By Dr Shahid Qureshi
Benazir Bhutto
Heavenly Villas
Straight Road
27th August 2010
Private & Confidential
General Ashfaq Pervez Kiyani
Chief of Army Staff
General Headquarters (GHQ)
My dear Kiayani (saab), Salamalakum,
I hope you find this letter in good health and high spirits. Please accept my sincere condolences for the martyrdoms of the soldiers of our armed forces and those who died in the recent 'doctored and self inflicted' floods. I am quite satisfied and pleased with the hard work our armed forces are doing in the rescue and recovery front as well dealing with the criminals, drug dealers and Indo-US sponsored Tehrik Taliban Pakistan (TTP).
I am gravely concerned about Karachi situation and this statement 'inviting military to takeover' from outsourced MQM leader Altaf Hussain. It is a conspiracy against the Armed Forces. It would be a 'kiss of death' for the army and country to get into politics. I must say MQM (Altaf) has become a 'whore' working under foreign protection as well as entertaining them. Well you know how they transfer money in London from Karachi and which 'Tycoons' of Karachi provide money laundering. They are a bunch of selfish billionaires now who have lost their path. Their 'empowering the poor' ideology is worth following but now they are a 'mafia' of contract killers.

I read in The Frontier Post, few years ago that when Pakistani and Indian forces were eye ball to eye ball, Altaf Hussain issued an internal memo to his party workers stating that: 'MQM workers to be remain neutral in case of war between Pakistan and India'. I know General Musharaf wanted to eliminate them but than he had to sleep with them on Yankee's request.
Kiayni Saab, I frequently discuss Pakistan situation with Papa (Zulifqar Bhutto) who told me last night that greatest danger to Pakistan's sovereignty is "$$ dollar infected corrupt elite". Papa said, 'he is disgusted with Asif (Zardari) as because he is spearheading and main protector of these elites'. I must say some of your colleagues are also in this bunch and you know it very well.
Papa (Z A Bhutto) got upset with the over influence of Qadiyani minority in Islamabad. He asked me to tell you that, "just before my judicial execution with US ropes and local hands, I told colonel Rafuddin (security chief in prison): "These Qadiyanis want the same influence in Pakistan as Jews in the USA i.e. 'all policies should be approved by them". I also told Rafi: 'I believe that God will forgive me for just declaring them non-Muslims with the approval of Parliament. If we look at their beliefs, surely they don't believe in the finality of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). (They have declared us all non-Muslims long time ago.) I just put the record straight. Papa said, 'my belief in God has proven to be true and here I am in heaven'.
Kiyani saab, I must tell you that though 'Yankees' liked you to be a mediator for Musharaf but I liked you for other reasons since I knew you when you were my young Military Secretary. I find you a true patriotic son of the soil and brave soldier'.
Kiayani (saab) I am very gravely concerned with the fact that 'Yankees' did not allow Pakistani Shabaz Air Base in Jacobabad, on Pakistani soil used for flood relief for Pakistanis. What kind of contract you have signed which can not be revoked in extreme emergency i.e. life and death of Pakistanis?
Kiayani (Saab), this is something that is for your ears alone. Papa (former Prime Minister Z A Bhutto) was quite cross about. He said: 'Tell me, after what they did to me, even to Ziaul Haq, let alone yourself Pinki (Benazir Bhutto), after all that sad and sordid saga of betrayal after betrayal, why our people are not able to come out of Yankee's Jadoo (magic)? Haven't they read Ayub Khan's aptly titled 'Friends Not Masters'?
I do understand Papa went on, Kiayani is in a tricky situation: he cannot so easily free himself from the bear's embrace but in Hamid Karzai he has a good role model. Karzai is a poodle that not only barks it can also bite. When it bites, they throw more bones at him. The point is, tell Kiayani, if he doesn't detach himself from this deadly embrace, they are going to ditch him any way as they are going to ditch their own president, Barak Obama. I am so far away from the ground where (Gen) Kiayani stands, nevertheless he has to act well before he is ditched.
Smoothly 'Piyar Nal', he should try to walk away. The Yankees need Pakistan more than Pakistan needs them. You only need a small dose of cool courage.
I would like to suggest few things:
- I would start survey for the future dams immediately.
- It will be a great idea if our army remains engage in reconstruction, rebuilding of the infrastructure i.e. rail, roads, bridges and communication lines.
- Specially urge to improve rail network as it is the most important and cheapest way of transport for the poor. May be you remember that after the WW-II Lawrence of Arabia destroyed the rail link, even now Saudi rail link is only few hundred miles?
- You must be careful with selfish gold mining companies from Chile and elsewhere operating in Baluchistan, have same kind of 'dad'. They are also fanning this violence in Baluchistan as well as reportedly funding drone companies. Have a guess about who are buying world's gold and why? Is it a preparation for WW-III?
- Why don't you ask our Chinese friends to assist us to improve our rail network? The ANP is on Lawrence of Arabia agenda to tell you the truth.
- The idea of allowing or inviting foreign donor agencies to do the projects directly in Baluchistan and other sensitive areas sounds very fishy and may become a bigger problem.
- I want you to be careful with the 'Indian gang' sitting with Asif (Zardari) as well as Nawaz (Shairf)'s flirting with the Indians.
Kiayni (saab) between you and me Asif (Zardari) only under stand (jota) shoes language. I am told an old shoeside bomber attacked him in Birmingham with his both shoes. Papa said, 'according to the local police there was a women's shoe also found at the scene'. I used to do target practice on him with crystal vases and my shoes which he always enjoyed. That is how he got that stupid 'grin'.
Can you please tell Asif (Zardari) not to get blackmailed by this 'ambitious idiot' Rehman Malik. He wanted to be President of Pakistan and then he asked to make him Governor of Punjab.
I know Asif continued with Musharaf's Indianised Suliman Taseer and Eshart Abad Khan of MQM. Well Asif invited every one back in his party whom I kicked out of Bhutto's party. This shows how much he loves me?
Please can you give my sincere regards to your wife (bhabi) and children? I will be in touch and hope to hear from you soon.
Best wishes and take care
Benazir Bhutto (Pinki)
Former Prime Minister of Pakistan