Please find below the S&P release “Large South Asia Companies Are Better Positioned Than Their Smaller Peers To Withstand Turbulence In 2012, Report Says”.
Also attached is the detailed report titled "Increased Country Risk And Reduced Demand To Test Most South Asia Companies In 2012” for your reference.
Thanks & best regards,
Jyoti Parmar
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Large South Asia Companies Are Better Positioned Than Their Smaller Peers To Withstand Turbulence In 2012, Report Says
Tanuja Abhinandan, Mumbai, (91) 22-3342-1818; Jyoti Parmar, Mumbai, (91) 22-3342-1835; Primary Credit Analyst: Mehul P Sukkawala, Mumbai;
Suzanne G Smith, Singapore; Standard & Poor's, a part of The McGraw-Hill Companies (NYSE:MHP), is the world's foremost provider of credit ratings. With offices in 23 countries, Standard & Poor's is an important part of the world's financial infrastructure and has played a leading role for more than150 years in providing investors with information and independent benchmarks for their investment and financial decisions. For more information, visit |
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substitutes for a paid Standard & Poor’s service
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