Rifah Welcomes Musharraf Legacy being revoked
Press Release
London, July11. Rifah party had called for three of the administrative changes carried out by General Musharraf to be revoked in its 21 Point Programme. See www.rifah.org for dertails:
1. Devolution of power to districts and installation of politicians in yet another tier of government which undermined the ability of the Provincial Government to govern effectively.
2. Politicisation of the Police under Musharraf’s Police Reforms, which made the police top heavy, more expensive and less efficient.
3. Increase in the number of seats in the National and Provincial Assemblies and creating 33% extra seats for women in all assemblies by indirect election which have been filled by wives, daughters and in laws of eminent politicians.
The provincial governments are authorised to tailor the local government system to their own requirements. The Governments of Punjab, Baluchistan and KPK had already reintroduced the ‘commissioner’ system that existed before General Musharraf tempered with it primarily to put in place a system to rig election through political Nazims that bureaucrats sworn to political neutrality could not do. In Sindh, administrative and constituency boundaries were changed to suit Musharraf’s party – the MQM. There was intense resentment among the Sindhis who saw that Musharraf’s purpose was to entrench the MQM permanently in all the cities and towns of Sindh. By giving majority to the PPP in Sindh Assembly the people of Sindh had given it the mandate to reverse anti-Sindhi changes carried out by General Musharraf. It has now delivered in two important areas – devolution and police reforms.
Rifah Party welcomes revocations of Musharraf’s mischief. It calls upon the government to reverse the changes in the number of seats and the composition of National and Provincial assemblies. No political party ever demanded those changes but Musharraf was shrewd enough to understand that the change would deliver him noisy but pliant assemblies that would be unpopular being an extra burden on national exchequer. He has proved to be right on all counts. The army of indirectly elected women have proved to be noisier eager to pursue irrational arguments loudly in the assemblies and on TV. The burden of women heavy weights has become impossible to bear. The practice of women elected indirectly and deemed equal to those elected directly is untenable in democracy .Rifah Party, therefore, calls for the reduction of the number seats in all assemblies to pre-Musharraf level and end of the practice of indirectly elected members except in the Senate.
For queries please contact usmankhalid@rifah.org. Tel:020-88484950; URL www.rifah.org
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