Media Invitation                 

Press Conference by WFP Deputy Executive Director,
Ramiro Lopes da Silva

What:         Press Conference
When:        Monday, October 3, 2011
At:              4:00 pm (3:30pm Registration and Setup for Media)
Where:       Sheesh Mehal 1 Room, Serena Hotel, Islamabad

Islamabad: WFP Deputy Executive Director for Operations, Mr Ramiro Lopes da Silva, arrived in Karachi on Thursday, September 29, 2011. He is traveling to the flood-affected districts and also to meet with high-level provincial government officials. After arriving in Islamabad on Sunday for meetings with the Prime Minister and the Minister of Foreign Affairs to discuss the needs and WFP's response to the current flood disaster.

During the press conference Mr. Silva will share his experience in the field and discuss the ongoing WFP response to the current floods. He will also share the highlights of his meetings with the senior officials of the government.

Ramiro Armando de Oliveira Lopes da Silva became Deputy Executive Director in March 2010.
Prior to this appointment, Mr. Lopes da Silva served as WFP's Director of Emergencies and Deputy Chief Operations Officer. In addition to his WFP responsibilities, Mr. Lopes da Silva was the UN Assistant Secretary General and Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq from 2002 to 2004, subsequently becoming, in 2004, Senior Advisor to the United Nations Under Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs.

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Dear friends and scholars,
Please find Mr. Fasihuddin (PSP) column on Comments and Response on Fasihuddin's Columns published in Daily Aaj, Peshawar on 30/09/2011 Friday. You may find the said column on the following online link..  
You may also send and share it with your friends if it is of their interest.
With Best Wishes
Imran Ahmad Sajid
General Secretary,
Pakistan Society of Criminology
House#3, Aashiq Abad, New Warsak Colony,
Warsak Road, PESHAWAR,  Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa, Pakistan.
Phone:  +92-91-5200806 (Office)

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کارکنوں کوویج ایوارڈ نہ دینے والے اخباری مالکان کی درخواست پر فیصلہ محفوظ
،قانون کی حکمرانی ہی چلے گی:چیف جسٹس
اسلام آباد ( مانیٹرنگ ڈیسک )سپریم کورٹ کے چیف جسٹس افتخار محمد چوہدری کی
سربراہی میں مسٹرجسٹس طارق پرویز اور جسٹس غلام ربانی پر مشتمل بینچ نے اخباری
کارکنوں کوویج ایوارڈ نہ دینے والے والے اخباری کارکنوں کی اس درخواست پر فیصلہ
محفوظ کرلیا ہے جس میں ویج ایوارڈ کی قانونی حیثیت اورامتیازی قانون قراردیکر
چیلنج کیا گیا ہے۔ کیس کی سماعت کے دوران چیف جسٹس نے اپنے ریمارکس میں کہا
اخبارات میں کام کرنے والے صحافی ہوں یاعام کارکن قانوقانون کی حکمرانی ہی چلے
گی ان کی نظر میں سب برابر ہیں۔ اخباری مالکان اپنے طور پر جو بھی فیصلہ کریں
اس سے عدالت کو کوئی سروکار نہیں۔ عدالت اس کیس کا فیصلہ آئین اور قانون کے
مطابق ہی دے گی چیف جسٹس نے پی ایف یو جے کے صدرر کو مخاطب کرتے ہوئے کہا کہ
صحافیوں کو اس بات کا اب یقین ہوجا نا چاہئے کہ اب اس ملک میں قانون کی حکمرانی
ہی چلے گی۔اخباری کارکنوں کے ساتویںویج ایوارڈ پر عملدرآمد نہ کرنے کے حق میں
دلائل دیتے ہوئےاخباری مالکان کی تنظیم اے پی این ایس کے وکیل عبدالحفیظ پیر
زادہ کا موقف تھا کہ ویج بورڈ کا قیام آئین کے مطابق نہیں تھا اور ویج بورڈ کے
سربراہ نے مالکان کا موقف سنے بغر یکطرفہ فیصلہ صادر کیا ۔ صحافی اور غیر صحافی
ملازمین میں فرق ہوتا ہے۔ مالکان صحافیوں کو یہ ایوارڈ دینے پر آمادہ ہیں اور
اس حوالے سے وہ یکم اکتوبر کے اجلاس میں کوئی فیصلہ کر سکتے ہیں۔یادرہے کہ
اخباری کارکنوں کو ویج ایوارڈکے تحت اجرت ادا کرنے کے بجائے اخباری مالکان نے
اسے سپریم کورٹ میں چیلنج کردیا تھا اور یہ کیس تقریباً ایک دہائی تک سپریم
کورٹ اورسندھ ہائیکورٹ میں زیرِسماعت رہا ۔

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Journalists community from Karachi pay rich tributes to the senior lawyers Asma Jehangir, Akram Shaikh, and Salma Akram Raja, the counsels for PFUJ (Burna), PFUJ(Dastoor), and different CBAs respectively, for affectively representing the wage board award case in the apex court.
 I would appeal to all the journalists to stand behind their counsels at this defining moment.
Abdul Rehman
Bureau Chief NNI

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It is a common platform for journalists and all others who are interested in knowing about the issues that are sometimes not reported. This group favours philosophy of progress, reform and the protection of civil liberties. Please share and educate others. The owners and managers of this site do not necessarily agree with any of the information. It is an open forum; everyone is allowed to share anything. Mails sent by members and non-members are subject to approval. However, we are not responsible in any way for the contents of mails / opinion sent by members. We do not guarantee that the information will be completely accurate. (Nor can print and electronic media). If you find content on this site which you feel is inappropriate or inaccurate, incomplete, or useless you are most welcome to report it or contradict it.
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Press Release
Att: Sports Reporters/Bureau Chiefs

 Islamabad, Thursday, September 29, 2011
                Pak Wapda girls take the third position after disposing of Blochistan girls 2-0 in the play-off match played here on Thursday at Pakistan Sports Board Jinnah Stadium of the 7th National Women Football Championship.
                Wapda were quite unlucky, as they were far better side in the yesterdays semifinal against Diya Club, where they played exceptionally well and made some excellent moves, but to the great credit of Diya goalie all their efforts remained unsuccessful and they were beaten on plenty's by Diya Club. Wapda girls putting their disappointment aside played like true champions against a lively Balochistan side, who go well beyond expectations of many pundits by reaching so far in the event, and they also played well on Thursday too.
               Wapda started the match in fine style as they continue to press for an early goal, their efforts bore fruit in the 13th minute of the first half when their ace striker Mehwish provided them a much needed goal with her solo effort. Mehwish had played exceptionally well throughout the tournament and provided her side goals when they needed most, she once again step in to cool the nerves of Wapda players.
               Mehwish was playing a sole striker and after missing a couple of good goal scoring chances she finally manages to put her side ahead through a neatly taken free kick from the edge of the circle after a foul was committed on her just outside the circle. Mehwish step forward to take the free kick and she never disappointed with her kick as the ball go past the diving Balochistan goalie in to the net. Wapda girls keep on pilling the pressure and in the 34th minute of the first half Rafia Parveen doubled their lead when she scored from a Mehwish pass. Despite getting two goals lead Wapda continues their onslaught on Balochistan goal with attack after attack but they didn't succeed in further enhancing their lead till the end of the first half.
               After the restart of the second half it was expected Wapda will make further inroads and score more goals, but to the surprise of many a resilient and rejuvenated Balochistan side hold on bravely a barrage of Wapda attacks. Despite launching several attacks on Balochistan goal Wapda girls remained unsuccessful o further enhance there lead and the match finished at 2-0 in favor of Pak Wapda. 
               Tomorrow will be the final of the championship between defending champions Young Rising Club and Diya Club at Jinnah Stadium. The final will start at 3:30 pm.          



Thanks & Allah Hafiz
Agha Muhammad Ajmal
Media Manager
Pakistan Football Federation

"And by the way, everything in life is writable 
about if you have the outgoing guts to do it,
and the imagination to improvise.
The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt"

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Embassy of Pakistan, Ankara

(Information Section)


Press Release


BISP Chairperson to visit Turkey


ANKARA, 29 September 2011: In order to generate support for Pakistan's largest public sector social safety net initiative, Chairperson of Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) Ms Farzana Raja, will be visiting Turkey from 3-6 October as Special Envoy of the President of Pakistan.


Leading a 5-member delegation, Ms Farzana Raja will be meeting with the Turkish leadership including H.E. President Abdullah Gul, Deputy Prime Minister H.E. Mr. Ali Babacan, Minister for Family & Social Welfare H.E. Mrs. Fatima Sahin, President of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) H.E. Mr. Rifat Hisarciklioglu and President of Housing Development Administration of Turkey (TOKI) Mr. Ahmet Haluk Karabet.


BISP is Pakistan's national social safety net initiative, aimed at providing financial assistance to the poorest in order to promote human development and alleviate poverty through providing access to income generating activities. The programme has received praise and recognition in the international community.



Photo - File photo of Ms Farzana Raja

Abdul Akbar
Press Attache
Embassy of Pakistan
37 Iran Cadessi.GOP, Ankara, Turkey
Tel: +90 (312) 4270243, Fax: 4670337

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Friday September 30, 2011 @10.30 am
Pak China Friendship Walk to mark the China's National Day organized by the Friends of China, Islamabad Crescent Lions Club, DEVCOM-Pakistan, Sir Syed Memorial Society, Saba Trust, Pakistan China Friendship Association and Federal Directorate of Education, Assembly at Parade Ground, G-5, at 10.30 am

{Not to be published but for media consumption only: Akram Zaki, Mushahid Hussain Syed and other friends of china would lead the walk with students from various institutions)

Munir Ahmed
GPO Box 2198, Islamabad-44000 PAKISTAN
Cell: (00-92) 333-516 2872

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