Thursday 28th of Dhul-Hijjah 1432H 24/11/2011 N0: PR11055
Islamabad High Court is providing legal cover to abductions and torture by government agencies
Court refused to act against government agencies on providing false affidavits and illegal abductions
Chief justice Islamabad High Court, Iqbal Hameed ur Rehman has showed his loyalty with the government agencies by disposing off the writ petition of two abducted members of Hizb ut-Tahrir without taking any legal action. A Member of Hizb registered his statement before a magistrate in which he named ISI and MI as the abductors. But instead of taking action against them Chief Justice simply disposed off the writ. Lawyer of the Hizb's attorney reminded the court that agencies in their written affidavit denied the custody of these members, which has been proven false in the light of new evidences so a legal action must be initiated against them. But the Chief justice ignored it by simply saying that let's put it aside because detainees have been released. This statement of the judge is not only legally shameful but it has also given an open license to the agencies to continue their criminal acts. Did the judge not remember that until today an elderly member of Hizb, Dr. Abdul Qayyum, is still being tortured in their dungeons? So how can one spare these agencies? The question is why in the world judge did not put any pressure on the agencies to immediately release Dr. Abdul Qayyum? Is this mercy on behalf of abductors to release the detainees after torturing them for three months whilst the thankful judiciary doesn't even care to account them?! Is this the purpose of judiciary to give lengthy hearing dates in order to provide ample time for the agencies to torture Hizb members? And when evidence are presented before the court, it simply takes no action? There is no doubt about the fact that an unholy nexus of agencies, police and judiciary under the shade of imperialists and their agent rulers is a major source of persecution in Pakistan. In fact, today every institution of this kufr system is equally responsible for the implementation of kufr, resisting Islam and the persecution of Muslims. During the movement of so-called Freedom of Judiciary, Hizb ut-Tahrir had warned the Ummah that merely an independent judge in a Kufr judicial system - a legacy of the British Raj, can never provide justice because the laws according to which the judge has to pass his judgment are themselves corrupt and a source of oppression. Even today, judiciary is one of the most important tools in the hands of the imperialists to protect this kufr system and stop the emergence of Islam. Hizb ut-Tahrir demands from conscientious people within the lawyer community as well as the human rights organizations that they should raise their voices against this 'institutional persecution' and join their hands with Hizb ut-Tahrir to rein in the agencies and recover Dr. Abdul Qayyum. The day is not far when institutionalized persecution will be brought to an end through the establishment of the Khilafah and all those would be brought to justice who have committed crimes against the carriers of Islam.
Naveed Butt The Official Spokesman of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Pakistan | |
Tariq Khattak, Islamabad, Pakistan.
GSM = 0300-9599007 and 0333-9599007
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