"I've checked out the six volumes of Churchill's Second World War and the statement is quite correct : not a single mention of Nazi 'gas chambers,' a 'genocide' of the Jews, or of 'six million' Jewish victims of the war. Eisenhower's Crusade in Europe is a book of 559 pages; Churchill's Second World War totals 4,448 pages; and De Gaulle's three-volume Mémoires de guerre is 2,054 pages.
In this mass of writing, which altogether totals 7,061 pages (not including the introductory parts), published from 1948 to 1959, one will find no mention either of Nazi 'gas chambers,' a 'genocide' of the Jews, or of 'six million' Jewish victims of the war."
Richard Lynn, Professor Emeritus University of Ulster, December 5, 2005
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Crimes against women are generally regarded as the outcome of certain socially sanctioned prejudices against women, especially in rural and largely inaccessible Tribal Areas. However, data suggests that such crimes may be prevalent in developed urban centres of the country as well. During April 2011, most crimes against women occurred in Lahore.
In order to collect crime statistics, FAFEN governance monitors visited offices of the district police officers (DPO) in 55 districts in April 2011. Of these, 23 districts were monitored in Punjab, 14 in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, 12 in Sindh, five in Balochistan and the Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT).
Patterns of reportage varied across different regions in the country. More than half of all FIRs filed against each category of crime were lodged in DPO offices monitored in Punjab. On average, each monitored district in Punjab recorded a total of 1,069 FIRs. Sindh, ICT and KP followed with an average of 209, 205 and 136 FIRs, respectively. With an average of 58 FIRs in each monitored district, Balochistan emerged as the province with the least number of reported crimes. On the whole, more districts were monitored in Punjab. The region is also more densely populated, which may be a factor in the number of FIRs. While the high numbers of crime of all categories in Punjab is cause for concern, it also shows better reportage and increased level of trust between the people and public institutions. Similarly, lower number of registered crimes in other regions does not imply that crimes are less prevalent there, but could indicate reluctance by police to record crimes, lack of public trust in law enforcement organisations, or a preference for parallel justice systems like 'jirgas' or 'panchayats'.
It was noted that crimes causing physical harm to people made up a fifth of all FIRs registered in the country in April 2011. These included murder and attempted murder, which together made 47 percent of all FIRs registered regarding physical harm across the country. On average, 22 FIRs were registered against murder cases per day in the 49 monitored districts.
Crimes against women constituted 3 percent of the total crimes, and on average, 28 crimes against women took place each day in the reporting districts. The regions of Punjab and Sindh reported more crimes against women – 79 percent and 12 percent respectively - compared to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) and Balochistan, which reported 6 percent and 1 percent of the total, respectively. The most frequently occurring crime against women was kidnapping, abducting or compelling a woman against her will to marry, with 304 FIRs, followed by rape with 186 FIRs. Honour killings, which as per common perception, occur in remote rural communities with a feudal social setup, were also observed in an urban district, Faisalabad, where two cases of honor killings were reported.
A quarter of all reported crimes in April were related to property with a total of 7,329 FIRs registered in monitored districts nationwide. Region-wise, monitored districts of Punjab reported 90 percent of these FIRs followed by 7 percent in Sindh and 1% each in KP, Balochistan and ICT.
The number of registered crimes of threat and fraud was 2,540 (9 percent of the total). Districts monitored in Punjab reported an overwhelming 92 percent of these crimes while the regions of Sindh, KP and Balochistan reported 5 percent, 2 percent and 1 percent respectively of the total of such FIRs. No FIR was reportedly registered against any of the crimes in this category in ICT during April 2011.
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After Zardari, Gilani and company have ditched such a talented student, you are requested to help him since you are well known for giving talented students their due.. It is just a matter of about 200,000 rupees. Zardari and Gilani will drink scotland's water with it but wont help any talent.
A very talented student...Ali Suleman, son of a journalist has been choosen out of 26 thousand aspirants from this land to represent Pakistan in Geneva, at a human rights conference for 7 days.
Since he is the only Pakistani, he shall represent Pakistan as it's ambassador in the conference where India and some other countries are supposed to launch bitter and baseless attacks on Pakistan and if he will not be able to make it to the conference Pakistan will be defenseless.
The organisers are only providing stay and three time food. While this student is supposed to purchase his own return ticket, flight insurance and visa fee.
He has written to the President, Prime Minister, Ministry of Youth Affairs and the Ministry of Human Rights for help. But it is apparent all these leaders are sleeping and do not have interest in safeguarding Pakistan's vital interests.They are enjoying their rule and costly visits abroad to make merry.
If such talented youths are not encouraged, Pakistan will be a mindless and barren land.Is that these rulers want....??
The young man, an engineering final year student of COMSATS, ISLAMABAD THE HEARTLESS.....can be reached at his mobile number03455898691.
(Please publish the story after confirming from the student on his mobile.)
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Fai's arrest new phase of war against Pakistan
Rawalpindi: The Secretary General of Rifah Party of Pakistan Brig (Retd) Usman Khalid says that the arrest of renowned Kashmiri leader Syed Ghulam Nabi Fai, by FBI in USA, is the next phase of war, USA is conducting against Pakistan.
He was talking from London on the phone with Rawalpindi based Editor & Publisher of online news portal at (MTT), Ch. Sajjad Ahmad.
While expressing his deep concerns on Fai's arrest. Brig. (Retd) Usman Khalid said that Fai was peacefully struggling for the Kashmir cause and his arrest is a serious signal to the Pakistani authorities.
Brig (Retd) Usman Khalid said that Kashmiris are struggling for their liberation from Indian occupation from last 63 years and consider themselves honourable citizens of Pakistan.
"Then why we are reluctant to call them Kashmiri Pakistanis." he said. "The government of Pakistan should openly consider Kashmir as legitimate part of Pakistan and provide councillor access to its loyal citizen Syed Ghulam Nabi Fai in USA"
Brig (Retd) Usman Khalid said that every Kashmiri, no matter wherever he is living, should be considered as Pakistani and the government of Pakistan should provide them full diplomatic support, should they find themselves into any kind of trouble.
"The APHC chairman Syed Ali Shah Geelani openly says that we are Pakistanis and Pakistan is ours. Almost all other senior leaders consider themselves Pakistanis. APHC-M chairman Mirwaiz Umar Farooq repeatedly said that he would opt for Pakistan." He mentioned.
Commenting on, what FBI claimed, alleged money received by Fai from Pakistan's top intelligence agency ISI, Brig. (Retd) Usman Khalid said that if this is the case then we have hundreds of NGOs in Pakistan directly receiving money from US government. "Pakistan should ban those NGOs and arrest their officials for receiving money from the US government and working against the national interests." he said.
Brig. (Retd) Usman Khalid said that the arrest of Syed Ghulam Nabi Fai in USA by FBI is the signal that USA is preparing to wage the war against Pakistan. "The motives behind, which I can see, include making India regional power and helping it to stand against China, de-nuclearise Pakistan and make it a slave state of India and contain China."
"I can see no card in US hands to play against Pakistan. It has poor economy with huge deficits and is dependent on Pakistan to safely take its military out of the hell of Afghanistan." he said further, "While Pakistan is not in immediate need for any kind of US assistance."
The Editor of MTT and the senior writer and analyst on Kashmir affairs, Ch. Sajjad Ahmad said that Pakistan is the only light of hope for both Kashmiris and rest of Pakistanis.
"Syed Ghulam Nabi Fai's arrest could not be ignored easily" he said.
He pointed out that various lobbying firms in USA receive money directly from Indian and Israeli government to lobby for their interests. "The major part of such money is used to be paid to various congressmen to work for Indian and Israeli interests." he further said, "If such money is illegal then why not USA and its FBI conduct investigations against India and Israel, who spends 100s of millions of dollars on lobbying in USA?"
Ch. Sajjad Ahmad told Brig. (Retd) Usman Khalid that he is calling a meeting of senior writers and analysts from Rawalpindi and Islamabad to bring this serious issue under discussion. "The meeting is expected to be participated by top intellectuals, who would include editors of different newspapers, former services men, writers and analysts."
"The meeting is expected to discuss the aftermaths of Fai's arrest, how it is going to impact on regional politics in general and Kashmir issue in particular and what Pakistan should do." he mentioned.
Sajjad Ahmad
Freelance Writer and Researcher
Editor & Publisher
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Loss of workers' jobs, billions of rupees investment at stake
Consumers want low CNG price
Industry people also smell conspiracy to promote LNG
Perhaps the Peoples' government excel with other successive governments in terms of its failures to curb highest ever food inflation, deteriorating law and order, target killing, shortage and load shedding of gas and power, insecurity, bomb blasts, kidnapping for ransom, extortion etc.
There are hardly any consumer friendly steps that have ever been taken in the last three and half years. No serious steps have ever been taken to resolve the issues hurting the industry and consumers and as a result the burning issues continue to become more alarming for the people.
Consumers now brace up for another hot issue of load shedding in compressed natural gas (CNG) and it is likely to become more nerve wrecking for vehicle owners due to its upcoming high prices and also for the stakeholders who are seeing their billions of rupees investment at stake.
Industry people say that the government has been trying hard to bring the CNG rates at par with the petrol and diesel aimed at either destroying this sector to make a ground for increasing import of liquefied natural gas (LNG) or pocketing more revenue from the thriving business of CNG by putting up more pressure on the existing stakeholders.
The Ministry of Petroleum is determined to bridge the widening demand and supply gap on a fast track basis through LNG import.
The government had exempted CNG buses from the GST in 2008 and in budget 2011-2012 the GST has again been imposed thus making heavy vehicles unaffordable.
It is also amazing to see ban on new CNG licences but at the same time issuance of new gas connections by Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited for CNG stations are commonly seen. The government should look into this matter.
Chairman CNG Dealers Association Abdul Sami Khan says that now the menace of total disaster of CNG industry is hanging over heads as very influential industrialist and importers have started campaign to bring CNG price at par with petroleum products to bring CNG industry to a halt and they may get full benefit of gas use for their own use only.
In case it happens then the billions of rupee investment made by stakeholders and even general public in their vehicles will go in drain.
The dire need of CNG can be gauged from the fact that many public transports (especially mini buses and coaches) have made changes in their fuel transmission system and started running their vehicles on CNG to make huge saving. Almost all the four stroke three wheeler rickshaws are also running on cheap fuel.
However, the provincial authorities have yet to wake up as passengers are still paying high tariff as per increase in diesel prices to reach their desired places in Mazda Wagons.
The government should announce a separate fair for public traveling in CNG wagons.
Instead of pondering over the issue and making a joint strategy to cope with the government's aim to destroy the CNG sector, CNG bodies and associations operating in various cities sometimes come at loggerheads in taking up mileage in the matter of gas load shedding to deal with the higher ups of petroleum ministry.
This lack of unity proves highly suitable for the government who is working on the phrase (divide and rule) and ultimately consumers will suffer.
As a result, All Pakistan CNG Association, operated by Ghayas Paracha and Junaid Ismail Makda, CNG Dealers Association being run by Abdul Sami Khan and CNG Station Owners Association headed by Malik Khuda Bux on many occasions try to resolve the CNG issues on their own and sometimes differ on policy matters with each other.
For example, the All Pakistan CNG Association (APCNGA) has created a stir in the market by recently claiming that the proposed decision of around 70 per cent hike in CNG price has been revoked by the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources.
Chairman APCNGA and Vice President Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI), Junaid Esmail Makda said the Association's delegation had met Petroleum and Natural Resources Minister Dr Asim Hussain where another decision was made to keep price difference between petrol and CNG at the parity of 60:40.
Junaid said it was further resolved that the gas load shedding in Northern Region will be held for two days and partial shutdown will be observed on the third day while in Southern Region load shedding will be observed for one day followed by partial shutdown on the second day.
At same time CNG Station Owners Association (CSOA) and CNG Dealers Association (CDA) had threatened to move to the Court against the government decision for weekly closure of CNG stations and increase CNG prices.
Here Malik Khuda Baksh and Abdus Sami Khan, in a joint hurriedly called press conference, said that some CNG station owners had already obtained stay from Sindh High Court (SHC) against the closure of CNG stations. They said that the government cannot increase CNG prices as it had already ensured under a pricing formula to maintain a 50 percent difference between the prices of petrol and CNG agreed between CNG associations and Government of Pakistan.
Similarly, the government cannot suspend supply of gas to CNG filling stations in Sindh as the SHC had barred Sui Southern Gas Company from doing so.
The environment friendly CNG fuel was substituting petrol import of $4.5 billion annually for the economy, by using only seven per cent of the total gas consumption in the country.
The closure of CNG stations will virtually kill CNG industry as 2.5 million vehicles have been converted to CNG in the country. They pointed out that Rs 235 billion have been invested in CNG sector which is directly or indirectly providing employment to 500,000 people in the country.
Lamenting vested interests including oil marketing companies (OMCs), they said that they were lobbying against CNG sector. "But we will fight against these vested interests till our success", they vowed.
Gas shortage was caused by gas utilities and due to their mismanagement. They were also not going for large abandoned gas fields and also those under litigation, they noted.
They alleged the government had granted licenses to 350 CNG filling stations last year despite a ban on new licenses.
They said they could not understand as to why the government is trying to discourage the CNG sector when the country is already importing petrol at higher rates. "How the government would manage the petrol availability when people will shift towards it after removing the price difference," they added.
While the APCNGA was threatening to go on strike, the SSGC management called upon the leading CNG associations of Pakistan on July 6, 2011. It had been agreed that due to the Annual-Turn-Around (ATA) of OMV Pakistan-operated Kadanwari Gas Field, CNG stations will be closed from 9.00 am on Monday July 11, 2011 till midnight of Tuesday July 12, 2011.
SSGC was represented at the meeting, held at its Head office, by SSGC's Zuhair Siddiqui, DMD (Corporate Services), Salim A. Mughal, SGM (Distribution-South) and Shoaib Warsi, SGM (Distribution-North). Head of leading CNG Associations of the country including Abdul Sami Khan, Chairman, CNG Dealers Association, Junaid Esmail Makda, Central Chairman, All-Pakistan CNG Association and Malik Khuda Baksh, Chairman of CNG Station Owners Association participated in the meeting called by SSGC to take the stakeholders into confidence over the 2-day closure.
Kadanwari Field, which supplies 200 mmcfd of natural gas to SSGC, will be undergoing annual operational maintenance from 8th to 23rd July, 2011, directly reducing the Company's capacity to serve its customers in meeting their normal gas requirements. In view of this extraordinary situation, SSGC has taken several steps to maintain normal supplies to its customers including requesting the CNG stations to observe closure for 2 days. In addition, SSGC has also requested the industrial sector to use the natural gas with purpose by voluntarily curtailing their gas consumption by 10 per cent during the above mentioned period.
Now the APCNGA chairman Ghayas Paracha on July 8 had announced to start country wide protests from July 13 after the arrival of Petroleum Minister Dr Asim Hussain on July 10.
The protest campaign will be launched from July 13 from Punjab which also included rallies. The government should stop gas load shedding and provide CNG at 40 per cent less price than petrol to the consumers, he said. He termed the gas load shedding in summer as unjustified and it aimed at creating problems for consumers besides causing huge losses to the people as well as stakeholders.
There is a dire need that all the industry people should unite under a one platform to save CNG industry from government's nefarious designs otherwise both industry as well as consumers will suffer heavily.
SSGC has already received tremendous interest from local and international players in response to its recent invitation for the import of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) under Third Party Access, having received 17 'Expressions of Interest' (EoIs) for the allocation of capacity under its transmission system from leading companies interested in developing their own LNG Floating Storage and Re-gasification Unit (FSRU), arrange their own supply of LNG and having their own buyers of re-gasified LNG (RLNG).
The 17 Companies which submitted their EoIs are Shell Gas and Power Developments B.V, 4Gas Asia, Granada Group of Companies, NatGas, BW Fleet Management AS, MTMKN Group, Global Energy Infrastructure Limited, Pakistan Gasport Limited, Kot Addu Power Company Limited, PK Energy, Vitol, Engro Corp Limited, SAF International, LNG Energy Limited, Iran Liquefied Gas Company, Trading Enterprises (Pvt.) Limited and Xpro Energy Limited.
The primary objective behind inviting the EoIs through a print advertisement published on May 24, 2011, was to ascertain the number of parties interested in setting up LNG terminals and their state of preparedness so that SSGC can accordingly plan to modify and augment its system to help provide entry and exit points to the LNG terminal operators as well as the intended volume they can transport through the Company's system. The advertisement was the first logical step in encouraging interested parties to expedite setting up of LNG Terminals so that the imported gas is made available at the earliest in order to meet the growing shortage of gas to Pakistan's industrial and commercial customers……
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Islamabad, July 21, 2011
A meeting of the Board of Privatisation Commission (PC) was held under the
chairmanship of Mr. Ghous Bux Khan Mahar Federal Minister for Privatisation here
today. Also attended by Rana Asif Tauseef, Minister of State for Privatisation.
The Board constituted a six member Transaction Committee headed by a senior PC
board member Mr. Iftikhar ul Haq with Mr. Mahmood Nawaz Shah, Mr. Farid Malik PC
Board members, the Federal Secretaries Petroleum & Natural Resources,
Privatisation, Finance, Chairman SECP and MD PPL as its members Secondary Public
Offering (SPO) of Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL).
Mr. Ghous Bux khan Mahar Federal Minister for Privatisation directed the PC
officials to undertake the Privatisation Program on the active agenda
expeditiously while strictly observing utmost transparency, prevailing rules and
providing level playing field to both local and foreign investors in an open
manner. Addressing the PC Board Rana Asif Tauseef Minister of State for
Privatisation directed that milestones for each transaction must be fixed before
initiating any transaction and fee structure for advisory services should be
made mandatory on the basis of achieving the milestones.
The PC board was informed that Expression of Interest (EoIs) from three
consortia for appointment as Lead Manager / Book Runner(s) for SPO of the
Pakistan Petroleum Limited had been received, which include 1. NIB Bank Limited,
Global Securities Pakistan Limited, United Bank Limited, BMA Capital Management
Limited, 2. Allied Bank Limited, KASB Bank Limited, KASB Securities Limited, AKD
Securities Limited and 3. National Bank of Pakistan, Habib Bank Limited, Arif
Habib Limited, Foundation Securities Limited.
Privatisation Commission had invited EoIs for the appointment of Lead
Manager/Book Runner(s) for the offering of approximately 2.5% government of
Pakistan ('GOP') owned shares of Pakistan Petroleum Limited ('PPL') to the
general public through the domestic stock exchange(s). In order to ensure full
transparency of the process an Evaluation Committee will evaluate the proposals
submitted by the Interested Parties and will submit its report on Technical
pre-qualification of Interested Parties before Privatisation Commission Board.
The transaction will strengthen the domestic capital market and mobilize savings
of individuals, households and institutions of Pakistan and allow them to take
The PC Board approved the recommendations of FAS for Transaction Structure of
National Power Construction Corporation (NPCC) and allowed to proceed with a
strategic sale of 88 % GoP shares of NPCC on, 'as is where is' basis after
approval of the CCOP while allocation of 12 % remaining shares for employees for
distribution of Unit Certificates under Benazir Employees Stock Option Scheme
(BESOS). KASB Bank is providing Financial Advisory Services for the transaction.
While finalizing the Transaction Structure for Heavy Electrical Complex (HEC),
the PC Board agreed with the recommendations of the Transaction Committee for
revising the transaction structure as "divestment of equity stake at minimum 96
% of the issued, subscribed and paid up share capital in HEC together with
management control". PC has so far received three EOIs for HEC from 1. Niagra
Mills (Pvt) Ltd, Pakistan, 2. AREVA T & D Pakistan (Pvt) Limited, France and 3.
ALSTOM Grid Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd, France. The Board recommendations will be
submitted to the CCOP for a decision. The PC board also adopted audited
accounts of the Privatisation Commission for the year ended June 30, 2010.
Earlier, the PCB reviewed the implementation status and progress of various
other ongoing and upcoming transactions. The PC Board members, senior officials
of the respective Ministries, departments, representatives of the respective
entities and officials Privatisation Commission attended the meeting.
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Privatisation Commission
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Shujaat urges reconciliation to boost economy
Islamabad: [July 21]
President PML-Q Ch. Shujaat Hussain has said that Pakistan is caught in a deepening economic crisis which can be resolved through political reconciliation.
Economy can prosper if all political forces find common ground to bring country out of current mess to ensure political and economic stability.
The veteran politician said that Pakistan has enough resources and human capital to become a major economic power but some politicians are working contrary to the national interests to gain mileage, he said.
Talking to Dr. Murtaza Mughal, President, the Pakistan Economy Watch (PEW), Ch. Shujaat Hussain said that many countries have proved themselves in the comity of nations without as much resources as we have.
He said that no country with such divisions have ever moved forward adding that it is high time to shun differences.
Numerous opportunities have been lost due to current situation which can bring development to a standstill, he added.
He said that his family has always sacrificed in the national interest and can go to any extent for the sake of motherland.
At the occasion, Dr. Murtaza Mughal said that major political problems remain unresolved which has put brakes to the development.
He said that all the policies having an impact on trade and commerce should be revaluated.
Dr. Murtaza Mughal said that apart from business community, political parties should also try to contribute towards stability.
Political conflicts over the past years have cost the country in terms of lost economic opportunities, growth and competitiveness; he said adding that and masses want an end to it.
Investors have low confidence in the economy because they are worried about political uncertainty having an adverse impact on business; they avoid committing to long-term investments, said Dr. Mughal adding that situation is helping flight of capital from Pakistan.
Stressing for a national reconciliation policy, he said that the party that initiates dialogue to fill the gap between different political parties will earn the respect of masses.
Dr. Murtaza Mughal
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