Memo Scandal: Don't shoot the messenger
- Wednesday, 25 January 2012 14:39
- By Dr Shahid Qureshi
- One must be wondering who Mansoor Ijaz is and why is he so important that Pakistani ambassador to USA, Hussain Haqqani chatting, texting, emailing, phoning and meeting with him for years? Now Mr Haqqani is hiding in the President House and Prime Minister House of Pakistan for security reasons? Some people say, 'he is manning the post with unlimited powers and budget in President House which his wife Farah Isphani MNA was doing for ye
ars'. The good thing about the US is that it continues her agenda with the same pace on the same lines with the same time line. That is called SMART Plan which is Specific,Measureable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timed. The secret memo can be called a love letter full of promises by a selfish lover. One does not expect messenger and writer of this 'Memo' punished as it was not meant for both of them i.e. Mr Mansoor Ijaz and Hussain Haqqani. The only thing they both share is their loyalty oath to the American Constitution. For those who don't know, Mansoor Ijaz had been so important to Benazir Bhutto that when President, Farooq Ahmad Leghari was travelling to the US in May 1994 to attend the graduation ceremony of his son, she (Benazir Bhutto) advised him (President Leghari) to make sure that he also met the gentleman (Mansoor Ijaz)". Current rulers in Pakistan continue to think and have a mindset that they can get away with murder? Well one doesn't know when and where one gets a response. A senior analyst said, 'the ruling elite are shifting their families and kids abroad on the war footings from Pakistan. They all have their villas and apartments ready to move abroad. These crooks have fooled the military establishment with medals and land?
People can read book of Mr Hussain Haqqani; Pakistan: Between Mosque and Military. It is ironic that Pakistani military is getting beating, battering and blame at the same time from its allies and so called politicians and rulers including Supreme Commander. Pakistan has lost more soldiers and civilians as compare to losses of NATO, USA and allies since 2001.
Why current ruling elite is allowed to play this dangerous game in Pakistan is a billion dollar question? Theses hustlers and crooks have made everyone who comes in their way, partner in their crimes including treachery. A Pakistani analyst was quite right in saying that; 'everyone who matters in Pakistan exactly knows what the hell is going on but they all have interests abroad. It is not a rocket science to understand that Pakistani establishment which can make a nuclear bomb, a missile program to deliver but why they cannot make electricity for industry; repair a railway engine; dig a hole to get gas out, dig another hole to get gold, copper and coal which is already there in Pakistan? Simple answer is that they are protecting their petty interests by sacrificing huge national interests. It is time to wrap up these nasty crooks and hustlers.
It is shameful for all the petitioners of the memo gate that a small time convicted crook was allowed to harass and threatened their prime witness an American citizen, Mr Mansoor Ijaz. He is only providing evidence against a family member of another US citizen?
Supreme Court of Pakistan and respondent can examine the evidence and make up their mind after judging it not before. Not allowing Mr. Mansoor Ijaz to reach the high level fact finding commission, which consists of three chief justices of provincial high courts, is in itself leaning towards contempt of court and perverting the course of justice. Surely the commission will and should keep in mind the ground realities of law and order in Pakistan and honour of a foreign national who is only trying to assist in the enquiry. Supreme Court has clearly directed the commission to use all means in fact finding including travelling abroad. A country where convicted criminals become head of security and looters of national treasure head of
state anything is possible?
If Mr Mansoor Ijaz is not feeling safe due to constant attacks of the Pakistani government ministers than Commission should not hesitate to travel abroad because:
(a) It is in Pakistan's national interest to get in to the bottom of this memo gate;
(b) Mr Ijaz is a witness offered to provide objective evidence as well as verbal evidence. Should he be penalised for helping Supreme Court of Pakistan?
(c) Court and commission must consider that If Mr Hussain Haqqani, former Pakistani ambassador to USA is not feeling safe in his own country and in his own house in Islamabad how can we expect an American citizen to behave especially, when
government machinery is involved in harassing him.
(d) If Mr Mansoor Ijaz is a devious person what was Pakistani Ambassador Mr Hussain Haqqani doing with him and why all of a sudden he has become a monster?
(e) It is the responsibility of the Commission to use all available and reasonable means including electronic as well as video conferencing to get the truth and hear out the witness.
(f) If Pakistan's spy master ISI Chief General Shuja Pahsa found him (Mansoor Ijaz) and his objective and oral evidence credible than Commission must hear him out and give him full chance to put his evidence in front of the Court? Justice is blind so faith and face of Mr Mansoor Ijaz shouldn't matter.
Mr Mansoor Ijaz is a US citizen and quite rightly loyal to his country and close friend of Israel. It is these Israeli connections which late Benazir Bhutto, Asif Zardari and Hussain Haqqani have/had used or wanted to use. It was not Mansoor Ijaz who brought down late Benazir Bhutto's government. It was the promises she made to the guarantors brought down her government? The current regime is also making promises which they can't fully deliver and when things go wrong they run to find shelter in Dubai for secret meetings and cry for help. The secret memo is also full of these kinds of promises?
Mansoor Ijaz had been introduced to the government of Pakistan by then ambassador Ahmad Kamal to the UN as `an influential Pakistan-American who could help Pakistan by securing a waiver to resume [US] aid to Pakistan. He could deliver votes in the US House of Representatives for the passage of the Brown Amendment if Pakistan released 15 million dollars to a satellite company RADA with which he seemed somehow associated. Maleeha Lodhi, then ambassador in Washington, turned down the proposal. She said it would be `illegal'; besides, it might also be a trap.
Kashmir was part of the UNSC Agenda on a permanent basis, but interestingly during Ambassador Ahmad Kamal's tenure it was deleted and termed as "Burnt wood". Once the media broke the story, Pakistanis struggled hard and could only manage to bring back the issue on the Security Council agenda on a temporary basis. Every year in February the Pakistani Mission is now required to write to the UNSC and get a 12-month extension. Failure to make that application can result in deletion of the approved Kashmir resolution from the UN Security Council.
(b) Mr Ijaz is a witness offered to provide objective evidence as well as verbal evidence. Should he be penalised for helping Supreme Court of Pakistan?
(c) Court and commission must consider that If Mr Hussain Haqqani, former Pakistani ambassador to USA is not feeling safe in his own country and in his own house in Islamabad how can we expect an American citizen to behave especially, when
government machinery is involved in harassing him.
(d) If Mr Mansoor Ijaz is a devious person what was Pakistani Ambassador Mr Hussain Haqqani doing with him and why all of a sudden he has become a monster?
(e) It is the responsibility of the Commission to use all available and reasonable means including electronic as well as video conferencing to get the truth and hear out the witness.
(f) If Pakistan's spy master ISI Chief General Shuja Pahsa found him (Mansoor Ijaz) and his objective and oral evidence credible than Commission must hear him out and give him full chance to put his evidence in front of the Court? Justice is blind so faith and face of Mr Mansoor Ijaz shouldn't matter.
Mr Mansoor Ijaz is a US citizen and quite rightly loyal to his country and close friend of Israel. It is these Israeli connections which late Benazir Bhutto, Asif Zardari and Hussain Haqqani have/had used or wanted to use. It was not Mansoor Ijaz who brought down late Benazir Bhutto's government. It was the promises she made to the guarantors brought down her government? The current regime is also making promises which they can't fully deliver and when things go wrong they run to find shelter in Dubai for secret meetings and cry for help. The secret memo is also full of these kinds of promises?
Mansoor Ijaz had been introduced to the government of Pakistan by then ambassador Ahmad Kamal to the UN as `an influential Pakistan-American who could help Pakistan by securing a waiver to resume [US] aid to Pakistan. He could deliver votes in the US House of Representatives for the passage of the Brown Amendment if Pakistan released 15 million dollars to a satellite company RADA with which he seemed somehow associated. Maleeha Lodhi, then ambassador in Washington, turned down the proposal. She said it would be `illegal'; besides, it might also be a trap.
Kashmir was part of the UNSC Agenda on a permanent basis, but interestingly during Ambassador Ahmad Kamal's tenure it was deleted and termed as "Burnt wood". Once the media broke the story, Pakistanis struggled hard and could only manage to bring back the issue on the Security Council agenda on a temporary basis. Every year in February the Pakistani Mission is now required to write to the UNSC and get a 12-month extension. Failure to make that application can result in deletion of the approved Kashmir resolution from the UN Security Council.
One must salute Mr Mansoor Ijaz for his loyalty to his own country USA. At the same time shame on those who are neither loyal to US nor Pakistan but claim loyalties to both under oath.
(Dr Shahid Qureshi is writer on foreign policy based in London)