5:31 PM ET
March 8, 2011
Pakistan successfully blackmails international community
It is NOT just IMF that has double standards about disbursing aid for strategically 'more important' and 'less important' countries. Witness how US has given a pass to Pakistan's nuclear proliferation as well as Pakistan's sheltering of innumerable terrorist outfits on its soil.
Adm Mullen had following to say about America's primary ally in its fight against terrorism, to the foreign news media on 1/13/2011: "I've said it before and I'll say it again it, [Pakistan] is the epicenter of terrorism in the world right now. It is absolutely critical that the safe havens in Pakistan get shut down. We cannot succeed in Afghanistan without that. It's not just Haqqani Network anymore, or Al Qaeda or TTP (Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan), the Afghan Taliban, or LET (Lashkar-e-Tayyeba), it's all of them working together."
And previous US ambassador Anne Patterson to Pakistan, wrote in a secret review in 2009 that 'Pakistan's Army and ISI are covertly sponsoring four militant groups - Haqqani's HQN, Mullah Omar's QST, Al Qaeda and LeT - and will not abandon them for any amount of US money, diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks show.
Duplicitous Pakistan has poor U. S. over the barrel of a gun. US can NOT use its aid leverage to force Pakistan to stop supporting terrorist groups who kill US/NATO troops in Afghanistan day in and day out because US needs Pakistan's help in ferrying supplies to those very US/NATO troops.
Pakistan boldly holds the Western world to ransom. It garners generous financial aid and military supplies from the US and has successfully projected itself as recourse of last resort in its geographical theatre. It runs circles around international sanctions and bans by nurturing a large number of home-grown terrorist outfits forever changing nomenclature. In addition, it maintains seemingly endless supply of freelance non-state actors that allow it the fig-leaf of plausible deniability.
And in a masterful demonstration of how to manage chaos, Pakistan keeps its domestic situation in destabilized ferment and flux by stoking sectarian, that is, Sunni versus Shiite violence, and religious tensions between Islamic progressives and fundamentalists.
For the further bamboozling of the West, Pakistan uses its blow-hot-blow-cold relationship with the Pakistani and Afghan Taliban and its hosting of the Al Qaeda as adroit bargaining chips.
Pakistan also blackmails US by hinting menacingly about the possibility of its nuclear weapons falling to the Islamic fundamentalists led by Taliban as well even though it is Pakistani Army that created Taliban to begin with as Sandy Berger, Clinton's national security advisor told 9/11 Commission in 2004, 'Pakistani Army was the midwife of Taliban'. UN report on Bhutto killing released on 4/15/10 confirmed this fact when it noted that "The PAKISTANI MILITARY ORGANIZED AND SUPPORTED THE TALIBAN TO TAKE CONTROL OF AFGHANISTAN IN 1996".
Thinking about how the implosion of Pakistan would negatively affect all parties is very interesting- good point. The idea that the IMF is the one walking a fine line is especially enthralling considering, before I read this post, I wouldn't have thought twice about the IMF having all the power. This reminds me of a recent conference call my class at the University of Auburn sat in on. In it, we discussed the idea of UN Security Council expansion and the tendency for the US and other democracies to only want to expand the council to like minds. Now we are discussing IMF funding, which, because Egypyt was of life mind, at least on some level, for a long time, the US was more than willing to secure for Mubarak. Don't get me wrong, I think the US hesitancy is justified, because we are requiring an extemely basic level of stability; however, at some point we are going to have to reach a compromise to budget for the future.
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