with the Jewish "course of development" where his own all-Russian business was concerned. Therefore the newly-baked Christian Berezovsky, relying on his "chosen" ethnicity, decided to simultaneously "make a splash" in Jewish religious circles. But he forgot to take one thing into account: the uncompromising Chabad, which had created the religious Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia (FEOR), whose establishment BAB had actively helped enable by donating imposing sums for its development, doesn't forgive "heretics", mercilessly ridding itself of them, and filling the resulting vacancies with new figures from among its own "proper" Jews. Here it would be appropriate to mention the advice received by the hero of an old Odessa anecdote in the banya, which I earlier cited in The Jewish Syndrome 2-1/2: "Ivan Abramich, either take that cross off your neck or put on your shorts". So Boris Abramovich, when he put on his cross, should have just kept his shorts on...
The second Jewish oligarch who suffered, as all then thought, from the "uncompromising but fair" President Putin was Berezovsky's main rival in "unsinkability", Vladimir Alexandrovich Gusinsky. What was Gusinsky guilty of in the eyes of Chabad? You see, he, unlike "Bereza", had remained "one of his own". Well, one of his own, it's true, but an "incorrect" Jew nonetheless. In 1996, on the initiative of the former head rabbi of the USSR, Adolf Shayevich, Vladimir Gusinsky founded the Russian Jewish Congress (REK), a "secular" organization representing the interests of "assimilated" Jewry and oriented, if one can express oneself thusly, toward the idea of "Western Zionism". That powerful structure, with its broad ties to the West, was the main competitor of Chabad and its brainchild, FEOR, in the battle for influence on Russian Jewry, and most importantly, in its battle for the Kremlin. So both sides undertook decisive "military action." Still fresh in our memories are the "head-on" TV attacks, where "Gus" (Gusinsky), the official head of REK, and "Bereza" (Berezovsky), the underground "sponsor" of FEOR (Chabad), locked horns. By placing at its disposal "heavy artillery" in the form of BAB, a "Family" member, Chabad in effect secured the support of the "Family" in deciding the "Jewish question" in its favor. The following fact is extremely telling in this regard: In November 2000 the founding convention of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia (FEOR) took place in Moscow. At this event, the Chabad rabbi Berl Lazar, who is now Head Rabbi of Russia and the CIS, was elected to lead the organization. Five hours after Lazar's election the chairman of REK Vladimir Gusinsky was arrested and taken to Butyrskaya Prison...
By provoking Gusinsky and Berezovsky into mutual conflict, but remaining all the while in the shadows, Chabad "killed two birds with one stone" by discrediting Russia's main "incorrect" Jews, whose protracted feud was beginning to seriously destabilize the whole country. The events of that time were very neatly summed up by Viktor Chernomyrdin, who with his usual bluntness announced: "Two Jews fight, and all of Russia trembles." True, this commentary relates only to the visible side of the conflict. A more accurate characteristic of what happened can be given by rephrasing the well-known "anti-semitic" saying: "Two Jews fight, and the third one sits there quietly"... Having "sat there quietly" for the required length of time, Chabad began to call on Russia's head "pragmatist" to deliver long-suffering Russia from the Jewish troublemakers, from whom allegedly issued the "main threat" not only to Russian Jewry, but to the peace and quiet of the country as a whole.
Lending his ear to Chabad's wisdom, Vladimir Putin begins the process of "deliverance of long-suffering Russia" from the annoying duo, and thankfully plenty of pretexts for this were at hand: accusations of corruption, tax evasion, unlawful business practices, and so on and so forth. Only the method used to punish the subjects found guilty of the above crimes was completely non-standard: instead of the obvious solution of arrest and imprisonment, both "Gus" and "Bereza" were magnanimously allowed to leave Russia -- along with their stolen wealth! Such "super-healthy pragmatism" on the part of the Russian President speaks volumes... This isn't Stalin for you, who reaped only dividends from the expulsion of Trotsky and the Lubavitcher Rebbe: ridding of Russia from its two "main" Jews and the solid boost to the national treasury resulting from their ransom.
Vladimir Putin "did his best" for Russia even more: he not only rid her, long-suffering Rus, of the Jewish "plague", but also a) effectively put an end to the schism within Russian Jewry, by placing the latter in Chabad's reliable hands; b) expelled two Jewish "troublemakers" from the Kremlin "Politburo", replacing them with the super-quiet Chabad; and c) contributed humanitarian aid to the West in the form of the Beryoza-Gus billions, thus boosting Russia's image as a rich and generous country... And the main thing: by releasing two of the Jews who have bled Russia dry in the past decade, Putin cleared the Russian people of any accusations of anti-semitism and raised its prestige in the eyes of the whole "civilized" world! Take that, Joseph Vissarionovich!
From that time on, Putin has been the loyal friend of Chabad and always follows its quiet, wise advice. As the Jewish press glowingly reports, Putin invites the Chabad rabbis to the Kremlin a minimum of once a month and queries them in detail about the mood of the Jewish community in Russia:
On the 7th of February Russian President Vladimir Putin received the Head Rabbi of Russia (FEOR) Berl Lazar in the Kremlin. ...As Berl Lazar reported, the Russian President was extremely interested in questions concerning the life of Russia's Jewish community... In Berl Lazar's opinion, the president was interested to find out that at present Jews feel much freer in Russia, that they can make the decision of whether to stay or whether to leave freely, inasmuch as they feel support from the government... ...But the main thing, in Rabbi Lazar's opinion, is that "the President has a healthy understanding of Russia's future and the role of religion in society." (International Jewish News, No. 10, February 2002)
On the 19th of March the President of Russia Vladimir Putin met with representatives of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia in the Kremlin ... Putin spoke of how important it is to set up a "unsurmountable barrier" to xenophobia and religious extremism, and noted the Jewish people's contribution to Russian affairs. The President spoke about the address of the Jewish community of Russia to the USA on the matter of repeal of the Jackson-Vanik amendment, after which the "process is developing positively"... President of the Federation of Jewish Communities of the CIS and Chairman of the FEOR oversight committee Lev Leviev was also present at the Kremlin meeting, [along with] ...rabbis from a number of Russian cities. (International Jewish News, No. 11, March 2002).
With regard to the last quote I must add that all of those "rabbis from a number of Russian cities", to the very last one, are Chabad's people, and the group of respected guests of the Kremlin was headed by the "wise mentor" with whom we're already acquainted, the "super-quiet" Berl Lazar.
Since I know personally the "Head Rabbi of Russia and CIS Countries", one of the most highly-active carriers of "Zionist wisdom" and "head foremen" in the construction of the Third Khazaria, I can't fail to give Berl Lazar his due for his diplomatic and sleight-of-hand abilities and for going practically unnoticed as he jerks the strings of the "goy marionettes", setting them into their "unnatural motion". What's more, this Lubavitcher werewolf is a master of the art of "official language" and "nimbly-constructed phraseology".
So that you too can fully appreciate the supreme mastery of the "head" Chabad polyglot, I'll relate to you what Rabbi Lazar said in a televised chat on Gusinsky's former channel, NTV, with Savik Schuster, host of the program "Hero of the Day". Berl Lazar began his monologue with his traditional reverence in the direction of President Putin, who, in his words, possesses such remarkable qualities as "confident pragmatism" and "a healthy understanding of the question of Russia's future", which, in turn, is the guarantee of the well-being and prosperity of the country's Jewish community. Then the discussion turned to matters of trade, business, petitioning the American administration for the repeal of the "Jackson-Vanik amendment", and even to the rabbi's intention of influencing the US oil lobby with the intention of re-orienting it towards Russia ... Listening patiently to these business projects which, as it turns out, are all part of the Jewish community's sphere of "vital interests", I waited and waited for the religious leader of Russian Jewry, the Head Rabbi of Russia and the CIS, to say at least one word about God or the soul. As it turned out I waited in vain ... Can you imagine a representative of the Orthodox Christian clergy sitting in front of the TV camera, giving a "sermon" about business strategy and the advantages resulting from one or another deal?... So we have a strange situation: While the Orthodox Church calls its flock to humility, kindness, cleansing of the soul and the service of God, Chabad "chosen people" in black hats boast pragmatically of their business deals concluded on the bones of humble Orthodox Christians. How right Emmanuel Kant was, when he said: "In the absence of morals God is a monster..."
A word or two about the aforementioned "business projects": I hope you remember what happened to the rabbi's promises to help repeal the "Jackson-Vanik amendment" introduced in 1973 to "punish" the Soviet Union for limiting Jewish emigration and in accordance with which the USA set up a range of trade barriers against the USSR. That's right, nothing happened. And Bush's "long-awaited" visit, to which the amendment's repeal was supposed to be timed, ended with the introduction of yet another "amendment" which created additional limitations, this time on "strategic offensive arms". Without doubt, one has to possess especially "pragmatic" views to see any advantage for Russia in all of this ... Having paid an incommensurately high price of a new "amendment" for the repeal of the old one, President Putin was allowed the "honor" of calling himself Bush's "friend", and even received from his new "comrade-in-farewell-to-arms" the playful sobriquet "Pootie-Poot" as a token of special consideration. Before this moment only Gorbachev had succeeded in rising so high in the eyes of the "world community" by being worthy of the chummy nickname "Gorby." Apparently it was no tragedy that the problem of the "emigration" of American chicken legs had replaced that of the emigration of Russian Jews. The main thing is that friendship triumphed! And while Pootie-Poot, with his characteristic pragmatism, is thinking up new ways to sell off Russia's "best interests", the Jacksons and Vanicks of the world will be busy thinking up new reasons to keep Russia "on the hook" with more and more of their "amendments". There can be no doubt the the latest of Chabad's "initiatives", including the current "oil initiative" will end no less "advantageously"... And one more detail, with which that very same NTV acquainted its viewers. In a March meeting in the Kremlin, Vladimir Putin congratulated those present on a significant date: the 100th anniversary of the birth of the Seventh Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson, King-Messiah for the ages! I think no comment is necessary here.
The next publication I wish to cite, however, will require some commentary to help you to fully comprehend just what sort of guests the Russian Head of State with his strenuously-cultivated "in-control" image is welcoming to the Kremlin. I'm referring to an article published in the Odessa magazine Passazh, and dedicated to the President of the Federation of Jewish Communities of the CIS States and chairman of the FEOR oversight committee Lev Leviev. This true "hatchling" from the Chabad nest, who openly demonstrates his ultra-Orthodox fanaticism, is one of the new "heroes of the day" who've arrived to replace yesterday's "incorrect" oligarchs, and obligatorily figures in all of Chabad's "get-togethers" with the presidents of Russia and the Ukraine. By the way, you've already seen him in the photographs with the captions "good goys", where he's standing on the right hand of both "correct" presidents, apparently to signify the "special services" rendered by this Chabad oligarch to the Orthodox Christian states ... One of Lev Leviev's "special services" consists of his "super-quiet" entry into Russia's diamond mining industry, where Chabad is now pumping out diamonds from the "rich and generous" land. In light of this fact, the title of a Passazh article entitled "Secrets of Diamond Lev" looks especially symbolic. I'll cite a few of its high points:
...We met when Leviev flew to Odessa from Kiev. In the Ukrainian capital the President of the Federation of Jewish Communities of the CIS States and a group of Ukrainian rabbis were received by President Kuchma ... Leviev said much of interest and edification on this celebratory evening to those gathered in the synagogue on Ulitsa Osipova. He spoke of the respect with which he was received by the Ukrainian government, which expressed serious interest in Jews taking an ever more active role in the public and economic life of the country. We should note that this exhortation was addressed specifically to one person: the head of GKL (the "Leviev Company Group"), president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Israel, Russia, and the CIS Countries. A man who enjoys great trust and authority not only in business circles, but among the leaders of world powers, including Russian President Vladimir Putin... (Passazh, February 2002.)
As you can see, Lev Leviev's regular visits to Kiev and Moscow have borne fruit, guaranteeing "serious interest" of both the Ukrainian and Russian leadership in Jews' "active role in the public and economic life" of these countries. What's more, the supra-national "presidential" status of Leviev, who heads the Federation of Jewish Communities of the CIS States, allows him not only to speak with the presidents of giant Slavic states as equals, but guarantees that "Diamond Lev" enjoys their "great trust and authority". And not only he, but the group of Chabad rabbis protecting the interests of their own "correct" oligarchs. The article continues:
Here's the main thing: Lev is convinced that his life was enlightened by communion with his Teacher - the Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem-Mendel Schneerson. And here's an example. "In 1989", recalls Leviev, "my business wasn't going as well as I could have hoped for ... I must say that at that time was considering starting up business in the USSR, though I understood just how risky that could be. As I always did in such situations, I went to the Rebbe to ask his advice ... From him I heard the following: "Don't forget your family traditions; don't forget who your grandfather was; remember the Torah, which teaches us to concern ourselves with others. You must help other Jews living in the Soviet Union" And he," continues Leviev, "named all 15 republics, adding: "God willing, you'll have a business, too." Armed with this advice from the Teacher I arrived in Moscow 11 years ago and opened up two programs, one related to business and the other to helping the [Jewish] community. Today there are already 345 such organizations in the CIS, with synagogues, institutes of learning, cafeterias, libraries, and large centers... One of the most active is "Chabad Shomrei Shabos", which is run by my friend, the Head Rabbi of Odessa and the Southern Ukraine Avroom Wolf. I consider him the most successful and reliable businessman..." (Ibid.)
Here we need to pay attention to two things. Firstly, who in the conditions of the still-communist USSR would think of opening up a private diamond business? And it's just this sort of "business-related program" which we're talking about here, because by that time Lev Leviev had already established himself in diamonds in South Africa, Angola and India... Though after reading the above article one might get the impression that "Diamond Lev", in seeking the Rebbe's advice before expanding into "Soviet" territory, was thinking about opening an atelier for the sewing of women's blouses or a small factory for the production of jar lids. We can only draw one conclusion from the fact that Leviev received his Teacher's blessing and decided to "take the risk" after all: that by 1989 no risk existed for Chabad "businessmen" in the Soviet Union. Though within the USSR itself there were probably very few who could have guessed that ...
I'd like to remind you that the financial crisis of 1998 happened during the premiership of the the "young reformer" Sergei Kirienko, the consequences of whose "healthy pragmatism" are still being felt by "Russia and other countries" to this day. It seems that the only one who came out the winner after "Black Tuesday" was Lev Leviev. In any case, the other lucky ones have yet to come forward. In surprising fashion the main "guilty party" of Chabad oligarch Lev Leviev's "triumph," the ruble default of 1998, avoided what by all accounts should have been the end of his political career by receiving the post of presidential representative in one of Russia's seven federal districts as a reward for his inglorious premiership. Maybe ex-premiere Kirienko's phenomenal "unsinkability" can be explained by his Jewish ancestry, officially recognized by Israel in the form of an offer of dual Russian-Israeli citizenship? True, Sergei Vladimirovich demonstratively refused it, but his gesture, as I will now convince you, was a pure formality. In part, the newspaper Pravda of Moscow (No. 98, 1998) sets forth materials published in the Israeli newspaper Vesti about how the branch of the Israeli Foreign Ministry in the city of Holon (a suburb of Tel-Aviv) confirmed the fact of the issuance of such ID documents to Sergei Kirienko when he was still a banker. However, after Boris Berezovsky's refusal of Israeli citizenship, Kirienko followed the oligarch's example, as did many other leading Russian businessmen and high-placed political figures. Among the more well-known "refuseniks" the newspaper mentions Chubais, Nemtsov, Urinson, Yasin, and Livshits. By the way,Vesti stresses that the procedure for receiving Israeli citizenship, like the procedure for refusing it, is extremely simple. It's enough to fill out a standardized form in any Israeli embassy or consulate indicating the reason for refusal. According to Israeli law citizenship can be restored just as easily. At a board meeting of the Jewish "Sokhnut" agency the possibility of the secondary issuance of Israel citizenship to former Russian politicians in cases of emergency was discussed...
It seems to me that Russia's "young reformers", who so actively support their pragmatic President, can sleep soundly, for their safety is guaranteed by the "Zionist elders" themselves:
The security of our people. They won't be able to touch our people, for the moment of attack will be known to us in advance, and we will take measures to protect them. (See Protocol No. 3)
The only thing remaining to add is that Lev Leviev is only one member of the "diamond reserves" of Chabad, which has tightly encircled the Russian and Ukrainian "thrones" with its oligarchs. And today Mamut and Abramovich speak in the name of Russia's "business community" and Feldman and Rabinovich in the name of the Ukraine's, with the support of Chabad rabbi-businessmen and the post-mortem blessing of the practical Lubavitcher Moshiach: "God willing, you'll have a business, too"...
The following was written by Vladimir Borisov, possibly in January 2005
Ukraine, which parted from Russia in 1991, has never achieved a true independent state.
Just like in Russia, or even 80 years earlier in the Weimar Republic, a tribe of vultures descended upon the body of the nation.
In the early 1990s, backed by the financial power of international Jewish bankers, the vultures bought for pennies, and plainly seized, all major enterprises previously owned by the state. Including the biggest factories and entire sectors of the newly "privatized" national economy. Pictured clockwise: Billionaire media moguls Gregory Surkis, Victor Medvedchuk, Vadim Rabinovich and Victor Pinchuk. |  |
According to the 2001 Ukrainian census, there are 103,000 Jews in Ukraine, which is 0.2% of the total population. Out of 130 nationalities in the Ukraine, the Jewish minority numerically is behind Bulgarians (204,000), Hungarians (156,000), Romanians (151,000) and Poles (144,000). However, as one might expect, the Jewish "oligarchs" were the ones who happened to seize all positions in mass media. Professor Vasyl Yaremenko, director of the Institute of Culturological and Ethnopolitical research at Kiev State University, released an article in 2003 entitled, "Jews in Ukraine today: reality without myths." In it he says the following:
"Ukrainians need to know that the mass media is completely in the hands of Jews, and everything that we watch or read is the product of Jewish ideology…"
He then reviews the situation in regards to Ukrainian network television and cable broadcasters:
• "First National Television Channel UT-1" is owned by the president of the Social Democratic Party, led and dominated by chief of staff Viktor Medvedchuk. • "Inter TV" and "Studio 1+1 TV" have been Ukrainian national broadcasters since 1996, they are available in English, Ukrainian and Russian languages. They are owned by Viktor Medvedchuk and Gregory Surkis.
• "Alternativa TV", "TET Broadcasting Company", and "UNIAN (Ukrainian Independent Information & News Agency)" are also owned by Viktor Medvedchuk and Gregory Surkis.
• "STB TV" and "ICTV" are owned by the Viktor Pinchuk, the wealthiest man in Ukraine, with an estimated net worth of $3 billion.
• "Novyi Kanal (New Channel) TV" is owned by Viktor Pinchuk with a group of Jewish oligarchs from Russia called "Alpha Group."
Zionists control all of Ukrainian television media!
According to Professor Yaremenko, all major newspapers are also owned by Jews:
• The publishing house of Rabinovich-Katsman owns the newspapers Stolychka, Stolichnye Novosti, Jewish Review (in Russian), Jewish Reviewer, Vek, Mig, and Zerkalo .• Jed Sandes, an American citizen and a Jew, publishes Korrespondent and Kiev-Post.
• Gregory Surkis publishes Kievskie Vedomosti and the weekly 2000.
• Jew Dmitro Gordon publishes Bulvar.
• Viktor Pinchuk publishes Facts and Commentaries.
• The Donetsk Group (Jewish-Russian oligarchs) publishes Segondnya.
Who are these "Ukrainian" oligarchs?
Jew Victor Pinchuk is the son-of-law of Ukrainian president Leonid Kuchma [Kuchma was placed into office by Jew George Soros]. He is the owner of several oil, gas and energy import/export companies. He also owns the nation's largest steel mill and a chain of banks. His group has very strong ties with other Jewish organizations in Ukraine, as well as in the U.S. and Israel. He is a member of the Ukrainian Parliament, an adviser to the president, and one of the leaders of the Labor Ukrainian Party.
Jew Vadim Rabinovich is a citizen of Israel. In 1980 he was charged with stealing state property and spent 9 months in a jail. In 1984 he was arrested and sentenced to 14 years in prison for his black market activities . He was released in 1990. In 1993 he became a representative of the Austrian company "Nordex" in Ukraine. The company received exclusive rights to sell Russian oil from president Kuchma . In 1997 Rabinovich became president of the All-Ukrainian Jewish Congress, and in 1999 he was elected head of the United Jewish Community of Ukraine. Also in 1999, Rabinovich created the Jewish Confederation of Ukraine. That same year the Associated Press estimated his wealth as $1 billion. Rabinovich owns Central Europe Media Enterprises, which controls television stations in seven East European countries.
Jew Victor Medvedchuk is Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma's Chief of Staff. The Medvedchuk-Surkis cabal controls Ukraine's energy sector (8 regional energy companies), oil and gas market, alcohol and sugar production, shipbuilding, and athletic organizations. He is a member of the Ukrainian Parliament, and a leader in the Social Democratic party of Ukraine (SDPU).
Jew Gregory Surkis is second in command of the SDPU. He owns a soccer team, Dynamo-Kiev, and is a president of the Professional Soccer League. He is CEO of Slavutich, a company that controls several regional energy companies (KirovogradEnergo, PoltavEnergo, etc). He too is a member of the Ukrainian Parliament.
Professor Yaremenko points out that out of the 400+ members of the Ukrainian Parliament, 136 (possibly 158) are Jews. That is more than in the Israeli Knesset. Who voted for them, asks professor Yaremenko. Who paid for costly election campaigns? — 90% of Ukrainian banks are owned by Jews.
Ukraine is the perfect example of so-called Democracy - "democracy" where the rule of a tiny, ethnic minority is disguised under the cloak of the will and rule of the majority. By controlling mass media and skillfully manipulating the opinions of the Ukrainian electorat, these "fat cats" as they're called in Ukraine — these liars and corrupters, are the real masters in this beautiful country.
Does it surprise anyone to see the rise in "anti-Semitism" around the world, and in Ukraine in particular?
"Jews in Ukraine: Reality Without Myth" was published on Sept. 30, 2003, and was the article that prompted the Ukrainian Jewish Congress to file a lawsuit asking the court to shut down the newspaper Sel'skie Vesti, which published it. Sel'skie Vesti had a circulation of over 500,000 and was the largest in Ukraine.
On Jan. 28, a court in Kiev, Ukraine, ordered the closure of the daily newspaper on the grounds that it was publishing "hate literature," a crime in Jewish-owned Ukraine. The newspaper was found guilty of publishing "anti-Semitic" materials, and promoting ethnic and religious hostility.
A well-known Ukrainian Jewish community leader and anti-Zionist, Eduard Hodos, has come to the defense of the newspaper and the articles' author, Vasily Yaremenko. In the course of his speech intended for a hearing of the Appellate Court of the City of Kiev (scheduled for May 25, 2004, but delayed indefinitely for reasons unknown), the author denounces the Talmud as "monstrous" and defends Mel Gibson's 'The Passion of the Christ', which has come under attack by 'human rights advocates' everywhere. You can read it here:
Prior to being shut down, the newspaper published the following letters from readers, which were reprinted by Jewish organizations and used as "proof" of "anti-Semtism."
...Today the Jewish community in Ukraine is not experiencing the rebirth of a national minority but is in the process of legalizing its dealings as an apolitical and economic structure, which is well planned, organized and financed. This so-called minority exhibits extreme aggression. It poses an elevated threat to the national security of Ukraine. As a foreign political body that practically oversees international trade, national finances, mass media and publishing, it must be placed under strict government and sate control, and must be regimented and regulated.
...90% of Ukrainian banks are run by Jewish "specialists." In other words, Ukrainian finances are in Jewish hands. As a Ukrainian citizen and an ethnic Ukrainian, my origin forces me speak up and ask: "Is this normal?" ...In the 1930s, all Ukrainian gold that had been passed down from generation to generation ended up in Jewish wallets after the famine organized by Jews [the author earlier writes that 99% of PCIA members––Stalin's secret police––were Jewish] and Ukrainians had to reach deeply into their pockets. However, Jews were not able to enjoy those stolen goods as German fascism changed the course of events. Today the gold of Ukrainian Jews, these gold diggers of the Ukrainian Klondike, is in banks in Switzerland.
...It is not safe to write about Jews not because the writer will automatically be accused of xenophobia, but because every Ukrainian, if not openly then secretly, is an anti-Semite ready to participate in a pogrom.
...Ukrainians must know that Ukrainian mass media is in the hands of Jews and that we absorb information and food for the soul from a Jewish ideological kitchen.
...Jewish publicists deny the fact that [Jewish people] organized the Ukrainian famine in 1933. However, eyewitnesses claim otherwise.... Not one Jewish person died from starvation in 1933.
...We are not anti-Semites. However, we believe it is dishonorable and demeaning to stay quiet when Zionists are taking over the political and economic spheres of our country. We must let people know the truth about the doings of Zionists in Ukraine.
...He told the truth about the vicious activities of Zionists in Ukraine.
...We cannot allow Zionists to destroy Ukraine.
23 - Western banks 'reaping billions from Colombian cocaine trade'
While cocaine production ravages countries in Central America, consumers in the US and Europe are helping developed economies grow rich from the profits, a study claims
The vast profits made from drug production and trafficking are overwhelmingly reaped in rich "consuming" countries – principally across Europe and in the US – rather than war-torn "producing" nations such asColombia and Mexico, new research has revealed. And its authors claim that financial regulators in the west are reluctant to go after western banks in pursuit of the massive amount of drug money being laundered through their systems.
The most far-reaching and detailed analysis to date of the drug economy in any country – in this case, Colombia – shows that 2.6% of the total street value of cocaine produced remains within the country, while a staggering 97.4% of profits are reaped by criminal syndicates, and laundered by banks, in first-world consuming countries.
"The story of who makes the money from Colombian cocaine is a metaphor for the disproportionate burden placed in every way on 'producing' nations like Colombia as a result of the prohibition of drugs," said one of the authors of the study, Alejandro Gaviria, launching its English edition last week.
"Colombian society has suffered to almost no economic advantage from the drugs trade, while huge profits are made by criminal distribution networks in consuming countries, and recycled by banks which operate with nothing like the restrictions that Colombia's own banking system is subject to."
His co-author, Daniel Mejía, added: "The whole system operated by authorities in the consuming nations is based around going after the small guy, the weakest link in the chain, and never the big business or financial systems where the big money is."
The work, by the two economists at University of the Andes in Bogotá, is part of an initiative by the Colombian government to overhaul globaldrugs policy and focus on money laundering by the big banks in America and Europe, as well as social prevention of drug taking and consideration of options for de-criminalising some or all drugs.
The economists surveyed an entire range of economic, social and political facets of the drug wars that have ravaged Colombia. The conflict has now shifted, with deadly consequences, to Mexico and it is feared will spread imminently to central America. But the most shocking conclusion relates to what the authors call "the microeconomics of cocaine production" in their country.
Gaviria and Mejía estimate that the lowest possible street value (at $100 per gram, about £65) of "net cocaine, after interdiction" produced in Colombia during the year studied (2008) amounts to $300bn. But of that only $7.8bn remained in the country.
"It is a minuscule proportion of GDP," said Mejía, "which can impact disastrously on society and political life, but not on the Colombian economy. The economy for Colombian cocaine is outside Colombia."
Mejía told the Observer: "The way I try to put it is this: prohibition is a transfer of the cost of the drug problem from the consuming to the producing countries."
"If countries like Colombia benefitted economically from the drug trade, there would be a certain sense in it all," said Gaviria. "Instead, we have paid the highest price for someone else's profits – Colombia until recently, and now Mexico.
"I put it to Americans like this – suppose all cocaine consumption in the US disappeared and went to Canada. Would Americans be happy to see the homicide rates in Seattle skyrocket in order to prevent the cocaine and the money going to Canada? That way they start to understand for a moment the cost to Colombia and Mexico."
The mechanisms of laundering drug money were highlighted in theObserver last year after a rare settlement in Miami between US federal authorities and the Wachovia bank, which admitted to transferring $110m of drug money into the US, but failing to properly monitor a staggering $376bn brought into the bank through small exchange houses in Mexico over four years. (Wachovia has since been taken over by Wells Fargo, which has co-operated with the investigation.)
But no one went to jail, and the bank is now in the clear. "Overall, there's great reluctance to go after the big money," said Mejía. "They don't target those parts of the chain where there's a large value added. In Europe and America the money is dispersed – once it reaches the consuming country it goes into the system, in every city and state. They'd rather go after the petty economy, the small people and coca crops in Colombia, even though the economy is tiny."
Colombia's banks, meanwhile, said Mejía, "are subject to rigorous control, to stop laundering of profits that may return to our country. Just to bank $2,000 involves a huge amount of paperwork – and much of this is overseen by Americans."
"In Colombia," said Gaviria, "they ask questions of banks they'd never ask in the US. If they did, it would be against the laws of banking privacy. In the US you have very strong laws on bank secrecy, in Colombia not – though the proportion of laundered money is the other way round. It's kind of hypocrisy, right?"
Dr Mejia said: "It's an extension of the way they operate at home. Go after the lower classes, the weak link in the chain – the little guy, to show results. Again, transferring the cost of the drug war on to the poorest, but not the financial system and the big business that moves all this along."
With Britain having overtaken the US and Spain as the world's biggest consumer of cocaine per capita, the Wachovia investigation showed much of the drug money is also laundered through the City of London, where the principal Wachovia whistleblower, Martin Woods, was based in the bank's anti-laundering office. He was wrongfully dismissed after sounding the alarm.
Gaviria said: "We know that authorities in the US and UK know far more than they act upon. The authorities realise things about certain people they think are moving money for the drug trade – but the DEA [US Drugs Enforcement Administration] only acts on a fraction of what it knows."
"It's taboo to go after the big banks," added Mejía. "It's political suicide in this economic climate, because the amounts of money recycled are so high."
Anti-Drugs Policies In Colombia: Successes, Failures And Wrong Turns, edited by Alejandro Gaviria and Daniel Mejía, Ediciones Uniandes, 2011
24 - Federal Reserve is a Cache of Stolen Assets
Totalitarian Collectivism |
Until the control of the issue of currency and credit is restored to government and recognized as its most conspicuous and sacred responsibility, all talk of sovereignty of Parliament and of democracy is idle and futile... Once a nation parts with control of its credit, it matters not who makes the nation's laws... Usury once in control will wreck any nation. William Lyon Mackenzie King |
Federal Reserve is a Cache of Stolen Assets
The American Revolution, in no small part, was a repudiation of the central banking tyranny exported to the New World by the Bank of England. Few legacies have grown more despotic than the consequences of living under the rule of fractional reserve banking. Many good willed conservatives understand that the system is imploding. Some envision a second American Revolution that expels the remnant Tories that have hijacked our Federalism separation of powers form of government. Woefully, the prospects for a States Rights revolt are slim. However, the scenario of a domestic French Revolution style carnage is brewing with every escalation of the pompous arrogance worthy of a Jean-Joseph, marquis de Laborde or the manipulative usury of the House of Rothschild.
The eruption of populist outrage is long overdue. The lack of objective mainstream media coverage is expected. Their attempt to spin the natural disguise for a corrupt establishment in the hearts of sincere and persecuted citizens is typical. The elite's message is that they will either control the movement, or at the very least, strip it from any positive synergism. Send in the clowns, like Michael Moore. Wall Street Capitalism: A Love Affair explains the hideous agenda of the clueless socialists that condemn all things Wall Street, while advancing the ultimate goals of the New World Order globalists. Street theater no longer is enough. The peasants are rallying their pitchforks, as they storm the Bastille; however, they got their GPS coordinates wrong. The correct address is 33 Liberty Street, New York, NY. That is the location of the dominate Federal Reserve temple. When the public finally comes to grips with the real cause of the unsustainable debt, they will understand that the private central banking system bears the ultimate redress for their sins against America and all humanity.

A Privatised Money Supply, presents an informative analysis. Assuming a reserve ratio of 1:10 the table below shows how $100 of interest-free government created money (GCM), i.e. cash, is used by the banking system to create $900 of interest-bearing bank-created money (BCM) in the form of loans. The reserve ratio is the ratio of cash reserves (GCM) to deposits (mostly BCM). In our example the banking system consists of 50 banks, but the money creation process would be essentially the same for any number of banks from one to infinity.
Modern accounting uses double entry book keeping where liabilities and assets are kept exactly equal. A bank's liabilities are its deposits. Its assets are its loans (including bonds which are loans to government) and its cash reserves. Here is how the banking system creates money. In column 1 $100 of cash is deposited in Bank 1. Bank 1 creates a $90 loan in the form of a deposit as shown in column 2. This deposit is pure BCM and, because it must be paid back with interest, is an asset. With a reserve ratio of 1:10 the bank puts aside $10 in cash (column 3) to meet cash demands from the person who deposited the $100. The remaining $90 in cash covers the $90 loan. The borrower proceeds to write cheques on his $90 deposit and these cheques get deposited in Bank 2. For these cheques Bank 2 demands and gets cash from Bank 1 until eventually all $90 ends up in Bank 2. (Naturally in real life more than two banks are involved. Thus the transactions are not so simple and orderly as they must be here for explanatory purposes, but everything comes out in the wash to give exactly the same result.) However the original $100 deposit still stands to the credit of the depositor (a liability for Bank 1) even though $90 of it has moved on to Bank 2. And the $90 loan Bank 1 created when it first received the original $100 deposit also stands (an asset for Bank 1). Banks 2, 3, 4, etc. then repeat this process eventually creating $900 of BCM in the form of loans (as shown in column 2) and dispersing the original $100 as cash reserves throughout the banking system (as shown in column 3).
Note that $900 of the $1000 of deposits in column 1 is BCM, i.e. credit created by the banks in the form of loans. (Banks make loans by "depositing money" in your account which you must pay back with interest. Thus they are loan/deposits.) Only the original $100 cash deposit is GCM. One other point. As a loan/deposit gets spent, a deposit in some other bank grows in inverse proportion. Thus the banks have increased the money supply by $900 and not by $1800. That would be double counting. The important points, however, are as follows: this ingenious system is called fractional reserve banking; it creates debt for the sole purpose of enriching the banking class; it is a subtle form of theft; historically it was condemned as a form of usury.
| Column 1 | | Column 2 | | Column 3 |
| LIABILITIES | | | | |
| | = | Loan/Deposits (100% BCM) | + | Cash Reserves (100% GCM) |
Bank 1 Bank 2 Bank 3 . . . Bank 49 Bank 50 Totals | $100.00 90.00 81.00 . . . 0.64 0.57 $994.85 | | $90.00 81.00 72.90 . . . 0.57 0.52 $895.36 | | $10.00 9.00 8.10 . . . 0.6 0.6 $99.43 |
Max Amount | $1000.00 | = | $900.00 | + | $100.00 |
This method of theft operates as the normal course of business. What the banksters do with the money they obtain from debt created money is even more repulsive. All the financial speculative instruments of leveraged trading just compound the heist. So what do these outlaws do with all the money?
The end net result is that they buy, especially at rock bottom prices, all the real assets that the filthy money can purchase. When you think of Wall Street greed, go beyond the usual suspects and focus on the controllers of the assets that are under the hegemony of the central bank. Here lies the reason why the rebellion must remove the engine of enslavement from the landscape for any future financial system of commerce.
Think about who really owns the land, the buildings and the resources in our country. In order to really understand the scope and extent of the economy, the differential between actual Main Street enterprise, that feeds, clothes and shelters the population, is minuscule when compared to the financial assets, both liquid and real property, that is under the command and control of the central bank.
Most individuals do not own property encumbrance free. Most debt is owed to the banksters. The middle class is in a tailspin because the Fed has a zero interest rate policy that effectively diminished your return on capital of your savings to nothing. The same is not true for the banks. The fact that they have in excess of a 2 Trillion Dollars cash hoard on their balance sheets and refuse to lend out money to the general public, demonstrates that the inside money is waiting to pick up even more real assets, when the signal comes for the total collapse.

TARP, QE2 and the Twist are all ploys to enrich the selective banks that are part of the orthodox Fed fraternity. Technically all federal charted banks have an ownership interest in the Fed. Who among us are so naive to think that every bank is equal to the sacredly held corporate interlocking directorates that make and direct monetary policy?
Only when the middle class takes to the streets with a spontaneous civil disobedience commitment that dwarfs the Tea Party movement, will the central banking tyranny be eliminated. All the fraudulent debt that funded the asset acquisitions of crooks must be clawed back. As long as the banksters hide behind the shield of corporation personhood, LLC liability exemption and government guaranteed loans, the ordinary family will continue to be reduced to perpetual and permanent poverty.
What kind of revolution is coming to America? The lesson of the French élan of bloodletting to remove an aristocratic class is not pretty. However, a national discussion needs to concentrate on:
1) Methods of eliminating the Federal Reserve fraud and restoring an honest money system for commerce
2) Repudiation of the corporatist "Free Trade" global business model and a return to a merchant class free enterprise independent domestic economy 3) Confiscation of assets and wealth acquired through illegal systematic RICO style schemes that demand treble damages from their ill-gotten gain
Americans deserve property right protections from the criminal extortion and the cold-blooded offenses that the banksters used, to steal the national wealth. The expanding protest must result in a true restoration of a traditional upwardly mobile society, not an expanded nanny state. The suffocating debt and the profane system that spawned it must end. The term "Citizen" does not apply to elitist plutocrats. If Americans want to stave off a 21st century version, of the Committee of Public Safety, get behind the "Revolt against the Fed". Tear down the House of Rothschild. This is one time the concept of "Reparations" has standing in a legitimate court of law.
SARTRE – October 9, 2011
Totalitarian Collectivism |
Now it will come about that instead of sweet perfume there will be putrefaction; Instead of a belt, a rope; Instead of well-set hair, a plucked-out scalp; Instead of fine clothes, a donning of sackcloth; And branding instead of beauty. Your men will fall by the sword, And your mighty ones in battle. And her gates will lament and mourn; And deserted she will sit on the ground. –Anonymous |
25 - NOVO ORDO SECLORUM - NeoCon Hell on Earth |
The 20th Century was the most destructive era in history. Deaths from all the wars and the genocides estimated at 160 million may seem small if the planet descends into the approaching holocaust. Globalization is the catchword of the ruling class. Sovereign nations are obsolete to the corporatists. Militarization for suppressing conflicts is the mission, since warfare among nations are passé. The old alliances based upon ethnic composition or ideology has vanished. Only dissenters against the New World Order pose a threat to the Novo Ordo Seclorum. This New Order of the Ages has been in the works for over a millennium. Lest you forget the horrors of man's inhumanity to man, a short vignette looks back at some of the worst practices of Totalitarian Collectivism. Caution some of the images in this NOVO ORDO SECLORUM video are ghastly, but the chronological documentation deserves your viewing. Statism is the common thread that links all totalitarian regimes. Most living souls do not believe that the Soviet, Lenin and Stalin gulag, is possible today. A diluted revulsion level of atrocities is characteristic of the media script of current events. Disconnect between what really happens and what is reported is so dramatic that reality is unknown to most people. |
The term NeoCon, commonly used as a synonym for neoconservative begs the real issue. There is nothing conservative about a top down authoritarian central government. Originally, refugees from the liberal Marxist strain, the former Bush NeoCon cronies applied their perverted viewpoint to discredit the meaning of real conservatism. Now you have the Obama LibCons outdoing their statist cousins to advance the War Party outreach intervention, well beyond Iraq and Afghanistan.
Playing the political party label game never alters the fundamental foreign policy designed to use American youth as cannon fodder for the actual masters of the global hegemony. Under Obama and slated with designed regime change, were the countries of Tunisia, Egypt and Libya. Pakistan and Syria are next. Even the stern warning from China not to intervene or violate the sovereignty of Pakistan goes unheard. The march toward a Middle East conflagration rests upon a predictable attack on Iran. This is the obvious war plan. However, the evil empire has limits that superior targeting technology cannot predict a final outcome.

The NeoCons and their Obama administration protagonists share the same bloodline. They all foster a hell on earth for the general population. The unity of purpose is seen in their enduring determination to destroy an independent middle class and silence any dissenter that resists the coordinated enslavement of humanity. Imprisonment of the unruly on a massive scale, already planned by FEMA under Homeland Security provisions, is reminiscent of the sentiments of the ghost of Ezra Pound. John Kaminski provides an invaluable analysis. Pound's ghost comments: "What a strange occurrence! No battles are described; the empire was not attacked from without. The description is oddly like the French and Russian Communist Revolutions ... the rich were stripped of everything and slept in the open. There are also parallels to modern America ... the fish in the lakes and rivers die ... there is no end to noise."
The noise we do hear screams of lies, deception and fraud. How can we as a nation allow another
Patriots Act extension? How can we tolerate the
TSA and federal government tyranny that threatens the Texas state legislature to halt legislation that would classify TSA airport security procedures as a criminal felony or else face the reality of across the board flight cancellation in Texas? Or, how can we allow Congress their refusal to hold the phony POTUS
Barry Soetoro accountable, when he
ignores the war power act?
Where are the anti-war progressives, when their own anointed rock star violates the law to advance the Novo Ordo Seclorum's extermination of threats to their global imperium?
Sincere paleo-conservatives understand the dynamics used by the elites to confuse the uninformed to believe that an actual terrorist cabal exists to attack and destroy our country. All the time the real conspirators reside in corner suites on Wall Street or in underground bunkers directing the next false flag diversion.
NeoCon Watch tracks counterfeit conservatives and global loyalists that protect a bankrupt system for the benefit of select masters.This connection is familiar ground for regular readers of
BREAKING ALL THE RULES. What may not be as clear is the direct link of the NeoCons with the debauch and manipulated financial markets, the fractional reserve central banking racket and the intentional deindustrialization of the American economy.
This pattern of despotic control was well known to the great libertarian Murray Rothbard. In The Axis of Deceit, Jim Grichar writes,
"The neo-con Wall Street group . . . elite groups that dictated – and still dictates – the policies and major actions of the U.S. government. Composed of an alliance of neo-conservatives from think tanks, academia, government, Wall Street elite, and the media, its philosophy was, and still is, espoused by the Wall Street Journal editorial page, among others.
A marriage of money and a social democrat version of a free market philosophy (more akin to fascism), these armchair authoritarians claim to know what is good for us, and, whether or not we like it, they are going to give it to us. Even if they have to lie to get their way. (To get a better idea of how Murray really had their number, read The Irrepressible Rothbard, a compendium of Murray's articles from the Rothbard-Rockwell Report, for brilliant insights into how this group operates.)"
This analysis dates back to 2003. The financial meltdown of 2008 was no shock to the Statists who wage war against the public. The deliberate destruction of the economy is a calculated step in stripping the means of survival from the average peasant.
Ponder the consequences in the systematic elimination of the Soviet serfs in the Novo Ordo Seclorum YouTube. If you have faith in the U.S. government, that such eradication would be impossible in the "so called" land of the free, you are primed for an American version of Stalin's Terror.
This is a sober alert. What you believe does matter. Once you connect the dots, you have a moral obligation to oppose the sham of the official fantasy story that keeps most citizens in an unremitting cloud of self induced denial. Maybe a slick video with a catchy tune might break through the fog. Watch Nonsense Fairytales PropagandaCrap... Still You Believe - Osama & The Bin Ladens. The true terrorists do the bidding of the globalists.
If you are afraid of the wrath of the New Order of the Ages, just appreciate the penalty paid by Ezra Pound as he languished in prison for confronting absolutism. Mr. Kaminski continues and cites the importance of Eustace Mullins. "The literary device of Pound's ghost can only be Eustace Mullins, Pound's longtime assistant and protegé, who has over the decades become every bit as notorious and revered as his mentor. While Pound created the reputation in letters as the most authentic American poet of the 20th century, Mullins — who started out as the imprisoned Pound's devoted assistant — has done the same for himself in the area of revealing the secrets of the Federal Reserve scam and chronicling the hidden history of that certain tribe, to whose exploits we now return."

The NeoCons never rest and their depth of deceit has no limits. Wired magazine reports that There's a Secret Patriot Act. "Senator Wyden (D-Oregon) says that powers they grant the government on their face, the government applies a far broader legal interpretation — an interpretation that the government has conveniently classified, so it cannot be publicly assessed or challenged. But one prominent Patriot-watcher asserts that the secret interpretation empowers the government to deploy "dragnets" for massive amounts of information on private citizens; the government portrays its data-collection efforts much differently.
As a member of the intelligence committee, he laments that he can't precisely explain without disclosing classified information. But one component of the Patriot Act in particular gives him immense pause: the so-called "business-records provision," which empowers the FBI to get businesses, medical offices, banks and other organizations to turn over any "tangible things" it deems relevant to a security investigation."
The torment that Americans suffer is poised to explode. The government has manufactured unlawful directives that provide the cover to herd any protestors into a hellhole of torture. Maybe this prospect does not worry your trusting jingoistic confidence. Perhaps the acceleration toward a global apocalypse might get your hairs to stand on edge. Yet, most will dismiss this admonition as fear mongering.
Since the lies that folks hear every day from the media and from their fearless leaders keep so many people in a state of drugged daze, the path to oblivion escalates unimpaired. The elites are not immune to their own devices. The gulag they have planned for us can be used to incarcerate them if you refuse to comply with the Novo Ordo Seclorum. Your life has meaning; do not fear the New Order of the Ages terror. Your own dignity requires active resistance.
SARTRE – May 29, 2011
26 - Nazis SS Funded Nascent Israeli Army
December 18, 2010
Photo of a medal struck by the Nazis (Goebbels) to commemorate Zionist "friendship". Nazism and Zionism were two sides of the same Illuminati coin.
By Henry Makow Ph.D.
I knew the Zionists collaborated with the Nazis but I didn't know the Nazis actually funded the Zionists!
In his 1988 book "Blowback," Christopher Simpson says captured SS records documented a covert agreement between the SS and the Haganah, the forerunner of the Israeli Defense Force. They funded at least one Haganah commander.
"Under the arrangement the Haganah was permitted to run training camps for Jewish youth inside Germany. These young people, as well as certain other Jews driven out of Germany by the Nazis, were encouraged to emigrate to Palestine.
[Haganah Commander Feival] Polkes and the Haganah, in return, agreed to provide the SS with intelligence about British affairs in Palestine. Captured German records claim that Polkes believed the increasingly brutal Nazi persecution of the Jews could be turned to Zionist advantage-at least temporarily-by compelling Jewish immigration to Palestine, and that the Haganah commander's sole source of income, moreover, was secret funds from the SS." (p.252, emphasis mine)
If someone is paying your salary, you're working for them! I don't know the extent of Nazi support, but I doubt if this was an isolated case.
European Jews were betrayed by their Zionist leaders. Zionists collaborated in the holocaust in order to buttress the case for a Jewish homeland. All other Jewish leadership had been suppressed by the Nazis. Leaderless, Jews went to their death like sheep to the slaughter.
If Hitler didn't exist, Zionists would have created him. (Perhaps they did.) The numbers (from Edwin Black's The Transfer Agreement) tell the story. In 1927, about 15,000 of Germany's 550,000 Jews considered themselves Zionists. That's less than 2%.
The vast majority of German Jews "vehemently rejected Zionism as an enemy from within." They were Germans. Eighty thousand had fought in the trenches and 12,000 had died. "Nowhere was the opposition of Jews [to Zionism] so widespread, principled, and fierce as in Germany," a Zionist historian wrote. (168)
In order to manipulate Jews into going to Palestine, Germans had to be outfitted with a racist nationalist ideology just like Zionism. In fact, Julius Streicher and other Nazis admitted their "Master Race" ideology was modeled on Judaism.
Using Zionism and Nazism, the Illuminati was able to establish a private army, secret service and nuclear arsenal in Israel. They will also rebuild Salomon's Temple in the future world capital of Jerusalem.
"The holocaust put an end to the intense [Jewish] debate [over Israel.] In its shadow ... Jews could no longer be safe anywhere but in Eretz Yisrael, their homeland. Jews, in this view, should either live in the Jewish national home in Palestine, or support it vigorously, because it is their fallback option, should all hell break loose." (Josef Grodzinsky)
In other words, Jews were traumatized and duped by the Zio nazis. Now they have too much invested in Israel to admit they were hoodwinked.
Past Jewish suffering provides a lesson for today. Their leadership was usurped by Masons (i.e. Zionism is a Masonic order) bent on sacrificing them to advance a grand plan.
This is exactly our position. The bankers are using debt to disinherit and enslave us. Bush, Obama and most of our leaders are Illuminati Masons who agreed to assume trillions of dollars in "debt."
If they represented us, they would let banks fail (as they did in Iceland) and default on all debt created by bankers out of thin air.
The holocaust is a warning to us all. We will be enslaved (or worse) as long as we accept bogus leaders i.e. "the enemy from within."
Related- The Transfer Agreement (You Tube)
Irish Taxpayers Bail out Rothschilds, Goldman Sachs
Profitable Banks Got Trillions from Taxpayers
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|  | Totalitarian Collectivism |  | 27 - The Killer Elite Hit List
William Daley about Obama's decision to assassinate Anwar al-Awlaki, a U.S. citizen, in Yemen. According to Daley, Obama called the decision to strike the U.S.-born cleric "an easy one." 
The Killer Elite Hit List
The notorious Nixon hit list seems so placid when compared to the actual lethal force used by President Barack Obama, that one wonders how long it will be before the drone fleet turns their target munitions inside our own borders. The recent disclosure that Barry Soetoro, AKA, Barack Hussein Obama pours over a master list of threats against the establishment regime and picks the most dangerous candidates for surgical removal, demonstrates the care and precision used against "certified terrorists". Such is the latest method of keeping the institutions of the "Homeland" safe from nasty combatants that challenge the officially recognized empire. That bastion barrister of the rule of law, Eric Holder, clarifies the actions of the POTUS dictatorship. "Speaking to an audience at Northwestern University Law School, Holder gave the most complete explanation to date of the Obama administration's legal rationale for killing people such as American-born Anwar Awlaki, who was targeted in a U.S. airstrike in Yemen last year. Such killings can be ordered "in full accordance with the Constitution," but it requires "at least" an imminent threat in a situation where capture is not feasible, and when the strike is "conducted in a manner consistent" with the rules of war, Holder said. "In this hour of danger," Holder said, "we simply cannot afford to wait until deadly plans are carried out. And we will not." Contrast the viewpoint of the Attorney General with that of the esteemed jurist, Judge Andrew P. Napolitano in the essay The Secret Kill List. "The president cannot lawfully order the killing of anyone, except according to the Constitution and federal law. Under the Constitution, he can only order killing using the military when the U.S. has been attacked, or when an attack is so imminent and certain that delay would cost innocent American lives, or in pursuit of a congressional declaration of war. Under federal law, he can only order killing using civilians when a person has been sentenced lawfully to death by a federal court and the jury verdict and the death sentence have been upheld on appeal. If he uses the military to kill, federal law requires public reports of its use to Congress and congressional approval after 180 days." 
The predicament for the administration deepens with every attempt to uphold a failed foreign policy and a breach of basic bedrock constitutional protections. Toady proponents claim that Obama is a master speech deliverer, reading from a script of a grand design. Like another psychopath, skilled in rallying his sycophant supporters, Obama lacks a deep understanding of the repugnance in the rhetoric from the inconsistencies of the deeds. "The most striking aspect of the government's motion to dismiss the ACLU/CCR lawsuit challenging the use of targeted killing is that the government does not commit to the basis for its authority to kill an American citizen like Anwar al-Awlaki with no review. This starts as soon as the filing tries to lay the ground work for unchecked authority under the AUMF. It doesn't commit to whether Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula is part of al Qaeda itself, or is instead just closely enough associated to count under the AUMF." The United States has further determined that AQAP is an organized armed group that is either part of al-Qaeda, or is an associated force, or cobelligerent, of al-Qaeda that has directed armed attacks against the United States in the noninternational armed conflict between the United States and al-Qaeda that the Supreme Court recognized in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, 548 U.S. 557, 628-31 (2006). Furthermore, as noted above, the Executive Branch has determined that AQAP is an organized armed group that is either part of al-Qaeda or, alternatively, is an organized associated force, or cobelligerent, of al-Qaeda that has directed attacks against the United States in the noninternational armed conflict between the United States and al-Qaeda that the Supreme Court has recognized (see Hamdan, 548 U.S. at 628-31).
Note the conclusion within this assessment: "Though note the gigantic slip here: the AUMF only declares war against those "those nations, organizations, or persons [the President] determines planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored such organizations or persons" (when AQAP didn't exist in its current form), not those who have attacked us since. This "either/or" statement only claims that AQAP is part of the same war, not that it had any role in 9/11, so it's totally bogus in any case, even without the betrayal of their lack of confidence in both of these claims with the either/or construction."
Even under this tortured rationalization to fashion an argument that twists legal language, the depths of decadence to maintain the false flag justification for the terrorism fantasy says more about how far America has fallen than an actual threat to the nation.  Now that the droning of America has ramped up the mission for the total surveillance society, how long will it be before the "rules of war" apply within our own borders? The dire prospects of a second term Obama presidency loom over the skies with an ominous cloud. Barack Obama's actions are reminiscent of the arrogance and brutality of his Chicago criminal syndicate mentors. German propaganda equated the "Chicago Typewriter" Tommy gun style of brute force as proof of the real methods of the power elite. "During the 1930's the Nazi hierarchy became obsessed with sensational reports of the Chicago gangsters, Al Capone and his ilk. So when the Reichsminister of Propaganda wanted to demonize the British and American air forces, he combined the German word Luft (air) with 'gangsters' and thus we were portrayed in the German press. Just as we laughed at the Nazi propaganda tools, Lord Haw Haw and Axis Sally, and enjoyed the music they beamed at us (remember Lili Marlene?) so we reveled in the title of Luftgangster".While the drone fleet analogy applies and Obama's grandiose skills resemble the pomposity of the Führer, he really is a closet Joseph Stalin at heart. The Obama File describes him in this manner."But Obama is not just a Marxist. He's a unique hybrid. He's a Marxist for sure, but he's also a professional activist, completely in tune with the American Political Left and the goals of the Socialist International. He spent years teaching the US Constitution, but he certainly wasn't teaching constitutional law from a strict constructionist point of view."
For an in-depth resource on Obama's communists sympathies and ties, examine thecommieblaster site. The basic lesson is that both Hitler and Stalin were twins in depravity. Both had their own "Kill Lists" and together caused the deaths of millions of innocent citizens within their own countries. The Statist-Fascism that is engulfing America is all around us. The masses that goose stepped over the cliff or cried at "Uncle Joe's" funeral were not real patriots, but were fools. Americans who are "Stuck On Stupid" and refuse to admit that the entire 911 War of Terror is a manufactured excuse to militarize our own version of a police state, bear the shame and blame for the end of the Republic. Currently the latest Bilderberg confluence is plotting and implementing efforts and policies that will result in your demise. The "Killer Elite" is just as much a culture as a squad of hired assassins. The drone deployment of the military domestically is a clear violation of Posse Comitatus. The rule of law has been abandoned, and replaced with the reign of tyrants. A comprehensive hit list, compiled nationwide, is growing because moral patriots are becoming more active and forthright in confronting an illegal government. For the rest of the sedated zombies that still believe that the federal despotism is legitimate, the buzzing of spies in the skies will become a reminder that every action is now subject to scrutiny. Many will exhort the elimination of Anwar Awlaki. But, will they still cheer, when the lightening bolts, start to rain down inside the country? Ignoring due process out of a phony and trumped up pretext means that anyone and everyone is subject to arbitrary liquidation if the killer elites decide you are a threat to their New World Order. Domestic surveillance, designed for a sinister purpose, has dangerous implications. Obama's Chicago gang of gangsters and their integration into the military-industrial-security complex may well prove the ranting of Lord Haw Haw correct. If Nazism and Communism were the two great evils of the last century, how do you explain that our federal government is in the final stages of adopting the worse of both systems? It is just a matter of time until you are slated for a place in a FEMA facility. Or maybe, if you have tremendous courage, make the next cut for Obama's hit list. America is in peril from within and flying the friendly drone skies does not make us safe. SARTRE – June 3, 2012 | |
28 - Henry Blodget : "Why do People Hate Jews ?"
June 3, 2012

(left. Scene from 1998 movie "Pleasantville" made by Red Diaper baby Gary Ross. Learn the shocking reason David's mom is in color but his dad is in black & white.)
Organized Jewry is not on the side of the angels.
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
Last week, the editor of Business, Henry Blodget stimulated discussion by asking the question, "Why do people hate Jews?"
He noticed that Goldman Sachs' activity had created anti-Semitism; Blodget wanted to give the subject an airing.
But the largely negative reaction made Blodget amend the question to "some" people and then to "What are the sources of anti-Semitism?"
Finally he issued a retraction:
"Some people I like and respect told me they felt insulted by and uncomfortable with the post...I am very sorry to anyone I offended. I sincerely apologize."
In an article, "Does Henry Blodget Hate Jews?" Jewish writer Foster Kamer commented:
(Henry Blodget, left)
"The only possible motivation for writing a headline like that is to attract attention, and page views, and it ... will only inflame parties on all sides (be they Jews, Jew Haters, Self-Loathing Jews, and so on). You can rest assured that whatever genuine intellectual curiosity Blodget has about this issue--and compassion towards marginalized and/or persecuted peoples, ...was made a moot point by that headline. And as a Jew, I can tell Blodget, this does not necessarily help our cause."
Stereotypically, Kamer thinks this discussion is about "helping the Jewish cause." His reply reflects the Jewish delusion that they are "marginalized and/or persecuted" rather than dominant and exclusive. He thinks any Jew who is self-critical must be "self loathing" - an attitude indicative of a closed, authoritarian society.
The reason for anti-Semitism is that Illuminati Jews and their Masonic minions usurp control of society. They tend to monopolize business, politics, media and culture. (For example, are there any significant anti-Zionist politicians or media? Why are 4 of nine US Supreme Court judges Illuminati Jews? Why do Illuminati Jews run the IMF and US Treasury? )
They deliberately subvert European Christian nations by promoting pornography, promiscuity, immigration, multiculturalism, feminism and homosexuality under the rubric of Communism, liberalism and socialism. (See also "Liberal Jews Carry Luciferian Banner")
The harsh truth is that Judaism is a satanic cult masquerading as a religion and most Jews are dupes.
Members of a satanic cult are never told the real agenda; they are manipulated instead. Now, by extension, most of humanity is in this position. i.e. unwitting inductees in a satanic cult.
Judaism has two sets of books.
Ordinary Jews and the general public see the Old Testament. (Even there the depiction of God is not credible because it is tribal and not universal.)
Only the initiates see the real agenda: the Talmud & the Cabala. The Cabalists (i.e. Illuminati) are dedicated to creating a "New World Order" through the destruction of everything that is decent and good. The Talmud envisages Jews as a master race and preaches hate against non-Jews.
In contrast, true religion is dedicated to revealing the inherent design of Creation and following it. This is called, obeying God.
A satanic cult denies the inherent Design (God); it turns Reality on its head. Evil is good. Lies are truth. Through their control of government credit, the Illuminati cult controls pretty much everything. Mankind is satanically possessed by them and their minions.
God is Ultimate Reality. Reality consists of moral absolutes: truth, goodness, love, peace, beauty, justice.
The Illuminati replace this with a solipsism, i.e. whatever they say is true or good. This is why always their first priority is securing a monopoly of the mass media and education.
Modern culture is a solipsism. It denies the soul and spiritual ideals. It denies God, ( i.e. perfection) the principle of our development.
It eschews what is universal and true. Instead, it purveys what is personal, subjective and often sick. It makes a god of man, and defines him in terms of self-interest and bodily appetites.
The 1998 movie "Pleasantville" illustrates that secular humanism is occultism. Writer and director Gary Ross illustrates the harm Jewish liberal crusaders do while iagining they are our benefactors. His father, the screenwriter Arthur Ross, was a Communist blacklisted during the 1940s and 1950s.
Gary Ross recently co-wrote and directed the Illuminati film, "The Hunger Games." (Communism is an Illuminati creation.)
Pleasantville is Luciferian propaganda in the form of science fiction. David and his sister Jennifer are transplanted from 1998 into an 1950's American idyll like "Father's Knows Best" or "Ozzie and Harriet."
(left. sheltered White conservative robotniks waiting to be liberated by Illuminati Jews)
The tagline of the movie is "Nothing is as Simple as Black and White." In other words, there are no moral absolutes. This is Satanism (secular humanism.)
The two streetwise teenagers introduce promiscuous sex, modern art, jazz and literature to the sheltered robotic denizens of Pleasantville, who resemble Christian Conservatives.
As these innocent White robots are exposed to the wonders of modern CULT - ure, they change from black and white into color. This is especially true when they partake in sex.
David's "mom" changes into color after she is taught to masturbate BY HER CHILDREN. We see mom masturbating in the bathtub; it is portrayed like the Second Coming. This film was rated "Parental Guidance."
Remember when "as American as mom's apple pie" denoted goodness and innocence?
Mom immediately rejects her role as housewife and enters into an illicit relationship with the soda fountain owner who takes up impressionist art.
Needless to say all these black and white people are now seen in living color.
Meanwhile dad is like the Exercizer bunny in black and white repeating "Where's my dinner?"
There is a conservative "authoritarian" reaction but David soon quells it with breathless talk of "kids making out in the streets" and "women working and men staying home to cook."
(left. Illuminism is a sex cult. Sexual promiscuity is fatal for women. Men will not bond with them.)
Can you see how these Illuminati Jews are Luciferians, and reverse good and evil? Metaphysical misfits, they wage relentless war on what is innocent, natural and healthy. Can you see how they preach rebellion? How they spread their dysfunction? (See also, "Hollywood Hypes Lesbian Jewish Parable" )
The irony is Gary Ross yearned for a "normal life" like the ones he witnessed on TV.
"My '50s were different than other people's '50s," Ross says. "The myth didn't permeate our world, 'Donna Reed' and all that. I longed for that, I wanted to be like other normal families on TV."
Yet the first thing he does is destroy that vision.
Mankind is the target of an ongoing satanic multi-generational attack designed to enslave it.
Jews are "hated" because for centuries Illuminati (Masonic) Jewry has served as agents of this central banker agenda. They and their Freemason proxies have been at the forefront of this war against Christian nations. But like all Luciferians, they are adept at making darkness appear to be light, attacker appear as victim, hater appeared to be wrongly hated.
If the world descends into chaos, I expect Illuminati Jews will shift the blame onto Jews in general. They have fomented anti Semitism throughout history and are largely responsible for instigating the holocaust to justify Israel.
Ordinary Jews are as duped and manipulated as ordinary Americans whose taxes fund Illuminati wars. Both are controlled by the Illuminati bankers and their Masonic minions.
Ordinary Jews can do two things.
1) Recognize that Anti-Semitism is not "irrational hate." It is largely justified by the role Illuminati (Cabalist) and Pharisee Jews have played throughout history. Organized Jewry is not on the side of the angels.
2. Jews must stop serving as a Trojan Horse for Illuminati Jews and taking the blame for them. Illuminati Jews aren't even real Jews. They intermarry with other generational Satanists (Freemasons) who reach into every organization.
Instead of human shields, Jews should join with their non-Jewish neighbors in opposing this diabolical conspiracy that has engulfed mankind.
Adorno's Bastards and the Frankfurt School by Kevin Beary
Related by Makow -
Do Jews Suffer from a False Identity?
Our Illuminati Reality Bubble
Jewish Conspiracy - Last Moment of Lucidity
The Riddle of Anti-Semitism
Film Exposes Anti-Semitism Racket
Zionism's Historic Partnership with Anti-Semites
Nazis Funded Nacent Israeli Army -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 - Sombart - Why America is "Steeped in Jewishness"
May 1, 2012

(left, German sociologist Werner Sombart, 1863-1941)
In his book "The Jews & Modern Capitalism," (1911) German sociologist Werner Sombart credits Jews for the rise of capitalism as the most dynamic force in the modern world.
In the excerpt below, he says Jews built the USA to become the epitome of capitalism: "Americanism is the Jewish spirit distilled."
What do you think he means, and do you agree? (
"Nineteen [families] were equipped with plough and scythe, ready to clear the forests and till the soil in order to earn their livelihood as husbandmen...The twentieth family opened a store."
By Werner Sombart
(from The Jews & Modern Capitalism, 1911, pp.35-39)
For what we call Americanism is nothing else, if we may say so, than the Jewish spirit distilled. But how comes it that American culture is so steeped in Jewishness?
The answer is simple -- through the early and universal admixture of Jewish elements among the first settlers.
We may picture the process of colonizing somewhat after this fashion. A band of determined men and women -- let us say twenty families -- went forth into the wilds to begin their life anew. Nineteen were equipped with plough and scythe, ready to clear the forests and till the soil in order to earn their livelihood as husbandmen.
The twentieth family opened a store to provide their companions with such necessaries of life as could not be obtained from the soil, often no doubt hawking them at the very doors.
Soon this twentieth family made it its business to arrange for the distribution of the products which the other nineteen won from the soil. It was they, too, who were most likely in possession of ready cash, and in case of need could therefore be useful to the others by lending them money.
Very often the store had a kind of agricultural loan-bank as its adjunct, perhaps also an office for the buying and selling of land. So through the activity of the twentieth family, the farmer in North America was from the first kept in touch with the money and credit system of the Old World.
Hence the whole process of production and exchange was from its inception along modern lines. Town methods made their way at once into even the most distant villages.
Accordingly, it may be said that American economic life was from its very start impregnated with capitalism. And who was responsible for this? The twentieth family in each village. Need we add that this twentieth family was always a Jewish one, which joined a party of settlers or soon sought them out in their homesteads?
Such in outline is the mental picture I have conceived of the economic development of the United States. Subsequent writers dealing with this subject will be able to fill in more ample details; I myself have only come across a few. But these are so similar in character that they can hardly be taken as isolated instances. The conclusion is forced upon us that they are typical.
Nor do I alone hold this view. Governor Pardel of California, for example, remarked in 1905: "He (the Jew) has been the leading financier of thousands of prosperous communities. He has been enterprising and aggressive."
Let me quote some of the illustrations I have met with. In 1785 Abraham Mordecai settled in Alabama. "He established a trading-post two miles west of Line Creek, carrying on an extensive trade with the Indians, and exchanging his goods for pink-root, hickory, nut oil and peltries of all kinds."
Similarly in Albany: "As early as 1661, when Albany was but a small trading post, a Jewish trader named Asser Levi (or Leevi) became the owner of real estate there."
Chicago has the same story. The first brick house was built by a Jew, Benedict Schubert, who became the first merchant tailor in Chicago, while another Jew, Philip Newburg, was the first to introduce the tobacco business.
In Kentucky, we hear of a Jewish settler as early as 1816. When in that year the Bank of the United States opened a branch in Lexington, a Mr. Solomon, who had arrived in 1808, was made cashier. In Maryland, Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania it is on record that Jewish traders were among the earliest settlers, though nothing is known of their activity.
On the other hand, a great deal is known of Jews in Texas, where
they were among the pioneers of capitalism. Thus, for example, Jacob
de Cordova "was by far the most extensive land locator in the State
until 1856."
The Cordova's Land Agency soon became famous not only in Texas but in New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, where the owners of large tracts of Texas land resided. Again, Morris Koppore in 1863 became President of the National Bank of Texas.
Henry Castro was an immigration agent; "between the years 1843-6 Castro introduced into Texas over 5000 immigrants . . . transporting them in 27 ships, chiefly from the Rhenish provinces. . . . He fed his colonists for a year, furnished them with cows, farming implements, seeds, medicine,and in short with everything they needed."
Sometimes branches of one and the same family distributed themselves in different States, and were thereby enabled to carry on business most successfully. Perhaps the best instance is the history of the Seligman family. There were eight brothers (the sons of David Seligman, of Bayersdorf, in Bavaria) who started a concern which now has branches in all the most important centers in the States.
Their story began with the arrival in America in the year 1837 of Joseph Seligman. Two other brothers followed in 1839; a third came two years later. The four began business as clothiers in Lancaster, moving shortly after to Selma, Ala.
From here they opened three branches in three other towns. By 1848
two more brothers had arrived from Germany and the six moved North.
In 1850, Jesse Seligman opened a shop in San Francisco -- in the first brick house in that city.
Seven years later a banking business was added to the clothing shop, and in 1862 the house of Seligman Brothers was established in New York, San Francisco, London, Paris and Frankfort.
In the Southern States likewise the Jew played the part of the trader in the midst of agricultural settlers.
Here also (as in Southern and Central America) we find him quite early as the owner of vast plantations. In South Carolina indeed, "Jew's Land" is synonymous with "Large Plantations."
It was in the South that Moses Lindo became famous as one of the first undertakers in the production of indigo.
These examples must suffice. We believe they tend to illustrate our
general statement, which is supported also by the fact that there was a
constant stream of Jewish emigration to the United States from their
earliest foundation. It is true that there are no actual figures to show the
proportion of the Jewish population to the total body of settlers. But the
numerous indications of a general nature that we do find make it pretty
certain that there must always have been a large number of Jews in
It must not be forgotten that in the earliest years the population was thinly scattered and very sparse. New Amsterdam had less than 1000 inhabitants.
That being so, a shipfull of Jews who came from Brazil to settle there made a great difference, and in assessing Jewish influence on the whole district we shall have to rate it highly.
Or take another instance. When the first settlement in Georgia was established, forty Jews were among the settlers. The number may seem insignificant, but when we consider the meagre population of the colony, Jewish influence must be accounted strong. So, too, in Savannah, where in 1733 there were already twelve Jewish families in what was then a tiny commercial centre.
That America early became the goal of German and Polish Jewish
emigrants is well known. Thus we are told: "Among the poorer Jewish
families of Posen there was seldom one which in the second quarter of
the 19th century did not have at least one son (and in most cases the
ablest and not least enterprising) who sailed away across the ocean to
flee from the narrowness and the oppression of his native land."
We are not surprised, therefore, at the comparatively large number of Jew-
ish soldiers (7243 ) who took part in the Civil War, and we should be
inclined to say that the estimate which puts the Jewish population of the
United States about the middle of the 19th century at 300,000 (of whom
30,000 lived in New York) was if anything too moderate.
Related - Early American Jews (Includes Solomon Bush)
Comment from Milton:
I have been reading Madison Grants 'Conquest Of A Continent' on a on/off basis as i am reading two other books as well. He does not seem to figure in the Jews much - inicidentally the ADL had his book banned because they did't want him talking about the Nordic race and the decline of numbers of people with blue eyes. He was working in an old peoples home and noticed that the older people had a higher incidence of blue eyes.
I have often thought that Adam Smith was Jewish as he appears with a Jewish physiognomy on our twenty pound note. This would seem to fit with your article.
30 - Cultural Warfare : Judaism Against Humanity ?
May 11, 2012
Illuminati Jewish Bankers and Freemasons have undermined Christian civilization and are replacing it with a world police state dedicated to Satan. Humanity is being inducted into their satanic cult under the guise of being "sexual liberated" and "progressive."
Jonas Alexis documents this process in his book, Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism: Surprising Differences, Conflicting Visions, and Worldview Implications--From the Early Church to our Modern Time. This is an excerpt from Chapter Two, "Prostitution, Sexual Liberation & Cultural Warfare."
The real cause of anti-Semitism is that Cabalist Jews are at the forefront of advancing the Luciferian principle - the denial of mankind's highest aspirations (the soul and spiritual ideals) and instead defining man as an animal. Culture now celebrates man's lowest instincts and satanic behavior. Culture used to uplift and inspire; now it degrades and destroys. Like their god Lucifer, the Illuminati are in rebellion against God, and are leading humanity to destruction.
"The first prerequisite for healthier human and sexual relationships is the elimination of those moral concepts which base their demands on allegedly supernatural commands, on arbitrary human regulations, or simply on tradition...We do not want to see natural sexual attraction stamped as 'sin,' 'sensuality' fought as something low and beastly, and the 'conquering of the flesh' made the guiding principle of morality!" Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957, Austrian Jewish psychiatrist) 1.
By Jonas Alexis (
The bottom line is that sexual liberation is viewed as one of the most effective ways to counteract the Christian principles that still remain at the heart of American culture.
Let's look at Wilhelm Reich ... When he set out to attack Christianity--and Jesus Christ in particular, as his blasphemous book The Murder of Christ demonstrates--he envisioned a complete sexual revolution. Reich not only placed his sexual energy (which he called "orgone") and Christianity on equal footing, but, based on what he called a "self-repressive side of Christianity" that was in total opposition to his sexual revolution, decided that Christianity had to go.
"For Reich," biographer Myron Sharaf said, "Saint Paul, the organizer, was to Christ what Stalin was to Marx--the distorter of the truth."
Reich's principles of sexual liberation have had a widespread impact on the Jewish community in Hollywood. Many of today's rising stars see no problem with promiscuity and homosexuality. Jake Gyllenhaal, after the re- lease ofBrokeback Mountain, declared, "You know it's flattering when there's a rumor that says I'm bisexual. It means I can play more kinds of roles. I'm open to whatever people want to call me. I've never really been attracted to men sexually, but I don't think I would be afraid of it if it happened...As an actor, I think we need to embrace the times we feel most uncomfortable."
Scarlett Johansson, who has worked with Woody Allen on three films, appeared in Vicky Christina Barcelona (2008), which is another of Allen's psycho-analytic explorations of sexuality, marriage, infidelity, and existentialism. The core theme Allen presents here is that life has no meaning, so you should enjoy it while you can, particularly through sex.
When Johansson was asked to defend her real-life promiscuity, she responded, "I do think on some level we are all animals, and by instinct we kind of breed accordingly."
It seems that being Jewish, to many, is a form of liberation from moral and ethical restraint. So when we watch films like Dirty Dancing, the product of Jewish writer Eleanor Bergstein, or those produced by the Coen brothers, we are reaping a Jewish worldview that has more to do with anti-Christian ideology than art.
Although the Coen brothers say that they aren't pushing a moral (or amoral) worldview in their work, their movies tell a different story.
William Rodney Allen writes in his book The Coen Brothers: Interviews, "The bedrock of the Coens' intellectual world is really good old-fashioned existentialism. Princeton philosophy major Ethan Coen, in addition to writing his senior paper on Wittgenstein, certainly seems to have absorbed his Sartre and Camus. Both of those philosophers argued that man finds himself in an absurd world, where he must act despite having incomplete knowledge, with no moral absolutes to guide him...This bleak metaphysic underlies the film noir of Blood Simple (1984), the gangster milieu of Miller's Crossing(1990), the theater-of-the-absurd cosmos of Barton Fink (1991), the mechanical though superficially comic landscape of The Hudsucker Proxy (1994), the morose, end- less midwestern snowscapes of Fargo (1996), and, most purely, in the black- and-white existential gloom of The Man Who Wasn't There (2001)."
If they truly don't intend to weave messages about morality into their movies, why then do the Coen brothers so frequently make derogatory references to Jesus Christ (The Big Lebowski) and even openly mock Christianity (O, Brother, Where are Thou?) in their movies? Why does the main character in The Big Lebowski keep referring to Nazi Germany as nihilist, but then commits nihilistic acts himself?
Logic dictates that this is an obvious contradiction that the Coen brothers must explain; Talmudic reasoning says they don't have to.
In general, art has become a weapon aimed at the heart of Western Civilization--its Christian principles. This generation's Cronenberg appears to be Eli Roth.
In reviewing Roth's film Hostel, Jewish writer David Edelstein of New York Magazine opines, "Certainly television has become a place for forensic fetishism...Some of these movies are so viciously nihilistic that the only point seems to be to force you to suspend moral judgment altogether."
Precisely--when moral judgment is deconstructed, everything is possible: rape, sadistic sex, pornography, and even sexual torture.
The age of Bar Kochba is over; the age of manipulation through the arts is here. The subtle difference is that Bar Kochba used weapons that could only destroy the body. Roth and others use weapons that can destroy the mind--a much more dangerous battlefield, since mind control is the highest form of manipulation. The battle has become spiritual and mental, rather than physical.
1. Wilhelm Reich, The Sexual Revolution: Toward a Self-Governing Character Structure. New York: Doubleday, 1971, page 53.
Jonas E. Alexis studied mathematics and philosophy as an undergraduate and has a Master's degree in education. His research interests at present include history, most particularly the history of Christianity, the history of science, and the conflict between Christianity and other religions (in particular Islam and Rabbinic Judaism).
Book available here:
31 - Do Jews Suffer from a False Identity ?
May 30, 2012

Many Jews are profoundly out of touch with their own truth.
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
(revised from April 2003)
The Jewish people have been deceived (or have deceived themselves) on two counts:
1. Most do not descend from the Biblical Jews. They are Khazars, from southwest Asia.
2. Judaism is not a religion. At best, it is a racial credo, designed to maintain racial cohesion, in this case the Khazar bloodlines.
In the absence of a more satisfying religion, many Jews sublimated their religious idealism into Communist and left-liberal causes designed to undermine host societies. They have been duped and manipulated by Masonic Jewish financiers ("organized Jewry," Zionism) into advancing a totalitarian "New World Order" aka "Globalism" "world government."
Many Jews are witting and unwitting pawns, profoundly out of touch with their own truth. They are foot soldiers and cannon fodder in a diabolical multi-generational plot to destroy Christian Civilization.
As is widely known, East European or Ashkanazi Jews (90% of the total) were descendents of Khazars, a Turkic people who converted to Judaism in the 8th Century.
The empire of Khazaria sat astride the Black and Caspian seas extending from the Urals to Romania. "That the Khazars are the lineal ancestors of Eastern European Jewry is a historical fact," Jewish historian Alfred M. Lilienthal writes in an essay,"Judaism : Religion or Race".
"Many Christians may have much more Hebrew-'Israelite' blood in their veins than most of their Jewish neighbors," he says.
Jews might visit Kiev instead of Jerusalem. They might learn more about their roots by studying a web site like than the Old Testament. The Torah (the first five books of OT) has helped Jews maintain their identity for millennia. Unfortunately it may have been camouflage for Cabalists and Talmudists who nurture a demented megalomaniac dream.
In "Separation and Its Discontents: Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Anti Semitism" (1998) Kevin MacDonald suggests that Jews also use religion as camouflage for race.
He says Judaism becomes viewed as a benign highly permeable non-ethnic group whose differences with other groups are merely ones of personal belief rather than ethnicity. Conflicts of interest between the Jewish community as a strategizing ethnic group and other groups are minimized. (74)
In "The Future of American Jewry," Irving Kristol wrote: "Jews in America may belong to Jewish institutions, send their children to Sunday schools for religious instruction, proudly identify themselves as Jews, but their religion, for the most part, is only Jewish in its externals. At the core it is secular humanist."
Secular humanism is a guise for Satanism. It denies the existence of God and makes man God, i.e. "the man" - Rothschild.
A 1970's survey of American Jews found that less than 50% felt it was necessary to believe in God to be a "good Jew." On the other hand, over 95% agreed that "it is important that there always be a Jewish people" and "every Jew is responsible in some measure for the well being of every other Jew."
Only 33% agreed to the proposition:" The primary loyalty of American Jews must be to the US and their fellow Americans." (MacDonald, p.277)
Orthodox Jews oppose intermarriage and conversion. In 1997, the Union of Orthodox Rabbis declared that Reform and Conservative Judaism (the vast majority of "observant" American Jews) are not Jewish.
In 1996 Rabbi Harold Schulweis told the Los Angeles Times, that conversion to Judaism "is upsetting to some Jews because they feel Judaism is less an ideology than a biology, a matter of chromosomes not choice." (MacDonald 267)
I am not observant but I still consider myself Jewish because my parents and ancestors were Jewish. I don't think race is a bad thing if each race is considered part of the human family with none better than another. I admire other races and like to see them flourish. I am not opposed to intermarriage but I believe it is preferable to maintain racial identity if possible.
In a previous column, I suggest that Judaism is a "flawed religion." I cannot subscribe to the view that Jews are "above all other people that are on the face of the earth" (Deuteronomy 7:6).
Nor do I subscribe to a God who is a merciless judge meting out reward and punishment.
True religion teaches us to become more God-like. "Be ye therefore perfect even as thy Father which is in heaven is perfect," said Christ. (Mathew 5:48)
In an email, Rabbi Marvin Antelman referred me to Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik.
"According to him there is no such thing as Judaism. The concept is post Biblical and post Talmudic; and he challenged his disciples (he ordained over 2000 rabbis) to find the term (in Hebrew the words is Yahadut) in the Hebrew Bible, the Talmud or Jewish codices."
Antelman, author of "To Eliminate the Opiate" (2002), urged me to find Jewish meaning in the Torah, God and the land.
"The Torah and the land of Israel are Divine gifts of God to the Israelite nation. Any so called Jew who thinks otherwise is not a Jew..."
Since God and Israel are based on the Torah, he is really saying, read the Torah. I did and must agree with Arthur Koestler, a Jewish writer who characterized it as a racial credo "which turns out to be illusory."
"The Old Testament is first and foremost the narrative of a nation's history; it gave monotheism to the world, yet its credo is tribal rather than universal. Every prayer and ritual observance proclaims membership of an ancient race...The Jewish faith, as shown by 2000 years of tragic history, is nationally and socially self-segregating. ...It transformed the Jews of the Diaspora into a pseudo-nation . . . held together loosely by a system of traditional beliefs based on racial and historical premises which turn out to be illusory." (The Thirteenth Tribe, 1976, p.224)
In his Gospel of Love Christ attempted to transform Judaism from a racial credo into a genuine religion. He proclaimed universal brotherhood and a God of Love. But the Pharisees wanted Jews to be "a nation unto itself," an instrument to rule the world.
Down through the centuries, the Jews have remained prisoners and pawns of their Pharisees who answer to the financiers.
In "Esau's Tears: Modern Anti Semitism and the Rise of the Jews" (1997) Albert Lindemann writes: "Jews have been as capable as any other group of provoking hostility." (xvii) They "actually do not want to understand their past, or at least those aspects of their past that have to do with the hatred directed at them, since understanding may threaten other aspects of their complex and often contradictory identities." (535)
Jews imagine they are descendents of the Israelites, irrationally persecuted for the crucifixion, morally superior people and a beacon for humanity. In fact, I suspect they are dangerously out of touch with their own reality.
Since Judaism is mainly a racial credo, Jews are attracted to other religions. One local rabbi tells people he is a Buddhist. Many Jews have made their religion the creation of a secular Golden Age. Unfortunately this humanist utopia is a hoax, sponsored by the Satan-loving financial elites who wish to establish a thinly disguised totalitarian world government.
Why else would Jewish Marxist feminists be permitted to alienate young women from men, motherhood and family? To learn that "the patriarchy" is to blame for everything? To reject and rewrite western culture from the point of view of women?
Throughout history some Jews have aroused enmity by serving as pawns and middlemen for the elites. Unwittingly, many Jews have assumed this role again. They form a core group in the movies, news media, TV, think tanks, universities and government that legitimize the elite and preach contempt for healthy Christian ideals. They are reminiscent of the Jewish core group that engineered the Bolshevik revolution and Communism.
But Jews are individuals and other Jews like myself are opposed to the New World Order. I am inspired by others like Norman Finklestein, Gilad Atzmon and Israel Shamir. I admire Dr. Judith Reisman who blew the whistle on the Rockefeller's campaign to promote homosexuality. and Alan Kors and Harvey Silverglade who fight for academic freedom.
I believe many Jews have a profound sense of justice and truth. We want to know who we really are. I think we are Khazars. "Next year in Kiev!"
Related -- Jews defined by Occult Ideology - Not Nation/ Race
Gilad Atzmon on David Miliband (Labor Leader) Jewish identity
Makow - Is the New World Order Jewish?
32 - Zionism and the Third Reich
by Mark Weber Early in 1935, a passenger ship bound for Haifa in Palestine left the German port of Bremerhaven. Its stern bore the Hebrew letters for its name, "Tel Aviv," while a swastika banner fluttered from the mast. And although the ship was Zionist-owned, its captain was a National Socialist Party member. Many years later a traveler aboard the ship recalled this symbolic combination as a "metaphysical absurdity."1 Absurd or not, this is but one vignette from a little-known chapter of history: The wide-ranging collaboration between Zionism and Hitler's Third Reich.
Common Aims
Over the years, people in many different countries have wrestled with the "Jewish question": that is, what is the proper role of Jews in non-Jewish society? During the 1930s, Jewish Zionists and German National Socialists shared similar views on how to deal with this perplexing issue. They agreed that Jews and Germans were distinctly different nationalities, and that Jews did not belong in Germany. Jews living in the Reich were therefore to be regarded not as "Germans of the Jewish faith," but rather as members of a separate national community. Zionism (Jewish nationalism) also implied an obligation by Zionist Jews to resettle in Palestine, the "Jewish homeland." They could hardly regard themselves as sincere Zionists and simultaneously claim equal rights in Germany or any other "foreign" country.
Theodor Herzl (1860-1904), the founder of modern Zionism, maintained that anti-Semitism is not an aberration, but a natural and completely understandable response by non-Jews to alien Jewish behavior and attitudes. The only solution, he argued, is for Jews to recognize reality and live in a separate state of their own. "The Jewish question exists wherever Jews live in noticeable numbers," he wrote in his most influential work, The Jewish State. "Where it does not exist, it is brought in by arriving Jews ... I believe I understand anti-Semitism, which is a very complex phenomenon. I consider this development as a Jew, without hate or fear." The Jewish question, he maintained, is not social or religious. "It is a national question. To solve it we must, above all, make it an international political issue ..." Regardless of their citizenship, Herzl insisted, Jews constitute not merely a religious community, but a nationality, a people, a Volk.2 Zionism, wrote Herzl, offered the world a welcome "final solution of the Jewish question."3
Six months after Hitler came to power, the Zionist Federation of Germany (by far the largest Zionist group in the country) submitted a detailed memorandum to the new government that reviewed German-Jewish relations and formally offered Zionist support in "solving" the vexing "Jewish question." The first step, it suggested, had to be a frank recognition of fundamental national differences: 4
Zionism has no illusions about the difficulty of the Jewish condition, which consists above all in an abnormal occupational pattern and in the fault of an intellectual and moral posture not rooted in one's own tradition. Zionism recognized decades ago that as a result of the assimilationist trend, symptoms of deterioration were bound to appear ...
Zionism believes that the rebirth of the national life of a people, which is now occurring in Germany through the emphasis on its Christian and national character, must also come about in the Jewish national group. For the Jewish people, too, national origin, religion, common destiny and a sense of its uniqueness must be of decisive importance in the shaping of its existence. This means that the egotistical individualism of the liberal era must be overcome and replaced with a sense of community and collective responsibility ...
We believe it is precisely the new [National Socialist] Germany that can, through bold resoluteness in the handling of the Jewish question, take a decisive step toward overcoming a problem which, in truth, will have to be dealt with by most European peoples ...
Our acknowledgment of Jewish nationality provides for a clear and sincere relationship to the German people and its national and racial realities. Precisely because we do not wish to falsify these fundamentals, because we, too, are against mixed marriage and are for maintaining the purity of the Jewish group and reject any trespasses in the cultural domain, we -- having been brought up in the German language and German culture -- can show an interest in the works and values of German culture with admiration and internal sympathy ...
For its practical aims, Zionism hopes to be able to win the collaboration of even a government fundamentally hostile to Jews, because in dealing with the Jewish question not sentimentalities are involved but a real problem whose solution interests all peoples and at the present moment especially the German people ...
Boycott propaganda -- such as is currently being carried on against Germany in many ways -- is in essence un-Zionist, because Zionism wants not to do battle but to convince and to build ...
We are not blind to the fact that a Jewish question exists and will continue to exist. From the abnormal situation of the Jews severe disadvantages result for them, but also scarcely tolerable conditions for other peoples.
The Federation's paper, the Jüdische Rundschau ("Jewish Review"), proclaimed the same message: "Zionism recognizes the existence of a Jewish problem and desires a far-reaching and constructive solution. For this purpose Zionism wishes to obtain the assistance of all peoples, whether pro- or anti-Jewish, because, in its view, we are dealing here with a concrete rather than a sentimental problem, the solution of which all peoples are interested."5 A young Berlin rabbi, Joachim Prinz, who later settled in the United States and became head of the American Jewish Congress, wrote in his 1934 book, Wir Juden ("We Jews"), that the National Socialist revolution in Germany meant "Jewry for the Jews." He explained: "No subterfuge can save us now. In place of assimilation we desire a new concept: recognition of the Jewish nation and Jewish race." 6
Active Collaboration
On this basis of their similar ideologies about ethnicity and nationhood, National Socialists and Zionists worked together for what each group believed was in its own national interest. As a result, the Hitler government vigorously supported Zionism and Jewish emigration to Palestine from 1933 until 1940-1941, when the Second World War prevented extensive collaboration.
Even as the Third Reich became more entrenched, many German Jews, probably a majority, continued to regard themselves, often with considerable pride, as Germans first. Few were enthusiastic about pulling up roots to begin a new life in far-away Palestine. Nevertheless, more and more German Jews turned to Zionism during this period. Until late 1938, the Zionist movement flourished in Germany under Hitler. The circulation of the Zionist Federation's bi-weekly Jüdische Rundschau grew enormously. Numerous Zionist books were published. "Zionist work was in full swing" in Germany during those years, the Encyclopaedia Judaica notes. A Zionist convention held in Berlin in 1936 reflected "in its composition the vigorous party life of German Zionists."7
The SS was particularly enthusiastic in its support for Zionism. An internal June 1934 SS position paper urged active and wide-ranging support for Zionism by the government and the Party as the best way to encourage emigration of Germany's Jews to Palestine. This would require increased Jewish self-awareness. Jewish schools, Jewish sports leagues, Jewish cultural organizations -- in short, everything that would encourage this new consciousness and self-awareness - should be promoted, the paper recommended.8
SS officer Leopold von Mildenstein and Zionist Federation official Kurt Tuchler toured Palestine together for six months to assess Zionist development there. Based on his firsthand observations, von Mildenstein wrote a series of twelve illustrated articles for the important Berlin daily Der Angriff that appeared in late 1934 under the heading "A Nazi Travels to Palestine." The series expressed great admiration for the pioneering spirit and achievements of the Jewish settlers. Zionist self-development, von Mildenstein wrote, had produced a new kind of Jew. He praised Zionism as a great benefit for both the Jewish people and the entire world. A Jewish homeland in Palestine, he wrote in his concluding article, "pointed the way to curing a centuries-long wound on the body of the world: the Jewish question." Der Angriff issued a special medal, with a Swastika on one side and a Star of David on the other, to commemorate the joint SS-Zionist visit. A few months after the articles appeared, von Mildenstein was promoted to head the Jewish affairs department of the SS security service in order to support Zionist migration and development more effectively. 9
The official SS newspaper, Das Schwarze Korps, proclaimed its support for Zionism in a May 1935 front-page editorial: "The time may not be too far off when Palestine will again be able to receive its sons who have been lost to it for more than a thousand years. Our good wishes, together with official goodwill, go with them."10 Four months later, a similar article appeared in the SS paper: 11
The recognition of Jewry as a racial community based on blood and not on religion leads the German government to guarantee without reservation the racial separateness of this community. The government finds itself in complete agreement with the great spiritual movement within Jewry, the so-called Zionism, with its recognition of the solidarity of Jewry around the world and its rejection of all assimilationist notions. On this basis, Germany undertakes measures that will surely play a significant role in the future in the handling of the Jewish problem around the world.
A leading German shipping line began direct passenger liner service from Hamburg to Haifa, Palestine, in October 1933 providing "strictly kosher food on its ships, under the supervision of the Hamburg rabbinate." 12
With official backing, Zionists worked tirelessly to "reeducate" Germany's Jews. As American historian Francis Nicosia put it in his 1985 survey, The Third Reich and the Palestine Question: "Zionists were encouraged to take their message to the Jewish community, to collect money, to show films on Palestine and generally to educate German Jews about Palestine. There was considerable pressure to teach Jews in Germany to cease identifying themselves as Germans and to awaken a new Jewish national identity in them." 13
In an interview after the war, the former head of the Zionist Federation of Germany, Dr. Hans Friedenthal, summed up the situation: "The Gestapo did everything in those days to promote emigration, particularly to Palestine. We often received their help when we required anything from other authorities regarding preparations for emigration." 14
At the September 1935 National Socialist Party Congress, the Reichstag adopted the so-called "Nuremberg laws" that prohibited marriages and sexual relations between Jews and Germans and, in effect, proclaimed the Jews an alien minority nationality. A few days later the Zionist Jüdische Rundschau editorially welcomed the new measures: 15
Germany ... is meeting the demands of the World Zionist Congress when it declares the Jews now living in Germany to be a national minority. Once the Jews have been stamped a national minority it is again possible to establish normal relations between the German nation and Jewry. The new laws give the Jewish minority in Germany its own cultural life, its own national life. In future it will be able to shape its own schools, its own theatre, and its own sports associations. In short, it can create its own future in all aspects of national life ...
Germany has given the Jewish minority the opportunity to live for itself, and is offering state protection for this separate life of the Jewish minority: Jewry's process of growth into a nation will thereby be encouraged and a contribution will be made to the establishment of more tolerable relations between the two nations.
Georg Kareski, the head of both the "Revisionist" Zionist State Organization and the Jewish Cultural League, and former head of the Berlin Jewish Community, declared in an interview with the Berlin daily Der Angriff at the end of 1935: 16
For many years I have regarded a complete separation of the cultural affairs of the two peoples [Jews and Germans] as a pre-condition for living together without conflict... I have long supported such a separation, provided it is founded on respect for the alien nationality. The Nuremberg Laws ... seem to me, apart from their legal provisions, to conform entirely with this desire for a separate life based on mutual respect... This interruption of the process of dissolution in many Jewish communities, which had been promoted through mixed marriages, is therefore, from a Jewish point of view, entirely welcome.
Zionist leaders in other countries echoed these views. Stephen S. Wise, president of the American Jewish Congress and the World Jewish Congress, told a New York rally in June 1938: "I am not an American citizen of the Jewish faith, I am a Jew... Hitler was right in one thing. He calls the Jewish people a race and we are a race." 17
The Interior Ministry's Jewish affairs specialist, Dr. Bernhard Lösener, expressed support for Zionism in an article that appeared in a November 1935 issue of the official Reichsverwaltungsblatt: 18
If the Jews already had their own state in which the majority of them were settled, then the Jewish question could be regarded as completely resolved today, also for the Jews themselves. The least amount of opposition to the ideas underlying the Nuremberg Laws have been shown by the Zionists, because they realize at once that these laws represent the only correct solution for the Jewish people as well. For each nation must have its own state as the outward expression of its particular nationhood.
In cooperation with the German authorities, Zionist groups organized a network of some forty camps and agricultural centers throughout Germany where prospective settlers were trained for their new lives in Palestine. Although the Nuremberg Laws forbid Jews from displaying the German flag, Jews were specifically guaranteed the right to display the blue and white Jewish national banner. The flag that would one day be adopted by Israel was flown at the Zionist camps and centers in Hitler's Germany. 19
Himmler's security service cooperated with the Haganah, the Zionist underground military organization in Palestine. The SS agency paid Haganah official Feivel Polkes for information about the situation in Palestine and for help in directing Jewish emigration to that country. Meanwhile, the Haganah was kept well informed about German plans by a spy it managed to plant in the Berlin headquarters of the SS.20 Haganah-SS collaboration even included secret deliveries of German weapons to Jewish settlers for use in clashes with Palestinian Arabs. 21
In the aftermath of the November 1938 "Kristallnacht" outburst of violence and destruction, the SS quickly helped the Zionist organization to get back on its feet and continue its work in Germany, although now under more restricted supervision. 22
Official Reservations
German support for Zionism was not unlimited. Government and Party officials were very mindful of the continuing campaign by powerful Jewish communities in the United States, Britain and other countries to mobilize "their" governments and fellow citizens against Germany. As long as world Jewry remained implacably hostile toward National Socialist Germany, and as long as the great majority of Jews around the world showed little eagerness to resettle in the Zionist "promised land," a sovereign Jewish state in Palestine would not really "solve" the international Jewish question. Instead, German officials reasoned, it would immeasurably strengthen this dangerous anti-German campaign. German backing for Zionism was therefore limited to support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine under British control, not a sovereign Jewish state. 23
A Jewish state in Palestine, the Foreign Minister informed diplomats in June 1937, would not be in Germany's interest because it would not be able to absorb all Jews around the world, but would only serve as an additional power base for international Jewry, in much the same way as Moscow served as a base for international Communism.24 Reflecting something of a shift in official policy, the German press expressed much greater sympathy in 1937 for Palestinian Arab resistance to Zionist ambitions, at a time when tension and conflict between Jews and Arabs in Palestine was sharply increasing. 25
A Foreign Office circular bulletin of June 22, 1937, cautioned that in spite of support for Jewish settlement in Palestine, "it would nevertheless be a mistake to assume that Germany supports the formation of a state structure in Palestine under some form of Jewish control. In view of the anti-German agitation of international Jewry, Germany cannot agree that the formation of a Palestine Jewish state would help the peaceful development of the nations of the world."26 "The proclamation of a Jewish state or a Jewish-administrated Palestine," warned an internal memorandum by the Jewish affairs section of the SS, "would create for Germany a new enemy, one that would have a deep influence on developments in the Near East." Another SS agency predicted that a Jewish state "would work to bring special minority protection to Jews in every country, therefore giving legal protection to the exploitation activity of world Jewry."27 In January 1939, Hitler's new Foreign Minister, Joachim von Ribbentrop, likewise warned in another circular bulletin that "Germany must regard the formation of a Jewish state as dangerous" because it "would bring an international increase in power to world Jewry." 28
Hitler himself personally reviewed this entire issue in early 1938 and, in spite of his long-standing skepticism of Zionist ambitions and misgivings that his policies might contribute to the formation of a Jewish state, decided to support Jewish migration to Palestine even more vigorously. The prospect of ridding Germany of its Jews, he concluded, outweighed the possible dangers. 29
Meanwhile, the British government imposed ever more drastic restrictions on Jewish immigration into Palestine in 1937, 1938 and 1939. In response, the SS security service concluded a secret alliance with the clandestine Zionist agency Mossad le-Aliya Bet to smuggle Jews illegally into Palestine. As a result of this intensive collaboration, several convoys of ships succeeded in reaching Palestine past British gunboats. Jewish migration, both legal and illegal, from Germany (including Austria) to Palestine increased dramatically in 1938 and 1939. Another 10,000 Jews were scheduled to depart in October 1939, but the outbreak of war in September brought the effort to an end. All the same, German authorities continued to promote indirect Jewish emigration to Palestine during 1940 and 1941. 30 Even as late as March 1942, at least one officially authorized Zionist "kibbutz" training camp for potential emigrants continued to operate in Hitler's Germany. 31
The Transfer Agreement
The centerpiece of German-Zionist cooperation during the Hitler era was the Transfer Agreement, a pact that enabled tens of thousands of German Jews to migrate to Palestine with their wealth. The Agreement, also known as the Haavara (Hebrew for "transfer"), was concluded in August 1933 following talks between German officials and Chaim Arlosoroff, Political Secretary of the Jewish Agency, the Palestine center of the World Zionist Organization. 32
Through this unusual arrangement, each Jew bound for Palestine deposited money in a special account in Germany. The money was used to purchase German-made agricultural tools, building materials, pumps, fertilizer, and so forth, which were exported to Palestine and sold there by the Jewish-owned Haavara company in Tel-Aviv. Money from the sales was given to the Jewish emigrant upon his arrival in Palestine in an amount corresponding to his deposit in Germany. German goods poured into Palestine through the Haavara, which was supplemented a short time later with a barter agreement by which Palestine oranges were exchanged for German timber, automobiles, agricultural machinery, and other goods. The Agreement thus served the Zionist aim of bringing Jewish settlers and development capital to Palestine, while simultaneously serving the German goal of freeing the country of an unwanted alien group.
Delegates at the 1933 Zionist Congress in Prague vigorously debated the merits of the Agreement. Some feared that the pact would undermine the international Jewish economic boycott against Germany. But Zionist officials reassured the Congress. Sam Cohen, a key figure behind the Haavara arrangement, stressed that the Agreement was not economically advantageous to Germany. Arthur Ruppin, a Zionist Organization emigration specialist who had helped negotiate the pact, pointed out that "the Transfer Agreement in no way interfered with the boycott movement, since no new currency will flow into Germany as a result of the agreement..." 33 The 1935 Zionist Congress, meeting in Switzerland, overwhelmingly endorsed the pact. In 1936, the Jewish Agency (the Zionist "shadow government" in Palestine) took over direct control of the Ha'avara, which remained in effect until the Second World War forced its abandonment.
Some German officials opposed the arrangement. Germany's Consul General in Jerusalem, Hans Döhle, for example, sharply criticized the Agreement on several occasions during 1937. He pointed out that it cost Germany the foreign exchange that the products exported to Palestine through the pact would bring if sold elsewhere. The Haavara monopoly sale of German goods to Palestine through a Jewish agency naturally angered German businessmen and Arabs there. Official German support for Zionism could lead to a loss of German markets throughout the Arab world. The British government also resented the arrangement.34 A June 1937 German Foreign Office internal bulletin referred to the "foreign exchange sacrifices" that resulted from the Haavara. 35
A December 1937 internal memorandum by the German Interior Ministry reviewed the impact of the Transfer Agreement: "There is no doubt that the Haavara arrangement has contributed most significantly to the very rapid development of Palestine since 1933. The Agreement provided not only the largest source of money (from Germany!), but also the most intelligent group of immigrants, and finally it brought to the country the machines and industrial products essential for development." The main advantage of the pact, the memo reported, was the emigration of large numbers of Jews to Palestine, the most desirable target country as far as Germany was concerned. But the paper also noted the important drawbacks pointed out by Consul Döhle and others. The Interior Minister, it went on, had concluded that the disadvantages of the agreement now outweighed the advantages and that, therefore, it should be terminated. 36
Only one man could resolve the controversy. Hitler personally reviewed the policy in July and September 1937, and again in January 1938, and each time decided to maintain the Haavara arrangement. The goal of removing Jews from Germany, he concluded, justified the drawbacks. 37
The Reich Economics Ministry helped to organize another transfer company, the International Trade and Investment Agency, or Intria, through which Jews in foreign countries could help German Jews emigrate to Palestine. Almost $900,000 was eventually channeled through the Intria to German Jews in Palestine.38 Other European countries eager to encourage Jewish emigration concluded agreements with the Zionists modeled after the Ha'avara. In 1937 Poland authorized the Halifin (Hebrew for "exchange") transfer company. By late summer 1939, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Hungary and Italy had signed similar arrangements. The outbreak of war in September 1939, however, prevented large-scale implementation of these agreements. 39
Achievements of Haavara
Between 1933 and 1941, some 60,000 German Jews emigrated to Palestine through the Ha'avara and other German-Zionist arrangements, or about ten percent of Germany's 1933 Jewish population. (These German Jews made up about 15 percent of Palestine's 1939 Jewish population.) Some Ha'avara emigrants transferred considerable personal wealth from Germany to Palestine. As Jewish historian Edwin Black has noted: "Many of these people, especially in the late 1930s, were allowed to transfer actual replicas of their homes and factories -- indeed rough replicas of their very existence."40
The total amount transferred from Germany to Palestine through the Ha'avara between August 1933 and the end of 1939 was 8.1 million pounds or 139.57 million German marks (then equivalent to more than $40 million). This amount included 33.9 million German marks ($13.8 million) provided by the Reichsbank in connection with the Agreement.41
Historian Black has estimated that an additional $70 million may have flowed into Palestine through corollary German commercial agreements and special international banking transactions. The German funds had a major impact on a country as underdeveloped as Palestine was in the 1930s, he pointed out. Several major industrial enterprises were built with the capital from Germany, including the Mekoroth waterworks and the Lodzia textile firm. The influx of Ha'avara goods and capital, concluded Black, "produced an economic explosion in Jewish Palestine" and was "an indispensable factor in the creation of the State of Israel."42
The Ha'avara agreement greatly contributed to Jewish development in Palestine and thus, indirectly, to the foundation of the Israeli state. A January 1939 German Foreign Office circular bulletin reported, with some misgiving, that "the transfer of Jewish property out of Germany [through the Ha'avara agreement] contributed to no small extent to the building of a Jewish state in Palestine."43
Former officials of the Ha'avara company in Palestine confirmed this view in a detailed study of the Transfer Agreement published in 1972: "The economic activity made possible by the influx German capital and the Haavara transfers to the private and public sectors were of greatest importance for the country's development. Many new industries and commercial enterprises were established in Jewish Palestine, and numerous companies that are enormously important even today in the economy of the State of Israel owe their existence to the Haavara."44 Dr. Ludwig Pinner, a Ha'avara company official in Tel Aviv during the 1930s, later commented that the exceptionally competent Ha'avara immigrants "decisively contributed" to the economic, social, cultural and educational development of Palestine's Jewish community.45
The Transfer Agreement was the most far-reaching example of cooperation between Hitler's Germany and international Zionism. Through this pact, Hitler's Third Reich did more than any other government during the 1930s to support Jewish development in Palestine.
Zionists Offer a Military Alliance With Hitler
In early January 1941 a small but important Zionist organization submitted a formal proposal to German diplomats in Beirut for a military-political alliance with wartime Germany. The offer was made by the radical underground "Fighters for the Freedom of Israel," better known as the Lehi or Stern Gang. Its leader, Avraham Stern, had recently broken with the radical nationalist "National Military Organization" (Irgun Zvai Leumi) over the group's attitude toward Britain, which had effectively banned further Jewish settlement of Palestine. Stern regarded Britain as the main enemy of Zionism.
This remarkable Zionist proposal "for the solution of the Jewish question in Europe and the active participation of the NMO [Lehi] in the war on the side of Germany" is worth quoting at some length:46
In their speeches and statements, the leading statesmen of National Socialist Germany have often emphasized that a New Order in Europe requires as a prerequisite a radical solution of the Jewish question by evacuation. ("Jew-free Europe")
The evacuation of the Jewish masses from Europe is a precondition for solving the Jewish question. However, the only way this can be totally achieved is through settlement of these masses in the homeland of the Jewish people, Palestine, and by the establishment of a Jewish state in its historical boundaries.
The goal of the political activity and the years of struggle by the Israel Freedom Movement, the National Military Organization in Palestine (Irgun Zvai Leumi), is to solve the Jewish problem in this way and thus completely liberate the Jewish people forever.
The NMO, which is very familiar with the good will of the German Reich government and its officials towards Zionist activities within Germany and the Zionist emigration program, takes that view that:
1. Common interests can exist between a European New Order based on the German concept and the true national aspirations of the Jewish people as embodied by the NMO.
2. Cooperation is possible between the New Germany and a renewed, folkish-national Jewry [Hebr_ertum].
3. The establishment of the historical Jewish state on a national and totalitarian basis, and bound by treaty with the German Reich, would be in the interest of maintaining and strengthening the future German position of power in the Near East.
On the basis of these considerations, and upon the condition that the German Reich government recognize the national aspirations of the Israel Freedom Movement mentioned above, the NMO in Palestine offers to actively take part in the war on the side of Germany.
This offer by the NMO could include military, political and informational activity within Palestine and, after certain organizational measures, outside as well. Along with this the Jewish men of Europe would be militarily trained and organized in military units under the leadership and command of the NMO. They would take part in combat operations for the purpose of conquering Palestine, should such a front by formed.
The indirect participation of the Israel Freedom Movement in the New Order of Europe, already in the preparatory stage, combined with a positive-radical solution of the European Jewish problem on the basis of the national aspirations of the Jewish people mentioned above, would greatly strengthen the moral foundation of the New Order in the eyes of all humanity.
The cooperation of the Israel Freedom Movement would also be consistent with a recent speech by the German Reich Chancellor, in which Hitler stressed that he would utilize any combination and coalition in order to isolate and defeat England.
There is no record of any German response. Acceptance was very unlikely anyway because by this time German policy was decisively pro-Arab.47 Remarkably, Stern's group sought to conclude a pact with the Third Reich at a time when stories that Hitler was bent on exterminating Jews were already in wide circulation. Stern apparently either did not believe the stories or he was willing to collaborate with the mortal enemy of his people to help bring about a Jewish state. 48
An important Lehi member at the time the group made this offer was Yitzhak Shamir, who later served as Israel's Foreign Minister and then, during much of the 1980s and until June 1992, as Prime Minister. As Lehi operations chief following Stern's death in 1942, Shamir organized numerous acts of terror, including the November 1944 assassination of British Middle East Minister Lord Moyne and the September 1948 slaying of Swedish United Nations mediator Count Bernadotte. Years later, when Shamir was asked about the 1941 offer, he confirmed that he was aware of his organization's proposed alliance with wartime Germany. 49
In spite of the basic hostility between the Hitler regime and international Jewry, for several years Jewish Zionist and German National Socialist interests coincided. In collaborating with the Zionists for a mutually desirable and humane solution to a complex problem, the Third Reich was willing to make foreign exchange sacrifices, impair relations with Britain and anger the Arabs. Indeed, during the 1930s no nation did more to substantively further Jewish-Zionist goals than Hitler's Germany.
1.W. Martini, "Hebr_isch unterm Hakenkreuz," Die Welt (Hamburg), Jan. 10, 1975. Cited in: Klaus Polken, "The Secret Contacts: Zionism and Nazi Germany, 1933-1941," Journal of Palestine Studies, Spring-Summer 1976, p. 65.
2.Quoted in: Ingrid Weckert, Feuerzeichen: Die "Reichskristallnacht" (Tübingen: Grabert, 1981), p. 212. See also: Th. Herzl, The Jewish State (New York: Herzl Press, 1970), pp. 33, 35, 36, and, Edwin Black, The Transfer Agreement (New York: Macmillan, 1984), p. 73.
3.Th. Herzl, "Der Kongress," Welt, June 4, 1897. Reprinted in: Theodor Herzls zionistische Schriften (Leon Kellner, ed.), erster Teil, Berlin: Jüdischer Verlag, 1920, p. 190 (and p. 139).
4.Memo of June 21, 1933, in: L. Dawidowicz, A Holocaust Reader (New York: Behrman, 1976), pp. 150-155, and (in part) in: Francis R. Nicosia, The Third Reich and the Palestine Question (Austin: Univ. of Texas, 1985), p. 42.; On Zionism in Germany before Hitler's assumption of power, see: Donald L. Niewyk, The Jews in Weimar Germany (Baton Rouge: 1980), pp. 94-95, 126-131, 140-143.; F. Nicosia, Third Reich (Austin: 1985), pp. 1-15.
5.Jüdische Rundschau (Berlin), June 13, 1933. Quoted in: Heinz H_hne, The Order of the Death's Head (New York: Ballantine, pb., 1971, 1984), pp. 376-377.
6.Heinz Höhne, The Order of the Death's Head (Ballantine, 1971, 1984), p. 376.
7."Berlin," Encyclopaedia Judaica (New York and Jerusalem: 1971), Vol. 5, p. 648. For a look at one aspect of this "vigorous life," see: J.-C. Horak, "Zionist Film Propaganda in Nazi Germany," Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, Vol. 4, No. 1, 1984, pp. 49-58.
8.Francis R. Nicosia, The Third Reich and the Palestine Question (1985), pp. 54-55.; Karl A. Schleunes, The Twisted Road to Auschwitz (Urbana: Univ. of Illinois, 1970, 1990), pp. 178-181.
9.Jacob Boas, "A Nazi Travels to Palestine," History Today (London), January 1980, pp. 33-38.
10.Facsimile reprint of front page of Das Schwarze Korps, May 15, 1935, in: Janusz Piekalkiewicz, Israels Langer Arm (Frankfurt: Goverts, 1975), pp. 66-67. Also quoted in: Heinz H_hne, The Order of the Death's Head (Ballantine, 1971, 1984), p. 377. See also: Erich Kern, ed., Verheimlichte Dokumente (Munich: FZ-Verlag, 1988), p. 184.
11.Das Schwarze Korps, Sept. 26, 1935. Quoted in: F. Nicosia, The Third Reich and the Palestine Question (1985), pp. 56-57.
12.Lenni Brenner, Zionism in the Age of the Dictators (1983), p. 83.
13.F. Nicosia, The Third Reich and the Palestine Question (1985), p. 60. See also: F. Nicosia, "The Yishuv and the Holocaust," The Journal of Modern History (Chicago), Vol. 64, No. 3, Sept. 1992, pp. 533-540.
14.F. Nicosia, The Third Reich and the Palestine Question (1985), p. 57.
15.Jüdische Rundschau, Sept. 17, 1935. Quoted in: Yitzhak Arad, with Y. Gutman and A. Margaliot, eds., Documents on the Holocaust (Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 1981), pp. 82-83.
16.Der Angriff, Dec. 23, 1935, in: E. Kern, ed., Verheimlichte Dokumente (Munich: 1988), p. 148.; F. Nicosia, Third Reich (1985), p. 56.; L. Brenner, Zionism in the Age of the Dictators (1983), p. 138.; A. Margaliot, "The Reaction...," Yad Vashem Studies (Jerusalem), vol. 12, 1977, pp. 90-91.; On Kareski's remarkable career, see: H. Levine, "A Jewish Collaborator in Nazi Germany," Central European History (Atlanta), Sept. 1975, pp. 251-281.
17."Dr. Wise Urges Jews to Declare Selves as Such," New York Herald Tribune, June 13, 1938, p. 12.
18.F. Nicosia, The Third Reich (1985), p. 53.
19.Lucy Dawidowicz, The War Against the Jews, 1933-1945 (New York: Bantam, pb., 1976), pp. 253-254.; Max Nussbaum, "Zionism Under Hitler," Congress Weekly (New York: American Jewish Congress), Sept. 11, 1942.; F. Nicosia, The Third Reich (1985), pp. 58-60, 217.; Edwin Black, The Transfer Agreement (1984), p. 175.
20.H. H_hne, The Order of the Death's Head (Ballantine, pb., 1984), pp. 380-382.; K. Schleunes, Twisted Road (1970, 1990), p. 226.; Secret internal SS intelligence report about F. Polkes, June 17, 1937, in: John Mendelsohn, ed., The Holocaust (New York: Garland, 1982), vol. 5, pp. 62-64.
21.F. Nicosia, Third Reich (1985), pp. 63-64, 105, 219-220.
22.F. Nicosia, Third Reich (1985), p. 160.
23.This distinction is also implicit in the "Balfour Declaration" of November 1917, in which the British government expressed support for "a national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine, while carefully avoiding any mention of a Jewish state. Referring to the majority Arab population there, the Declaration went on to caution, " being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine." The complete text of the Declaration is reproduced in facsimile in: Robert John, Behind the Balfour Declaration (IHR, 1988), p. 32.
24.F. Nicosia, Third Reich (1985), p. 121.
25.F. Nicosia, Third Reich (1985), p. 124.
26.David Yisraeli, The Palestine Problem in German Politics 1889-1945 (Bar-Ilan University, Israel, 1974), p. 300.; Also in: Documents on German Foreign Policy, Series D, Vol. 5. Doc. No. 564 or 567.
27.K. Schleunes, The Twisted Road (1970, 1990), p. 209.
28.Circular of January 25, 1939. Nuremberg document 3358-PS. International Military Tribunal, Trial of the Major War Criminals Before the International Military Tribunal (Nuremberg: 1947-1949), vol. 32, pp. 242-243. Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression (Washington, DC: 1946-1948), vol. 6, pp. 92-93.
29.F. Nicosia, Third Reich (1985), pp. 141-144.; On Hitler's critical view of Zionism in Mein Kampf, see esp. Vol. 1, Chap. 11. Quoted in: Robert Wistrich, Hitler's Apocalypse (London: 1985), p. 155.; See also: F. Nicosia, Third Reich (1985), pp. 26-28.; Hitler told his army adjutant in 1939 and again in 1941 that he had asked the British in 1937 about transferring all of Germany's Jews to Palestine or Egypt. The British rejected the proposal, he said, because it would cause further disorder. See: H. v. Kotze, ed., Heeresadjutant bei Hitler (Stuttgart: 1974), pp. 65, 95.
30.F. Nicosia, Third Reich (1985), pp. 156, 160-164, 166-167.; H. H_hne, The Order of the Death's Head (Ballantine, pb., 1984), pp. 392-394.; Jon and David Kimche, The Secret Roads (London: Secker and Warburg, 1955), pp. 39-43. See also: David Yisraeli, "The Third Reich and Palestine," Middle Eastern Studies, October 1971, p. 347.; Bernard Wasserstein, Britain and the Jews of Europe, 1939-1945 (1979), pp. 43, 49, 52, 60.; T. Kelly, "Man who fooled Nazis," Washington Times, April 28, 1987, pp. 1B, 4B. Based on interview with Willy Perl, author of The Holocaust Conspiracy.
31.Y. Arad, et al., eds., Documents On the Holocaust (1981), p. 155. (The training kibbutz was at Neuendorf, and may have functioned even after March 1942.)
32.On the Agreement in general, see: Werner Feilchenfeld, et al., Haavara-Transfer nach Palaestina (Tübingen: Mohr/Siebeck, 1972).; David Yisraeli, "The Third Reich and the Transfer Agreement," Journal of Contemporary History (London), No. 2, 1971, pp. 129-148.; "Haavara," Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971), vol. 7, pp. 1012-1013.; F. Nicosia, The Third Reich and the Palestine Question (Austin: 1985), pp. 44-49.; Raul Hilberg, The Destruction of the European Jews (New York: Holmes and Meier, 1985), pp. 140-141.; The Transfer Agreement, by Edwin Black, is detailed and useful. However, it contains numerous inaccuracies and wildly erroneous conclusions. See, for example, the review by Richard S. Levy in Commentary, Sept. 1984, pp. 68-71.
33.E. Black, The Transfer Agreement (1984), pp. 328, 337.
34.On opposition to the Haavara in official German circles, see: W. Feilchenfeld, et al., Haavara-Transfer nach Palaestina (1972), pp. 31-33.; D. Yisraeli, "The Third Reich," Journal of Contemporary History, 1971, pp. 136-139.; F. Nicosia, The Third Reich and the Palestine Question, pp. 126-139.; I. Weckert, Feuerzeichen (1981), pp. 226-227.; Rolf Vogel, Ein Stempel hat gefehlt (Munich: Droemer Knaur, 1977), pp. 110 ff.
35.W. Feilchenfeld, et al., Haavara-Transfer (1972), p. 31. Entire text in: David Yisraeli, The Palestine Problem in German Politics 1889-1945 (Israel: 1974), pp. 298-300.
36.Interior Ministry internal memo (signed by State Secretary W. Stuckart), Dec. 17, 1937, in: Helmut Eschwege, ed., Kennzeichen J (Berlin: 1966), pp. 132-136.
37.W. Feilchenfeld, et al, Haavara-Transfer (1972), p. 32.
38.E. Black, Transfer Agreement, pp. 376-377.
39.E. Black, Transfer Agreement (1984), pp. 376, 378.; F. Nicosia, Third Reich (1985), pp. 238-239 (n. 91).
40.E. Black, Transfer Agreement, p. 379.; F. Nicosia, Third Reich, pp. 212, 255 (n. 66).
41.W. Feilchenfeld, et al., Haavara-Transfer, p. 75.; "Haavara," Encyclopaedia Judaica, (1971), Vol. 7, p. 1013.
42.E. Black, Transfer Agreement, pp. 379, 373, 382.
43.Circular of January 25, 1939. Nuremberg document 3358-PS. International Military Tribunal, Trial of the Major War Criminals Before the International Military Tribunal (Nuremberg: 1947-1949), Vol. 32, pp. 242-243.
44.Werner Feilchenfeld, et al., Haavara-Transfer nach Palaestina (Tübingen: Mohr/Siebeck, 1972). Quoted in: Ingrid Weckert, Feuerzeichen (Tübingen: Grabert, 1981), pp. 222-223.
45.W. Feilchenfeld, et al., Haavara-Transfer nach Palaestina (1972). Quoted in: I. Weckert, Feuerzeichen (1981), p. 224.
46.Original document in German Ausw_rtiges Amt Archiv, Bestand 47-59, E 224152 and E 234155-58. (Photocopy in author's possession).; Complete original German text published in: David Yisraeli, The Palestine Problem in German Politics 1889-1945 (Israel: 1974), pp. 315-317. See also: Klaus Polkhen, "The Secret Contacts," Journal of Palestine Studies, Spring-Summer 1976, pp. 78-80.; (At the time this offer was made, Stern's Lehi group still regarded itself as the true Irgun/NMO.)
47.Arab nationalists opposed Britain, which then dominated much of the Arab world, including Egypt, Iraq and Palestine. Because Britain and Germany were at war, Germany cultivated Arab support. The leader of Palestine's Arabs, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin el-Husseini, worked closely with Germany during the war years. After escaping from Palestine, he spoke to the Arab world over German radio and helped raise Muslim recruits in Bosnia for the Waffen SS.
48.Israel Shahak, "Yitzhak Shamir, Then and Now," Middle East Policy (Washington, DC), Vol. 1, No. 1, (Whole No. 39), 1992, pp. 27-38.; Yehoshafat Harkabi, Israel's Fateful Hour (New York: Harper and Row, 1988), pp. 213-214. Quoted in: Andrew J. Hurley, Israel and the New World Order (Santa Barbara, Calif.: 1991), pp. 93, 208-209.; Avishai Margalit, "The Violent Life of Yitzhak Shamir," New York Review of Books, May 14, 1992, pp. 18-24.; Lenni Brenner, Zionism in the Age of the Dictators (1983), pp. 266-269.; L. Brenner, Jews in America Today (1986), pp. 175-177.; L. Brenner, "Yitzhak Shamir: On Hitler's Side," Arab Perspectives (League of Arab States), March 1984, pp. 11-13.
49.Avishai Margalit, "The Violent Life of Yitzhak Shamir," New York Review of Books, May 14, 1992, pp. 18-24.; Lenni Brenner, Zionism in the Age of the Dictators (1983), pp. 266-269.; L. Brenner, Jews in America Today (1986), pp. 175-177.; L. Brenner, "Skeletons in Shamir's Cupboard," Middle East International, Sept. 30, 1983, pp. 15-16.; Sol Stern, L. Rapoport, "Israel's Man of the Shadows," Village Voice (New York), July 3, 1984, pp. 13 ff.
From The Journal of Historical Review, July-August 1993 (Vol. 13, No. 4), pages 29–37. Mark Weber studied history at the University of Illinois (Chicago), the University of Munich, Portland State University and Indiana University (M.A., 1977). In March 1988 he testified for five days in Toronto District Court as a recognized expert witness on Germany's wartime Jewish policy and the Holocaust issue.
33 - The Zionist Terror Network : Background and Operation of the Jewish Defense League
and other Criminal Zionist Groups
Mark Weber
This booklet documents the background and criminal activities of Jewish Zionist terrorist groups, and especially the Jewish Defense League. Particular emphasis is given here to terror -- including murder -- against "thought criminals" who question the Holocaust story that six million Jews were systematically killed during the Second World War.
Thomas Marcellus, Director of the Institute for Historical Review, sorts damaged files from the wreckage of the devastating arson attack on July 4, 1984, against the southern California research and publication center. |
Zionist terrorists openly proclaim an arrogant Jewish-supremacist ideology and acknowledge their readiness to use violence against those who disagree with them. With a well-documented record of bigotry and crime, they pose a serious danger to our society, and to men and women everywhere who treasure freedom.
Meir Kahane and the Jewish Defense League
The most zealous non-governmental Zionist terrorist organization has been the Jewish Defense League. Its activists have been involved in a wide range of crimes, and the US Federal Bureau of Investigation has repeatedly cited it as a criminal terrorist group.
The Jewish Defense League was founded in 1968 by Rabbi Meir Kahane. Born Martin David Kahane in 1932 in Brooklyn, New York, he was the first-born son of an orthodox rabbi who was active in the "revisionist" movement of Zionist hard-liner Ze'ev Jabotinsky. Jabotinsky and other leaders of his movement were guests at the Kahane household while Martin (Meir) was a boy. As a youth, Kahane became an active member of the Jewish-supremacist Betar movement, which Jabotinsky had founded in 1925. Kahane's first arrest came in 1947, when he was fifteen, for leading a group of Betar youth in an attack against visiting British foreign minister Ernest Bevin. (note 1)
Two of Jabotinsky's most fervent followers went on to gain notoriety as leaders of Zionist terror groups, and, later, as prime ministers of Israel: Menachem Begin, who once headed the Irgun group, and Yitzhak Shamir, who headed the Lehi group (Stern gang). Shamir, for example, played a crucial role in the Lehi murder in November 1944 of British Middle East envoy Lord Moyne, and in the September 1948 assassination of Swedish United Nations peace mediator Count Folke-Bernadotte. (note 2)
For a time in the 1960s, Kahane led a double life. He lived and worked under the name of Michael King, keeping this identity secret even from his wife. During this period, he later related, he worked for the Central Intelligence Agency and for the Federal Bureau of Investigation. For the FBI he spied on the right-wing John Birch Society as well as on various left-wing student groups. (note 3)
Posing as the non-Jewish Michael King, he had affairs with a number of young women he picked up in New York bars. One of them was Gloria Jean D'Argenio, a (non-Jewish) 22-year-old model who worked under the name of Estelle Evans. After their meeting in 1966, they promptly began an affair. Never revealing his true identity, he even proposed marriage. After Kahane/King broke off the relationship a few weeks later, she attempted suicide by hurling herself into the East River, dying two days later (on Kahane's 34th birthday). (note 4)
Kahane's life changed dramatically in 1968, when he and several colleagues founded the Jewish Defense League. Brandishing guns and provocative slogans ("Every Jew a .22," "Never Again"), Kahane's JDL quickly attracted considerable media attention. Kahane pointedly exploited rising anti-black sentiment among Jews in the New York area. (note 5)
Kahane and his new organization received important and probably crucial support from two powerful allies: Israel's right-wing Herut political party and the New York Mafia.
Between December 1969 and August 1972, Kahane's JDL -- with important support and guidance from Menachem Begin's Herut party in Israel, top officers of Israel's Mossad secret service, and several wealthy American Jewish businessmen -- carried out a campaign of criminal attacks against Soviet Russian diplomats and other Soviet targets in the USA. The goal was to focus attention on and generate sympathy for Soviet Jewry, and to damage relations between the United States and Soviet Russia. (note 6)
On May 12, 1971, Kahane and a dozen other JDL members were arrested by federal agents for conspiracy to manufacture explosives. One day later, Kahane announced an alliance with a group founded by Mafia boss Joseph Colombo, Jr., a one-time killer who had risen to head the Colombo crime syndicate. "Kahane received substantial aid from the New York Mafia," writes Israeli journalist Yair Kotler in his biography of the JDL founder. Until Colombo's murder in 1971, relations between Kahane and the New York City mob boss were very close, and the two criminal chiefs worked closely together. (note 7)
Kahane claimed to have spent a total of three years in American prisons as a result of his militant activities. (note 8) During the early 1970s, Kahane abandoned the JDL and moved to Israel -- returning on occasional visits to raise money. Building on the international notoriety he had gained as JDL leader, in 1976 he launched his radical Kach party. In 1984 he was elected to the Israeli Knesset (parliament) as his party's only deputy. Meanwhile, the JDL's New York chapter collapsed, and splinter groups emerged with names such as the "Jewish Direct Action," the "United Jewish Underground," "Save Our Israel Land," and the "Jewish Defenders." (note 9)
Kahane was assassinated on November 5, 1990, while addressing a meeting of supporters at a hotel in midtown Manhattan, New York City. (note 10)
Rabbi Kahane's Ideology
In numerous speeches and essays, and in several books, Meir Kahane preached an arrogant and even genocidal message of Jewish supremacy and ruthless Zionism. For the JDL leader and his many fervent followers, any and all measures to further Jewish survival and welfare -- including terror, dispossession and murder -- are entirely justified. (note 11)
Typical of his passionate and outspoken prose style is a representative essay by Kahane that appeared in 1980 in a leading Jewish community paper. He wrote: (note 12)
...Vengeance is a fundamental Jewish concept that is a precept, injunction, commandment for the Jew...Vengeance becomes, thanks to the gentilized and perplexed era in which we live, a maligned thing...Let the government of Israel, which is responsible for the lives of its citizens, make the streets, buses, shops and homes of the Ishmaelites [Palestinians] perpetual places of terror and stark insecurity...Wipe away the bitter degradation of God's name that is symbolized by Arab refusal to bow to Jewish sovereignty. A truly Jewish government is one that understands the need to...burn out the desecration by removing, burning out, the evil that is the Arab nation in our midst.
In another essay, this one published in 1973, Ka-hane emphasized Jewish invincibility. The day will come, he promised, when all non-Jews would acknowledge the superiority of the Chosen people:(note 13)
The Jewish people cannot ever be destroyed, but rather they and their G-d of History will emerge in days to come triumphant over the evils and foolishness of all other nations. Zion will and must emerge as the mount to which all peoples will turn and the Jewish L-rd will be the One before Whom all knees bend...
In an essay published in 1982, Kahane stressed the pitiless, either-or, us-or-them, nature of the struggle between Jews and their "enemies": (note 14)
Let us look at events through Jewish eyes...Lebanon:...A war was begun [by Israel] against a "Palestinian" enemy -- an entire people -- which seeks to wipe out the Jewish state and the vast majority of its Jews. It was...a war unto the death, the utter destruction of the enemy, the instilling of total fear, terror, until he capitulates and acknowledges the L-rd.
Jewish and liberal democratic values are incompatible, Kahane often insisted: "I have said it a million times. Western democracy as we know it is incompatible with Zionism...The idea of a democratic Jewish state is nonsense." (note 15) On another occasion he stated: "Democracy is for people who don't have the truth. No earthly, temporal government has any relevance to the actions of the Jew when its orders and regulations are contrary to [Jewish] Torah law...Judaism has never been a democratic form of society." (note 16)
A virtual obsession for Kahane was the brutal wartime treatment of Europe's Jews. "Never Again," the JDL slogan, pointedly referred to the Holocaust experience. In Kahane's view, every non-Jew is a potential Nazi murderer. "As long as one gentile lives opposite one Jew, the possibility of a Holocaust remains," he wrote. (note 17) The moral measure of every action, Kahane stressed, must be "is it good for the Jews?" Failure to act in accordance with this principle, he emphasized, will lead to "a new Auschwitz." (note 18)
Meir Kahane in 1979 at his headquarters in Jerusalem, the "Musuem of the Potential Holocaust."(Photo from The False Prophet by Robert Friedman) |
In his biography of Kahane, author Robert Friedman relates some of the quirkiness of the militant rabbi's personality. Recalling his first meeting with him at his "Museum of the Potential Holocaust" in Jerusalem, Friedman wrote: "It struck me on that first encounter that Kahane was a man obsessed with sex and violence. He chattered incessantly about Arab men sleeping with Jewish women."(note 19)
Kahane publicly called Arabs "dogs," (note 20) and on at least one occasion promised to eliminate Arabs from Israel "like bug spray on these cockroaches." (note 21) In numerous speeches, and in a 1980 book entitled They Must Go, Kahane outlined his plan for the forcible mass expulsion (or "transfer") of Palestinian Arabs from the "Land of Israel" -- that is, "greater Israel" (including the West Bank territory seized by Israel in 1967).
Kahane's worldview was summed up in the "statement of principles" of the Kach movement, which he founded and headed. It begins with an arrogant description of "the Jewish People" as "special, chosen, holy and supreme." (note 22) A primary Kach goal is
the transfer of the Arabs from all parts of Eretz Israel [the enlarged "Land of Israel"]. The Arabs' presence in Israel ensures hatred, disturbances, and bloodshed. It is a time bomb, threatening the existence of the Zionist enterprise. The Arabs living in Eretz Israel must therefore be transferred to the Arab countries.
Kahane and his supporters agitated for an Israeli law that would criminalize sexual relations between Jews and non-Jews. (At it is, Jews were already forbidden from marrying non-Jews in Israel.) The proposed law would also outlaw a broad range of social contacts between Jews and non-Jews, including mixed schools, community centers, beaches, and even neighborhoods. (note 23)
Kahane and his sympathizers have never been particularly bothered by the parallels between his proposed law and Hitler's "Nuremberg Laws" of 1935, which similarly banned sexual relations between Jews and non-Jews. (note 24)
As Kahane and other hardline Zionists have persistently pointed out, Jewish religious law clearly forbids Jews to marry non-Jews. (note 25) Similarly, Ka-hane never tired of citing Jewish religious scripture in support of his ruthless, uncompromising message. As American Jewish author Lenni Brenner has acknowledged, Kahane and his supporters are (note 26)
absolutely correct in insisting that Judaism was a tribal religion, replete with hereditary priests performing animal sacrifices. It was genocidal to the Amalekites, and tried to do so toward the Canaanites. There was much else that was fanatic and racist.
Support for Kahane and the JDL
Few prominent Israeli or American Jewish community leaders were ever willing publicly to support Kahane, and major American Jewish organizations -- such as the American Jewish Committee, the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, and the American Jewish Congress -- took care to disavow Kahane and the JDL. At the same time, though -- and in spite of his well-documented criminal record and his message of undisguised bigotry and arrogance -- Kahane and the JDL enjoyed sympathy and considerable support from a surprisingly broad cross-section of American Jewry. Over the years, American Jewish businessmen gave millions of dollars to Kahane. (note 27)
Zionist terrorism is the subject of a front-cover feature article in the New York weekly Village Voice, November 12, 1985. |
At the conclusion of an address given in 1971 at a prosperous synagogue in Potomac, Maryland, during which the JDL leader praised the fire-bombing of a car, the well-to-do congregation gave Kahane a standing ovation. (note 28) Jackie Mason, a prominent American comedian, publicly supported Kahane and performed at a fund-raising benefit for the JDL in early 1972. "Democratic principles shouldn't apply to Israel like they do to America," explained Mason (like Kahane, an ordained Rabbi). (note 29) At a single fundraiser dinner in Boston in 1986, more than $20,000 was reportedly collected for Kahane. (note 30)
An indication of Kahane's acceptance by even major American political figures came in 1972, when the JDL leader was invited by US Senator Henry "Scoop" Jackson to stand together with him on a New York City stage. This was during the powerful politician's campaign for the Democratic party's presidential nomination. (note 31) Another prominent JDL supporter was US Congressman Mario Biaggi, who represented the Bronx in Washington. (note 32)
A leading Jewish community paper, the sensational Brooklyn-based weekly Jewish Press (with a circulation of 130,000 to 160,000), took on Kahane as an editor and columnist, giving him an influential forum for his strident and often deliberately mendacious writing. (note 33)
America's most influential daily paper, the (Jewish-owned) New York Times, gave Kahane a measure of respectability and legitimacy by publishing essays by him on its widely read "op ed" opinion page. (note 34) Kahane's book, They Must Go, which calls for the genocidal mass expulsion of Palestinian Arabs from their ancient homeland, was published in 1980 by the "mainstream" New York publishing firm of Grosset & Dunlap.
American television, newspapers and magazines never subjected Kahane to even a fraction of the criticism and contempt they so readily directed against non-Jewish militants in groups such as the Ku Klux Klan, the "Aryan Nations" or "The Order," which preached comparable messages and goals.
In Israel, Kahane won support and even a measure of fanatical devotion from many "ordinary" Jews, particularly "Sephardic" Jews from the Arab world (who now make up a majority of Israel's Jewish population). Describing a visit by Kahane to the Israeli city of Afula in July 1985, during a period of Jewish-Arab tension there, journalist Yair Kotler wrote: (note 35)
His appearance was enough to heat up the atmosphere and incite the curly-haired young people on the street corners, who see each Arab as a potential threat to their social standing.
Those on the street corners shouted "Kahane the savior!"' They attacked Arabs, both from within Israel [proper] and the [occupied] territories who came to Afula to work. They threw stones at Arab cars ...
They looted shops. The mob continued to shout "Kahane, Kahane! Death to the Arabs," sweeping before it everyone it encountered ...
His [Kahane's] distorted face was seen by millions of viewers in Israel and throughout the world as he shouted, "The only answer is to throw the Arabs out. I want the Arabs out, out, out!"
The city was a volcano. Kahane had set the tone from afar, and fear and hatred were rampant. Passions ran high. The Arab was the enemy...Meir Kahane, the racist who had come to Israel from the United States, had lit a fire.
Kahane is dead, but the flames of bigotry and fanaticism he worked so hard to fan still burn. Indeed, recent surveys show that ever more Israeli Jews support, or are at least willing to seriously consider, the most brutal measures against the Arabs living under their control, including genocidal forced mass expulsion from the land of "greater Israel."
Zionist Criminal Activities: A General Overview
Over the years, Zionist militants have carried out hundreds of illegal actions against real or imagined "enemies," including many acts of vandalism and harassment, and countless threatening phone calls. What follows here, though, are details about some particularly spectacular criminal operations. While JDL responsibility for many of them has been conclusively established, in some cases precise responsibility could not be established.
- On January 26, 1972, a JDL team firebombed the New York City offices of a US-Soviet cultural exchange agency. Killed in the fire was a 27-year-old secretary (who happened to be Jewish). Thirteen others were injured. One participant, Sheldon Siegel, confessed to police that he had made the bomb, and provided the names of the others involved in the crime. Several years later Kahane acknowledged JDL responsibility for the crime. However, the case against the JDL members who were charged in the incident was eventually dismissed on a technicality. (note 36)
- In May 1972, ten JDL thugs broke into the Austrian consulate in Washington, DC, and beat Austria's ambassador to the US, Karl Gruber, as well as the building's janitor. (note 37)
- In May 1974, JDL members attacked Arab-American community activist Dr. Mohammed Mehdi with a lead pipe, sending him to the hospital with a broken back. It took nearly a year for the police to make an arrest, even though a perpetrator had appeared on television to boast of the deed. A short time later, Mehdi's offices in Manhattan were almost totally destroyed in an apparent arson attack. (note 38)
- On February 21, 1975, a US federal court found Kahane guilty of violating terms of a probation stemming from his 1971 felony conviction for manufacturing firebombs. He had been forbidden from having anything to do with bombs, dynamite or other weapons, or encouraging violence. Citing incriminating letters written by Kahane in which he had urged followers to assassinate Russian and Arab diplomats, the judge sentenced the rabbi to one year imprisonment. Kahane served eight months of this term in a Manhattan halfway house, which he was allowed to leave every day to eat in kosher restaurants. Kahane used this period of "imprisonment" to conduct JDL business. (note 39)
Jewish Defense League responsibility for a terrorist firebombing attack against an alleged "Nazi war criminal" is reported here in the New York Post, September 7, 1985. |
- In 1975, 21-year-old JDL member David Kamaiko hijacked an executive helicopter in New York City, demanding $2 million ransom to buy guns for the JDL. Kamaiko shot the pilot before he was himself subdued. (note 40)
- In 1978, Canadian JDL leader Joseph Schachter bombed the home of right-wing activist Donald Andrews. (note 41)
- On April 11, 1982, JDL member Allan Goodman opened fire with a machine gun at a Muslim house of worship in Jerusalem, killing two Palestinian Arabs: an elderly man and a 20-year-old youth. After entering the mosque, he continued firing, critically wounding several people. Goodman, from Baltimore, Maryland, had received paramilitary training at the JDL's Camp Jedel in New York state. In an interview, Kahane said of the crime, "There was nothing wrong with what he did...the act was perfectly correct." (note 42)
- In 1987, three members of the Jewish Defense League were arrested for their involvement in at least six bombing attacks carried out the New York area between 1984 and 1987. The accused were Jay Cohen, Sharon Katz and Victor Vancier, head of the JDL in the New York area. After admitting his role in the terror bombings, Vancier was sentenced in October 1987 to ten years imprisonment. Another JDL member, Murray Young, was sentenced to five years in prison. (note 43)
- FBI officials believe that the JDL was behind the bomb blast in mid-August 1985 that killed Tscherim Soobzokov in Paterson, New Jersey, and a similar (although non-fatal) bombing attack in early September 1985 directed against Elmars Sprogis in Brentwood, New York. Soobzokov and Sprogis were falsely alleged to have been "Nazi war criminals." (note 44)
- In January 1991, Kurt Haber -- identified in newspaper reports as a "Jewish Holocaust survivor" -- was charged with making criminal threats against the Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee. (note 45)
Alex Odeh Murder
Perhaps the most widely-publicized crime in which the JDL has been implicated is the murder on October 11, 1985, of Alex Odeh, West Coast regional director of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee. Odeh was killed in a bomb blast when he entered his group's office in Santa Ana, southern California. (note 46)
Alex Odeh |
An FBI official announced in 1985 that the Jewish Defense League was believed responsible for the murder of Odeh and at least two other terrorist incidents on the East Coast. "We are attributing the three bombings to the JDL," said FBI official Lane Bonner. (note 47) Similarly, an FBI report released in July 1986 cited "elements" of the Jewish Defense League as responsible for the murder of Odeh. (note 48)
Three JDL members were identified by US federal investigators in 1988 as the perpetrators of the bombing that took Odeh's life. The accused assassins, who were born in the USA but fled to Israel to avoid punishment, are Keith Fuchs, Andy Green and Robert Manning. (note 49) Law enforcement officials in Los Angeles and New York have named Robert Manning -- an important Jewish Defense League activist -- as a suspect in at least four political bombings in 1985, including the one that killed Odeh. Manning, authorities said, had a two-decade history of violent activities that also included threats against producers of a television show. (note 50)
Robert Manning |
After joining the southern California chapter of the Jewish Defense League as a charter member in 1971, Manning quickly earned a reputation as a particularly tough street fighter. JDL chief Irv Rubin praised him as a "pretty strong boy. I've seen him fight. We tangled with Nazis in the streets, Arabs in the streets. He was a real active guy." (note 51) In a 1988 court document, a federal prosecutor wrote: "It became known that [Manning], while purporting to act on behalf of the Jewish cause, on several occasions placed or threw explosive devices at locations of Arab antagonists." (note 52)
The Israeli government sought to obstruct the FBI's investigation of the Odeh slaying, the federal agency charged in November 1987. (note 53) Manning himself tried to evade extradition by claiming heart trouble, by taking 20 sleeping pills, and by charging that he was being wrongfully persecuted simply because he is a pious, orthodox Jew. In spite of all this, Manning was finally extradited to the United States in July 1993. (note 54)
Official Confirmation of JDL Terrorism
The US Justice Department's Federal Bureau of Investigation has repeatedly characterized the JDL as a terrorist and criminal organization. A report issued in 1985 by the FBI's Terrorist Research and Analytical Center confirmed: (note 55)
In FBI terrorism analyses published since 1981, responsibility for 18 terrorist incidents has been attributed to groups seeking to publicize past and present injustices suffered by the Jewish people. While claims for some of these acts have been made in the names of the "Jewish Defenders,' "United Jewish Underground," and "Jewish Direct Action," 15 of the incidents were attributed to the Jewish Defense League (JDL), by far the most well known of these groups.
Also in 1985, the FBI named the Jewish Defense League as the second most active terrorist group in the United States. (Only Puerto Rican terrorists were more active during this period.) The FBI linked the JDL to 37 terrorist attacks carried out from 1977 to 1984. (note 56) Two years later, the FBI announced that Jewish extremist groups had carried out 24 terrorist acts from 1981 through 1986, 17 of which were the work of the Jewish Defense League. (note 57)
The Jewish Defense League was named in 1985 as a major terrorist group by the US Federal Bureau of Investigation, as a major California newspaper reports here. |
Another US federal government agency, the Department of Energy, similarly characterized the JDL in a report issued in 1986: (note 58)
For more than a decade, the Jewish Defense League (JDL) has been one of the most active terrorist groups in the United States. Although the JDL maintains that it is a political action group concerned with dramatizing the plight of Soviet Jewry and, in more general terms, protecting Jews and Jewish interests worldwide, the FBI has long classified it as a terrorist organization.
...The underlying purpose of the JDL is to reverse the mythical image of the Jews as victims. This militancy also fuels the anti-Soviet campaign designed to create and foment new sources of tension in Soviet-American relations ...
The JDL, however, has also attacked Arab, Iranian, Iraqi, Egyptian, Palestinian, Lebanese, French, and German targets in the United States ... In 1978 [for example], Egyptian diplomats were targeted...Attacks have also been staged by League chapters in France, Britain, Italy and Israel.
David Willcox (left) at a demonstration in Washington, DC, April 22, 1993, to protest the new US Holocaust Memorial Museum. A short time after this picture was taken, Zionist hoodlums attacked and seriously injured him. (Photo by Fred Burkhart) |
In more recent years, the official report went on,
The JDL has pursued a dual-track strategy of acts of civil disobedience and generally peaceful protest, along with acts of outright terrorism...Bombing is the JDL's favorite tactic, accounting for 78 percent of all JDL incidents. Shootings are next, accounting for 16 percent, followed by arson, vandalism, and kidnaping, accounting for one percent each ...
Since 1968, JDL operations have killed seven persons and wounded at least 22...Sixty-two percent of all JDL attacks are directed against property; 30 percent against businesses; four percent against academics and academic institutions; and two percent against religious targets.
Typically, an anonymous caller will claim responsibility for a specific terrorist act for either the JDL or one of its alleged subgroups, only to have an official spokesman for the JDL deny the group's involvement the following day.
In the past, although the JDL was among the most active terrorist organizations in the United States, the threat it posed appeared to be primarily symbolic...Recent events, however, suggest that this view requires revision. The increase of militant Jewish terrorism represents not only an escalation of violence, but a significant change in targeting patterns, as well as a dramatic shift in tactics.
...The group appears to be concentrating its efforts on persons and institutions it considers to be enemies of Judaism and Israel. The targets now [1986] include alleged former Nazis and war criminals; Palestinian and Arab individuals and institutions; and persons and so-called research centers promoting views about the Holocaust that minimize the dimensions of Jewish suffering.
Perhaps the most far-reaching change, however, is the increasing use of assassination, both to draw attention to the terrorists' causes and to eliminate perceived enemies of the Jewish people and Israel.
Mordechai Levy and the Jewish Defense Organization
Besides Kahane, two of the most prominent JDL activists have been Irv Rubin and Mordechai Levy. Each has been repeatedly arrested for criminal activities.
Until 1982 or 1983, Mordechai (Mark) Levy was one of the most active of Jewish Defense League activists. (note 59) Among his numerous arrests was one in 1981 as a suspect in a car bombing.(note 60) On one occasion he dressed up in a full regalia Nazi uniform to apply for a parade permit to march at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, apparently in an effort to alert the local Jewish community to the "dangers of neo-Nazism." (note 61)
Irv Rubin with JDL followers at a 1981 gathering. Holding a baseball bat is Mordechai Levy. Rubin and Levy later became deadly rivals. |
After leaving the JDL (supposedly because it was not "militant enough") he founded the Jewish Defense Organization. He claimed that his group, based in New York City, had more than 3,000 members. (The real figure was probably no more than a few dozen.) In the years that followed, Levy and rival Zionist militant Irv Rubin engaged in increasingly bitter feuding.
In August 1989, Levy was arrested following a dramatic night-time confrontation with Rubin and other JDL members. Fearing that Rubin was trying to kill him, Levy went to the roof of the building where he lived and began spraying the lower Manhattan street with semiautomatic rifle fire, wounding an air-conditioning repairman as he sat in his parked van. (note 62) Levy was later sentenced to four and a half years imprisonment for injuring the 69-year-old repairman. (note 63)
On April 22, 1993, Jewish Defense Organization members attacked demonstrators who had gathered in Washington, DC, to protest the US Holocaust Memorial Museum. At least one person was seriously injured. A JDO spokesman told reporters that several members of his group had attacked and beat "four or five" of the 150 or so persons who had rallied to express their opposition to the Museum. (note 64)
One of the victims was David Willcox, a 52-year-old employee of the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission. He was standing on a street corner when three men wearing black "paramilitary" uniforms and skull caps with the Star of David attacked, beating him on the head and legs with metal pipes. Willcox required hospitalization and 12 stitches in his head.
Two JDO members later confirmed the attack against Willcox. JDO spokesman Michael Schneider told a reporter that his group would continue to do "whatever is necessary " to "defend" Jews, including attacking "enemies" in the street. The FBI said that it is investigating the attack against Willcox as a possible act of "domestic terrorism," while city police announced that they were looking into the incident as a possible "hate crime." (As we go to press, though, no arrests have been made.)
Irv Rubin
Since the early 1970s, Irv Rubin has been perhaps the most prominent Jewish Defense League activist and spokesman. After a time as leader of the group's JDL's West coast operations, he emerged as "national chairman" of the post-Kahane JDL. By 1979, Rubin had managed to get arrested 39 times in connection with JDL activities. (note 65)
Irv Rubin |
In March 1992, Irv Rubin was arrested on suspicion of conspiring to commit murder. He was released a few days later after the Los Angeles district attorney's office determined that police lacked sufficient evidence to hold him. (note 66)
In August 1992, Rubin's JDL succeeded in forcing a Los Angeles restaurant and nightclub, the Largo, to cancel a concert on behalf of the Palestine Aid Society, to raise money for humanitarian assistance. Rubin warned Largo proprietor Mark Flanagan that he could "expect trouble" and an "angry protest" unless he cancelled the event. Soon after, Flanagan discovered that his business' door locks had been destroyed by still-dripping fast-acting molecular glue. Then, just hours before the event was to begin, Flanagan canceled the concert out of fear that patrons might be victims of a possible JDL attack. (note 67)
Violence Against Holocaust Revisionists
Among the most persistent targets of Jewish terrorists in recent years have been those who reject the generally accepted Holocaust story that six million Jews were systematically murdered in Europe during the Second World War.
In recent decades, a growing number of scholars have been citing an impressive body of evidence that raises serious doubts about many supposedly well-documented aspects of the Holocaust story. These "Holocaust revisionists" include acclaimed best-selling British historian David Irving, French professor Dr. Robert Faurisson and Dr. Arthur Butz of Northwestern University. (For more about Holocaust revisionism and the arguments of revisionist historians, write for a catalog of books, tapes and other material from the Institute for Historical Review.)
Incidents of violence against revisionist "thought criminals" have included:
- George Ashley, a high school history teacher and supporter of the IHR, has been the target of several terrorist attacks because of his revisionist views. In April 1982, two bricks were hurled through the front window of his suburban Los Angeles home. One month later, two gasoline fire bombs were thrown against the front of his house, and in December of 1982, JDL criminals ransacked Ashley's home, causing an estimated $26,000 in damage. (note 68)Mordechai Levy later boasted: "We warned him [Ashley] that if he continued his activity, he would pay a consequence...We warned that if the school board does not stop Ashley, we would stop him." (note 69)
Mordechai Levy, leader of the militant Jewish Defense Organization, is taken into custody by police following an August 1989 shooting incident in which he wounded a bystander. |
In July 1984, Ashley received repeated telephone calls from someone who threatened to bomb his home. A JDL member identified by police from tape-recordings of the threats was later arrested. (note 70) In August 1984, JDL member Michael S. Canale was arrested on suspicion of making a bomb threat against George Ashley. (note 71)
In May 1985, Ashley's home was the target of a another bomb attack, in which no one was hurt. The letters "JDL" were spray-painted on the walkway leading to Ashley's front door.(note 72) This attack was cited in a January 1986 federal government report: (note 73)
- The following month [May 1985], the JDL claimed credit for bombing the house of George Ashley, Los Angeles-area high school teacher who had told students that the number of Jews killed by the Nazis during World War II was considerably less than the commonly accepted figure of six million, and that not more than a million Jews perished during the war.
- Dr. Charles Weber, a contributor to the IHR's Journal of Historical Review, had his car vandalized in two separate incidents during the month of April 1985. A note from the JDL, which threatened to escalate the attacks into a bombing, was left behind in the second incident. (note 74)
- Dr. Reinhard K. Buchner, a professor of physics at California State University, Long Beach, and a member of the IHR Editorial Advisory Committee (1980-1983), was the victim of repeated JDL harassment in 1981, 1982 and early 1983. He was spat upon, physically attacked, threatened by phone, and harassed at his office and home. (note 75)
- German-Canadian publisher Ernst Zündel, a prominent revisionist activist, has been repeatedly attacked by the Jewish Defense League. In December 1983, JDL thugs beat him on the steps of Toronto's Old City Hall. The JDL carried out another attack against him on February 6, 1984.
In September 1984, Zündel's home in Toronto was damaged in a pipe-bomb attack. A group calling itself "The People's Liberation Army of the Jewish Defense League" claimed responsibility in a phone call to a local television station. In January 1985, a JDL mob attacked Zündel, his attorney Doug Christie and Christie's female legal secretary at the entrance to a Toronto courthouse. - The office of a German-American group was set on fire in 1985, apparently because of the organization's skepticism about Holocaust claims. According to a report on terrorism issued in January 1986 by the federal Department of Energy, in June 1985 (note 76), an anonymous caller stated that the JDL had intentionally set fire to the offices of the German-American Political Action Committee in Santa Monica, California. The German-American group probably incurred the JDL's wrath by its advocacy of the view that "Jews were not gassed by the Nazis...[and that] numbers and reports of predetermined extermination are greatly exaggerated by professional liars."
Target: Institute for Historical Review
Since its founding in 1978, the Institute for Historical Review has been the leading American publisher of books and other materials questioning the Holocaust extermination story. For this reason, its office in southern California, as well as individual IHR employees, soon became targets of a systematic campaign that included a drive-by shooting, three firebombings, vandalization of IHR employee-owned automobiles, slashings of 22 tires of employee automobiles, JDL-organized demonstrations outside the IHR office, and numerous telephone threats during office hours and at night to IHR employees at home. So intense did the harassment become that the family of one IHR employee was forced to move. (note 77)
Jewish Defense League activists, one carrying an Israeli flag, shout slogans while marching outside the office of the Institute for Historical Review in Torrance, California, April 5, 1981. |
During the course of a JDL demonstration in front of the IHR office on March 19, 1981, Mordechai Levy and other JDL protesters attacked the car of the landlord's agent, who had arrived to ensure security. While shouting threats, Levy smashed the right front passenger window of the man's car as he drove off. (note 78)
A few weeks later, on April 5, 1981, JDL hoodlums staged another violent demonstration outside the IHR office, during which an IHR employee was thrown to the ground and beaten.
In the early morning hours of June 25, 1981, came the first firebombing attack against the IHR office. Fortunately, the arson device -- similar to a "Molotov cocktail" -- caused only minor damage. A man claiming to represent the "Jewish Defenders" announced responsibility for the attack in phone calls to news agencies. (note 79)
The second arson attack against the IHR office came on April 25, 1982, in which a copy machine, a few pieces of furniture and some records were damaged. In a telephone message to a local news agency, a group calling itself "the Jewish Defenders" claimed responsibility. (note 80)
In an attack on September 5, 1982, the IHR office was riddled with gunfire, demolishing two windows and damaging the front door. Additionally, a small arson device caused some slight damage to the front of the office. Later that day, as throughout the week, came a barrage of murder-threatening telephone calls. Although the caller's voice was identified as that of Mordechai Levy, typically, no one was arrested in the case. (note 81)
Fire-Bombing Arson Attack
This terror campaign culminated in a devastating arson attack on the Institute's offices and warehouse in Torrance on July 4, 1984 -- the 209th anniversary of American independence. Damage in the attack, carried out in the early morning hours of the 4th, was estimated at $400,000.(note 82)
In a special edition of the IHR Newsletter (August 1984), IHR Director J. Marcellus summed up:
As a physical entity, the Institute for Historical Review has virtually ceased to exist. Ninety percent of our book and tape inventory -- the largest collection of revisionist historical literature to be found anywhere -- has been wiped out. Every last piece of office equipment and machinery -- including desks, chairs, files and shelves -- lay in charred heaps of useless, twisted scrap. Manuscripts, documents, artwork, galleys and film negatives -- products of more than six long years of a tough, dedicated effort to bring suppressed historical data to people the world over -- no longer exist. Tens of thousands of books...estimated at over $300,000 in value, are gone...More than 2,500 square feet of space that was once the world's most controversial publisher lies blackened in chaos and total ruin.
Two days later, JDL leader Irv Rubin showed up at the site of the gutted IHR offices to publicly praise the arson attack. The JDL, he declared, "wholeheartedly applauds the recent devastation of the offices of the Institute for Historical Review." Denying any personal responsibility himself, Rubin said that the criminal attack had been carried out by a former JDL activist named Larry Winston (Joel Cohen). "I believe, with all my heart, that he [Winston/Cohen] had something to do with this" arson, Rubin declared. (note 83)
Some attendees of the 1989 IHR Conference demonstrate outside the Red Lion Inn Costa Mesa, California, to protest the hotel's capitulation to threat and intimidation by the Jewish Defense League. |
Although no one was ever arrested in connection with the 1984 firebombing, the sophisticated nature of the attack suggests that it could have been the work of trained operatives of a foreign governmental agency.
Apart from local news coverage, American newspapers and television reported almost nothing about this act of criminal "book burning." This skewed media treatment moved noted journalist Alexander Cockburn to observe (in the pages of the liberal weekly The Nation): (note 84)
The outfit in the United States that does publish material belittling generally accepted accounts of the Nazi extermination of the Jews is called the Institute for Historical Review. I don't recall much fuss when its offices in Torrance, California, were firebombed in July 1984. Perhaps this is what Mailer meant by "sophistication" in handling such heterodox opinion.
At the same time, though, a few prominent voices courageously spoke out against the attack. American historian John Toland -- who received the Pulitzer prize for general non-fiction in 1971 for his book The Rising Sun -- wrote to the IHR: (note 85)
When I learned of the torching of the office-warehouse of the Institute for Historical Review, I was shocked. And when I heard no condemnation of this act of terrorism on television and read no protests in the editorial pages of our leading newspapers or from the halls of Academe, I was dismayed and incensed...I call on all true believers in democracy to join me in public denunciation of the recent burning of books in Torrance, California.
British historian David Irving, author of numerous acclaimed, best-selling works of history, declared: "I was deeply shocked to hear of the fire-bomb attack on your premises."
JDL Harassment of IHR Conference
In mid-February 1989, Jewish Defense League intimidation brought on the cancellation of a three-day Institute for Historical Review conference at two hotel sites in southern California.
Arrangements had been made months in advance to hold the Ninth IHR Conference at the Red Lion Inn hotel in Costa Mesa. Several days before it was to begin, the hotel received the first of a barrage of telephone threats warning that if it permitted the IHR gathering to take place as scheduled, there would be large, disruptive demonstrations in front of the hotel. It didn't take many such threats to persuade general manager Russell Cox to cave in to the Zionist group, and to cancel the hotel's contract with the IHR. Cox then added insult to injury by permitting JDL chief Rubin to hold a "news conference" in the hotel lobby.
Arrangements were then hastily made to relocate the IHR gathering to a nearby Holiday Inn hotel. However, just hours before it was to commence -- and as attendees were arriving -- the Holiday Inn likewise cancelled out, bowing to JDL threats similar to those made against the Red Lion Inn.
At this point, and with help from former US Congressman John Schmitz, IHR Director J. Marcellus made emergency arrangements with Joe Bischof, proprietor of the "Old World Village" shopping center in Huntington Beach, to hold the IHR Conference there. Bischof refused to bow to JDL intimidation, including a demonstration at the site by a handful of sorry-looking placard-waving JDLers led by Rubin, who shouted insults at passersby. In spite of the disruption, and some inconvenience for attendees, the Ninth IHR Conference proved one of the most successful and high-spirited ever. (note 86)
JDL Thugs Attack Young Jewish Revisionist
On January 22, 1992, revisionist activist David Cole was attacked by JDL thugs at a meeting held at the University of California at Los Angeles. Before the meeting began, JDL leader Rubin first tried to push the youthful Cole down a flight of stairs. JDL hoodlums also harassed and pushed around meeting organizer Robert Morrissey. After the meeting commenced, JDL punks tried to shout down the speakers, and then threw food at Cole. Finally, a JDL thug assaulted Cole -- who is Jewish -- hitting him in the face and bloodying his nose. (note 87)
David Cole at the 1992 IHR Conference. He was attacked by JDL thugs at a meeting in January 1992 at the University of California at Los Angeles. |
The tumult was recorded on videotape by a camera crew of the CBS television news program "48 Hours," as well as by news crews of two local Los Angeles television stations. Neither of the two local stations mentioned a word of the incident in their nightly news broadcasts. Similarly, CBS officials decided not to air even a second of this outburst, not even in a segment about Holocaust revisionism that was part of the CBS television network's hour-long magazine-format program "48 Hours" broadcast of February 26, 1992. Network officials apparently decided that scenes of Zionist hoodlums beating a young Jewish revisionist would not "fit" with the image of revisionism that CBS wanted to project to its many viewers. (note 88)
Violence in Europe
The Murder of François Duprat
In France, François Duprat -- a gifted young historian, educator, and prolific writer -- was murdered in 1978, thereby becoming the first person to be killed because of his support for Holocaust revisionism. Duprat had publicized the writings of former concentration camp inmate Paul Rassinier, distributed a booklet, Did Six Million Really Die?, and had published a revisionist article of his own, "The Mystery of the Gas Chambers." (note 89)
Francois Duprat. Because of his skeptical view of the Holocaust extermination story, this gifted French educator was murdered in a 1978 bomb blast. |
As a result of such activism, the 38-year-old teacher was assassinated on March 18, 1978, when the car he was driving was blown up in a bomb blast. His wife, who was with him, lost the use of her legs in the attack. A Jewish "Remembrance Commando" and a "Jewish Revolutionary Group" promptly claimed responsibility for the murder. (note 90) So sophisticated was the attack that it is difficult to believe that no government agency was involved.
The Israel Connection
It is no secret that Israel provides training and weapons for local "Jewish defense groups" in the United States and many other countries. Victor Ostrovsky, a former intelligence case officer of the Mossad, Israel's spy and secret service agency, confirms this connection in his much-discussed book, By Way of Deception. (note 91) One department of the Mossad, writes Ostrovsky, is the Tsafririm, which is
responsible for setting up Jewish defense groups, called "frames," or misgerot, all over the world, now including some parts of the United States, where anti-Semitism is regarded as a threat ... The main job is to help the leaders of Jewish communities outside Israel plan for their own security. Part of this is done through the hets va-keshet, or "bow and arrow," Israel's paramilitary youth brigades.
... Often youths from other countries are brought over [to Israel] to spend the summer learning about security, picking up such skills as completing obstacle courses, pitching tents, and learning how to use a sniper rifle and Uzi assault rifle. Still others learn upgraded security skills, such as how to build a slick, for hiding weapons or documents, when and how to do security checks, as well as fundamentals of investigation and intelligence gathering.
Israel provides weapons for the many "Jewish defense groups," confirms Ostrovsky, indirectly through known arms dealers.
In Europe the most important Zionist terrorist group is Tagar, the youth (or "student") branch of the radical Zionist movement Betar. The Tagar/Betar group has carried out numerous criminal attacks against "enemies," including Holocaust revisionists. Headquartered in Paris, Tagar/Betar has close ties with the Israeli government, and particularly with the political party of Begin and Shamir. Tagar is reportedly controlled by Israel's covert operations agency, the Mossad. (note 92)
Tagar activists have often boasted of their determination to "strike" against anyone who "denies the Holocaust." Tagar admitted responsibility for a physical assault against French revisionist historian Olivier Mathieu during a television interview in February 1990. Three months later, Tagar thugs sacked the "Ogmios" bookstore in Paris (which carried revisionist titles).
Tagar/Betar activists receive combat training along military lines from Israeli army officers. Tagar members wear paramilitary blue uniforms with white ties (the Zionist colors). Tagar/Betar has operated in Europe with the knowledge and approval of high French officials such as Prime Minister Laurent Fabius (who is Jewish). In more than one Tagar/Betar attack against opponents, French police have passively stood by. (note 93)
Tagar activists have operated in France under other names, including "Jewish Defense Organization" and "Jewish Combat Organization." Private para-military groups are strictly forbidden in France, except Jewish ones. Between June 1976 and April 1991, such Jewish "militias" have carried out 50 attacks. In effect, Jewish terrorists in Europe can attack their "enemies" with impunity. (note 94)
Tagar has also been active in the United States. In February 1992, the "Tagar Student Zionist Organization at the Ohio State University" in Columbus organized a protest meeting against Holocaust revisionism. The group distributed a leaflet -- which, typically, contained factual falsehoods -- specifically attacking revisionist activist Bradley Smith. (note 95)
Robert Faurisson
Dr. Robert Faurisson -- Europe's most prominent Holocaust revisionist (and a member of the Editorial Advisory Committee of the IHR's Journal of Historical Review) -- was severely injured in a nearly fatal attack on September 16, 1989. (note 96)
Robert Faurisson in a hospital bed following a nearly fatal attack by Zionist thugs on September 16, 1989. |
After spraying a stinging gas into his face, temporarily blinding him, three assailants punched him to the ground and then repeatedly kicked him in the face and chest. The 60-year-old scholar, who had been out walking his poodle in a park in his home town of Vichy, suffered a broken jaw and severe head injuries. Physicians operated for four and a half hours to repair his jaw and treat a broken rib and badly swollen face.
A group calling itself "The Sons of the Memory of the Jews" claimed responsibility for the savage attack. In a statement, the group threatened: "Professor Faurisson is the first, but will not be the last. Let those who deny the Shoah [Holocaust] beware." (note 97) While French police officially would acknowledge only that "three young Jewish activists from Paris" had carried out the assault, the attackers are strongly suspected to have been with the Tagar/Betar organization. (note 98)
Prominent individuals and organizations in France, along with the country's most influential daily newspaper, Le Monde, condemned the attack. However, French-Jewish "Nazi hunter" Serge Klarsfeld sought to excuse or justify the crime. "Someone who has provoked the Jewish community for years should expect this sort of thing," he said. "One cannot insult the memory of the victims without inviting the consequences." (note 99)
While the September 1989 attack against Faurisson was the most vicious, it was neither the first nor the last. Between November 1978 and May 1993, he was attacked on ten separate occasions.(note 100)
Other Terrorist Incidents in Europe
- On November 5, 1980, an arson attack destroyed the office, warehouse and printing plant in Sussex, southern England, of the firm that prints Did Six Million Really Die? and other revisionist publications of the Historical Review Press. Damage was estimated at 50,000 pounds. A leftist journalist, Manny Carpel, was found guilty of the crime, and sentenced to two and a half years imprisonment. (He served only a little more than a year.)
- In January 1984, in Cologne, Germany, Professor Hermann Greive, a non-Jewish authority on Jewish religious writings, was shot to death by a member of Kahane's Kach group. The murder was reportedly carried out in keeping with a Jewish scriptural injunction that demands death for non-Jews who "pry" into Jewish religious writings. (note 101)
- On February 10, 1988, terrorists set fire to the automobile of German historian Ernst Nolte while it was parked at the Free University in Berlin, where he was a professor. An anonymous letter, signed with a five-pointed star, declared: "We attack Nolte because he is one of those who personally represents the continuity of fascism" and as co-founder of a "reactionary" group called the "Academic Freedom League." Nolte had been widely criticized for his moderately revisionist views of Second World War history. (note 102)
- On April 20, 1991, Betar/Tagar thugs carried out a violent attack against several persons who were to attend a conference in Paris on the French writer Marc Augier. (Under the pen name of Saint-Loup, Augier wrote a series of books on the French "Legion of Volunteers," which fought on the eastern front during the Second World War.) Three or four of the victims were hospitalized. One, a 67-year-old woman, was in a coma for two months. Two Tagar members were arrested in connection with the attack, but two and a half years later they had still not been brought to trial. (note 103)
- A bookstore in Paris had to be shut down for good in 1992 after repeated violent attacks by Jewish militants. The bookstore was targeted because it sold revisionist titles and was operated by revisionist publisher Pierre Guillaume.
Dr. Faurisson speaking at the Tenth IHR Conference, October 1990. |
- On October 19, 1992, a team of about 30 Betar activists shoved and insulted pedestrians, smashed automobiles, and threw tear gas at police in the central plaza of the German city of Rostock. The group was led by the "Nazi-hunting" (and anti-revisionist) husband-wife team of Serge and Beate Klarsfeld. The Betar activists, some of them carrying Israeli flags, insulted passersby with shouts of "Dirty Germans! Dirty Nazis!". (note 104)
- In December 1992, the chief of the Jewish Defense League in Israel announced that he was sending teams of killers to Germany to murder "neo-Nazis." Every German who cries "Heil Hitler," or otherwise identifies himself as a Nazi, declared 33-year-old Rabbi Baruch Ben-Joseph (Baruch Green), is a target for death. (note 105) Prominent German far-right political figures are not the only persons on the Israel JDL's hit list, confided one JDL member: "Persons behind the scenes are often more important, such as the professor who denies or whitewashes the Holocaust in a book." (note 106)
As this report shows, non-governmental Zionist terrorism has been a problem for more than twenty years. It remains a serious problem today.
Espousing Jewish supremacy, the Zionist terrornetwork operates internationally, linking Israel, Europe and the United States. In addition to the suffering and destruction resulting directly from its many crimes, the network's campaign of bigotry fosters a dangerous climate of hate and intolerance. Through intimidation, threat and violence, Jewish-Zionist terrorists have succeeded in silencing numerous voices. Many others have never spoken up out of fear that they might likewise become victims.
Particularly alarming is the important support provided to these criminal groups by the government of Israel. This official collaboration poses a threat not only to the freedom and security of individuals in many countries, but to the very freedom and sovereignty of nations.
At the same time, though, the danger should not be exaggerated. Zionist power is formidable but not limitless.
For one thing, Jewish militants are often so inept and mutually suspicious that they squander much of their energy on attacks against each other. (note 107)
Moreover, the number of individuals and organizations that Zionist militants perceive as "anti-Semitic enemies" has increased so dramatically in recent years that any one person or group is less likely to be singled out for attack. (Even the much-feared "anti-Semite" epithet has lost much of its impact. In 1991, an Israeli government cabinet minister denounced President George Bush as "anti-Semitic" because he wasn't acting quickly enough in approving a $10 billion loan guarantee to Israel.)
The readiness of Zionist militants to use violence against those whose views they reject is an implicit admission of moral and intellectual weakness. By resorting to violence against Holocaust revisionists and others, Zionist fanatics inherently acknowledge their inability to discredit their adversaries' arguments in free and open debate. Each new act of intimidation and violence only serves to further underscore this intellectual impotence.
In the long run, ideas and arguments cannot be destroyed by violence. Holocaust revisionism, in particular, has made such strides in so many countries in recent years that it can no longer be effectively suppressed.
- Probably the most useful books about Kahane and the JDL are: The False Prophet: Rabbi Meir Kahane: From FBI Informant to Knesst Member (Chicago: Lawrence Hill Books, 1990) by American Jewish journalist Robert I. Friedman; and, Heil Kahane (New York: Adama, 1986), by Israeli investigative journalist Yair Kotler
- . Avishai Margalit, "The Violent Life of Yitzhak Shamir," The New York Review of Books, May 14, 1992, pp. 18-24.; Lenni Brenner, Zionism in the Age of the Dictators (1983), pp. 266-269.; L. Brenner, Jews in America Today (Lyle Stuart, 1986), pp. 175-177.; Sol Stern, L. Rapoport, "Israel's Man of the Shadows," Village Voice (New York), July 3, 1984, pp. 13 ff.; Israel Shahak, "Yitzhak Shamir, Then and Now," Middle East Policy, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1992.
- R. Friedman, The False Prophet (1990), pp. 4, 61-63, 68, 78, 82.
- Yair Kotler, Heil Kahane, pp. 27-29.; R. Friedman, The False Prophet, pp. 71-75.; J. Kifner, "Meir Kahane," The New York Times, Nov. 6, 1990, p. B 13.
- R. Friedman, The False Prophet, pp. 85-98.
- R. Friedman, The False Prophet, pp. 87, 105-108.
- Y. Kotler, Heil Kahane (1986), pp. 46-51.; R. Friedman, The False Prophet, pp. 121-127.
- Geoffrey Wigoder, Dictionary of Jewish Biography (New York : Simon & Schuster, 1991), p. 250.
- "JDL is the second most active terrorist group, FBI says," Orange County Register (Santa Ana), Nov. 19, 1985.; Robert I. Friedman, "Nice Jewish Boys with Bombs: The Return of the JDL," Village Voice (New York), May 6, 1986, pp. 21, 22.
- New York Times, Nov. 6, 1990, pp. A1, B13.
- Y. Kotler, Heil Kahane (1986), pp. 184-185.
- M. Kahane, "Vengeance," The Jewish Press (Brooklyn, NY), June 13, 1980, pp. 36D, 46.
- The Jewish Press (Brooklyn), Nov. 9, 1973.
- Jewish Press (Brooklyn), Oct. 1, 1982. Quoted in: Lenni Brenner, Jews in America Today(1986), p. 297.
- Quoted in: J. Kifner, "Meir Kahane," New York Times, Nov. 6, 1990, p. B 13.
- Quoted in: B. Lynfield, "Meir Kahane: The Battle Ahead," Midstream, February 1986, p. 18.
- Meir Kahane, The Story of the Jewish Defense League (1975), p. 5. Quoted in: G. Cromer, "Negotiating the Meaning of the Holocaust," Holocaust and Genocide Studies(Britain), Vol. 2, No. 2, 1987, p. 290.
- M. Kahane, Our Challenge: The Chosen Land (1974), p. 137. Quoted in: G. Cromer, "Negotiating the Meaning of the Holocaust," Holocaust and Genocide Studies (Britain), Vol. 2, No. 2, 1987, p. 291.
- R. Friedman, False Prophet, p. 1.
- J. Kifner, "Meir Kahane," New York Times, Nov. 6, 1990, p. B 13.
- The Washington Post, August 27, 1985.
- Y. Kotler, Heil Kahane, p. 195.
- Y. Kotler, Heil Kahane (1986), pp. 153, 198-212.; See also: Gerald Cromer, "Negotiating the Meaning of the Holocaust," Holocaust and Genocide Studies (Britain), Vol. 2, No. 2, 1987, pp. 292-294.
- See: Lenni Brenner, Jews in America Today (1986), p. 298.
- See, for example: Genesis 28:1, 6; Deuteronomy 7:1-3; Leviticus 20: 2, 26; Ezra 9:1-2, 12; Nehemiah 13: 23-30.
- L. Brenner, Jews in America Today (Secaucus, N.J.: Lyle Stuart, 1986), p. 301.
- R. Friedman, False Prophet, pp. 115-116, 222-224.; R. Friedman, "Inside the Jewish Terrorist Underground: In the Realm of Perfect Faith," Village Voice, Nov. 12, 1985, p. 19. ("Among the wealthy Jews who have supported the JDL, is Reuben Mattus, the founder and president of Häagen-Dazs ice cream.")
- Evening Star (Washington, DC), March 1, 1971.
- R. Friedman, False Prophet, pp. 222, 269-271.
- R. Friedman, "Nice Jewish Boys with Bombs: The Return of the JDL," Village Voice (New York), May 6, 1986, p. 26.
- R. Friedman, The False Prophet, p. 147.
- R. Friedman, The False Prophet, pp. 125, 185.
- Y. Kotler, Heil Kahane, p. 33.; R. Friedman, False Prophet, pp. 64, 76, 77, 85, 86.
- See, for example, Kahane's essay, "The 'Guilt' of Jews Threatens Israel," in the New York Times of April 7, 1989.; Kahane's essay "Is Israel's Soul Imperiled? Yes, by Liberal Jews," appeared in the The New York Times of Dec. 20, 1985. Quoted in: L. Brenner, Jews in America Today, pp. 297, 320, n. 25.; Kahane's essay, "Enough Lamentation," apparently appeared in the New York Times of November 2, 1972. Source: The Jewish Defense League: A Cult of Racism and Terror, and a Threat to Arab-Americans, ADC Issues [report] No. 9, published by the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, Washington, DC (1982?).
- Y. Kotler, Heil Kahane, pp. 10-11.
- R. Friedman, The False Prophet, pp. 142-145.; The Jewish Defense League: A Cult of Racism and Terror, and a Threat to Arab-Americans, ADC Issues [report] No. 9, published by the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, Washington, DC (1982?).
- Los Angeles Times, May 9, 1972, p. 5.
- Alfred M. Lilienthal, The Zionist Connection (1979), p. 395.
- R. Friedman, False Prophet, pp. 178-180.
- The Jewish Defense League: A Cult of Racism and Terror, and a Threat to Arab-Americans, ADC Issues [report] No. 9, published by the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, Washington, DC (1982?).
- Vancouver Sun, July 3, 1978.
- Washington Post, April 12, 1982.; Village Voice, Oct. 2, 1984.
- H. W. French, "3 J.D.L. Members Seized in Bombings," New York Times, May 9, 1987.; L. Buder, "Prison for Ex-J.D.L. Chief in Bombing," New York Times, Oct. 27, 1987, p. B3.
- D. Palermo, "FBI Links JDL to Bomb Death of Arab Leader," Los Angeles Times, Nov. 9, 1985.; A. Dawson, "Terrorism experts puzzled by FBI's finding," Orange County Register(Santa Ana), Nov. 13, 1985, pp. B1, B6.; See also: Robert I. Friedman, "Nice Jewish Boys with Bombs: The Return of the JDL," Village Voice (New York), May 6, 1986, p. 24.
- K. Reich, "Holocaust Survivor Arrested After Alleged Threats," Los Angeles Times, Jan. 30, 1991.
- D. Palermo, "FBI Links JDL to Bomb Death of Arab Leader," Los Angeles Times, Nov. 9, 1985.
- D. Palermo, "FBI Links JDL to Bomb Death of Arab Leader," Los Angeles Times, Nov. 9, 1985.
- D. Palermo, "FBI Report Links 'Elements' of JDL...," Los Angeles Times, July 3, 1986.; See also: L. Sasaki, "FBI Attributes Fatal Bombing in Santa Ana to 'Extremists'," Los Angeles Times, July 17, 1986.; S. Engelberg, "Official Says F.B.I. Has Suspects in Blasts Laid to Extremist Jews," New York Times, July 17, 1986.
- R. Friedman, False Prophet, pp. 239 ff., and 248.; R. Friedman, "Did This Man Kill Alex Odeh?," Village Voice, July 12, 1988, pp. 19-21.
- K. Reich, "Mail-Bomb Suspect Sent Back to U.S.," Los Angeles Times, July 19, 1993.
- G. Dillow, "Mail-Bombing Suspect a Man of Many Faces," Los Angeles Times, August 5, 1993.; K. Reich, "Mail-Bomb Suspect Sent Back to U.S.," Los Angeles Times, July 19, 1993.
- "Mail-Bombing Suspect...," Los Angeles Times, Aug. 5, 1993.
- "FBI Memo: Israelis Hampering Probe," The Washington Post, Nov. 19, 1987, p. A 19.; "FBI Memos Accuse Israel...," Los Angeles Times (Orange County ed.), Nov. 19, 1987, p. II/1.;
The Manning case was the subject of two revealing articles in the influential Jewish community weekly Jewish Press (Brooklyn), July 5, 1991. The first, "Israel's Chief Rabbinate: Torah Law Forbids Extradition of Mannings" (p. 2), reported that leading Israeli rabbis had declared that the extradition of Robert Manning and his wife from Israel to the United States would be a violation of Jewish "Torah Law," or Halacha. The article went on: "Rabbi Shaul Yisraeli, a prominent member of the Chief Rabbinate, said that he always had opposed the extradition agreement Israel has with other countries because it is contrary to Torah Law." The second article, "More On the Mannings: What the Feds Are Really After" (p. 56C), related: "The [Jewish] Shulchan Aruch and the Rambam state explicitly that it is absolutely forbidden to send a Jew into the hands of a Gentile. In the words of the Rambam, 'It is forbidden to send a Jew into the hands of the Gentile, be it his money or his who does so has no portion in the World to Come'." - K. Reich, "Mail-Bomb Suspect Sent Back to U.S.," Los Angeles Times, July 19, 1993.; M. Parks & E. Malnic, "Israel Orders Murder Suspect Returned to L.A. for Trial," Los Angeles Times, August 17, 1993.
One condition for Manning's extradition to the US was that he would not be charged or prosecuted for his role in the Odeh killing. In October 1993, a federal jury in Los Angeles found Robert Manning guilty of complicity in the 1980 bomb death of a secretary at a computer company, 32-year-old Patricia Wilkerson. See: "Ex-JDL Activist Guilty of Bomb Death," Los Angeles Times (Orange County edition), Oct. 15, 1993, pp. A1, A12. - US Dept. of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Terrorist Research and Analytical Center, Terrorism Section, Criminal Investigative Division, FBI Analysis of Terrorist Incidents and Terrorist-Related Activities in the United States (1985), pp. 16-18. Quoted in: Issa Nakhleh, ed., Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem (New York: Intercontinental Books, 1991), Vol. II, pp. 862, 867.
- "JDL is the second most active terrorist group, FBI says," Orange County Register (Santa Ana), Nov. 19, 1985.
- "FBI Memo: Israelis Hampering Probe," The Washington Post, Nov. 19, 1987, p. A 19.
- US Dept. of Energy, Terrorism in the United States and the Potential Threat to Nuclear Facilities (R-3351-Doe, January 1986), pp. 11-16. Quoted in: Issa Nakhleh, ed.,Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem (New York: Intercontinental Books, 1991), Vol. II, pp. 862-864, 867-68.
An analyst for the Rand Corporation confirmed in 1984 that the Jewish group pursues "a dual-track strategy alternating between civil disobedience and generally peaceful protest to vandalism and outright acts of terrorism." (Source: "JDL is the second most active terrorist group, FBI says," Orange County Register [Santa Ana], Nov. 19, 1985.) - R. Friedman, False Prophet, pp. 232-233.
- "JDL wasn't militant enough for Levy," New York Post, August 11, 1989, p. 5.
- R. Friedman, "Oy Vey, Make My Day," Village Voice, August 22, 1989, p. 15.
- New York Daily News, August 11, 1989, pp. 1, 4, 5.; New York Post, Aug. 11, 1989, pp. 1, 5.; See also: "Man Charged in Bleecker Street Sniping," New York Times, Aug. 11, 1989, p. B3.; R. Friedman, "Oy Vey, Make My Day," Village Voice, August 22, 1989, pp. 15 ff.
- "Jewish militant gets 4 1/2 yrs. in shooting," New York Post, April 12, 1990 (?).
- L. Goodstein, "Holocaust Museum Protester Later Beaten," The Washington Post, April 29, pp. C1, C2.; L. Kellman, "Hate crimes follow opening of museum," The Washington Times, April 24, 1993, p. A 11.; L. Kellman, "Beating outrages Jews: The Washington Times, April 29, pp. B1, B2.; The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, June 1993, pp. 50, 51, 108.; For more on the April 22, 1993, demonstration, see: The Journal of Historical Review, July-August 1993, pp. 2-3, 17.; The New York Times informed readers that "attempts were made to interrupt the [Holocaust] museum's dedication on April 22." (NY York Times, "Book Review" section, July 11, p. 1.) This is not true. The demonstration, which took place under police supervision some distance from the dedication ceremony site, was entirely peaceable. The only "interruption" connected with the day's events was violence committed against peaceful demonstrators.
- The Jewish Defense League, ADC Issues [report] No. 9, published by the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, Washington, DC (1982?).
- "JDL Chairman Rubin Released in Murder Case," Los Angeles Times, March 11, 1992.
- P. M. Twair, "Freedom of Speech Only a Memory in Gang-Ridden Los Angeles," The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, October 1992, pp. 55, 85.
- IHR Newsletter, June 1985, p. 10.
- Daily News (Los Angeles), Dec. 9, 1982, p. 10.
- Daily Breeze (Torrance), Sept. 1, 1984.
- R. Varenchik, "Man who calls Holocaust a lie reports threat; JDL figure held," Los AngelesDaily News, Aug. 21, 1984, pp. 1, 8.
- A. Jalon, "Bomb Hits Home of Holocaust Doubter," Los Angeles Times, May 16, 1985.
- US Dept. of Energy, Terrorism in the United States and the Potential Threat to Nuclear Facilities, R-3351-Doe, January 1986, pp. 11-16. Quoted in: Issa Nakhleh, ed.,Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem (New York: Intercontinental Books, 1991), Vol. II, pp. 862-864, 867-68.
- Tulsa Tribune, April 12, 1985, and information from Dr. Weber.
- IHR Newsletter, June 1981, p. 4.; IHR Newsletter, May 1983, p. 6.; Information from J. Marcellus.
- Source: US Dept. of Energy, Terrorism in the United States and the Potential Threat to Nuclear Facilities, R-3351-Doe, January 1986, pp. 11-16. Quoted in: Issa Nakhleh, ed.,Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem (New York: Intercontinental Books, 1991), Vol. II, pp. 862-864, 867-68.
- IHR Newsletter, August 1984.; Letter by IHR Director Marcellus to US Senator Jeremiah Denton, July 20, 1984.; Information provided by Marcellus.
- Daily Breeze (Torrance), March 20, 1981, p. 1.; Information provided by J. Marcellus.
- "Terror Comes to the IHR," IHR Newsletter, July 1981, p. 2.
- "Arsonists hit Institute for Historical Review office," Daily Breeze (Torrance), July 5, 1984, p. A3.; IHR 1982 Annual Report [IHR Newsletter], December 1982, p. 2.
- "Nazi Holocaust Doubters Target of Jewish Group," Los Angeles Times, August 1, 1985, p. B 1.; IHR 1982 Annual Report [IHR Newsletter], December 1982, p. 2.; Information provided by J. Marcellus.
- "Arsonists hit Institute for Historical Review office," Daily Breeze (Torrance), July 5, 1984, p. A3.
- "JDL applauds blaze at Torrance institute," Daily Breeze (Torrance), July 7, 1984, pp. Al, A6.; In the wake of the fire-bombing, the IHR started up again from a makeshift new office in Torrance. In 1985, Rubin announced a JDL campaign to force the IHR out of the city. ("Nazi Holocaust Doubters Target of Jewish Group," Los Angeles Times, Aug. 1, 1985, p. B 1.)
- A. Cockburn, "Beat the Devil," The Nation, March 20, 1989, p. 366.
- The statements of Toland and Irving appear in the IHR Newsletter, October 1984, p. 1.
- IHR Newsletter, April 1989.
- IHR Newsletter, February 1992, p. 5.; IHR Newsletter, April 1992, p. 1.
- In 1992, Cole conducted a videotaped interview with the curator of the Auschwitz State Museum. A VHS videotape cassette, "David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper," is available from the IHR for $49, plus $2.50 shipping.
- Philip Rees, Biographical Dictionary of the Extreme Right Since 1890 (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1990), pp. 106-107.; R. Faurisson, The Journal of Historical Review(IHR), Winter 1988-89, pp. 417 f.
- Le Monde (Paris), March 19-20, 1978, p. 24, and March 23, 1978, p. 7. See also: "Quinze ans de terrorisme," ("Fifteen years of terrorism"), Le Choc du Mois (France), June 1991, p. 7.; M. Weber, The Journal of Historical Review, Summer 1988, pp. 180, 184.
- Victor Ostrovksy and Claire Hoy, By Way of Deception (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1990), pp. 291-292.
- R. Hemeçaix, "Bétar: la mauvaise étoile de David" ("Betar: The evil star of David"), Le Choc du Mois (France), July-August 1990, pp. 37-38.; See also: "Quinze ans de terrorisme," Le Choc du Mois (France), June 1991, pp. 7-13.
- R. Hemeçaix, "Bétar: la mauvaise étoile de David," Le Choc du Mois (France), July-August 1990, pp. 37-38.
- Le Monde, March 7, 1986, p. 8.; "Quinze ans de terrorisme" ("Fifteen years of terrorism"),Le Choc du Mois (France), June 1991, pp. 7-13.; "Ces milices juives qui sèment la terreur" ("Those Jewish militias that sow terror"), Le Choc du Mois, April 1992, pp. 37-39.; R. Hemeçaix, "Bétar: la mauvaise étoile de David," Le Choc du Mois (France), July-August 1990, pp. 37-38.;
See also: "Une communauté otage de ses extrémiste," Le Choc du Mois (France), June 1991, pp. 14-17.; "Carpentras: L'effet Boomerang," (France), June 1991, pp. 18-20.; F. Chesnay, "Toute censure est un aveu," Le Choc du Mois (France), June 1991, pp. 21-22; D. Barney, C. Champetier & C. Lavirose, La nouvelle Inquisition: Essai sur le terrorisme intellectuel et la police de la pensée (Paris: 1993). - A copy of a leaflet issued in Feb. 1992 by the "Tagar Student Zionist Organization at the Ohio State University" (Columbus) is on file at the IHR.
- "L'agression contre M. Robert Faurisson revendiquée par 'Les fils de la mémoire juive'," Le Monde, Sept. 19, 1989, p. 14.; Sunday Telegraph (London), Sept. 24, 1989.; "Historian severely beaten for disputing Holocaust," Reuters dispatch, Philadelphia Inquirer, Sept. 18, 1989.; IHR Newsletter, October 1989.; M. Weber, Christian News (New Haven, Mo.), Oct. 16, 1989, p. 22.
- Le Monde, Sept. 19, 1989, p. 14.; Sunday Telegraph (London), Sept. 24, 1989.; Christian News (New Haven, Mo.), Oct. 16, 1989, p. 22.
- Letters by R. Faurisson to the IHR of June 16, 1992, October 24, 1992, May 28, 1993, and September 14, 1993.
- Le Monde, Sept. 19, 1989, p. 14.; Sunday Telegraph (London), Sept. 24, 1989.;Christian News (New Haven, Mo.), Oct. 16, 1989, p. 22.
- Letters by R. Faurisson to the IHR of July 15, 1993, September 14, 1993 and Nov. 27, 1993.;
In Stockholm, Faurisson has been attacked twice. The first attack, on March 17, 1992, was reported widely in the Swedish press. The second attack, on May 22, 1993, also received coverage in Swedish newspapers.; The attack against Faurisson in Paris on May 30, 1993, was reported in: "Faurisson, incident au cours de la Réunion de la Tribune des athées,"Libération, (Paris), June 1, 1993. - Le Figaro (Paris), January 26, 1984, p. 4.
- "Attack Against Auto of German 'Revisionist' Historian," IHR Newsletter, July 1988, p. 5.
- "Un commando sioniste s'invite au meeting néo-nazi," Libération, April 22, 1991, p. 28.; "Ces milices juives qui sèment la terreur," Le Choc du Mois (France), April 1992, pp. 37-39.
- H. de Bresson, "L'équipée sauvage du Bétar à Rostock," Le Monde (Paris), Oct. 21, 1992, p. 4.
- "Extremisten aus Israel: Jagd auf Neonazis in Deutschland?," Berliner Morgenpost, December 11 [or 12?], 1992.; Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Dec. 12, 1992, p. 6.
- Michael Kneissler, "Tod den Nazis," Playboy (Deutschland), February 1993 (2/93), pp. 47-54.
- R. Friedman, "Nice Jewish Boys with Bombs: The Return of the JDL," Village Voice (New York), May 6, 1986, p. 21 ("... Members spend more time plotting against each other than against their gentile enemies.")
THE ZIONIST TERROR NETWORK: Background and Operations of the Jewish Defense League and other Criminal Zionist Groups
Completely revised 1993 edition
Prepared by Mark Weber
ISBN 0-939484-22-6
Copyright (c) 1985, 1993 by the
Institute for Historical Review
P.O. Box 2739
Newport Beach, CA 92659
34 - Bill Gates Talks 'Vaccines to Reduce Population'
by F. William Engdahl, author of Full Spectrum Dominance. March 4, 2010
Microsoft founder and one of the world's wealthiest men, Bill Gates, projects an image of a benign philanthropist using his billions via his (tax exempt) Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, to tackle diseases,
solve food shortages in Africa and alleviate poverty. In a recent conference in California, Gates reveals a less public agenda of his philanthropy—population reduction, otherwise known as eugenics.
Gates made his remarks to the invitation-only Long Beach, California TED2010 Conference, in a speech titled, "Innovating to Zero!." Along with the scientifically absurd proposition of reducing manmade CO2 emissions worldwide to zero by 2050, approximately four and a half minutes into the talk, Gates declares, "First we got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent."1 (author's emphasis).
In plain English, one of the most powerful men in the world states clearly that he expects vaccines to be used to reduce population growth. When Bill Gates speaks about vaccines, he speaks with authority. In January 2010 at the elite Davos World Economic Forum, Gates announced his foundation would give $10 billion (circa €7.5 billion) over the next decade to develop and deliver new vaccines to children in the developing world. 2
The primary focus of his multi-billion dollar Gates Foundation is vaccinations, especially in Africa and other underdeveloped countries. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is a founding member of the GAVI Alliance (Global Alliance for Vaccinations and Immunization) in partnership with the World Bank, WHO and the vaccine industry. The goal of GAVI is to vaccinate every newborn child in the developing world.
Now that sounds like noble philanthropic work. The problem is that the vaccine industry has been repeatedly caught dumping dangerous—meaning unsafe because untested or proven harmful—vaccines onto unwitting Third World populations when they cannot get rid of the vaccines in the West. 3 Some organizations have suggested that the true aim of the vaccinations is to make people sicker and even more susceptible to disease and premature death.4
Dumping Toxins on the Third World
In the aftermath of the most recent unnecessary Pandemic declaration of a global H1N1 swine flu emergency, industrial countries were left sitting on hundreds of millions of doses of untested vaccines. They decided to get rid of the embarrassing leftover drugs by handing them over to the WHO which in turn plans to dump them for free on select poor countries. France has given 91 million of the 94 million doses the Sarkozy government bought from the pharma giants; Britain gave 55 million of its 60 million doses. The story for Germany and Norway is similar.5
As Dr. Thomas Jefferson, an epidemiologist with the Cochrane Research Center in Rome noted, "Why do they give the vaccines to the developing countries at all? The pandemic has been called off in most parts of the world. The greatest threat in poor countries right now is heart and circulatory diseases while the virus figures at the bottom of the list. What is the medical reason for donating 180 million doses?" 6As well, flu is a minor problem in countries with abundant sunshine, and it turned out that the feared H1N1 Pandemic "new great plague" was the mildest flu on record.
The pharmaceutical vaccine makers do not speak about the enormous health damage from infant vaccination including autism and numerous neuro-muscular deformities that have been traced back to the toxic adjuvants and preservatives used in most vaccines. Many vaccines, especially multi-dose vaccines that are made more cheaply for sale to the Third World, contain something called Thimerosal (Thiomersol in the EU), a compound (sodium ethylmercurithiosalicylate), containing some 50% mercury, used as a preservative.
In July 1999 the US' National Vaccine Information Center declared in a press release that, "The cumulative effects of ingesting mercury can cause brain damage." The same month, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) alerted the public about the possible health effects associated with thimerosal-containing vaccines. They strongly recommended that thimerosal be removed from vaccines as soon as possible. Under the directive of the FDA Modernization Act of 1997, the Food and Drug Administration also determined that infants who received several thimerosal-containing vaccines may be receiving mercury exposure over and above the recommended federal guidelines.7
A New Form of Eugenics?
Gates' interest in inducing population reduction among black and other minority populations is not new unfortunately. As I document in my book, Seeds of Destruction,8 since the 1920's the Rockefeller Foundation had funded the eugenics research in Germany through the Kaiser-Wilhelm Institutes in Berlin and Munich, including well into the Third Reich. They praised the forced sterilization of people by Hirtler Germany, and the Nazi ideas on race "purity." It was John D. Rockefeller III, a life-long advocate of eugenics, who used his "tax free" foundation money to initiate the population reduction neo-Malthusian movement through his private Population Council in New York beginning in the 1950's.
The idea of using vaccines to covertly reduce births in the Third World is also not new. Bill Gates' good friend, David Rockefeller and his Rockefeller Foundation were involved as early as 1972 in a major project together with WHO and others to perfect another "new vaccine."
The results of the WHO-Rockefeller project were put into mass application on human guinea pigs in the early 1990's. The WHO oversaw massive vaccination campaigns against tetanus in Nicaragua, Mexico and the Philippines. Comite Pro Vida de Mexico, a Roman Catholic lay organization, became suspicious of the motives behind the WHO program and decided to test numerous vials of the vaccine and found them to contain human Chorionic Gonadotrophin, or hCG. That was a curious component for a vaccine designed to protect people against lock-jaw arising from infection with rusty nail wounds or other contact with certain bacteria found in soil. The tetanus disease was indeed, also rather rare. It was also curious because hCG was a natural hormone needed to maintain a pregnancy. However, when combined with a tetanus toxoid carrier, it stimulated formation of antibodies against hCG, rendering a woman incapable of maintaining a pregnancy, a form of concealed abortion. Similar reports of vaccines laced with hCG hormones came from the Philippines and Nicaragua.9
Gates' 'Gene Revolution in Africa'
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, along with David Rockefeller's Rockefeller Foundation, the creators of the GMO biotechnology, are also financing a project called The Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) headed by former UN chief, Kofi Annan. Accepting the role as AGRA head in June 2007 Annan expressed his "gratitude to the Rockefeller Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and all others who support our African campaign." The AGRA board is dominated by people from both the Gates' and Rockefeller foundations. 10
Monsanto, DuPont, Dow, Syngenta and other major GMO agribusiness giants are reported at the heart of AGRA, using it as a back-door to spread their patented GMO seeds across Africa under the deceptive label, 'bio-technology,' a euphemism for genetically engineered patented seeds. The person from the Gates Foundation responsible for its work with AGRA is Dr. Robert Horsch, a 25-year Monsanto GMO veteran who was on the team that developed Monsanto's RoundUp Ready GMO technologies. His job is reportedly to use Gates' money to introduce GMO into Africa.11
To date South Africa is the only African country permitting legal planting of GMO crops. In 2003 Burkina Faso authorized GMO trials. In 2005 Kofi Annan's Ghana drafted bio-safety legislation and key officials expressed their intentions to pursue research into GMO crops. AGRA is being used to create networks of "agro-dealers" across Africa, at first with no mention of GMO seeds or herbicides, in order to have the infrastructure in place to massively introduce GMO.12
GMO, Glyphosate and Population Reduction
GMO crops have never been proven safe for human or animal consumption. Moreover, they are inherently genetically 'unstable' as they are an unnatural product of introducing a foreign bacteria such as Bacillus Thuringiensis (Bt) or other material into the DNA of a given seed to change its traits. Perhaps equally dangerous are the 'paired' chemical herbicides sold as a mandatory part of a GMO contract, such as Monsanto's Roundup, the most widely used such herbicide in the world. It contains highly toxic glyphosate compounds that have been independently tested and proven to exist in toxic concentrations in GMO applications far above that safe for humans or animals. Tests show that tiny amounts of glyphosate compounds would do damage to a human umbilical, embryonic and placental cells in a pregnant woman drinking the ground water near a GMO field.13
One long-standing project of the US Government has been to perfect a genetically-modified variety of corn, the diet staple in Mexico and many other Latin American countries. The corn has been field tested in tests financed by the US Department of Agriculture along with a small California bio-tech company named Epicyte. Announcing his success at a 2001 press conference, the president of Epicyte, Mitch Hein, pointing to his GMO corn plants, announced, "We have a hothouse filled with corn plants that make anti-sperm antibodies." 14
Hein explained that they had taken antibodies from women with a rare condition known as immune infertility, isolated the genes that regulated the manufacture of those infertility antibodies, and, using genetic engineering techniques, had inserted the genes into ordinary corn seeds used to produce corn plants. In this manner, in reality they produced a concealed contraceptive embedded in corn meant for human consumption. "Essentially, the antibodies are attracted to surface receptors on the sperm," said Hein. "They latch on and make each sperm so heavy it cannot move forward. It just shakes about as if it was doing the lambada." 15 Hein claimed it was a possible solution to world "over-population." The moral and ethical issues of feeding it to humans in Third World poor countries without their knowing it countries he left out of his remarks.
Spermicides hidden in GMO corn provided to starving Third World populations through the generosity of the Gates' foundation, Rockefeller Foundation and Kofi Annan's AGRA or vaccines that contain undisclosed sterilization agents are just two documented cases of using vaccines or GMO seeds to "reduce population."
And the 'Good Club'
Gates' TED2010 speech on zero emissions and population reduction is consistent with a report that appeared in New York City's ethnic media, in May 2009. According to the report, a secret meeting took place on May 5, 2009 at the home of Sir Paul Nurse, President of Rockefeller University, among some of the wealthiest people in America. Investment guru Warren Buffett who in 2006 decided to pool his $30 billion Buffett Foundation into the Gates foundation to create the world's largest private foundation with some $60 billions of tax-free dollars was present. Banker David Rockefeller was the host.
The exclusive letter of invitation was signed by Gates, Rockefeller and Buffett. They decided to call themselves the "Good Club." Also present was media czar Ted Turner, billionaire founder of CNN who stated in a 1996 interview for the Audubon nature magazine, where he said that a 95% reduction of world population to between 225-300 million would be "ideal." In a 2008 interview at Philadelphia's Temple University, Turner fine-tuned the number to 2 billion, a cut of more than 70% from today's population. Even less elegantly than Gates, Turner stated, "we have too many people. That's why we have global warming. We need less people using less stuff (sic)."16
Others attending this first meeting of the Good Club reportedly were: Eli Broad real estate billionaire, New York's billionaire Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Wall Street billionaire and Council on Foreign Relations former head, Peter G. Peterson.
In addition, Julian H. Robertson, Jr., hedge-fund billionaire who worked with Soros attacking the currencies of Thailand, Indonesia, South Korea and the Asian Tigen economies, precipitating the 1997-98 Asia Crisis. Also present at the first session of the Good Club was Patty Stonesifer, former chief executive of the Gates foundation, and John Morgridge of Cisco Systems. The group represented a combined fortune of more than $125 billion. 17
According to reports apparently leaked by one of the attendees, the meeting was held in response to the global economic downturn and the numerous health and environmental crises that are plaguing the globe.
But the central theme and purpose of the secret Good Club meeting of the plutocrats was the priority concern posed by Bill Gates, namely, how to advance more effectively their agenda of birth control and global population reduction. In the talks a consensus reportedly emerged that they would "back a strategy in which population growth would be tackled as a potentially disastrous environmental, social and industrial threat." 18
Global Eugenics agenda
Gates and Buffett are major funders of global population reduction programs, as is Turner, whose UN Foundation was created to funnel $1 billion of his tax-free stock option earnings in AOL-Time-Warner into various birth reduction programs in the developing world.19 The programs in Africa and elsewhere are masked as philanthropy and providing health services for poor Africans. In reality they involve involuntary population sterilization via vaccination and other medicines that make women of child-bearing age infertile. The Gates Foundation, where Buffett deposited the bulk of his wealth two years ago, is also backing introduction of GMO seeds into Africa under the cloak of the Kofi Annan-led 'Second Green Revolution' in Africa. The introduction of GMO patented seeds in Africa to date has met with enormous indigenous resistance.
Health experts point out that were the intent of Gates really to improve the health and well-being of black Africans, the same hundreds of millions of dollars the Gates Foundation has invested in untested and unsafe vaccines could be used in providing minimal sanitary water and sewage systems. Vaccinating a child who then goes to drink feces-polluted river water is hardly healthy in any respect. But of course cleaning up the water and sewage systems of Africa would revolutionize the health conditions of the Continent.
Gates' TED2010 comments about having new vaccines to reduce global population were obviously no off-the-cuff remark. For those who doubt, the presentation Gates made at the TED2009 annual gathering said almost exactly the same thing about reducing population to cut global warming. For the mighty and powerful of the Good Club, human beings seem to be a form of pollution equal to CO2.
Bill Gates on Energy: Innovating to Zero! (TED2010 excerpt)
(Uploaded by TEDtalksDirector on Feb 10, 2010 - Video courtesy of YouTube)
Where to next? Google News has more current information or follow the conversation on Twitter.
- Bill Gates, "Innovating to Zero!", speech to the TED2010 annual conference, Long Beach, California, February 18, 2010.
-, Bill Gates makes $10 billion vaccine pledge, London Telegraph, January 29, 2010.
- Louise Voller, Kristian Villesen, WHO Donates Millions of Doses of Surplus Medical Supplies to Developing countries, Danish Information, 22 December 2009.
- One is the Population Research Institute in Washington.
- Louise Voller et al, op. cit.
- Ibid.
- Noted in Vaccinations and Autism
- F. William Engdahl, Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation, Global Research, Montreal, 2007, pp. 79-84.
- James A. Miller, Are New Vaccines Laced With Birth-Control Drugs?, HLI Reports, Human Life International, Gaithersburg, Maryland; June-July 1995.
- Cited in F. William Engdahl, "Doomsday Seed Vault" in the Arctic: Bill Gates, Rockefeller and the GMO giants know something we don't, Global Research, December 4, 2007.
- Mariam Mayet, Africa's Green Revolution rolls out the Gene Revolution, African Centre for Biosafety, ACB Briefing Paper No. 6/2009, Melville, South Africa, April 2009.
- Ibid.
- Nora Benachour and Gilles-Eric Seralini, Glyphosate Formulations Induce Apoptosis and Necrosis in Human Umbilical Embryonic, and Placental Cells, Chemical Research in Toxicology Journal, American Chemical Society, 2009, 22 (1), pp 97–105.
- Robin McKie, GMO Corn Set to Stop Man Spreading His Seed, London, The Observer, 9 September 2001.
- Ibid. McKie writes, "The pregnancy prevention plants are the handiwork of the San Diego biotechnology company Epicyte, where researchers have discovered a rare class of human antibodies that attack sperm…the company has created tiny horticultural factories that make contraceptives…Essentially, the antibodies are attracted to surface receptors on the sperm," said Hein. "They latch on and make each sperm so heavy it cannot move forward. It just shakes about as if it was doing the lambada."
- Ted Turner, cited along with youTube video of Turner in Aaron Dykes, Ted Turner: World Needs a 'Voluntary' One-Child Policy for the Next Hundred Years, Jones, April 29, 2008.
- John Harlow, Billionaire club in bid to curb overpopulation, London, The Sunday Times May 24, 2009.
- Ibid.
- United Nations Foundation, Women and Population Program
© 2010 F. William Engdahl
*F. William Engdahl is author of Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation (Global Research). He also authored A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order (Pluto Press). His newest book, Full Spectrum Dominance: Totalitarian Democracy in the New World Order (Third Millennium Press) is now in print and will be available by mid-June. He may be contacted over his website, Geopolitics Geoeconomics.
35 - 'The Demise of Guys': How video games and porn are ruining a generation
By Dr. Philip G. Zimbardo and Nikita Duncan, Special to CNN
Editor's note: Psychologist Dr. Philip Zimbardo is a professor emeritus at Stanford University and is world-renowned for his 1971 research, the Stanford Prison Experiment. Zimbardo teamed up with artist and psychologist Nikita Duncan to write "The Demise of Guys: Why Boys Are Struggling and What We Can Do About It," released Wednesday by TED Books.
(CNN) -- Is the overuse of video games and pervasiveness of online porn causing the demise of guys?
Increasingly, researchers say yes, as young men become hooked on arousal, sacrificing their schoolwork and relationships in the pursuit of getting a tech-based buzz.
Every compulsive gambler, alcoholic or drug addict will tell you that they want increasingly more of a game or drink or drug in order to get the same quality of buzz.
Video game and porn addictions are different. They are "arousal addictions," where the attraction is in the novelty, the variety or the surprise factor of the content. Sameness is soon habituated; newness heightens excitement. In traditional drug arousal, conversely, addicts want more of the same cocaine or heroin or favorite food.
The consequences could be dramatic: The excessive use of video games and online porn in pursuit of the next thing is creating a generation of risk-averse guys who are unable (and unwilling) to navigate the complexities and risks inherent to real-life relationships, school and employment.
Stories about this degeneration are rampant: In 2005, Seungseob Lee, a South Korean man, went into cardiac arrest after playing "StarCraft" for nearly 50 continuous hours. In 2009, MTV's "True Life" highlighted the story of a man named Adam whose wife kicked him out of their home -- they have four kids together -- because he couldn't stop watching porn.
Research into this area goes back a half-century.Norwegian mass murder suspect Anders Behring Breivik reported during his trial that he prepared his mind and body for his marksman-focused shooting of 77 people by playing "World of Warcraft" for a year and then "Call of Duty" for 16 hours a day.
In 1954, researchers Peter Milner and James Olds discovered the pleasure center of the brain. In their experiments, an electrical current was sent to the limbic system of a rat's brain whenever it moved to a certain area of its cage. The limbic sytem is a portion of the brain that controls things like emotion, behavior and memory. The researchers hypothesized that if the stimulation to the limbic system were unpleasant, the rats would stay away from that part of the cage.
Surprisingly, the rats returned to that portion of the cage again and again, despite the sensation.
In later experiments, when they were allowed to push a stimulation lever on their own accord, they self-stimulated hundreds of times per hour. Even when given the option to eat when hungry or to stimulate the pleasure center, the rats chose the stimulation until they were physically exhausted and on the brink of death.
This new kind of human addictive arousal traps users into an expanded present hedonistic time zone. Past and future are distant and remote as the present moment expands to dominate everything. That present scene is totally dynamic, with images changing constantly.
A recent study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that "regular porn users are more likely to report depression and poor physical health than nonusers are. ... The reason is that porn may start a cycle of isolation. ... Porn may become a substitute for healthy face-to-face interactions, social or sexual."
Similarly, video games also go wrong when the person playing them is desensitized to reality and real-life interactions with others.
Violence in video games is often synonymous with success. Children with more of a propensity for aggression are more attracted to violent video media, but violent media, in turn, can also make them more aggressive. This could be related to the fact that most video games reward players for violent acts, often permitting them to move to the next level in a game.
Yet research reported in the Annual Review of Public Health suggests a link between violent video games and real-life aggression: Given the opportunity, both adults and children were more aggressive after playing violent games. And people who identify themselves with violent perpetrators in video games are able to take aggressive action while playing that role, reinforcing aggressive behavior.
Young men -- who play video games and use porn the most -- are being digitally rewired in a totally new way that demands constant stimulation. And those delicate, developing brains are being catered to by video games and porn-on-demand, with a click of the mouse, in endless variety.
Such new brains are also totally out of sync in traditional school classes, which are analog, static and interactively passive. Academics are based on applying past lessons to future problems, on planning, on delaying gratifications, on work coming before play and on long-term goal-setting.
Guys are also totally out of sync in romantic relationships, which tend to build gradually and subtly, and require interaction, sharing, developing trust and suppression of lust at least until "the time is right."
Less extreme cases of arousal addiction may go unnoticed or be diagnosed as an attention or mood disorder. But we are in a national, and perhaps global, Guy Disaster Mode that needs to be noticed and solutions advanced to fix a totally novel phenomenon, which will only increase in intensity and breadth without the concerted efforts of educators, gamemakers, parents, guys and gals.
It's time to press play and get started reversing these trends.
Check out Zimbardo's 2011 TEDTalk on "The Demise of Guys."
36 - NaturalNews uncovers epidemic of fake doctorates and graduate degrees from online diploma mills
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
(NaturalNews) While investigating our recent story on the faked academic credentials of a key informant in the Rawesome Foods case in California (, we received a large number of tips and documents revealing something rather astonishing: There is an epidemic of fake diplomas across America.
The diploma mill known as "Richmonds University" appears to be cited in hundreds of online resumes from people who have attained surprisingly high positions in society. For example, one man named Roy David Williams managed to acquire a fake doctorate in nuclear engineering from Richmonds University, and he went on to be awarded government contracts based on that diploma. He was later prosecuted for fraud (
His fake diploma is shown here:
We found the same "Richmonds University" cited in a bio of the executive director of the Kern County Bar Association ( That woman's profile also claims a degree from "Richmonds University" (
Kern County is located in California (Bakersfield), by the way, and the Kern County Bar Association website says, "The Kern County Bar Association provides leadership in advancing the professional interests of the membership and serving the legal interests of the community." (
Doctorate in chemical engineering
A New Jersey man, Dr. Kenneth Hofbauer, claims to have received a "Doctorate Degree in Chemical Engineering, 2004, PH.D., Magna cum Laude, Richmonds University, London, England." (
Being quite the academic, he also claims to have a "Masters of Science Degree in Chemical Engineering, 1998, M.S., Magna cum Laude, Richmonds University, London, England."
Remember as you read this that Richmonds University does not exist as a real entity. The entire thing is fabricated. This is an online diploma mill that produces academic credentials which appear to be legitimate and are designed to fool prospective employers, reporters, clients or anyone else inquiring about a person's academic achievements.
See more resumes at
Search any search engine for " Richmonds University" and see what you get. Or just click the following link for a Google search:"richmonds+univers...
There, you will see "Richmonds University" degrees claimed by law enforcement officers, energy company plant managers, finance capital firms, hotel managers and much more.
Diploma mills offer to sell diplomas for virtually any degree you wish: Nuclear engineering, chemical engineering, physics, MBA degrees, etc. One diploma mill we checked out was which said the only degrees it would not sell are medical degrees and legal degrees. Everything else is fair game (although the site does say, in its small print, that the diplomas are for "novelty purposes only").
Want to get your PhD in civil engineering and get a job at the city manager's office? No problem, you can buy your degree online!
Looking to publish a book with a PhD next to your name and get invited to do interviews and television appearances with the authority of being a "doctor?" No sweat, you can just lay out some cash and you're a doctor!
Want to impress people with your knowledge but don't have time to actually earn an academic degree? Who cares? Whip out your credit card and you've suddenly got a diploma with a gold seal!
Want to work in the Department of Homeland Security? All you need is a fake degree, see? As Wikipedia reports: (
In 2004, Laura Callahan resigned from the United States Department Of Homeland Security after it was learned that she had received her doctorate from the unaccredited Hamilton University (not to be confused with the fully accredited Hamilton College in Clinton, New York). Callahan had previously been a senior director at the DHS and held supervisory positions at the United States Department of Labor and within the Bill Clinton White House. According to an article in Reason magazine, "The (Callahan) scandal raises serious doubts about the government's ability to vet the qualifications of public employees on whom the nation's security depends."
Fake transcripts, fake letters of recommendation, fake diplomas and a fake verification service
Thanks to diploma mills, you can purchase online diplomas that come complete with:
• A fake diploma document
• Fake transcripts
• Fake letters of recommendation
• Fake fax and email verification services
I recently interviewed "Jake," a whistleblower who purchased a fake diploma online and wanted to clear his conscience of the matter. Here's what Jake told me on the phone:
Jake: "A friend told me about the website where you could get these diplomas. You sign up under one website, and they redirect you to another site," he told me. "There, you are instructed to send in a descriptive history of everything you've ever done. They asked me to detail all my life experience to see if I would qualify under equivalency."
The way this works, as you may have guessed, is that you describe to the diploma mill all the things you've done in your life, and then they "award" you a fake diploma based on this life experience. And, um... a sizeable payment.
When I asked Jake what life experience he submitted to the diploma mill, he replied, "I coached soccer. I was into sports. I did things involving sports."
"After they reviewed this information," he continued, "they got back to me and said yes I do qualify for the doctorate degree. At that point I paid them some money."
"How much money?" I asked.
"A thousand dollars or so," Jake said. "The rates depended on whether you wanted a full transcript or not, and letters from professors."
A full transcript? Really?
"Yes," Jake said. "They would create a fake transcript showing all the classes you ever took, with class descriptions, credit hours, your grades and everything. They sent it to me as part of the package."
And what about the letters from professors?
"They even offered for an extra fee that they would write letters of recommendation from your professors, and that you could use those letters to get job interviews, or whatever you wanted to use them for."
And how would all this hold up under scrutiny if someone tried to confirm your academic background?
"They sent me a letter that told me how to use all this to deceive employers. They included an email address and a fax number. It said that the fax number would be used to respond to any inquiries, and they would confirm everything about my degree and my transcript. They said it was something about federal law that all employers checking your education have to do it by fax."
All of his documents -- with his real name redacted -- are now archived on NaturalNews:
Fake diploma:
Instructions on how to deceive employers:
Fake transcripts:
Fake letter of recommendation:
Fake diplomas are more common than you think
Most people are far too trusting of other people. They give others the benefit of the doubt and tend to believe anyone who confidently claims to have a "PhD" or other academic credential.
But faked academic credentials are far more common than you might suspect, and the sophistication of the fake diploma factories is impressive. Their fax and email verification services fool most employers, especially when employers like the TSA don't even conduct background checks and end up hiring pedophiles, drug dealers and thieves on a regular basis.
How to not get fooled by fake academic credentials
When someone says to you that they have a PhD in something, you should immediately ask, "From where?" And when they tell you the university, you should check it out and make sure it's real. Better yet, call the alumni office of the university in question and ask to fact check that person's academic credentials.
It is the lack of skepticism among the public that allows fake diploma fraudsters to get away with deception. Using their fake degrees, they often gain recognition or authority that they haven't truly earned. They use this to parlay their way into the media, websites, book publishers or even lucrative salaried positions and government jobs. This only happens because not enough people fact-check academic credentials.
Far too many people make outrageous claims or wildly exaggerate claims of their personal achievements in order to impress others. We all like to speak highly of ourselves, and we all tell small "social lies" to each other ("Does this dress make me look fat?"), but lies about academic training fall into the category of big lies -- especially when they involve other people putting their lives in your hands: Nuclear engineering, civil engineering, nutritional consulting and so on.
To think that people are running around America right now, operating nuclear facilities, building bridges or playing doctor based on nothing more than phony pieces of paper that say "diploma" is horrifying. How many industrial accidents, personal deaths, injuries or catastrophic failures have been caused by people lying their way into a position of authority for which they were not qualified?
Search the internet for "Richmonds University" and you'll be flabbergasted at what you find. Try to buy your own fake diploma and you'll be amazed how easy it is to get one.
Why people so easily believe false symbols of authority
You'll also be amazed at how easy it is to fool most people with a fake degree. People in America today have been brainwashed to believe anything they are told by "authorities." So merely donning the symbols and signs of authority -- such as "Ph.D." -- causes people to unconsciously bow down to your superiority. Hucksters and scam artists exploit this failure to question authority as a key strategy in pulling off their cons.
TSA "officers," by the way, dress up in the costumes of "officers" for exactly the same reason. In truth, they aren't sworn officers at all. They take no oaths of office, they have no law enforcement training, and they technically have no authority whatsoever, operating in total violation of U.S. law and the Bill of Rights. Yet 99.99% of Americans automatically bow down to TSA goons merely because they wear the costume in a law enforcement officer. The outfit you see a TSA goon wearing at the airport is no different from a Ninja costume you might wear on Halloween. Wearing the costume does not make you a Ninja.
People are trained to obey symbols of authority. Why do you think doctors still wear those silly white lab coats around? Why do people take whatever drugs their doctors tell them to take without asking a single skeptical question about the safety of those drugs? Why do fluoride heads line up at pharmacies to be vaccinated with mercury and brain-damaging chemicals? Because they obey authority. And fake diplomas give con artists that same power of false authority over the weak-minded.
For those who currently have fake diplomas and are trying to pass them off as legitimate, I encourage you to ditch the deception and come clean. Sooner or later, someone is going to check into your academic credentials and expose you. It is better to have your reputation and integrity intact than to take the risk of getting caught faking your degree. After all, someone who would fake a degree can't really be trusted on much else, can they? There is a reason it's called "academic fraud."
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