The whole world knows that the Liyari genocide by Aslam Chaudhry, Police and Frontier Constabulary (which is an active killer-force of Balouch National struggle in Balouchistan) was insisted on by MQM who blackmailed Zardari and Gilani not to support them in SC Verdict if they don't take action in Liyari.
This operation was made on the demand of Asif Zardari's adopted brother Awais Tuppy (who is the real CM of Sindh). Awais Tuppy is a corrupt and criminal gangster.
Awais Tuppy is *A MAHARAJA OF SINDH*. He considers Sindh as his ***KETEE*** like Ketty Mumtaz Bhuittom Ketty Jatoi OR Ketty Mahra Brothers. PPP's close circles say that cm qaim ali shah does not dare to sit next to Awais Tuppy.
People knows that he gave directions for the Liyari Operation and on the demand of MQM he ordered the Police to OBEY all the orders and directions from the Governor house, where the Murderer of 118 innocent people, Ishrat-ul-Ibad is ruling Karachi as a Mafia Don.
People have seen the ugly role of the Urdu Media (GEO and ARY) who were encouraging the Police to DO MORE AND KILL MORE AND FINISH ALL OF THEM, in each news and commentary (1.7 million innocent and democratic people of Liyari) This is a crime against Humanity. Why does the URDU Media, especially GEO and ARY do this? These cowards understand ONLY one language and that is the language of GUNS and TERROR (MQM has succeeded many times in using this language).
Even the Sindhi and Balouch Nationalist forces were asked many times to use this same language with the cowardly media of GEO and ARY, because they can ONLY understand this language.
This racist Urdu media has blacked-out the Freedom March of Millions of Sindhis on the 23 March 2012 and the coverage of the protest of the Sindhi people against the murder of Bashir Khan Quraishi.
Now the same racist Bigot Mafia is hiding the real facts (that MQM is the ONLY RESPONSIBLE for this Massacre) (JOOTOUN KEE BARKAT)URDU MEDIA DOES NOT EVEN HAVE THE COURAGE to tell the truth.