American Muslim Taskforce on Civil Rights and Elections
UNAC is a major International Coalition partner against War and for Peace, Justice and Human Rights. The following is the statement issued by UNAC. We appreciate all those who speak and propagate the Truth, demand Peace, Justice and equal rights for all at home and abroad.
Muhammad Salim Akhtar
National Director, AMT
United National antiwar coalition (UNAC) Statement on attacks on US Embassies in Libya and other Middle Eastern, North African and SW Asian Countries
Adding Insult to Injury
The massive, angry demonstrations and attacks on U.S. embassies sweeping through the Muslim world comes in the context of a campaign against Muslims carried out by the U.S. government in an attempt to justify their wars against Muslim countries. This campaign includes preemptive prosecutions where FBI agents create phony plots and encourage behavior that can be prosecuted and attacks on civil liberties at home; the Peter King hearings; NYPD spying on Muslims; raids and detentions; and states that have passed anti-Muslim laws. It includes the physical attacks on Muslims, on mosques and on people who racist whites think are Muslims, like Sikhs, and opposition to Muslim building projects like Park 51 and much more.
This atmosphere encourages the kind of hateful anti-Muslim video that was produced. At some point, it had to be expected that Muslims around the world would react. The U.S. will spin this by focusing on the film and implying that all Muslims are crazy and do not support freedom of speech. However, this is a self-serving lie and a diversion from the real root causes. Humiliation is a necessary component of the cycle of abuse. It should be noted that similar attacks on Judaism and the Holocaust are prosecuted as hate crimes and that artists and musicians who have created work offensive to many Christians have been vilified and threatened.
We need to put the blame squarely where it belongs -- on the U.S., which has been at war with the Muslim world in order to dominate and control resources and power. We have seen the utter destruction of Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan; drone attacks on Muslim countries we are not at war with, including Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia; and the persistent economic starvation and political suffocation of the Muslim people in Egypt, Yemen, Somalia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and other countries by US backed dictators enforcing Western dominance in the region. So-called "targeted assassinations" kill many innocent non-combatants and are viewed simply as "collateral damage" rather than murders, demonstrating how little the U.S. government values non-Western lives.
The fact that these protests came as a surprise to the U.S. State Department is a reflection of the arrogance and stupidity of a government that claims it is bringing freedom and democracy to the region through drone missiles, sanctions, assassinations, and occupations and expects the people to be grateful.
The unfortunate deaths of the American Ambassador in Libya and members of his security team are the direct result of violent, hypocritical, internally conflicted US policies in the region, whether the unanticipated result of the rioting triggered by the film or blowback for longstanding U.S. atrocities rooted in the ongoing wars. It is long past time to reject those policies and begin a new era based on respect for the dignity and humanity of every individual and of all the various cultures and religions of the world.
We must stand in solidarity with all the victims of U.S.-sponsored violence and repression.
Tariq Khattak.
0300-9599007 and 0333-9599007
Nominations: Trust Women Journalist Award for outstanding work in coverage of women's rights and issues
Dear Colleagues,
We are calling for nomination of a journalist that we have worked with or have known either be members of the media of print (wire services, newspapers) or broadcast (radio, television, TV documentary) and social media (bloggers) who have made a significant impact on coverage of women's rights and issues in 2012. That journalist will be among those considered for the first Trust Women Journalist Award, an honorary distinction which we will present in London in early December during our first Trust Women Conference, an event sponsored by the Thomson Reuters Foundation and the International Herald Tribune.
Please send your nominations by, 30 september 2012. The winner will be announced at an awards ceremony on Tuesday, 4 December 2012 in London and their achievement will be publicized by Reuters and the IHT
Organizers will present another award at the ceremony; the Trust Women Hero Award which celebrates an innovator whose bold thinking and high-impact work enables women to empower themselves. Nominations are now open for that award. Please see the application attached. you can also make direct submissions on this website.
Rabia Razzaque
Programme Officer
Promoting Gender Equality for Decent Employment (GE4DE)
A project supported by CIDA
ILO Office for Pakistan
ILO Building
G-5/2, Islamabad
Tel: +92 51 2276456-8
Fax: +92 51 2279181-2
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Tariq Khattak.
0300-9599007 and 0333-9599007
Dear All
for immediate release please
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Tariq Khattak.
0300-9599007 and 0333-9599007
ILO Islamabad (19 Sept): The ILO, Government of Pakistan, Employers Federation of Pakistan, and Pakistan Workers Federation will jointly sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on the Decent Work Country Programme II. In the post 18th constitutional amendment scenario, this MOU provides a framework for ILO support to the federal and provincial Governments, employers and workers in Pakistan until 2015. The MOU will be signed by Mr. Muhammad Ahsan Raja Federal Secretary, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Mr. Haji Muhammad Javed, representing Employers Federation of Pakistan, Mr. Zahoor Awan, representing Pakistan Workers Federation, and Mr. Francesco d'Ovidio, Country Director ILO. The provincial Secretaries of Labour from Punjab, Baluchistan, Khyberpakhtunkhwa and Sindh, with their technical experts, will participate in the signing ceremony. Representative of government, employers' and workers' organizations, the donor community, UN agencies, academia, NGOs and the media are expected to attend The signing ceremony will be held on Thursday, 20 September 2012 at the ILO Office for Pakistan Sector G-5/2 Islamabad from 11:00am. You are invited to send your representative to cover this high level event. Keeping in view of the continuing ILO's technical assistance to Pakistan and importance of UN role in various development activities in the country, we value the role and support of the media in promoting decent work and social justice in Pakistan. For more information please contact: Muhammad Saifullah Chaudhry (Ph.D.) Senior Programme Officer ILO Office for Pakistan | |
قاہرہ میں ہزاروں مسلمانوں نے حرمت رسولﷺ کی خاطر القاعدہ کے جھنڈے امریکی سفارتخانے کے سامنے لہرادیئے(تصاویر)
خاص رپورٹ: انصار اللہ اردو
ہزاروں مصریوں نے منگل 11 ستمبر 2012ء کے دن عصر کی نماز کے بعد سے قاہرہ میں امریکی سفارت خانے کے باہر ایک زبردست مظاہرہ کیا۔ یہ مظاہرہ کٹر متشدد عیسائی مھجر قبطیوں کی جانب سے اسلام اور پیارے نبی محمد ﷺ کی ایک توہین آمیز ویڈیو بنانے کیخلاف احتجاج کرنے کے لیے کیا گیا۔
مصر کے چینل 25 نے مظاہرے کی لائیو کوریج کرتے ہوئے دکھایا کہ کس طرح ہزاروں مصری شہری القاعدہ کے کالے جھنڈے لہراتے ہوئے نعرے لگارہے ہیں اور امریکی سفیر کو ملک باہر کرنے، مھجر قبطیوں سے مصری شہریت واپس لینے اور اسلامی شریعت کا نفاذ کرنے کا مطالبہ کررہے ہیں۔
تنظیم القاعدۃ کے امیر شیخ ایمن الظواہری کے بھائی شیخ محمد الظواہری نے مصری شہریوں سے اپیل کی ہے کہ وہ اپنے رسول اکرم ﷺ سے محبت کا اظہار کرتے ہوئے نبی محمد ﷺ کی مدد کے لیے نکالے جانے والے اس مظاہرے میں شریک ہو۔
یہ مظاہرہ ایک ایسے دن میں ہوا ہے جب امریکہ نائن الیون کی برسی منارہا تھا۔
امریکی سفارتخانے کے سامنے 10 ہزار سے زائد مصری مسلمان قبطی مسیحوں کی جانب سے رسول اللہ ﷺ کی توہین آمیز ویڈیو بنانے پر اس کیخلاف احتجاج کررہے ہیں۔

مصری شہریوں نے رحمت دوعالم محمد ﷺ کی گستاخی کی مذمت کرتے ہوئے سفارتخانے پر لہراتا ہوا امریکی پرچم اتار ڈالا۔

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مصری شہری القاعدہ کے جھنڈے لہراتے ہوئے اسلامی شریعت کے نفاذ اور امریکی سفیر کو ملک باہر کرنے کا مطالبہ کررہے ہیں۔

مظاہرین نے امریکی سفارتخانے پر سے امریکی پرچم اتارنے کے بعد خلافت کا پرچم جو القاعدہ کا پرچم ہے، اسے سفارتخانے پر لہرادیا۔

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امریکی سفارتخانے کے سامنے مظاہرین مغرب کی نماز ادا کررہے ہیں۔

مظاہرین امریکی پرچم کو سفارتخانے سے اتارنے کے بعد جلارہے ہیں۔
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مظاہرین اس دوران یہ نعرے لگاتے رہے کہ ''اسلام! تجھ پر ہم اپنا خون اور اپنی جان قربان کرتے ہیں''۔ ''اے اوباما! اے اوباما! یہاں موجود ہم سب اسامہ ہیں۔ ''خیبر خیبر یا یہود جیش محمد سوف یعود (خیبر خیبر اے یہود! جیش محمد عنقریب واپس آئے گا) ''امریکہ تباہ ہوگا تباہ ہوگا'' ''اللہ اکبر۔۔اللہ اکبر''۔
مصری خواتین بھی اپنے پیارے نبی ﷺ کی توہین کی مذمت کرنے کے لیے مظاہرے میں شریک ہوئیں۔

مظاہرین نے امریکی سفارتخانے کے اردگرد موجود تمام رکاوٹوں کو ہٹانے کے بعد امریکی سفارتخانے کی دیواروں پر چڑھ کر احتجاج کیا اور سینکڑوں مظاہرین امریکی سفارتخانے کی عمارت کے اندر گھسنے میں کامیاب ہوگئے۔
مظاہرے کے دوران ایک شہری نے ایک بینر اٹھا رکھا ہے جس پر لکھا ہوا ہے''اے کافرو! اے کتو! اے خنزیر کی گندی اولاد! ہم سب کچھ برداشت کرسکتے ہیں، مگر اپنے رسول محمد ﷺ کی توہین نہیں۔

مظاہرین نے امریکی سفارتخانے کی تختی پر ''محمد رسول اللہ'' اور ''اسامہ بن لادن'' لکھ دیا۔
مظاہرین نے جہادی نعرے لگانے کا سلسلہ جاری رکھا ہوا ہے اور وہ توہین اسلام ورسالت پر مبنی ویڈیو بنانے والے مھجر قبطیوں اور امریکی سفیر کو ملک باہر کرنے کا مطالبہ کررہے ہیں۔
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English Sites
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Tariq Khattak.
0300-9599007 and 0333-9599007
Its a duty of Muslim Media to give awareness to people about this matter as its a duty of them.
From : Ihsan-ullah-Ihsan
Central Spokesman TTP
Baloch Diaspora to hold a meeting on human rights in Geneva
Tariq Khattak.
0300-9599007 and 0333-9599007
Tariq Khattak.
0300-9599007 and 0333-9599007
Facilitation & Taxpayer Education (FATE) Wing FEDERAL BOARD OF REVENUE *** |
Islamabad the 14th September, 2012
FBR Clarifies Admissibility of Performance Allowance
Federal Board of Revenue clarifies with reference to a news item published in a section of press on 14-09-2012 that the employees of the Board are allowed performance allowance equal to their running basic pay by the Federal Government.
2. This allowance is admissible irrespective of grades and status of employees. The payment of said allowance is subject to selection of employees against specific job positions as per the skills/qualification requirement as well as selected by a designated Selection Committee for various level of grades.
3. The Selection Committee accordingly recommended for notification of performance allowance for newly posted Chairman, FBR. However, when the notification was brought to the knowledge of the Secretary, Revenue Division/Chairman, FBR, he himself declined to receive the said allowance in the public interest and in view of the current economic scenario of the country. Hence, the notification of performance allowance for the Secretary, Revenue Division/Chairman, FBR was immediately withdrawn.
(Riffat Shaheen Qazi)
Member (FATE)
Official Spokesperson, FBR
Tariq Khattak.
0300-9599007 and 0333-9599007