پریس ریلیز

کراچی:6اگست:کراچی یونین آف جرنلسٹس (کے یوجے)نے سینئر صحافی اور تجزیہ نگار یوسف خان کو خراج عقیدت پیش کرتے ہوئے کہا ہے کہ انہوں نے اپنی زندگی حقیقی صحافت اور قوم کی خدمت میں گزاری۔ ان کی صحافتی اور قومی خدمات کو کبھی فراموش نہیں کیا جائے گا،کے یو جے نے 13 اگست کو پی ایف یو جے کے عہدیداران کے اعزاز میں افطار ڈنر دینے کا فیصلہ کیا ہے۔ کے یو جے  کے نومنتخب عہدیدران کاپہلا اجلاس ہفتہ کوفیریئرمارکیٹ میں واقع کے یو جے آفس میں صدر عامر لطیف کی صدارت میں ہوا۔ اجلاس میں کے یو جے کے نائب صدور راجہ کامران، طارق اسلم، سیکریٹری نعیم طاہر، جوائنٹ سیکریٹری منصور احمد، خازن رومیل شیراز کینتھ اور سیکریٹری اطلاعات عبدالرحمن سمیت گورننگ باڈی کے ارکان نے شرکت کی۔ اجلاس میں سینئر صحافی یوسف خان  کی صحافتی خدمات کو خراج عقیدت پیش کرنے کیلئے ایک قراردادمنظور کی گئی اوران کے اہل خانہ سے تعزیت کرتے ہوئے دعائے مغفرت اور لواحقین کیلئے صبر وجمیل کی دعا بھی کی گئی۔ اجلاس میں صحافیوں کو درپیش مسائل اور کے یو جے کے مختلف امور پر تبادلہ خیال کیا گیا۔ اس موقع پر فیصلہ کیا گیا کہ پی ایف یو جے کے صدر ادریس بختیار سمیت دیگر عہدیداران کے اعزاز میں13اگست کو پریس کلب میںافطار ڈنر دیا جائے گا۔ 

سیکریٹری اطلاعات 
کراچی یونین آف جرنلسٹس

1st Floor,Frere Market Shahra-e-Liquat Karachi
Phone & Fax no+9221-32711884

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I.      If you want to receive individual emails
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Tariq Khattak, Group Manager,

GSM = 0300-9599007 and 0333-9599007
  +92-300-9599007 and +92-333-9599007


1)Please directly contact sender for personal/individual correspondence.
2)Try to discuss issues that will catch attention of many readers.
3)Please avoid sending messages in any language other than English
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5)Do not send messages aimed at personal publicity.
6)Please do not send personal/other links unless necessary.
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8)Every mail cannot be published; it will overload Mailboxes
of our valued members.
9)Try to Disagree Without Being Disagreeable, Unsympathetic and/or Unpleasant.


Please note that,
It is a common platform for journalists and all others who are interested in knowing about the issues that are sometimes not reported. This group favours philosophy of progress, reform and the protection of civil liberties. Please share and educate others. The owners and managers of this site do not necessarily agree with any of the information. It is an open forum; everyone is allowed to share anything. Mails sent by members and non-members are subject to approval. However, we are not responsible in any way for the contents of mails / opinion sent by members. We do not guarantee that the information will be completely accurate. (Nor can print and electronic media). If you find content on this site which you feel is inappropriate or inaccurate, incomplete, or useless you are most welcome to report it or contradict it.
Thanks a lot.



Who is Dr. Henry Lee? 
Please read my coloumn in Daily Aaj Peshawar today. Also available on net, if this is of interest to you. Thank you for comments. You may read it on blog. 

Click here to view online blog

Click here to view online 
with best regards.


Fasihuddin | Police Service of Pakistan (PSP) | President | Pakistan Society of Criminology & Editor-in-Chief,

Pakistan Journal of Crimnology (PJC).

Office Address: H#3, New Warsak Colony, Warsak Road, PESHAWAR, KPK (NWFP), Pakistan. | Tel: 0092 91 5200 806 Fax: 0092 91 5200 806 

E-mail: fasih68@hotmail.com URL: www.pakistansocietyofcriminology.com

Tariq Khattak,

Columnist, Feature Writer,
Editor Pakistan Media Group &
Commerce, Pakistan Observer,
Ali Akbar House, G-8 Markaz, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Cells: 0300/0333-9599007, Ph. 051-2852027/8. Fax 2262258


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Overall rating

Recent Activity:
Thanks for participating. Kindly suggest improvements. Please let us know:
I.      If you want to receive individual emails
II.      Receive one mail with all activity in it
III.      Do not want to receive any mail at all

Tariq Khattak, Group Manager,

GSM = 0300-9599007 and 0333-9599007
  +92-300-9599007 and +92-333-9599007


1)Please directly contact sender for personal/individual correspondence.
2)Try to discuss issues that will catch attention of many readers.
3)Please avoid sending messages in any language other than English
4)Avoid sending messages addressed to many recipients.
5)Do not send messages aimed at personal publicity.
6)Please do not send personal/other links unless necessary.
7)The Group is not obliged to publish printed news,
very short/long comments and objectionable material.
8)Every mail cannot be published; it will overload Mailboxes
of our valued members.
9)Try to Disagree Without Being Disagreeable, Unsympathetic and/or Unpleasant.


Please note that,
It is a common platform for journalists and all others who are interested in knowing about the issues that are sometimes not reported. This group favours philosophy of progress, reform and the protection of civil liberties. Please share and educate others. The owners and managers of this site do not necessarily agree with any of the information. It is an open forum; everyone is allowed to share anything. Mails sent by members and non-members are subject to approval. However, we are not responsible in any way for the contents of mails / opinion sent by members. We do not guarantee that the information will be completely accurate. (Nor can print and electronic media). If you find content on this site which you feel is inappropriate or inaccurate, incomplete, or useless you are most welcome to report it or contradict it.
Thanks a lot.
