We are a reputable small scale mining company based in Ghana with operating license in Liberia. We have
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Commodity AU Gold Dust
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Price $30,000 USD per kg
Quantity 500 kgs
Quality 22+ Carat
Purity 96.05%
Packaging Metal Boxes
Delivery By Air cargo or Sea depending on choice of the customer
Please note that we are also seeking joint venture partners to develop our gold rich mining area which is
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gold to buy modern machines & equipments. We welcome you gold buyers to our office and mining sites in
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In case if you are not a gold buyer, we are ready to make you our mandate or company representative and
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Best Regards,
Mr. Mohammed Sarpong (Marketing Manager)
We are a reputable small scale mining company based in Ghana with operating license in Liberia. We have
950 kg of gold dust for sale at very cheap price. We also have in stock gold bars, metal scraps and diamond
for sale at very cheap rates. We are pleased to make this offer of AU Gold Dust Under penalty of perjury
and with full corporate and legal responsibility under the following terms and conditions.
Commodity AU Gold Dust
Origin Ghana
Price $30,000 USD per kg
Quantity 500 kgs
Quality 22+ Carat
Purity 96.05%
Packaging Metal Boxes
Delivery By Air cargo or Sea depending on choice of the customer
Please note that we are also seeking joint venture partners to develop our gold rich mining area which is
more than 250 acres, but for now, we are only operating on 25 acres. We want to sell our reserved stock of
gold to buy modern machines & equipments. We welcome you gold buyers to our office and mining sites in
Ghana but if you cannot come to Ghana we can ship the gold to your refinery via Air or Sea as you like.
In case if you are not a gold buyer, we are ready to make you our mandate or company representative and
pay you 10% as commission for every customer you bring to us. If you are interested in our offer please
contact us immediately with the following contact details so that we can send you our FULL CORPORATE
EMAIL: c.goldmining@yahoo.com.ph
SKYPE: gold.diamonds.metals
Best Regards,
Mr. Mohammed Sarpong (Marketing Manager)
Steve Watson
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
A whistleblower who defected from the Pakistani Taliban has been assassinated just days after he claimed that the group was working with US intelligence to destabilize the country.
Qari Zainuddin, a tribal leader of the South Waziristan region in Pakistan was shot dead on Tuesday by a gunman said to be loyal to Pakistani Taliban chief Baitullah Mehsud.
Analysts said that Mr Zainuddin’s murder was a serious blow to the military campaign against the militants, as support of his faction was considered crucial, reports the London Times. “[It] is a warning to other pro government tribal commanders,” said Mahmood Shah, a retired brigadier who had served as top official in the tribal region.
Zainuddin had rejected Mehsud’s Taliban tribe, and shifted his allegiance to the Pakistani government, following a string of suicide bombings targeting mosques and civilians.
The Pakistani government also claims that Mehsud was responsible for the 2007 assassination of former Pakistani Prime Minister, Benazir Bhutto.
One of Qari Zainuddin’s aides, who was also injured in the attack that killed the tribal leader, told the media that a lone gunman was able to enter Zainuddin’s office and open fire, before escaping uninjured.
“It was definitely Baitullah’s man who infiltrated our ranks, and he has done his job,” Baz Mohammad told the Associated Press news agency.
Zainuddin had recently hit out at Mehsud in an interview with the AP.
“Whatever Baitullah Mehsud and his associates are doing in the name of Islam is not a jihad, and in fact it is rioting and terrorism,” Zainuddin said.
Though the BBC and other mainstream sources highlighted this interview with Zainuddin, they neglected to cover the fact that Zainuddin also reportedly denounced Mehsud as “an American agent”.
Both Iranian and Pakistani media independently covered his remarks, adding that Zainuddin also described Baitullah Mehsud as having strong links with both Indian and Israeli intelligence.
In an interview with local media the defector said that Mehsud had established strong links with Israeli intelligence services, which were destabilizing the nuclear armed country, reports the Iranian news service Press TV.
“These people (Mehsud and his men) are working against Islam.” the report quotes Zainuddin as having said.
Meanwhile, Pakistan’s largest daily newspaper, The News, carried a report last Sunday that highlighted the remarks:
“In interviews to various media organisations on Thursday, Qari Zainuddin and his deputy Haji Turkistan had alleged that Baitullah was an American and Indian agent, he had killed Benazir Bhutto and that the real Jihad was going on in Afghanistan, not in Pakistan.” the report stated.
“Many diplomats contacted Foreign Office and Interior Ministry officials as well as media persons, seeking answers to their questions. Some Western diplomats were particularly confused over the claim that Baitullah was an American agent and that he had killed Benazir Bhutto. These diplomats were asking a question that if Baitullah was involved in the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, does that mean that the American authorities were also involved in the conspiracy.” the report continued.
Of course, whether you put faith in the Iranian and Pakistani media on these reports, is another question, however, there have been suspicions for some time amongst some Pakistanis that Baitullah Mehsud is on the CIA payroll and is being protected by the intelligence apparatus.
According to retired brigadier and former vice president and founder of the Islamabad Policy Research Institute, Shaukat Qadir, the Pakistani military has requested US help to kill Baitullah Mehsud on several occasions and provided the US with accurate information of his location. Despite this, he claims, Mehsud was never targeted.
Other analysts hold suspicions that Indian and US intelligence are funneling weapons, financial aid and even fighters to the Pakistani Taliban.
The history of the Taliban in Afghanistan, as we have previously reported, is replete with connections to western controlled intelligence agencies.
These facts were also recently highlighted by Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari, who admitted that the CIA and his country’s ISI together created the Taliban.
The Taliban’s spread into Pakistan has also been connected to intelligence driven plots to Balkanize the middle East.
Subject: Mehsud Tribesman Zainuddin is preparing to march against mercenaries/terrorists
Date: Sun, 14 Jun 2009 16:46:02 +0000
I think Zainuddin will have a tough time as Baitullah Mehsud is supported by CIA/MI6/RAW/Mossad. That’s why the Pakistan Army has such a tough time eliminating Mehsud. The Drones usually target anti-Mehsud tribesmen. In a recent Lahore bombing, an anti-Mehsud cleric was targeted. Note the article below before Musharraf was ousted for exposing the US Elites' double-game.
US accused of backing terrorism in Pakistan- Hindustan Times
Pakistan has accused the US of backing militancy within the country, saying this goes against the grain of the Washington-led global war against terror.
www.hindustantimes.com/StoryPage/StoryPage.aspx?sectionName=&id=95c61181-205b-4c33...US+accused...terrorism... - Cached - Similar
Sent: Sunday, June 14, 2009 9:27 AM
Subject: An Interesting Development
Pakistan Taliban leader faces threat from fellow tribesman
By Saeed Shah | McClatchy Newspapers
DERA ISMAIL KHAN, Pakistan — A new Islamic militia leader has emerged in Pakistan to openly challenge al Qaida-affiliated warlord Baitullah Mehsud for the first time from within his own tribe, marking the start of a bloody confrontation in the wild Waziristan region that could have profound consequences for both Pakistan and the West.
In his first interview with Western news reporters, Qari Zainuddin vowed this week to wipe out Mehsud and rescue Pakistan from a reign of terror that has pushed the nuclear-armed U.S. ally toward collapse.
Zainuddin charged that Mehsud, who is the leader of the Pakistani Taliban, had betrayed both his Muslim religion and the Mehsud tribe of his native South Waziristan, which borders Afghanistan.
"To fight our own country is wrong," said Zainuddin, in an interview given in a hideout on the edge of South Waziristan, surrounded by masked Kalashnikov-totting followers. "Islam doesn't give permission to fight against a Muslim country. This is where we differ. What we're seeing these days, these bombings in mosques, in markets, in hospitals; these are not allowed in Islam. We don't agree with them."
But victory will not mean any lessening of efforts to expel Westerners from neighboring Afghanistan, Zainuddin said. He pledged to send his forces into Afghanistan once Mehsud is vanquished.
"The whole Muslim world should come together because all infidels have come together against Islam. Whether it is Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Chechnya, Muslims must protect ourselves," said Zainuddin, who has the title of "Qari" or someone who has memorized the entire Koran. "The problem is that we cannot go to Afghanistan these days because we have had to deal with Baitullah."
Zainuddin, who described himself as "real" Taliban , reportedly has gathered as many as 3,000 armed followers and is being secretly backed by the Pakistan state against Mehsud's, who has a $5 million U.S. bounty on his head as a "key al Qaida facilitator." Osama bin Laden and his deputy, Ayman al Zawahiri, are thought likely to be hiding in the South Waziristan region controlled by the Mehsud tribe.
A cult of throat-slitting and suicide bombing marks Mehsud's grim rule. His group has staged spectacular terrorist attacks across Pakistan and has an extremist network that spans the tribal borderland that runs along the Afghan border and reaches deep into the country.
On Saturday, Mehsud's commanders claimed responsibility for last week's devastating bombing of a luxury hotel in the north west city of Peshawar and the assassination of a prominent anti-Taliban cleric in the eastern city of Lahore.
Many believe that Mehsud can be defeated only by a member of his own clan. Zainuddin is a Mehsud and also he used to be part of Mehsud's network, giving him an intimate knowledge of its working and its members, a knowledge that the Pakistan army lacks.
Around a dozen Mehsud tribal chiefs, in separate meetings, told McClatchy that they supported Zainuddin but were afraid to speak publicly. Their fears were compounded by a deep suspicion of the Pakistani state and especially the army, which has made clandestine deals with Mehsud in the past.
"Not since the time of Alexander the Great have the Mehsud people suffered such slavery," said one tribal chief who asked not to be identified to protect himself. "We want to stand with Zainuddin but we don't trust the government. Three times in the past, they have made deals with Baitullah Mehsud. Generals have gone and eaten dinner with him. We are scared that the generals will make up with him again."
Zainuddin's private militia includes relatives of Mehsud's victims as well of some of Mehsud's own men who, Zainuddin said, are deserting. A powerful armed faction, known as the Turkistan group, which lives on the edge of South Waziristan around the town of Jandola, has already backed Zainuddin and currently provides much of his muscle, according to local tribesmen.
A tribal "jirga" or meeting of Mehsud triable chiefs has been called for the coming week to decide whether to back Zainuddin.
"Now people's hearts have come alive," said Zainuddin, who sports a trim beard and speaks softly but with confidence. "Before, no one was willing to speak up against this brutality, these wrong things. Now people are willing to say that Baitullah Mehsud is a beast. God willing, the people are with us."
A vicious round of blood-letting between Zainuddin's fighters and Mehsud's men has already begun, with beheading the favorite mode of execution.
In a significant victory, Zainuddin's militia chased Mehsud's men out of the two major towns that lie close to South Waziristan, Dera Ismail Khan and Tank. Residents of the towns said that they felt liberated from a life of ever-present dread.
Mehsud, the de facto ruler of Waziristan, appears genuinely shaken by Zainuddin's challenge, according to Mehsud tribesmen, and has offered to carve out a separate territory for Zainuddin if he drops the fight.
But Zainuddin has a personal score to settle. His uncle and brother were murdered by Mehsud's men, who also looted and destroyed his family home in South Waziristan.
The Pakistan army is widely believed to be preparing to launch a military offensive against to follow the current operation against a branch of Mehsud's Taliban movement in the Swat valley. Long convoys of army vehicles were visible passing through Dera Ismail Khan and Tank towards South Waziristan on Friday and Saturday, while Makeen in South Waziristan, a village known as a Mehsud stronghold, was pounded by Pakistani jet fighters late on Friday.
Zainuddin would be key to any army offensive in South Waziristan, both to weaken Mehsud — he's beaten Pakistan's vast military three times — and to help track down Mehsud's supporters if his 10,000 heavily armed men melt into the local population.
Zainuddin said he hoped a fight could be avoided if the Mehsud tribe would "throw out" Baitullah Mehsud.
"We work differently to an army. They will do much damage and homes of ordinary people will do destroyed," said Zainuddin. "It is better that we Mehsuds take care of this."
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Tariq Khattak.
0300-9599007 and 0333-9599007
Beyond Government Claims
Islamabad (August 6, 2012): The situation in Balochistan is
hopelessly bleak primarily because of the absence of political will.
The federal government has failed in addressing some of the most
pressing issues of Balochistan. A free and fair election in the
volatile province is the only hope. This was the general understanding
among the participants at a Discussion Forum organized by the Center
for Research and Security Studies (CRSS) on Balochistan: Beyond
Government Claims in Islamabad Club on August 6, 2012. A number of
prominent persons - ex-military men, former ambassadors, academicians
and journalists were part of the Forum, chaired by the distinguished
analyst Lt. Gen. (Retd.) Talat Masood.
Mr. Masood, in his opening remarks, said from the coercive diplomacy
and threat of use of force against the state of Khan of Kalat in 1948
to enforced accession of the Kalat state into Pakistan, to the current
insurgency in Balochistan; the government of Pakistan has not taken
any serious step to tackle the Baloch problem. He added that the
government blames the foreign actors for fuelling the insurgency, but
it is obvious that foreign powers will play hand if they are provided
with an opportunity because these are the rules of the game in world
politics. Moreover, he also added that in order to minimize foreign
involvement, one should put his own house in order in order to fill
the gap, which the foreign elements are exploiting.
Senator Mir Hasil Bizenjo of National Party, Balochistan said that
everyone is aware of the gravity of the current situation in
Balochistan but lack of will and sincerity - both in the civilian and
military leadership - remains the biggest obstruction. Taking swipe at
Interior Minister Rehman Malik's recent (August 3 and 4) claims in the
Senate - the upper house of the parliament - about the root-causes of
the Baloch insurgency, Bizenjo said the official thinking was frozen
in the 1970s ( when Moscow-inspired socialists were leading a
nationalist movement in Balochistan.
The fact of the matter is that the first batch of Baloch students was
sent to Moscow by former premier Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, and if these
students were terrorists then ruling Pakistan Peoples' Party (PPP)
should blame itself for it. He observed that the federal governments
in the past did nothing to politically settle the issue. It formed
committees and announced economic packages which did not change
anything on ground. The current government announced the Balochistan
Rights Package (Aaghaz-e-Huqooq-e-Balochistan, announced in Nov 2009),
promising to address several issues including the issue of forced
disappearances, target killings, reduction of the military's role in
governance and increased financial resources for the province. What
we, however, saw is the emergence of phenomena of dead bodies of
Baloch political workers. He said that incompetency of political
government is being exploited by the security establishment in order
to fix the issue through barrel.
Negotiations, according to Bizenjo, can only take place if realities
are counted for. But the government is in complete denial about the
hands behind the killing of Balochs. In fact, every murder is taking
place under the nose of the param-military Frontier Corps, which is
receiving an additional PKR 15 billion (US $ 65 million annually) in
the name of security. It makes negotiations impossible, claimed
Bizenjo, adding that even the President of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari
has no control to stop the killings.
Different parliamentary and cabinet committees were formed in the past
to sort out Balochistan issue and find solution, said Bizenjo, but no
progress has been made either because the committees had no power or
because they were not willing to act. The issue of missing persons has
been discussed in the parliament in recent months but put aside
without exposing the faces behind it, added the senator. Acknowledging
the foreign involvement in the ongoing insurgency in Balochistan on
theoretical basis, Bizenjo conceded that as the insurgents always get
financial and material support from foreign elements, if available,
because it is very difficult for an insurgency to sustain on its own;
the same can be true in case of Baloch insurgency.
He lamented that the security forces in Balochistan has created a
parallel force to tackle the insurgents, mostly composed of thugs and
criminals. "They have weapons and identity cards of intelligence
agencies and they operate with impunity to fix insurgents. More than
that they are involved in robberies, kidnappings for ransom, drug
trade, etc., and are responsible for 70 percent of law and order
issues in the province." said Bizenjo. Due to this precarious security
situation, more than 200 Hindu families have migrated to Karachi from
areas like Khuzdar, Zhob and Turbat, said the senator. Suggesting an
immediate solution to deteriorating security situation, he said that
if the funds, which the government is spending on FC, are transferred
to traditional police force, levies, improvement in law and order
situation is possible.
Lamenting the breakdown of law and order situation and failure of FC
in addressing the situation, he said 60 percent of the violent
incidents take place on Saryab road, which covers an area of almost
two kilometers. If the FC is unable to control that area, how is it
expected to control the whole province? Another senior leader of
National Party, Balochistan, Dr Ishaq Baloch said the federal
government can render a great service to the people of Balochistan by
increasing their quota in federal educational institutions. He noted
that due to the closure of academic institutions in Balochistan,
scores of students cannot avail education facilities and joining the
ranks of nationalist militants out of exasperation. Overall the
participants were of the view that economic and security intervention
on the part of federal government cannot be alternative to the
political involvement, which is the only way to alter the status quo
in the hapless province.
Imdad Ullah
Imtiaz Gul
Islamabad, Pakistan
Imtiaz Gul
Islamabad, Pakistan
Tariq Khattak.
0300-9599007 and 0333-9599007
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Sent: Tuesday, 7 August 2012, 2:11
Reflections on India
Sean Paul Kelley
Sean Paul Kelley is a travel writer, former radio host, and before that, an asset manager
for a Wall Street investment bank that is still (barely) alive. He recently left a fantastic job in Singapore working for Solar Winds, a software company based out of Austin, to travel around the world for a year or two. He founded The Agonist, in 2002, which is still considered the top international affairs, culture and news destination for progressives. He is also the Global Correspondent for The Young Turks, on satellite radio and Air America.
If you are Indian, or of Indian descent, I must preface this post with a clear warning: you are not going to like what I have to say. My criticisms may be very hard to stomach. But consider them as the hard words and loving advice of a good friend. Someone who is being honest with you and wants nothing from you.
Lastly, before anyone accuses me of Western Cultural Imperialism, let me say this: if this is what India and Indians want, then, who am I to tell them differently. Take what you like and leave the rest. In the end it doesn't really matter, as I get the sense that Indians, at least many upper class Indians, don't seem to care and the lower classes just don't know any better, what with Indian culture being so intense and pervasive on the sub-continent. But, here goes, nonetheless.
India is a mess. It's that simple, but it's also quite complicated. I'll start with what I think are Indias' four major problems – the four most preventing India from becoming a developing nation – and then move to some of the ancillary ones.
First: Pollution. In my opinion the filth, squalor and all around pollution, indicates a marked lack of respect for India by Indians. I don't know how cultural the filth is, but it's really beyond anything I have ever encountered. At times the smells, trash, refuse and excrement are like a garbage dump.
Right next door to the Taj Mahal was a pile of trash that smelled so bad, was so foul as to almost ruin the entire Taj experience. Delhi, Bangalore and Chennai to a lesser degree, were so very polluted as to make me physically ill. Sinus infections, ear infection, bowels churning was an all too common experience in India. Dung, be it goat, cow or human fecal matter, was common on the streets. In major tourist areas filth was everywhere, littering the sidewalks, the roadways, you name it. Toilets in the middle of the road, men urinating and defecating anywhere, in broad daylight.
Whole villages are plastic bag wastelands. Roadsides are choked by it. Air quality that can hardly be called quality. Far too much coal and far too few unleaded vehicles on the road. The measure should be how dangerous the air is for ones' health, not how good it is. People casually throw trash in the streets, on the roads.
The only two cities that could be considered sanitary, in my journey, were Trivandrum – the capital of Kerala – and Calicut. I don't know why this is, but I can assure you that, at some point, this pollution will cut into Indias' productivity, if it already hasn't. The pollution will hobble India's growth path, if that indeed is what the country wants. (Which I personally doubt, as India is far too conservative a country, in the small 'c' sense.)
The second issue, infrastructure, can be divided into four subcategories: Roads, Rails, Ports and the Electric Grid. The Electric Grid is a joke. Load shedding is all too common, everywhere in India. Wide swathes of the country spend much of the day without the electricity they actually pay for. Without regular electricity, productivity, again, falls.
The Ports are a joke. Antiquated, out of date, hardly even appropriate for the mechanized world of container ports, more in line with the days of longshoremen and the like.
Roads are an equal disaster. I only saw one elevated highway that would be considered decent in Thailand, much less Western Europe or America and I covered fully two-thirds of the country during my visit. There are so few dual carriage-way roads as to be laughable. There are no traffic laws to speak of and, if there are, they are rarely obeyed, much less enforced (another sideline is police corruption). A drive that should take an hour takes three. A drive that should take three takes nine. The buses are at least thirty years old, if not older and, generally, in poor mechanical repair, belching clouds of poisonous smoke and fumes.
Everyone in India, or who travels in India, raves about the railway system. Rubbish! It's awful! When I was there in 2003 and then late 2004 it was decent. But, in the last five years, the traffic on the rails has grown so quickly that once again, it is threatening productivity. Waiting in line just to ask a question now takes thirty minutes. Routes are routinely sold out three and four days in advance now, leaving travelers stranded with little option except to take the decrepit and dangerous buses.
At least fifty million people use the trains a day in India. 50 million people! Not surprising that wait lists of 500 or more people are common now. The rails are affordable and comprehensive, but, they are overcrowded and what with budget airlines popping up in India like sadhus in an ashram in the middle and lowers classes are left to deal with the overutilized rails and quality suffers. No one seems to give a damn.
Seriously, I just never have the impression that the Indian government really cares. Too interested in buying weapons from Russia, Israel and the US, I guess.
The last major problem in India is an old problem and can be divided into two parts: that've been two sides of the same coin since government was invented: bureaucracy and corruption.
It take triplicates to register into a hotel. To get a SIM card for ones' phone is like wading into a jungle of red-tape and photocopies one is not likely to emerge from in a good mood, much less satisfied with customer service.
Getting train tickets is a terrible ordeal, first you have to find the train number, which takes 30 minutes, then you have to fill in the form, which is far from easy, then you have to wait in line to try and make a reservation, which takes 30 minutes at least and if you made a single mistake on the form, back you go to the end of the queue, or what passes for a queue in India.
The government is notoriously uninterested in the problems of the commoners. Too busy fleecing the rich, or trying to get rich themselves in some way, shape or form. Take the trash, for example, civil rubbish collection authorities are too busy taking kickbacks from the wealthy to keep their areas clean that they don't have the time, manpower, money or interest in doing their job.
Rural hospitals are perennially understaffed as doctors pocket the fees the government pays them, never show up at the rural hospitals and practice in the cities instead.
I could go on for quite some time about my perception of India and its problems, but in all seriousness, I don't think anyone in India really cares. And that, to me, is the biggest problem. India is too conservative a society to want to change in any way.
Mumbai, Indias' financial capital, is about as filthy, polluted and poor as the worst city imaginable in Vietnam, or Indonesia – and being more polluted than Medan, in Sumatra, is no easy task. The biggest rats I have ever seen were in Medan !
One would expect a certain amount of, yes, I am going to use this word, "backwardness," in a country that hasn't produced so many Nobel Laureates, nuclear physicists, eminent economists and entrepreneurs. But, India has all these things and what have they brought back to India with them? Nothing.
The rich still have their servants, the lower castes are still there to do the dirty work and so the country remains in stasis. It's a shame. Indians and India have many wonderful things to offer the world, but I'm far from sanguine that India will amount to much in my lifetime.
Now, you have it, call me a cultural imperialist, a spoiled child of the West and all that. But remember, I've been there. I've done it and I've seen 50 other countries on this planet and none, not even Ethiopia, have as long and gargantuan a laundry list of problems as India does.
And, the bottom line is, I don't think India really cares. Too complacent and too conservative.
Tariq Khattak.
0300-9599007 and 0333-9599007