Your all "HOT AIR" you couldn't see the signs of world war III and Hear the Bels of War because you as Most of the world (Americans) are Deaf & Blind. We on the other hand are prepared for War and know that it could start anytime. Jews own USA & Europe . Israel is the Godfather and USA & Erupe its "Illegitimate Children" The Free masons the Right Arm of the Jews. Everyone and his Mother know that 9/11 was planned and implemented by The Jews and US Government so that They could take over Middle East and Create Chaos. Unknowningly in doing so Creating More hate against Israel and the JEWS. You people are getting your asses kicked in Afghanistan thats why the retreat/running away by 2014-2015 is planned as the Real losses have not been disclosed .
The War Vets who return from Iraq & Afghanistan are "Psycho Wrecks" and we have seen the supermarket killings plus School Killings in USA have risen due to this. The Hordes of Poor and Unemployed in America have turned to crime and even the Rich are threatened. The Jews (The RICH) will eventually Leave USA For safer havens i.e. Europe .. I have said that USA will disintigrate by 2019-2020 it seems the clocks are against this and speeded up. USA has NO RESERVES and is on the verge of default thats why the Government Keeps Raising the Debt Ceiling. The 2 Traditional Enemies of USA, Russia and China have proved that at least CHINA has overtanke America as # 1 Super Power. They have Twice Shot Down American Satellites and Once their U.S. Navy EP-3E surveillance aircraft as well as the Stealth F-117 downed by China in 1999, Now China's New Jetfighter is superior than American Stealths and its Airforce better than the Americans.
The Internal Strife in USA is taking its toll and this will lead to disintegration (The Americans Own undoing). Its Not "HATE" From me I Pity the Americans. They do not see Tsumani thats coming.
Their Bloated heads "STILL" think the Economy is in Great Shape and recovering and They are Super Power # 1 . While everything around them is falling apart thanks mainly due to Their Own practices and policies. The Gays and Lesbians show the Moral degradation and sick mental state they Really are. The Aethiests have Proven that USA religion wise has also fallen apart. BUT There is a GOD out there and You can plan all you want we have our ALLAH who has always kept the promises to those who have turned to Him.
Thats why The Thirteenth Lost tribe of the JEWS (THE PATHANS - who are Muslim and have Accepted ISLAM) will annahilate the Rest of the Twelve tribes The Elders and Wise in the Jewish Community Know this to be True thats why They do not talk about it nor will clarify it (It has been Written in the Torah & Injeel) those Holy Books have been tampered with like the Holy Bible also.
The Problem is You People Do not TRUST GOD..... Simple...
Bye Bye USA ..
Your all "HOT AIR" you couldn't see the signs of world war III and Hear the Bels of War because you as Most of the world (Americans) are Deaf & Blind. We on the other hand are prepared for War and know that it could start anytime. Jews own USA & Europe . Israel is the Godfather and USA & Erupe its "Illegitimate Children" The Free masons the Right Arm of the Jews. Everyone and his Mother know that 9/11 was planned and implemented by The Jews and US Government so that They could take over Middle East and Create Chaos. Unknowningly in doing so Creating More hate against Israel and the JEWS. You people are getting your asses kicked in Afghanistan thats why the retreat/running away by 2014-2015 is planned as the Real losses have not been disclosed .
The War Vets who return from Iraq & Afghanistan are "Psycho Wrecks" and we have seen the supermarket killings plus School Killings in USA have risen due to this. The Hordes of Poor and Unemployed in America have turned to crime and even the Rich are threatened. The Jews (The RICH) will eventually Leave USA For safer havens i.e. Europe .. I have said that USA will disintigrate by 2019-2020 it seems the clocks are against this and speeded up. USA has NO RESERVES and is on the verge of default thats why the Government Keeps Raising the Debt Ceiling. The 2 Traditional Enemies of USA, Russia and China have proved that at least CHINA has overtanke America as # 1 Super Power. They have Twice Shot Down American Satellites and Once their U.S. Navy EP-3E surveillance aircraft as well as the Stealth F-117 downed by China in 1999, Now China's New Jetfighter is superior than American Stealths and its Airforce better than the Americans.
The Internal Strife in USA is taking its toll and this will lead to disintegration (The Americans Own undoing). Its Not "HATE" From me I Pity the Americans. They do not see Tsumani thats coming.
Their Bloated heads "STILL" think the Economy is in Great Shape and recovering and They are Super Power # 1 . While everything around them is falling apart thanks mainly due to Their Own practices and policies. The Gays and Lesbians show the Moral degradation and sick mental state they Really are. The Aethiests have Proven that USA religion wise has also fallen apart. BUT There is a GOD out there and You can plan all you want we have our ALLAH who has always kept the promises to those who have turned to Him.
Thats why The Thirteenth Lost tribe of the JEWS (THE PATHANS - who are Muslim and have Accepted ISLAM) will annahilate the Rest of the Twelve tribes The Elders and Wise in the Jewish Community Know this to be True thats why They do not talk about it nor will clarify it (It has been Written in the Torah & Injeel) those Holy Books have been tampered with like the Holy Bible also.
The Problem is You People Do not TRUST GOD..... Simple...
Bye Bye USA ..
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