Radio Journalists Assocication (RJA) -Pakistan
has strongly condemned the killing of a journalist in Khuzdar, Balochistan, on August 14, 2011.
According to Abdul Rasheed Butt, member of Balochistan Union of Journalists (BUJ), Muneer Shakir worked for Online News Network and was also the correspondent of Balochi TV, Sabzbagh.
He was heading home from Khuzdar Press Club when some unknown persons opened fire on him at 12:20pm. He was taken to District Headquarters Hospital, Khuzdar, where he died.
Mr Butt said he had never received any threats. Mr Shakir was in his early 30s and had been associated with journalism for the last 7 to 8 years.
In a statement President saleem A sethi condemned the latest killing. He said Muneer Shakir's murder exposed the government's failure to safeguard the lives of journalists.
He said since the start of 2011, a large number of journalists have been killed in the line of duty and the security people have miserably failed to nab the culprits and provide safety to mediapersons.
rja Secretary-General farrukh nawaz strongly condemned the latest target killing of Muneer Shakir. He came down hard on the government, criticising it for failing to protect the lives of journalists.
He said the government had not taken any notice of the target killing which was continuing unabated. They said that the government has failed to protect the lives of journalists across the country despite pressing demands by the representative bodies of the media people.
Action requested
Please write to the authorities in Pakistan urging them:
1.To hold an independent inquiry into the killing of Munir Shakir and identify and prosecute his killers
2.To take meaningful measures to effectively address threats to journalists' safety and end impunity for violence against them as well as ensure the safety of the journalists in Pakistan3.To provide adequate financial assistance to the family of Munir Shakir
Farrukkh Nawaz
GS Radio Journalists Assocication (RJA) -Pakistan
Cell: 0315-5090452,farrukh_journalist@yahoo.com
Press Release
Islamabad, August 16, 2011
The Privatisation Commission ("PC") has invited an Expression of Interest ("EOI") from prospective investors with demonstrable ability to acquire and efficiently manage the National Power Construction Corporation (NPCC) through the acquisition of minimum 88% shareholding in NPCC currently owned by the Government of Pakistan. The successful bidder will be required to continue to operate the Company as a going concern. Up to 12% shares are allocated for employees of NPCC through the Benazir Employee Stock Option Scheme ("BESOS").
National Power Construction Corporation (Private) Limited ("NPCC") is incorporated in Pakistan and is engaged in the execution of power engineering projects such as extra high voltage transmission lines, power generation plants, industrial electrification and external lighting of housing complexes, etc. in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ("KSA"), Pakistan and other Middle Eastern countries. NPCC's services include survey, design, material procurement, installation/erection and commissioning of projects. NPCC's operations in the KSA and Middle East are carried out by NPCC's branch office.
The PC has asked the interested parties to submit EOI (in duplicate) no later than 1700 hours on September 17, 2011 along with a non-refundable processing fee of USD 5,000 or PKR 425,000 along with details such as (i) Name of Company/Group submitting the EOI, Place & Date of Registration and its background information; (ii) Details of ownership/group structure (iii) Copies of Computerized National Identity Card (CNIC)/Passport Nos. of the Directors/Partners; and (iv) Name, Address, Telephone, Mobile, Fax and Email of the authorized focal person.
Parties who have previously submitted an EOI and subsequent Statement of Qualification ("SOQ") must apply afresh. Parties, which submit an EOI will be, dispatched a Request for Statement of Qualification ("RSOQ"). An early submission of EOI will allow parties maximum time for completion of their SOQ that must be submitted to PC no later than 1700 hours on October 01, 2011.
Fasihuddin | Police Service of Pakistan (PSP) | President | Pakistan Society of Criminology & Editor-in-Chief,
Pakistan Journal of Crimnology (PJC).
Office Address: H#3, New Warsak Colony, Warsak Road, PESHAWAR, KPK (NWFP), Pakistan. | Tel: 0092 91 5200 806 | Fax: 0092 91 5200 806
E-mail: fasih68@hotmail.com | URL: www.pakistansocietyofcriminology.com
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