CIA drones deliberately target/murder innocent people, Video exposes double-talk by Obama on murders of civilians by CIA drones in Pakistan
New World Order expansion may be subtle or they may be brazen. Is the haphazard killing by drones the blatant acts of war-mongers or is it the manifestation of genocide by the Rothschild dynasty?
Megalomaniac interests can exploit by control or by conquest. The CIA has a history of exploitation for mercantile interests. Coups have been used to overthrow resisters of their exploitation. Ref. CONFESSIONS OF AN ECONOMIC HIT MAN by John Perkins. It appears above question the CIA, the IMF and the World Bank are the operating arms of the CFR, Bilderbergs, and Rothschilds.
Failing in economic oppression, conquest clearly remains an option as is evidenced in Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, etc. It has been observed these nations are the few that did not have banking systems controlled by the Rothschild family.
The use of drones has already been announced for the control of United States citizens. The bonds of tyranny can fall so lightly.
The Rothschild family is asserted to have control of the Federal Reserve. The RIP OFF BY THE FEDERAL RESERVE ( <> ) article details how the Fed receives every dollar of inflation as hidden profit by the FRBNY handling the accounts of the Treasury auctions. The claim is that $7 trillion has been hidden by the Fed in this manner during the past six years. That this methodology is involved in the European Common Bank and the Rothschild world-wide banking sham and New World Order appears beyond question. Whether the government wishes to expose the criminal acts identified in the article or attempt recovery of the stolen funds by the civil whistleblower suit that has been filed with RIP OFF as an exhibit remains to be seen. Select members of Congress have been informed of the suit.
Is the United States government already controlled by the Rothschild New World Order and will quash the investigation? Time will tell.